Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contest. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Contest: Win Frozen Planet on DVD

Frozen Planet Blu-Ray cover

Scooter Update: This contest has ended and the winner will be contacted soon.

Yesterday was the unofficial start of summer and the season started in style with 90’s across the country. To help you cool down this summer, I am giving away the DVD of the original BBC series Frozen Planet. If you remember a couple weeks ago I reviewed the series (see: You’re as Cold as Ice) and since I was recently sent a second copy, and instead of using the DVD’s as cup coasters I have decided to give the copy to you the reader. All you have to do is fill out the form below and for fun tell me what you plan to do this summer to keep yourself cool (besides watching Frozen Planet of course). Check out the trailer below.

You can enter the contest once a day until the contest ends Friday, June 8 at 11:00 PM EST. The winner will then be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after so I can get your shipping address. This contest is only open to people with a shipping address in the United States. For more on the series, check out the link above to my in depth review or head over to And yes this copy is the David Attenborough narrated version, not the version the recently aired on Discovery with Alec Baldwin as the narrator. For those that cannot wait or would prefer the Blu-Ray (or are reading this after the contest has ended), the Amazon links are below for purchase.

This contest has ended

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The 9th Green's 2011 Holiday Schedule

To find out how to win an Amazon MP3 gift card, keep reading.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or as those outside the U.S. like to call it, Thursday. So I hope you have (or had depending on when you read this) a great Turkey Day. Just a heads up with the holidays upon us, here’s a look at the schedule the 9th Green will be taking the next couple weeks as well as a list of the best of 2011 and on day that are not listed, they will be filled by the regular reviews and such you have come to find at the 9th Green (card subject to change):

November 24-25 - Off for Thanksgiving
November 30 – ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas Schedule
December 1 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
December 15 - Lyrics Quiz: Best of 2011
December 20 - Worst Songs of 2011
December 21 - Hottest Hot Chicks of 2011
December 22 – The Most Entertaining People of 2011
December 23 - Best Albums of 2011
December 24-25 - Off for Christmas
December 26 - Best Videos of 2011
December 27 - Best Performances of 2011
December 28 - Best Mash-ups of 2011
December 29 – 9th Green’s Reader’s Favorite Songs of 2011*
December 30 - 100 Best Songs of 2011
December 31/January 1 - Off for New Years
January 2 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
January 3 - Best Movies of 2011

*As you may have noticed, on the 29th I will have a Reader’s poll on what you all thought were the best songs of the year.

I will be doing things a little different, which hopefully is easier. All you have to do is fill out the form below. If you have problems with it, feel free to e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com, your list. So if you would sometime time before Christmas fill out the form below, I will put a link at the top of the sidebar if you want to think about it. And as an added bonus, if you send me your list this year you can win a $5 Gift Certificate to Amazon MP3. Please note, only people with American accounts can win but foreigners are still welcome to voice their opinions. Winners will be contacted sometime between Christmas and New Years.

If you need a refresher of songs from the last twelve months, check out the list of the albums I reviewed for my Terror Alert Scale as all the songs from those albums are eligible, look through the music videos I highlighted the past year and of course any song released this year is okay too even if I didn’t talk about it. Your nominations will be confidential and I won’t disclose it here at the 9th Green, so if you enjoy the 9th Green please fill out the form by December 26.

And with Christmas coming fast upon us, check out Amazon's Black Friday page for your loved ones:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The 9th Green's 2010 Holiday Schedule

To find out how to win an Amazon MP3 or iTunes gift card, keep reading.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or as those outside the U.S. like to call it, Thursday. So I hope you have (or had depending on when you read this) a great Turkey Day. Just a heads up with the holidays upon us, here’s a look at the schedule the 9th Green will be taking the next couple weeks as well as a list of the best of 2010 and on day that are not listed, they will be filled by the regular reviews and such you have come to find at the 9th Green, and I may even try a couple new Best of the year lists (card subject to change):

November 25-26 - Off for Thanksgiving
November 30 – ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas Schedule
December 1 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
December 2 – Grammy Nominations
December 15 - Lyrics Quiz: Best of 2010
December 22 - Worst Songs of 2010
December 23 - Best Albums of 2010
December 24-25 - Off for Christmas
December 26 - Best Videos of 2010
December 27 - Best Performances of 2010
December 28 - Best Mash-ups of 2010
December 29 - Scooter McGavin’s Reader’s Best Songs of 2010*
December 30 - 100 Best Songs of 2010
December 31/Januray 1 - Off for New Years
January 2 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
January 3 - Best Movies of 2010

*As you may have noticed, on the 29th I will have a Reader’s poll on what you all thought were the best songs of the year.

I will be doing things a little different, which hopefully is easier. All you have to do is fill out the form below. If you have problems with it, feel free to e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com, your list. So if you would sometime time before Christmas fill out the form below, I will put a link at the top of the sidebar if you want to think about it. And as an added bonus, if you send me your list this year you can win a $5 Gift Certificate to iTunes or Amazon MP3. Please note, only people with American accounts can win but foreigners are still welcome to voice their opinions. Winners will be contacted sometime between Christmas and New Years.

(Scooter's Note: The list has been compiled and no longer taking entrees)

If you need a refresher of songs from the last twelve months, check out the list of the albums I reviewed for my Terror Alert Scale as all the songs from those albums are eligible, look through the music videos I highlighted the past year and of course any song released this year is okay too even if I didn’t talk about it. Your nominations will be confidential and I won’t disclose it here at the 9th Green, so if you enjoy the 9th Green please fill out the form by December 26.

And with Christmas coming fast upon us, check out Amazon's Black Friday page for your loved ones:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Contest: Ice Road Truckers Season Three Blu-Ray Giveaway

Ice Road Truckers: The Complete Season 3 [Blu-ray](Scooter's Note: This contest is over, the winner has been e-mailed to get their mailing address. If you would like to purchase the Blu-Ray, click the picture at right.)

Today is officially the first day of summer and I am celebrating by helping you stay cool this summer by staying indoors which watching literally the coolest show on television Ice Road Truckers which you can win the third season on Blu-Ray. All you have to do is fill out the form below and tell me what else to you plan to do this summer to keep yourself cool.

You can enter the contest once a day until the contest ends Sunday, July 4 at 11:00 PM EST. The winner will then be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after so I can get your shipping address. This contest is only open to people with a shipping address in the United States.

Here is some information on the Blu-Ray sent along by A&E Home Entertainment:

ICE ROAD TRUCKERS: THE COMPLETE SEASON THREE brings you to the most treacherous landscape on earth: northern Alaska. In Prudhoe Bay (250 miles north of the Arctic Circle), a network of ice roads in the tundra crisscross river systems and open ocean to connect America s booming North Slope oil fields to dry land. Every winter, truckers have less than three months to shuttle critical supplies over the ice. The only problem is there's just one way to get to this remote location: 400 miles of ice-covered, mountainous terrain known as the Dalton Highway. The Dalton is the lifeline to Alaska's oil industry.

BONUS FEATURE: Additional Footage

DISC 1 (5 episodes, approx 235 min): Deadliest Ice Road / Rookie Run / Canadian Invasion / Blinding Whiteout / Accident Alley

DISC 2 (4 episodes, approx 188 min): Arctic Ice / Wicked Weather / Killer Pass / Turn and Burn

DISC 3 (4 episodes, approx 188 min): Ocean Run / Busted Parts & Breakdowns / Race for the Finish / Arctic Thaw / Bonus

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The 9th Green's 2009 Holiday Schedule

To find out how to win an Amazon or iTunes gift card, keep reading.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or as those outside the U.S. like to call it, Thursday. So I hope you have (or had depending on when you read this) a great Turkey Day. Just a heads up with the holidays upon us, here’s a look at the schedule the 9th Green will be taking the next couple weeks as well as a list of the best of 2008 and on day that are not listed, they will be filled by the regular reviews and such you have come to find at the 9th Green (card subject to change):

November 26-27 - Off for Thanksgiving
November 30 – ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas Schedule
December 1 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
December 3 – Grammy Nominations
December 7 – Previewing Men of a Certain Age
December 15 - Lyrics Quiz: Best of 2009
December 22 - Worst Songs of 2009
December 23 - Best Albums of 2009
December 24-25 - Off for Christmas
December 26 - Best Videos of 2009
December 27 - Best Performances of 2008
December 28 - Best Mash-ups of 2009
December 29 - Scooter McGavin’s Reader’s Best Songs of 2009*
December 30 - 100 Best Songs of 2009
December 31/Januray 1 - Off for New Years
January 2 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame

*As you may have noticed, on the 29th I will have a Reader’s poll on what you all thought were the best songs of the year. So if you would sometime time before Christmas, e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com, your top ten songs of the year. If you need a refresher of songs from the last twelve months, check out the list of the albums I reviewed for my Terror Alert Scale as all the songs from those albums are eligible, look through the music videos I highlighted the past year and of course any song released this year is okay too even if I didn’t talk about it. Your nominations will be confidential and I won’t disclose it here at the 9th Green, so if you enjoy the 9th Green please send me an e-mail by December 26.

And as an added bonus, if you send me your list this year, you can win the top five songs of the year as determined by me. Well you can win a $5 Gift Certificate to iTunes or Amazon MP3. All you have to do to enter is e-mail me your top ten list and then tell me if you would prefer your gift card to be iTunes or Amazon. Please note, only people with American accounts can will, and let’s face it, with the dollar tanking $5 is pretty worthless everywhere else, but foreigners are still welcome to voice their opinions. Winners will be contacted sometime between Christmas and New Years.

And with Christmas coming fast upon us, if there are any readers out there wondering what they could get their favorite blogger this year and have way too much disposable income, here is my Amazon wishlist (or check out Amazon's Black Friday page for your loved ones):

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Contest: The Prisoner Giveaway on Blu-Ray and DVD

The Prisoner on iTunes

(Scooter's Note: This contest has ended. Congratulations to Nick from Illinois and Nikki from Florida for winning the Blu-Ray and DVD respectively.)

Win The Prisoner on DVD or Blu-RayComing later this month to AMC (you may now it better as that channel that airs Mad Men) is the six part miniseries of The Prisoner staring James Caviezel (Jesus) and Ian McKellen (Gandalf). The series is remake, and if you have never heard of it before is because it was probably aired before you were born (1967) and in Britain. Fret not young Americans that are predated by the show, it was recently released in the States on DVD and Blu Ray and I am giving away one of each. And even if you are not a fan of oldies television, with Christmas around the corner, maybe there is someone on your list that is.

To enter the contest, send me an e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: The Prisoner), and tell me what television show you would like to be see remade next. Also be sure to let me know if want the DVD or Blu-Ray version. The contest ends Sunday, November 15 at 8:00 PM EST (which just so happens to be when the new version premieres on AMC). The winners will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the United States.

If anyone wants a bonus entry, link to this contest on their blog or twitter account or link it on a message board. If you do all three, you can get up four entries into the contest. If you do this, the link must be posted by Thursday November 19. And make sure you e-mail and let know you have done so.

Some information on the box sets, both DVD and Blu-Ray include all seventeen complete episodes, the rare, alternative edit of the episode “The Chimes of Big Ben,” original broadcast trailers and much more. The DVD is presented over ten disks, fully restored and remastered. While the Blu-ray includes newly remixed 5.1 surround sound for every episode (in addition to the original mono tracks) along with over three hours of bonus features. Head over to for more information on the release.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lyrics Quiz: Mystery Theme Contest

It was four years ago this month that I posted my first Lyrics Quiz and since has hosted one every month (sans one) since. To celebrate I thought I would give a little something back in the form of a $5 gift card from your choice of iTunes or Amazon MP3 to pick up a few songs. What I have done is put a popular song by a popular artist or band through iTunes Genius feature and composed the quiz with lyrics from the first twenty-five songs listed in order (note: I skipped over songs that repeated artists already used for this quiz). Place your guesses in the comment section (or e-mail me) with both artist and song title. If you are correct I will un-bold the lyrics and give you credit. For the theme you can guess once a day until the next quiz is posted on August 15. You must correctly the artist and song title to win the gift card. If you guess via the comment section, be sure I know your e-mail so I can contact you if you win. Now onto the quiz:

1. Yeah, she tells you she’s an orphan after you meet her family. (She Talks to Angels - The Black Crowes; guessed by Curtis)
2. Can you see them on the porch? Yeah, but they don’t wave. (Yellow Ledbetter - Pearl Jam; guessed by Curtis)
3. I’m a devil on the run, a six gun lover, a candle in the wind. (Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi; guessed by Curtis)
4. Never opened myself this way. Life is ours: we live it our way. All these words I don’t just say. (Nothing Else Matters - Metallica; guessed by Curtis)
5. Now maybe I didn’t mean to treat you oh so bad, but I did it anyway.
6. Feeling uninspired, think I’ll start a fire. (Creep - Stone Temple Pilots; guessed by Curtis)
7. I want to hold the hand inside you. I want to take a breath that’s true.
8. My heart’s like an open book for the whole world to read. (Home Sweet Home - Mötley Crüe; guessed by Curtis)
9. Babe, you know you’re growing up so fast. And mama’s worrying that you won’t last to say “Let’s play.” (Sister Christian - Night Ranger; guessed by Curtis)
10. It's gonna take a little time, time is sure to mend your broken heart. Don’t you even worry pretty darling.
11. Give me a warning, give me a sing. Show me where to look, tell me what will I find. (Shine - Collective Soul; guessed by Curtis)
12. Right behind the rear-view mirror now. Got the feeling, power steering, pistons popping, ain’t no stopping now. (Panama - Van Halen; guessed by Curtis)
13. Ain’t found a way to kill me yet. Eyes burn with stinging sweat. Seems every path leads me to nowhere.
14. I'm not scared. Light my candles. In a daze cause I’ve found God. (Lithium - Nirvana; guessed by Anonymous)
15. In the midnight hour she cried more, more, more. (Rebel Yell - Billy Idol; guessed by Curtis)
16. Saying I love you is not the words I want to hear from you. (More Than Words - Extreme; guessed by Curtis)
17. And the embers never fade in your city by the lake. The place where you were born.
18. Think about how many times I have fallen. Spirits are guising me, larger voices calling. What heaven brought me and you cannot be forgotten.
19. At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head. (I'm on Fire - Bruce Springteen; guessed by Curtis)
20. Heard it from a friend who heard it a friend who heard it from another you’ve messing around. (Take it on the Run - R.E.O. Speedwagon; guessed by Curtis)
21. And the greatest of teachers won’t hesitate to leave you there, by yourself, chained to fate.
22. I’ve been singing with my band, across the water, across the land. I’ve seen every blue eyed floozy on the way. (Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen; guessed by Curtis)
23. 'Til now, I always got by on my own; I never really cared until I met you. (Alone - Heart; guessed by Curtis)
24. Now I’m walking again to the beat of a drum and I’m counting the steps to the door of your heart. (Don't Dream it's Over - Crowded House; guessed by Curtis)
25. This mountain I must climb feels like the world upon my shoulder. Through the clouds I see love shine. It keeps me warm as life grows colder.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Contest: Ice Road Truckers Prize Pack

Win Ice Road Trucker Priz Pack(Scooter's Note: This contest has ended. Congratulations to Angie in Indiana for winning the DVD's. Check back later for more contests.)

As the mercury keeps on rising this summer, one way to cool down is to crank the air conditioner and tune into History on Sundays at 9:00 for literally the coolest show on television Ice Road Truckers. And if that is not enough for you, there is also an Ice Road Truckers app that you can download on iTunes for free (if you haven’t already as 35,000 people did in its first week). For those that want even more I am giving away an Ice Road Truckers prize pack that includes:

- American Originals (Which includes Season 1 of Ice Road Truckers and On and Off the Ice on DVD)

- Ice Road Truckers Season 2 on DVD

- Most Dangerous Episodes DVD

To enter the contest, send me an e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Ice Road Trucker), and tell me what was the toughest job you ever had. Be creative and keep in mind it doesn’t have to be a paid profession. The contest ends Friday, July 10 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the United States.

If you would like to double up your chances of winning, the good people over at are also hosting a contest.

For more information on Ice Road Truckers, head over to You can also check there complete list of American Original DVD Sets. And you can also download season three episodes of Ice Road Truckers on iTunes after they are as well as season two and the most dangerous episodes for those that do not win the contest.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Contest: My Boys Giveaway and Season Three Preview

Win a My Boys signed poster(Scooter's Note: This contest has ended. Congratulations to Emily in New York for winning the signed poster.)

This coming Tuesday (March 31) sees the return of TBS’s My Boys and in honor of the third season I have a poster autographed by the whole cast which you can see at right (click to enlarge, autographs will be added later). Answer the following question to enter the contest.
Since the show takes place in Chicago, what is your favorite historic monument or building in the city?

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: My Boys). You can also get a bonus entrée f you link the contest; make sure you let me know you did in your e-mail where so you get credited with an entry. The contest ends Tuesday, April 7 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the United States.

If you would like to double (or triple) up your chances of winning, I have noticed the good people over at Give Me My Remote and Pass the Remote are also running the same contest.

The Cast of My BoysAs for the show itself, the third season My Boys starts right where they left out at Bobby’s estate the day before his marriage to the nanny, Elsa. You may remember Bobby coming to PJ’s room the night before the wedding only to find her with his brother. Now something big happens in the first episode that I am forbidden by law to talk about which basically takes up the whole episode so there really isn’t anything I can say about it except the guys engage in a lengthy, and very funny contest that provides many of the episodes best line.

By the second episode, PJ has found herself a new beau except she has decided to keep it from her boys, and even Stephanie, which naturally doesn’t sit well with them. They decide to go undercover and of course hilarity ensues (just not as much as when the Nerd Herd had their stake out when Anna got a new boyfriend). And later in the season, the new relationship is put to the test when he joins PJ’s board game decathlon team. Check out below for a preview of the premiere:

My Boys airs Tuesdays at 10:30 on TBS. You can stream select episodes of the show over at You can also download previous seasons of My Boys on iTunes.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2008 Holiday Schedule

To find out how to win an Amazon or iTunes gift card, keep reading.

Apple iTunes Gift Cards

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or as those outside the U.S. like to call it, Thursday. So I hope you have (or had depending on when you read this) a great Turkey Day. Just a heads up with the holidays upon us, here’s a look at the schedule the 9th Green will be taking the next couple weeks as well as a list of the best of 2008. There is a link on the sidebar for future reference. Feel free to dive into the archives on days that I will be taking off and on day that are not listed, they will be filled by the regular reviews and such you have come to find at the 9th Green (card subject to change):

November 27-28 - Off for Thanksgiving
November 30 - 25 Days of Christmas Schedule
December 1 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
December 15 - Lyrics Quiz: Best of 2008
December 22 - Worst Songs of 2008
December 23 - Best Albums of 2008
December 24-25 - Off for Christmas
December 26 - Best Videos of 2008
December 27 - Best Performances of 2008
December 28 - Best Mash-ups of 2008
December 29 - Scooter McGavin’s Reader’s Best Songs of 2008*
December 30 - 100 Best Songs of 2008
December 31/Januray 1 - Off for New Years
January 2 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame

*As you may have noticed, on the 29th I will have a Reader’s poll on what you all thought were the best songs of the year. So if you would sometime time before Christmas, e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com, your top ten songs of the year in order. If you need a refresher of songs from the last twelve months, check out the list of the albums I reviewed for my Terror Alert Scale as all the songs from those albums are eligible, look through the music videos I highlighted the past year and of course any song released this year is okay too even if I didn’t talk about it. Your nominations will be confidential and I won’t disclose it here at the 9th Green, so if you enjoy the 9th Green please send me an e-mail by December 24.

Apple iTunes Gift CertificatesAnd as an added bonus, if you send me your list this year, you can win the top five songs of the year as determined by me. Well you can win a $5 Gift Certificate to iTunes or Amazon, which I guess you can use however you like. All you have to do to enter is e-mail me your top ten list and then tell me if you would prefer your gift card to be iTunes or Amazon. Please note, only people with American accounts can will, and lets face it, with the dollar tanking $5 is pretty worthless everywhere else, but foreigners are still welcome to voice their opinions. Winners will be contacted sometime between Christmas and New Years.

And with Christmas coming fast upon us, here are some deal that you can find over at

1) Black Friday Deals: Their Black Friday page is the central point to find all our Black Friday deals, including the Gold Box hourly deals featured from midnight to 11pm PST and thousands of products that are on sale for a limited time only.
2) Amazon Customers Vote: Customers Vote is a special end-of-year promotion where you and your site visitors can vote for the deal you'd like to buy at an amazing discount. Offers posted from now until 12/4.
3) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery: Amazon and Sony are offering incredible values on high definition products such as Blu-ray players and movies, as well as PlayStation 3 consoles, games, and accessories. New deals will be debut every week through Feb. 7, 2009.
4) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
6) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows. Offer valid from 12/2-12/15.
7) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets. Offers posted from 12/2-12/22.
8) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pop Culture Quiz

About a month ago I was asked to submit up to three question for Hey! Nielsen's Pop Culture Quiz. The quiz went live earlier this month where you can win $1,000 in prizes including a Sony PSP, Apple iPod nano, a one-year subscription to Netflix, free music downloads, and more pop culture goodies. Of the ten questions I submitted they only used one so since I do not have time to whip up a Lyrics Quiz this month, I thought I would pose the questions I submitted to you instead. Feel free to leave your guesses in the comment section and I will let you know if you are right later. And don't forget to check out Hey! Nielsen's Pop Culture Quiz too as their prizes are better than my virtual pat on the back for being right.

1. What two Neptune residents were switched at birth on Veronica Mars?
2. What was the name of Rosco P. Coltrane's dog?
3. What was the first inanimate object to talk to Jaye on Wonderfalls?
4. What child actor was also the narrator for Arrested Development?
5. What two professions did Ed Stevens have concurrently?
6. What was the biggest fear of B.A. Baracus.
7. What FBI agent had a "The Truth Is Out There" poster on his office wall?
8. What was the one and only song Marshall could play in his car on How I Met Your Mother?
9. What band t-shirts do Beavis and Butt-head always wear?
10. Which one of these prematurely canceled Fox shows actually got a second season: The Lone Gunman, Undeclared, Firefly, A Minute with Stan Hooper, Tru Calling, Keen Eddie, Wonderfalls, The Inside?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Win, Speed Racer, Win

I am not the biggest fan of turning cartoons into live action movies but despite all my gripes, Hollywood continues to ruin my childhood. The latest being Speed Racer. But MTV is currently running a contest threw April 18 where you can win a $100,000 tricked out Corvette. Here is how you can enter:

1. Entries must be made by text on their website, (by entering your phone number and carrier) or by texting “fast” to 90736.
2. On April 18th, participants will be notified how to answer a “Speed Racer” trivia question via text.
3. They must answer the question within 2 minutes to qualify.
4. 10 winners will be flown to premiere in Los Angeles to race (mini cars) for a car inspired by “Speed Racer”.

Below are some pictures of the car:

Speed Racer Car 1Speed Racer Car 4Speed Racer Car 5Speed Racer Car 6
Speed Racer Car 3

Monday, January 28, 2008

Contest: Win Dirt Season 1 DVD

Sorry, this contest has ended and the winner has been contacted. If you are still interested winning the DVD, you can check out the Dirt contest Tube Talk Girl is running that does not end until Friday.

In just over a month (Sunday, March 2 at 10:00 on FX to be exact) Dirt returns for its second season and for those who would like to relive the first season or would like to check it out for the first time with the lack of scripted shows dwindling I am giving away the Complete First Season of Dirt on DVD. There are three ways to enter:

Win Dirt Season 1 DVD1. The show is about a tabloid, which real life tabloid king or queen would you like to make a cameo on the show?

2. Or which tabloid king or queen would you like to see stricken from all the magazines in the supermarket checkout aisles?

3. Mention and link this contest on a blog or message board. (Any link must be posted at least 48 hours before the conclusion of the contest and only one link per message board or blog; feel free to use the badge to the right).

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Dirt). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know you did in your e-mail where so you get credited with an entry. You may enter the contest up to three times (once each way). The contest ends Monday, February 11 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the Untied States. And if you win you will have two to three weeks to review or catch up on the show before the premiere in March. Here is what you can expect on the DVD in terms of features:

- Available Subtitles: English
- Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- All 13 episodes from the 2007 season on four discs
- Celebrity Couple Gets Dirty
- Through a Lens, Darkly
- Tabloid Wars: Totally true stories from the celebrity trenches
- Deleted scenes

You can also double your chances of winning, you can check out Tube Talk Girl who is running the same contest. If you do not win and still want to catch up, you can download the first season of Dirt on iTunes or Amazon Unbox or buy the DVD below. Be sure to look out here for more on Dirt as the season premiere approaches.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Contest: Win Kyle XY on DVD

Scooter Note: This contest is over. Congratulations to Doug from New Jersey. Be sure to check back later for other contests.

For those that may not have gotten all they wanted for Christmas, I have one more present to give away that may make things better. In honor of the return of Kyle XY a week from today, Monday, January 14, 2008 at 8/7c (which is preceded by an all day marathon), I have a prize package to away that includes (for an idea of feautures such as bonus features and track lists, or just want to buy now click the links):

- Kyle XY 1.x on DVD

- Kyle XY Soundtrack

- Kyle XY 2008 Calendar

This is a perfect post Christma gift for any Kyle XY fan or any TV fan that needs something new to watch to get through the writer’s strike. Now you know what you will be getting, here are the two ways you can enter (you can enter two times, once each way):

Win Kyle XY DVD1. We are a week or so into the New Year, what is your resolution for 2008?

2. Mention and link this contest on a blog or message board. (Any link must be posted at least 48 hours before the conclusion of the contest and only one link per message board or blog; feel free to use the badge to the right).

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Kyle XY). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know you did in your e-mail where so you get credited with an entry. You may enter the contest twice (once each way). The contest ends Friday, January 18 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the Untied States.

Enough with the legal mumbo jumbo, I have actually seen the midseason premiere which I will be writing about in the next couple days. For those that want to go back and rewatch the last episode before the show comes back, as I write this you can download Leap of Faith for free on iTunes if you do not want to wait for the marathon to watch it. Also below is a preview trailer and some cast stills or you can just head over to the official site. You can also check out my Preview of the midseason premiere.

Cast of Kyle XY 1 Cast of Kyle XY 2

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Contest: Win Nip/Tuck Season 4 DVD

Scooter Note: This contest is over. Congratulation to Geraldine from Boca Raton, FL who won the copy of Nip/Tuck DVD. Be sure to check back later this month for an exclusive look at season 5 and other contests.

I could never get into Nip/Tuck because I have a low tolerance for blood. And whenever I happen upon the show when flipping through channels I usually happen upon a scene that usually make me thank that I never started watching. But for those that don’t mind all the graphic surgery scenes I have a treat for you, in honor of the fifth season starting up on October 30th on FX, I am giving away one copy of the fourth season of Nip/Tuck on DVD. There are three ways you can enter:

Win Nip/Tuck Season 4 DVD1. Tell me what you don’t like about yourself (yeah it’s shameless, but that’s just how I roll).

2. My sources tell me the boys are closing up shop and moving to southern California, so which Hollywood star(let) who you most like see walk into their office this season?

3. Mention and link this contest on a blog or message board. (Only one entry allowed per message board and link must be posted at least 48 hours before the conclusion of the contest; feel free to use the badge to the right).

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Nip/Tuck) or leave them here in the comment section (but if you leave a comment make sure there is an easy way for me to find how to contact you). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know you did by comment or e-mail letting me know where so you get credited with an entry. You may enter multiple times (up to three times). The contest ends Friday, October 12 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the Untied States.

Okay enough with all the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way here is exactly what you will be winning.

Sex. Seduction. Liposuction. Find them all in the fearless Nip/Tuck, the award-winning series that's the scalpel's edge of entertainment...and the spark for debate about what cosmetic surgery can or cannot bring to a patient's life. Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon play plastic surgeons/best friends whose glamorous South Beach practice is a revolving door for Season 4's hot-button issues (including a terrifying story arc about an organ-harvest ring) and human foibles (a ventriloquist wants to look like his dummy). Guest stars include Jacqueline Bissett, Larry Hagman, Alanis Morissette, Mo'Nique, Rosie O'Donnell, Brooke Shields and more. Thrills, surprises, shocks, stars abound in this 5-Disc Set. And all it takes is a little Nip/Tuck. Season 4 DVD

- Clever Casting: The Seasons Guest Stars
- Sizzle: The Sexuality of Nip/Tuck
- The Cutting Edge: How Real-Life Dramas Are Incorporated into the Show
- Additional Scenes
- Deleted Scenes
- Featurette
- Gag Reel

Like I mentioned before, the fifth season of Nip/Tuck starts up on October 30th and really, what better way to start off your Halloween celebrations. To wet your appitite below are some exclusive pictures from the new season (click to enlarge) as well as a promo for the new season as well the previous seasons of Nip/Tuck that you can pick up on DVD:

Nip/Tuck: Hollywood Sign Nip/Tuck 1 Nip/Tuck 2 Nip/Tuck 3 Nip/Tuck: Carly Sumers

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lyrics Quiz: Back to School

Over the next couple weeks some of you will be heading back to school, sending your kids off to school, or laughing at those that will ushered onto a school bus (all the while secretly wishing you were back in college where you actually had the time for eight hour Madden sessions all the while drunk on the cheapest beer you could find). So here are some lyrics that should get you back into the learning. And for those going off to school or sending the little ones, you will need to something to carry them in and Jansport, in conjunction with Facebook are giving away a backpack every day through September 19 with a grand prize of a trip for four to the Grande Canyon (see below for a press release).

Win a backpack from Jansport

As for the Lyrics Quiz, please post your guesses, title and artist, in the comment section (or e-mail me) and if you are correct I will unbold the lyric and give you credit. The Lyrics Quiz is for entertainment purposes only so please do not use anything besides your own meandering mind to help you up with the answers. Now onto the Lyrics Quiz:

15. There is a good chance that the members of this band got sand on their letterman jackets.
16. This person has made two albums, with a third on the way, with themes on higher learning.

1. Hook me up with new evolution because this one is a lie. (Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters; guessed by Dara)
2. Well I never lived the dream of the prom kings and the drama queens. I’d like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve. (No Such Thing - John Mayer; guessed by Dara)
3. Fall is here, hear the yell, back to school, ring the bell.  (We're Going to Be Friends - The White Stripes;  guessed by Chris Fields)
4. Mama looked down and spit on the ground ever time her name gets mentioned. The cop said, “Oy, if I get that boy I’m gonna stick him in the house of detention. (Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Paul Simon; guessed by KK)
5. B boys and girls listen up: you can be anything in the world, in God we trust. An architect, doctor maybe an actress. But nothing comes easy, it takes much practice. (I Can - Nas; guessed by Doug)
6. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. (Another Brick in the Wall part 2 - Pink Floyd; guessed by Dara)
7. I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling your puzzles apart. (The Scientist - Coldplay; guessed by Dara)
8. Brenda and Eddie were the popular steadies and the kind and queen of the prom. (Scenes From an Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel; guessed by Dara)
9. At the playground, ya know, that’s where I saw this cutie. This girl was swingin’ and she looked so fly. On the monkey bars, we climbed up to the top and she touched my hand that's when I fell in love. (Iesha - Another Bad Creation; guessed by Doug)
10. Young teacher the subject of schoolgirl fantasy. (Don't Stand So Close to Me - The Police; guessed by Dara)
11. Some drop science well I’m dropping English. (Express Yourself - N.W.A.; guessed by Doug)
12. My Best friend took a weeks vacation to forget her. This girl took a week’s worth a Valium and slept. (The Freshmen - The Verve Pipe; guessed by Dara)
13. Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Mr. Charles Darwin had the gull to ask. (Man on the Moon - R.E.M.; guessed by R.E.M.)
14. When I went to school I carried lunch in a bag with an apple for my teacher ‘cause I knew I’d get a kiss. Always got mad when the class was dismissed. (Passing Me By - The Pharcyde; guessed by Doug)
15. I got a letterman’s sweater with a letter in front I got for football and track. I’m proud to wear it now. When I cruise around the other parts of the town I got my decal in back.16. The concept of school seems so secure. Sophomore three years ain’t picked a career.  (All Falls Down - Kanye West;  guessed by Chris Fields)
17. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the branches of the learning tree. (ABC - The Jackson; guessed by KK)
18. I think of all the education that I missed but then again my homework was never quite like this. (Hot for Teacher - Van Halen; guessed by Dara)
19. Next day’s function, high class lunch-in. Food is served and you’re stone cold munchin’. (Bust a Move - Young MC; guessed by Dara)
20. The ends justify the means, that’s the system. I learned that in school then I dropped out. (New Jack Hustler - Ice-T; guessed by Doug)
21. It’s late September and I really should be back to school. (Maggie May - Rod Stewart; guessed by Dara)
22. You raise a little kid, he turns out bold. It may be from the way you treat him cold. I guess that's how the story’s told. (Live and Learn - Joe Public; guessed by Doug)
23. You didn’t know what rock ‘n’ roll was until you met my drummer on a grade school bus. (Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Great White; guessed by Dara)
24. Inevitably the first day of school came. I thought I could get over, I tried to play sick. But my mom said, “No, no way, uh-uh forget it.” (Parents Just Don't Understand - D.J. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince; guessed by Dara)
25. I had a friend who was a big baseball player back in high school. He could throw that speed ball by ya, may you look like a fool boy. (Glory Days - Bruce Springsteen; guessed by Dara)

Enter to Win The Big Student Fall Break Sweepstakes

SAN LEANDRO , CALIF. (July 23, 2007) – Meet the Big Student: A pack designed to fit your style and all your stuff, with more colors, more patterns and more capacity. What more could your backpack ask for? The JanSport ® Big Student is available in 14 different colors and patterns as individual as you and wins technical points for its two large main compartments for versatile storage, front utility pocket with audio electronics organizer and a quick -find cell phone pocket.

JanSport is giving everyone a chance to win this pack and a much needed Fall Break trip with their Big Student Fall Break Sweepstakes . Grand prize is a trip for 4 to the Grand Canyon , including flight, lodging, entrance fees, ground transportation and meal costs. Runners up can bag a prize too with JanSport's Big Student Pack Giveaway —giving away one Big Student pack a day through September 19th.

Now, how to enter: JanSport has partnered with to launch their Big Student Pack. To find out more about this awesome pack and enter to win the Big Student Fall Break Sweepstakes, log onto, then click the Facebook logo and log in or sign up for Facebook and join the JanSport: Go Big group —it's that simple!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Win a Kyle XY Prize Package

For the astute readers who read the Cleaning Out My Inbox post might have seen the line “For those who missed the season, I may or may not be able to help you out with that in the near future” and realized I was hinting at a contest and after ironing out the rules and the like I am happy to announce my latest contest where you can win a Kyle XY prize package. Here is what is up for grab:

- Kyle XY Season 1 on DVD

- Kyle XY Soundtrack

- Kyle XY postcards/tattoos

- 3 different teaser posters (as seen below, click to enlarge)

Kyle XY Teaser 1 Kyle XY Teaser 2 Kyle XY Teaser 3

So know you know what you will be getting, here is how you can enter the contest to win yourself. There are three different ways you can enter to win:

1. In the series, Kyle is taken in by the Trager’s. Name your favorite TV foster family of all time.

2. As I mentioned before, the whole no belly button creeps me out, name something that creeps you out but you know shouldn’t.

3. Link this contest on your blog or link it on a message board (only one entry allowed per message board and link must be posted at least 24 hours before the conclusion of the contest).

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Kyle XY) or leave them here in the comment section (but if you leave a comment make sure there is an easy way for me to find how to contact you). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know you did so you get credited with an entry. You may enter multiple times (up to three times), but can only win once. The contest ends Sunday, June 10 at 11:59 PM EST. The winners will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the continental Untied States or Canada.

A new season of Kyle XY starts up Monday June 11 at 8:00 on ABCFamily. Reader Allison also commented that ABC Family is running a marathon of season 1 of the series the day before, June 10, so check your local listings for the exact start time if you want to check out the show to see what you will be winning or get a refresher if you have already seen the show. If you are not the lucky winner, you can download season 1 on iTunes or buy the DVD on Amazon (see below).

(Scooter's Note: to get this contest posted as soon as possible, I have postponed the latest induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame until later next week)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Win a Copy of Neptune Noir

This contest has ended, congradulations to those that have won, if you did not win, you can order the book at the BenBella Books website. You can check out my review of Neptune Noir here: Well it's About a 17 Year Old Girl Who Happens to Be a Detective. Also any television fan who is dreading the upcoming summer without your favorite shows should check out other books in their Smart Pop Anthology Series including books dedicated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Simpsons, Gilmore Girls among others.

A must have for any fan of Veronica Mars, the good people over at BenBella Books have given me the opportunity to give away up to five (5) copies of Neptune Noir: Unauthorized Investigations into Veronica Mars. I got my advance copy a couple days ago and will have a review of it up in the next couple days but here is a synopsis:

More than just a high school drama, Veronica Mars is a smart and savvy teen detective show that offers complex mysteries and rapier wit, engaging social commentary, and noir sensibilities—with the occasional murder thrown in for good measure. This collection, edited by the creator and executive producer of the show, offers supreme insight into the class struggles and love stories of the series. Essays by top writers intelligently address a multitude of questions such as Is Veronica a modern-day vigilante? Why is a show that features rape, potential incest, and a teen girl outsmarting local authorities so popular with America’s conservative population? and Why is Veronica and Logan’s relationship the most important story-driving factor in the show?

So know you know what you will be getting, here is how you can enter the contest to win yourself. There are three different ways you can enter to win:

Win a copy of Neptune Noir1. Name your two (2) favorite cases that Ronnie has worked on over the three season of the show, you are not allowed to pick more than one mini or full arc mysteries, and in a hundred (100) words or less tell me why they are your favorites.

2. For those that haven’t seen the show but want a good read, watch the first episode of the third season, Welcome Wagon, which you can download on iTunes or Amazon Unbox or stream it on, and in a hundred (100) words or less, review the episode.

3. Link this contest on your blog or link it a message board (only one entry allowed per message board).

You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Neptune Noir) or leave them here in the comment section (but if you leave a comment make sure there is an easy way for me to find how to contact you). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know somehow so you get credited with an entry. You may enter multiple times (up to three times), but can only win once. The contest ends Sunday, May 20th at 11:59 PM EST. The winners will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the Untied States or Canada.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Win a Knights of Prosperity T-Shirt - Sticky

This is a sticky post, please scroll down for the latest posts

Win these t-shirts

Check out this post: 57 Channels and Only This Is On, for your chance to win your very own official Knights of Prosperity t-shirt as seen worn by the cast at right. Want more chances to win Knights of Prosperity swag? Swing over to Ducky’s brand new website to win the contest he's running. And don’t forget to watch Knights of Prosperity Wednesdays at 9:00. Or you can stream the latest episode at

Saturday, January 06, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On

Starting a new weekly segment today where every week (no set date, just sometime during the weekend, maybe Monday at the latest) I discuss my favorite things that happened on television the past week. In honor of this new segment I have a new contest:

Win a Knights of Prosperity T-Shirt

Win these t-shirtsNow this isn’t one of those Café Press shirts I’ve made myself, this is an official shirt like the ones worn by the cast straight from ABC (see at right, click picture to enlarge and sorry guys, Sofia Vergara not included). ABC is even throwing in cookies as part as the prize package. Here’s how to win: I’m not really sold on the title for this post to be called 57 Channels and Only This Is On so what I need from you is to send me a better name for this segment (; Subject: I Want to Rob Mick Jagger). Now for those that want the shirt but don’t think they can come up with a better title, all you have to do is tell me what pop culture reference 57 Channels and Only This Is On is referencing (be specific, I'm looking for two key phrases) then out of all the entries I will randomly pick one person to win the prize packet from everyone who sends an e-mail. Also anyone who plugs this contest on their blog will get a bonus entry into the contest (but you must e-mail me to let me know you have done so to get an entry). This contest will run until January 17 and the winner will be e-mailed shortly after.

* Fine Print: This contest is open only to those in the US and Canada. Also the only shirt size available is Large. Want more chances to win Knights of Prosperity swag? Swing over to >Ducky’s brand new website to win the contest he's running as well as the TV Addict who is also running one. And don’t forget to watch Knights of Prosperity Wednesdays at 9:00 or you can always stream the latest episode for free at

Now for my favorite moments on television for the past week:

Best Quote of the Week (Friday Night Lights, Coach Taylor’s wife to the failing Tim Riggins): “It’s my job to make sure you don’t grow up stupid; it’s bad for the world.” (Every teacher across the country should hang this quote up somewhere in their classroom.)

Friday Night Lights: Finally they gave my boy Landry an actual storyline this week with trying to tutor Riggins and by tutoring I mean reading Of Mice and Men to him everywhere including the weight room. And will I go to hell because I laughed that Landry wanted to call his band Stigmatlingous? In other news I never thought wheelchair sex could be so hot.

My Name Is Earl: Quite possible the funniest half hour on television since the My Name Is Earl pilot. As funny as it is to see Earl cross things off his list, seeing what he does to get such things on his list may be funnier. For this episode I’ll start at the end because there has been nothing funnier on TV this season that Randy getting shot out of the tree with a tranquillizer gun. Someone needs to send a clip of that to Tony Kornheiser quick.

Other great scenes from the episode are too many to name, but it was great to see former guests including the one-legged woman, Earl’s ex who thought he was dead, the gay dude (anyone else notice he was circling around the block with the naked dude with the snake scene), the cop who’s badge Earl stole, the voice box dude and we even learned how the mailman lost his eye. The only person missing was Ralph (Giovanni Ribisi); you know Ralph wouldn’t miss a chance to be on Cops. We were even introduced to some other Camden County locals including local celebrity Timothy Stack (who just so happened to write the episode) and Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. I can’t wait to see how Earl crosses her off his list for stealing her cop car.

If you missed the episode or just want to see it again, has started streaming episodes of the show, so head over there to see it.

In Case of Emergency: It’s not a good sign when The Class is the funniest new impromptu reunion show of the season. In fact I haven’t laughed this little since Four Kings (the one lone laugh “Is there any chance your fiancée is a chick?”).

Also check out my First Impressions of Let's Rob Mick Jagger and Beauty and the Geek 3.

This most likely won’t be a weekly segment in these posts, but the best promo of the season goes to this Supernatural one that aired multiple times during the Beauty and the Geek premiere. It may come to a shock to some of you but I’m a huge Johnny Cash fan and this is just a great use of God’s Gonna Cut You Down (they need to get whoever made this promo to do one like this for Veronica Mars):

Next Week’s Pick of the Week (Yeah I need a better name for this too): Awesome, I Shot That (Saturday 9:00 VH1): The Beastie Boys gave out a bunch of camcorders to fans to film a concert. Surprisingly they got back all the camcorders which make up this concert film. You can also buy the unedited version of the concert on DVD.