Quote of the Week: Given that Saint Valentine was a 3rd century Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded, wouldn't a more appropriate celebration of the evening be taking one's steady gal to witness a brutal murder? (Sheldon – The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Morning Mood (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, op. 46) – Edvard Grieg (as performed by Sheldon on recorder, The Big Bang Theory)
Big News of the Week: The Start of the Winter Olympics: And it didn’t really start a high note with the death of a Georgian luger and it didn’t help that NBC showed the video multiple time. You just have to wonder why they have metal beams that close to the track and if so, why no padding on them
The Opening Ceremonies also saw the premiere of We Are the World 25 which I thought was an idiot proof, but they somehow were able to ruin it. You know it is not a good sign when they start it off with some twelve year old no name followed by a Pussycat Doll. And Lil’ Wayne singing? Seriously? It also didn’t help that the chorus sounded off key. It may have just been better if they just re-released the original.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Free Download of the Week: The High Road – Broken Bells (iTunes): I mentioned the video earlier this week and now you can download the early frontrunner of Best Song of 2010. But if you also want to get in the mood for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I suggest Cupid by Boyz II Men over at Wallmart.com and 40 Dogs (Like Romeo and Juliet)
Deal of the Week: Mega Savings on Mega Hits
Video of the Week: Parenthood premieres Tuesday after the Olympics and may have the most likeable cast on television (hopefully the writing lives up to the acting). One of them is Monica Potter who describes her character below.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Tool Academy, Sunday at 9:00 on VH1: Very few thing can draw me away from Olympic competition(although Curling doesn’t start up until Tuesday) and the new season of Tool Academy. Of course the show made news in-between seasons when a former contestant was one of the cast of Ben Hur to turn out to have slept with Tiger Wood. The new season boasts the first two female Tools and a same sex couple. Though looking over the cast pictures, it is not clear who that is considering metrosexuals are a Tool Academy staple.