Quote of the Week: Use it or throw it away. (Raylan Gibbons, Justified)
Song of the Week: Young Folks – Peter, Bjorn and John (Parenthood)
Big News of the Week: Tiger Woods Back on the Course: To be honest, I stopped caring about the Tiger Woods scandal after I stopped laughing that one of his mistresses appeared on Tool Academy. So I could care less that he returned to gold this weekend and the only way they could have gotten me to watch is if they had placed a different mistress at each of the eighteen holes. But I did get drawn back into the controversy when I saw the creepy new Nike commercial with Wood’s father preaching to a motionless, black and white Tiger. Seriously, what marketing genius thought this was a good idea. Don Draper he is not. On the Brightside, it did produced plenty of hilarious parodies, this one being my favorite:
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Free Download of the Week: I Learned the Hard Way
Deal of the Week: Blu-ray Blowout: Save Up to 52%
Video of the Week: Michael Cera once again goes for the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” philosophy to acting as it looks like he is playing the same character for the eighth straight movie, a pseudo-emo rocker wannabe. Cera apparently has ninety-nine problems; girls seem to be all of them. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World looks to his the worst problem yet as he has to battle seven evil ex’s to get the girl, including George Michael Bluth’s old fame. Yes, Her?
Next Week Pick of the Week: Real World / Road Rules Challenge, Fresh Meat 2, Wednesday at 10:00 on MTV: Once again I missed that there was a new Challenge and will be playing catch up before the second episode this week. Here’s hoping MTV will repeat the premiere before then (just in case it didn’t come across in written form, that last sentence was sarcasm, it probably be one twenty times before then).