Quote of the Week: No I didn’t hit him. Did you just forget because you’ve kissed so many people at school? Do you realize by proxy I’ve now kissed Glenn? (Coach Taylor – Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Crime Wave – 50 Cent (Friday Night Lights)
Big News of the Week: Still Finding it Hard to Back Up World Cup Officiating: Yeah, another week of bad calls at the World Cup, most notably the England goal that was not. But instead of instant replay, which I am vehemently opposed to, how about shelling out an extra hundred bucks a game and put an official on each goal line whose sole reason is to make sure the goal crosses the line. Soccer fields are so wide, it is hard for the referee or linesman to see the goal line clearly, so why not put someone behind the net that is only looking for that?
Leverage: So we finally get some real back-story about Parker this week by meeting her “father” who happened to also a have few run in with Nate. It may be getting to the time we get more flashbacks from these characters. I would like to see more of them back before they turned good. You can stream recent episodes on TNT.tv. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Persons Unknown: If I were a betting man, I would have put a large chunk of change for Joe being the mole (dude had no back-story), but I was hoping for Cameron Frye to turn out to be in on it. And did the token hot chick actually get release just for apologizing to her father? Could it really be that simple? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Persons Unknown on iTunes.
Memphis Beat: Just how many plot twist can one case have? I got tired of them all after about the second. You can stream recent episodes on TNT.tv. You can also download Memphis Beat on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: Oh you silly little promo monkeys trying to make me think that Riggins knocked up Becky. Of course I wouldn’t have had to spend the last week thinking that if someone would have keyed me into the knowledge that “going to the car wash” was a Texan euphemism for having sex. But the out of the blueness of Becky’s pregnancy doesn’t even make the top of the list of the most absurb moment of the week which goes to Julies, “let’s just skip the whole dinner thing and go straight to the making out part.” If only girls would actually use this approach, us dudes would be a lot richer. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Pilot - Friday Night Lights, Season 1 (iTunes): Ever wonder why I go on and on about this show, check out the first episode ever for free on iTunes (keep in mind I really didn’t become obsessed until around the forth or fifth episode).
Deal of the Week: Save up to 54% on Television Shows
Video of the Week: It seems like once a month a Congressman does or says something so stupid I think who are the morons that elected this fool? The latest to embarrass the nation comes courtesy of Minnesota (the land of Jesse Ventura and Al Franklin) whose Senator that wasn’t a writer for Saturday Night Live
Next Week Pick of the Week: It is America’s birthday tomorrow, go outside and enjoy some hamburgers and fireworks and be glad that Amy Klobunchar doesn’t represent your state (unless of course you live in Minnesota, then you should feel really ashamed).