Starting a new weekly segment today where every week (no set date, just sometime during the weekend, maybe Monday at the latest) I discuss my favorite things that happened on television the past week. In honor of this new segment I have a new contest:

* Fine Print: This contest is open only to those in the US and Canada. Also the only shirt size available is Large. Want more chances to win Knights of Prosperity swag? Swing over to >Ducky’s brand new website to win the contest he's running as well as the TV Addict who is also running one. And don’t forget to watch Knights of Prosperity Wednesdays at 9:00 or you can always stream the latest episode for free at
Now for my favorite moments on television for the past week:
Best Quote of the Week (Friday Night Lights, Coach Taylor’s wife to the failing Tim Riggins): “It’s my job to make sure you don’t grow up stupid; it’s bad for the world.” (Every teacher across the country should hang this quote up somewhere in their classroom.)
Friday Night Lights: Finally they gave my boy Landry an actual storyline this week with trying to tutor Riggins and by tutoring I mean reading Of Mice and Men
My Name Is Earl: Quite possible the funniest half hour on television since the My Name Is Earl pilot. As funny as it is to see Earl cross things off his list, seeing what he does to get such things on his list may be funnier. For this episode I’ll start at the end because there has been nothing funnier on TV this season that Randy getting shot out of the tree with a tranquillizer gun. Someone needs to send a clip of that to Tony Kornheiser quick.
Other great scenes from the episode are too many to name, but it was great to see former guests including the one-legged woman, Earl’s ex who thought he was dead, the gay dude (anyone else notice he was circling around the block with the naked dude with the snake scene), the cop who’s badge Earl stole, the voice box dude and we even learned how the mailman lost his eye. The only person missing was Ralph (Giovanni Ribisi); you know Ralph wouldn’t miss a chance to be on Cops. We were even introduced to some other Camden County locals including local celebrity Timothy Stack (who just so happened to write the episode) and Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. I can’t wait to see how Earl crosses her off his list for stealing her cop car.
If you missed the episode or just want to see it again, has started streaming episodes of the show, so head over there to see it.
In Case of Emergency: It’s not a good sign when The Class is the funniest new impromptu reunion show of the season. In fact I haven’t laughed this little since Four Kings (the one lone laugh “Is there any chance your fiancée is a chick?”).
Also check out my First Impressions of Let's Rob Mick Jagger and Beauty and the Geek 3.
This most likely won’t be a weekly segment in these posts, but the best promo of the season goes to this Supernatural one that aired multiple times during the Beauty and the Geek premiere. It may come to a shock to some of you but I’m a huge Johnny Cash fan and this is just a great use of God’s Gonna Cut You Down (they need to get whoever made this promo to do one like this for Veronica Mars):
Holy crap. That Supernatural promo is so good it almost makes me wish I had bothered watching Beauty and the Geek (but thanks to Youtube I don't have to).
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I had seen Ralph at some point in the episode but don't quote me on that.
Also, since Donny Jones was in this episode (and "snake pants" was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time), I guess that means his prison term was pretty short?
I'm under the impression that the Camden Country courts are pretty easy going on account that if that if they gave out real prison terms there wouldn't be anyone left in the county to work at the businesses or pay taxes.
ReplyDelete"...on account that if that if they gave out real prison terms there wouldn't be anyone left in the county to work at the businesses or pay taxes."
ReplyDeleteThat totally sounds like a line from Earl. :)
You completely stole some stuff I was going to blog about!! That FNL quote for instance. My husband and I both laughed and said just about the same thing you did. Teachers everywhere should use that!
I love Landry! If I was 16, I'd totally be into Riggins. Lila gets on my last nerve, but I liked her "p**n" she brought over to Jason.
I'm trying hard to think of a good title for you, but I just might pimp the contest instead.
We (meaning me and my husband) just about peed ourselves watching Earl. The Cops episode could not have been funnier!
I am salivating over the Beaties thing. I'm feeling nostalgic, I guess. I wore my Beasties tape OUT back in high school. (yes, tape. I am from the land of cassette tapes..the 80s)
Just so you know, I'm totally not drunk. I've just been bored today and stalking my favorite blogs. And you. ;)
That Supernatural promo is awesome. I guess it helps I like the show and the song and singer. Very well done.
ReplyDeleteAngie, so you start stalking me just around the same time you learn that some people think I look like the dude from The Notebook. And if you are not drunk, then who are "the Beaties?"
ReplyDeleteJohn, possibly the best promo I ever seen for any show. If I didn't watch already, this promo would have mad me start.