Quote of the Week: And I’m gonna give you a minute to extradite yourself out my face before I have to paint your office with your (expletive delete). (Toby – Justified)
Song of the Week: Eye of the Tiger – Survivor (as preformed by Hawaiian Wedding Band, Modern Family)
Big News of the Week: Early Pick Up’s All-Around: Usually we have to wait until Up Fronts before we know for sure what will be on the schedule, but NBC slowly tricked out their pick up’s and even ABC has even gotten into the early pick up business too. Cannot say I am all that interested with any of the shows, but I will wait for a final judgment when I get to see some promos.
Chuck: Christopher Lloyd appearing on an NBC show is making me start to lean towards him and the Christopher Lloyd who created Modern Family. And funniest scene of the week was when the patients came to Chuck’s defense. Too bad they got shot down before they could actually help. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: Why does Judy Greer always plays lose women? As soon as she showed up I though, she was going to sneak into Leonard’s room and of course it happened. What I didn’t see is her getting tossed around to all the friends, sans Sheldon of course. But Greer deserves better. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Lost: So Smokie isn’t really Locke or even Jacob’s brother (who turned out to be Adam), just an entity that used to be light and if it leaves the island, it will be some sort of Pandora’s Box situation. Alrighty. But much like the Richard Alpert episode, sure we got a lot of big answers, but I was still expecting much more out of this episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Justified: After last week’s Deadwood
Parenthood: Second funniest scene of the week: Zeke congratulation his granddaughter for not having intercourse with her boyfriend. Haddie’s reaction was priceless. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
Mercy: Oh Mercy, it was a good, guilty pleasure run, but naturally NBC gave you the ax and now I will not get the enjoyment of watching Dawn Summers try to emote on a weekly basis. You will be missed. But not really because VH1 will always have much guiltier pleasure. Except for that offensive 100 Things Guys Do That Guarantee They Won’t Date or Have Sex. You know there won’t be a female version of this special because there is only one. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Yawn. This should have been the week they did a double tribal council because it was rather boring. Even Sandra ruined what could have been an entertaining moment by not even letting Probst finish his Immunity Idol speech depriving us the chance for the usual ten second edit that the show likes to do in a will they or won’t they play the idol situation. And what was up with Colby this episode? He explodes at his brother because he cannot catch water, then at Tribal; he sits at the ends staring at the ground the whole time. I cannot believe this guy may actually win. You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com.

Community: The big problem this show runs into, maybe too often, is they rely too heavily on expecting everyone will get their pop culture references. I understand Troy’s storyline was one big homage, but I have absolutely no clue what it was paying tribute to. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: Holy Mike Leach sighting! I wonder if his pirate rambling was as unintentionally funny back in the fall for those watching on DirecTV as it was for those of us watching on NBC who now know Leach is unemployed. Maybe Coach Taylor can recruit him to the Lions staff next year. But my favorite part of the episode is when Tammy went to the boosters meeting and asked Joe McCoy infront of everyone if he still planned on exposing the mail box scam from season’s past. My least favorite is when Coach told Riggins he had something to show him, and we never found out what. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Die by the Drop – The Dead Weather (rcrdlbl)
Deal of the Week: Mega Savings on Mega Movie & TV Show Hits
Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Tuesday and Sunday at 9:00: Here it is, the final three and a half hours of Lost ever and it cannot not come soon enough. Not because I am that eager to learn how it ends, but I just what to not have to worry about watching the show ever again because I am putting the chances of there being a satisfying ending in the single digits. For the fanatics, ABC is also running the two hour series premiere Saturday and there will be the prerequisite hour primer before the finale and a special Jimmy Kimmel Live afterwards.