Showing posts with label Mercy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXX

Quote of the Week: And I’m gonna give you a minute to extradite yourself out my face before I have to paint your office with your (expletive delete). (Toby – Justified)

Song of the Week: Eye of the Tiger – Survivor (as preformed by Hawaiian Wedding Band, Modern Family)

Big News of the Week: Early Pick Up’s All-Around: Usually we have to wait until Up Fronts before we know for sure what will be on the schedule, but NBC slowly tricked out their pick up’s and even ABC has even gotten into the early pick up business too. Cannot say I am all that interested with any of the shows, but I will wait for a final judgment when I get to see some promos.

Chuck: Christopher Lloyd appearing on an NBC show is making me start to lean towards him and the Christopher Lloyd who created Modern Family. And funniest scene of the week was when the patients came to Chuck’s defense. Too bad they got shot down before they could actually help. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Why does Judy Greer always plays lose women? As soon as she showed up I though, she was going to sneak into Leonard’s room and of course it happened. What I didn’t see is her getting tossed around to all the friends, sans Sheldon of course. But Greer deserves better. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Lost: So Smokie isn’t really Locke or even Jacob’s brother (who turned out to be Adam), just an entity that used to be light and if it leaves the island, it will be some sort of Pandora’s Box situation. Alrighty. But much like the Richard Alpert episode, sure we got a lot of big answers, but I was still expecting much more out of this episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Justified: After last week’s Deadwood reunion I thought we would get treated to a Eurotrip reunion this week except the guy from the movie in the cast didn’t bother to show up this week. And it was really had to think of the other dude from Eurotrip as some big bag former boxer. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.

Parenthood: Second funniest scene of the week: Zeke congratulation his granddaughter for not having intercourse with her boyfriend. Haddie’s reaction was priceless. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.

Mercy: Oh Mercy, it was a good, guilty pleasure run, but naturally NBC gave you the ax and now I will not get the enjoyment of watching Dawn Summers try to emote on a weekly basis. You will be missed. But not really because VH1 will always have much guiltier pleasure. Except for that offensive 100 Things Guys Do That Guarantee They Won’t Date or Have Sex. You know there won’t be a female version of this special because there is only one. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Yawn. This should have been the week they did a double tribal council because it was rather boring. Even Sandra ruined what could have been an entertaining moment by not even letting Probst finish his Immunity Idol speech depriving us the chance for the usual ten second edit that the show likes to do in a will they or won’t they play the idol situation. And what was up with Colby this episode? He explodes at his brother because he cannot catch water, then at Tribal; he sits at the ends staring at the ground the whole time. I cannot believe this guy may actually win. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: The big problem this show runs into, maybe too often, is they rely too heavily on expecting everyone will get their pop culture references. I understand Troy’s storyline was one big homage, but I have absolutely no clue what it was paying tribute to. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Friday Night Lights: Holy Mike Leach sighting! I wonder if his pirate rambling was as unintentionally funny back in the fall for those watching on DirecTV as it was for those of us watching on NBC who now know Leach is unemployed. Maybe Coach Taylor can recruit him to the Lions staff next year. But my favorite part of the episode is when Tammy went to the boosters meeting and asked Joe McCoy infront of everyone if he still planned on exposing the mail box scam from season’s past. My least favorite is when Coach told Riggins he had something to show him, and we never found out what. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Friday Night Lights on iTunes

Free Download of the Week: Die by the Drop – The Dead Weather (rcrdlbl)

Deal of the Week: Mega Savings on Mega Movie & TV Show Hits (Forgetting Sarah Marshall [Blu-Ray], Happy Gilmore, E.T.)

Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Tuesday and Sunday at 9:00: Here it is, the final three and a half hours of Lost ever and it cannot not come soon enough. Not because I am that eager to learn how it ends, but I just what to not have to worry about watching the show ever again because I am putting the chances of there being a satisfying ending in the single digits. For the fanatics, ABC is also running the two hour series premiere Saturday and there will be the prerequisite hour primer before the finale and a special Jimmy Kimmel Live afterwards.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXVIII

Quote of the Week: I guess I was just grossed out that I had to hear, like, fifteen billion poems about my mother’s vagizzle. (Amber, Parenthood)

Song of the Week: Leaving On a Jet Plane – John Denver (as performed by Jeffster, Chuck)

Big News of the Week: Oil Slick: As someone who lives by a river that caught fire all by itself, it is weird to see someone purposely set the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico on purpose. And as sad as it is, leave it to the conservative nutjobs who think it is an environmental plot to stop offshore drilling. And the liberals are not without their nutjob conspiracy theories when they ponder if a border patrol agent in Arizona getting shot just after the passed a controversial immigration law was a coincident. God bless nutjobs, because without them, how could get a laugh out of truly horrible situations.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:
Yvonne Strahovski caught in her underwear

Chuck: I am a little wishy washy on the whole Chuck and Sarah romance. Sure all the duel fighting with handcuff was fun, but I am not entirely sure how that can sustain the relationship. One thing I am not wishy washy is that Morgan needs to be caught in some friendly fire, or unfriendly fire, I really do not care, but the more screen time he gets, the less I care if the show gets renewed or not. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Parenthood: Another daughter / parent showdown with the former refusing to leave her boyfriend’s house. And almost word for word to point that I hope it was intentional. All it was missing was the parent personally dragging the daughter out of the house (which it came close to). You can stream recent episodes on Parenthood on iTunes.

Mercy: So a chick you had sex and didn’t talk to since after you told her you were gay casually mention she has a kid and you do not ask how old the kid is? That would be the first question out of my mouth. And that doesn’t even crack the top five most absurd plot points of the episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Happy Town: After a slow start, the show did give reason to check out another episode with the ending where we learn that the Ashley Greene look-alike’s name is actually the same that the dude from Lost kept repeating and has the brand of the Magic Man on her shoulder (although if you are using a alias, shouldn’t you go with something less Googleable as Henley Boone? Wouldn’t something like Sarah Brown be more conspicuous? You know the first thing Root Beer did when he got home was Google the new hot chick in town to get her vital stats.). So here is my theory on the show, Henley’s “mom” is not really her mom but the Magic Man who kidnapped her years ago, brainwashed her to think she is her mother (she branding her with his symbol upon the kidnapping) and now needs her to get something out of the third floor that can get her powers back (that kept the Magic Man from doing his yearly kidnapping). And it will turn out that Henley is Steven Weber’s daughter.

The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2: I have witness quite a few fights in my life and even broken up a few (though I tend to go with the hockey referee approach where I just circle around until the guys (or gals) get tired) but never I have I seen someone go with the fontal bear hug technique that Wes employed. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Just the other day I was debating with someone if you were allowed to steal someone’s Hidden Immunity Idol (I took the affirmative because if you are dumb enough to leave it where someone could find it then you deserve to lose it) and here we a similar situation with Danielle finding the clue to the Idol and Amanda stealing it leading to the least entertaining cat fight in the history of television. Then Colby, in what would have been the dumbest move on almost any other season (seriously, why are these supposed All-Stars making so many stupid moves), rules that clue is the sole possession of Danielle even though she is in the opposite alliance. Moron. And how do you not follow Danielle around knowing that she had the clue and the resign to the fack she would just find it herself. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Was there really no one on the show or at the network that didn’t realize that characters mockingly repeating everything for half an episode does not make for a good episode? It, at best, is a 1:00 hour Saturday Night Live sketch, not a prime time full episode. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Free Download of the Week: Jackal Onassis Backstage - Party Down (Amazon Video on Demand): The new season of the Starz comedy recently started and those that want to test out the show without subscribing can do so. You also check out the first season of Party Down as recently released on DVD. And those with On Demand features may want to check out to see if the episode is available to preview (it is here on my Time Warner Cable) along with two first season episodes and the upcoming extremely hilarious episode, Steve Guttenberg’s Birthday which features, besides the title character as himself, McLovin’ as Bill Haverchuck’s writing partner, a pairing made in Judd Apatow casting heaven.

Deal of the Week: Save up to 58% on TV Shows (Sons of Anarchy, How I Met Your Mother, Pee-wee’s Playhouse)

Video of the Week: Friday Night Lights is back this week and here is an interview with new cast member Madison Burge who I take it is the new Lyla Garrity.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Friday Night Light, Friday at 8:00 on NBC: The wait is finally over for those of us without DirecTV as we get to see Coach Taylor take the reins of the East Dillon Lions.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXIII

Tool Academy: Human lie detector? Seriously? What is most disturbing is they said the chick’s testimony holds up in the court of law. I’m fidgety in any situation, whether I am lying or not. Hopefully I am never falsely but in that kind of situation. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: I cannot express how much I hate when an episode starts in the third act then pulls the “X Amount of Time Earlier” place card. Is it anymore surprising that it was Casey that shot the double agent had we not heard the gun shot a half an hour earlier? Not for me. At least Big Mike mentoring Casey on how to deal in real life was entertaining. Well except for eating after Jeff took a bite out of the sandwich, that was gross. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Do the writers even watch their own show? Or did they just conveniently forget that Barney wasn’t always the suave businessman we know today but was once a tree hugging hippie and certainly had a few bad pictures taken during his soul patch phase, because there is no way to take a good picture when you have a soul patch (um, not that I know from personal experiences or anything). You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: I have been waiting for it for three season and we finally got a drunken Sheldon. Unfortunately Penny is for some reason still with Leonard so we did not get my dream scenario of Sheldon waking up next to her. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: Arg, how could they break up Laura and Dale the same episode we find out about them? Hopefully Dale comes to his senses and doesn’t mind going back into the (pantry) closet. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: Oh snap. Certainly they didn’t actually kill off Beckett (I hope) but that doesn’t make the ending any less shocking. Should be interesting how next week plays out. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: Much like a We Are the World remake, I thought a Richard Alpert centric episode would be fool proof, but leave it to Lost (and Lil Wayne’s auto-tune) to make me look like a fool for thinking that. To make things worse, we finally get the big reveal of what is up with the island (I think) and I still left the episode disappointed. First we get all of two minutes in present day. Then for the flashback, instead of a full two hundred(ish) years of Alpert’s existence we only get a less than a year in the life of Richard. What about how Richard recruited all the Others like Whitmore, Eloise Hawking, Zeke et. al. There was some much they could have done with this hour and I left feeling cheated. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Justified: Whereas most procedurals seem to deal with criminal masterminds, it looks like Justified will be dealing with the criminals on the short end of the gene pool which I am all for. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.

Parenthood: Note to self: if I ever find myself having to talk to a kid who spends too much time in the show, do not, under any circumstance, start quoting Woody Allen. But I wonder if showing this episode would work instead. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.

Mercy: I was wondering when the insurance company would come for Sonia for killing the old lady a couple weeks ago. I really didn’t think that it would just go away as easily as they planned it. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: A pretty flat episode with little to laugh at this week aside from some of the Cameron/Gloria scenes. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: It is time to add someone else into the pantheon of Dumb Survivor Moves. In fact the only two dumber movies in Survivor history that Tyson letting Russell convince him to vote for Parvati would be Erik giving up the Immunity Necklace to be promptly voted out and James getting voted out with two Immunity Idols in his pocket.

But Russell showed this week why he shouldn’t even be in the discussion for Greatest Survivor History and that is because he plays the dumbest social game. I bet one of the biggest reasons he didn’t win was because at the last tribal to play it, he whipped out the Immunity Necklace and didn’t even bother to play it. And this week, instead of simply giving his Idol to Parvati before Tribal, he had to make this grand douchebag pronouncement before doing so. He is lucky the other tribe didn’t get to sit in for it. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Annie as a bad cop? Yes please. But Glendale should be happy that April Fools Day got banned because it is the most worthless holiday. Pranks are not at all funny when they are expected. That is why I pull all of mine on March 31st when people least expect it. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXII

Tool Academy: Two episodes for the price of one. Though I do not understand why they didn’t air one during the Oscars. I cannot imagine there are many people who watch Tool Academy every week that have seen The Hurt Locker. And I bet more people catch the repeat airing of the show than watch the premiere (I know that is how I catch it). Then for the second time this season, we actually get a break up before elimination. Do these people forget that there is a sizable cash prize at the end of the show? It would probably take most of these people close to a decade to make $100,000. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: Of course everyone is leaving Chuck but Morgan. Hurph. Ellie and Awesome are joining Doctors without Borders, Sarah is moving to Washington and Casey is resigned to a civilian life (though still working at the Buy More presumable). Here’s hoping it is all a red herring and that Morgan ends up being the one that leaves because if when Casey is reinstated, hopefully he isn’t happy that Morgan was the one that blew his cover. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Greek: Of course Lea Thompson shows up during an eighties themed episode. Thankfully there wasn’t a storyline of her most memorable from the decade where she tried seducing her son. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Lost: Why exactly did Smokie send Sawyer over to the Hydra when he could have just went all Smokie and killed everyone? Is he not allowed to kill Whitmore like it was eluded that Ben was not allowed to a couple seasons ago? And if Whitmore and his goons didn’t kill the Ajira leftovers (I will take him at his word that he didn’t), who did? Does Sawyer no longer knock up Matt Saresen’s mom in the flashsideways? Speaking of the flashsideways, why is Miles wasting his time in Vice, wouldn’t he be better served in Homicide or can he no longer talk to dead people? But of course, the time for questions is over! You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Mercy: What, they couldn’t get Snookie or The Situation to star in this episode because it was pretty obvious who the Guidos were portraying. I feel dirty for thinking all of this. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Community: Holy Buster Bluth sighting! But just how many classes do these students take? It seems like they are in more than most community colleges offer. And what college requires an art credit let along two Spanish classes? You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Also check out my First Impressions of Justified.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXX

The Marriage Ref: My first thoughts when NBC cut into The Olympics Closing Ceremonies to air a special of The Marriage Ref was that it was the worst decision that NBC has made ever. Yes even dumber than the Jay Leno debacle. And then I only got madder when the show managed to be lamer than all the promos I had to sit through during the Olympics led me to believe. Really, three celebrities, many of which have no way to take the high ground on moral issues, making fun of the common folk. Sure there were some funny moments, but it was hard to get through a half hour special, I cannot image how anyone could watch the hour version. Certainly if it didn’t have Jerry Seinfeld’s name attached to it, there is no way The Marriage Ref ever makes it to air.

Granted I had to retract my Worst Decision Ever for NBC after I watched the rest of the Closing Ceremonies the next day which restarted up with a performance by Nickelback and didn’t get much better after that. Seriously Canada, please stop sending all your crappy music south of the border, we have plenty here already. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Tool Academy: What a strange turn of events. One Tool storms of which for some reason leads to another fight between the Neander-Tool and The Toolette’s boyfriend. Than out of nowhere the Glow Stick Tool starts swinging on him. It is getting to the point where I have to start thinking that this all may be staged. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Chuck: The writer are sure doing their best to make Chuck unlikeable. Really, is there really anything worse that dumping a girl the day after you first have sex with her in front of her parents? Poor Lana Lang, she sure deserved better than that. And let’s hope Sam doesn’t stick for Sarah, but that is a downgrade in a name. At the very least go for the full Samantha. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Ouch. This episode really hurt. I too was on The Hook at one point in my life. Back in college I asked this chick to a basketball which she responded, “I have a boyfriend, but if you don’t mind we go as friends.” Needless to say that was the most awkward four hours of my life. Thankfully I got off the hook later that summer when I ran into her and she had gotten a nose ring and was starting to morph into a hippie. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Great callback to the best episode of the season so fall. Then throw Sheldon in jail and a Stan Lee cameo and this one is up there for this season. And more Raj musical shirt please. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Lost: I really need to start up an office pool of what random character from the main storyline runs into a main character during their flashsideways. This time around, Sayid’s brother (who inexplicable is now married to Nadia for no reason other than the writers saying, “look how we changed history!”) owes money to the dude who killed Ben’s daughter. Tune in next week when Ben has his plumbing fixed by Henry Gale! And now he is best friends with his father! And his daughter is now the sexy French nanny to his kids! Only ten more episodes? Thank goodness. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Mercy: So the show goes away for the Olympics and when it comes back, Ronnie is Tommy Gavin all of the sudden. Alrighty. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Finally, something interesting. And not just Coach’s absurdly funny monologues (seriously, I was waiting for Tyson to tell him, “Are you crying, there is no crying in Survivor,” but mocking his feather at tribal council will have to do). Finally a blindside. That is the problem with All Star editions; you are less likely to stab someone in the back you already know as opposed to someone you met just a month ago. Though I am not sure it is technically a blindside when the majority of the tribe didn’t vote for Cirie. And they are really being gratuitous with the challenges, last week it was mud, this week baby oil. Is Jello next week? You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: I have decided this week I am completely over Abed. Though it was announce the show will be back next season earlier this week, I hope he isn’t. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXVI

Chuck: If Morgan defiles Lana Lang I will have to boycott Chuck forever. Hopefully her letting it slip that Chuck went to Paris will have him distracted for awhile. Speaking of which I would worry about the Buy Morons from figuring out his secret but with Ellie helping out and Captain Awesome as the weak link, Ellie might get it out of him. Hopefully Chuck can do something to throw them off his trail because I do not like the idea of everyone finding out his secret. Well, I wouldn’t mind Morgan figuring it out so the CIA ships him off to Hawaii with Harry Tang never to be seen again. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: I really do not like it when the show goes to flashbacks inside of flashbacks inside of flashbacks, but this episodes may be the best of the season so far with Barney going on the search of the Perfect Week. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: As good as the episode was, how could the writers not have realized how great it would have been had Sheldon had been working with Penny for most of the episode? You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: So Casey confesses to burning down a house and nothing is going to happen to her because the house she burnt down housed someone who sold sex to win a singing competition. Alrighty. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Mercy: How does one play basketball in weather where you can see your breath? Shouldn’t the air inside expand in the cold causing weird bumps on the surface of the ball. Maybe this is a case for Mythbusters. And can they go ahead and bump James Van der Beek off the show sooner than later. Dude got painfully annoying quick. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: I would like to state for the record that I was a racquetball champion back in college. But luckily no moon landings or splash downs in the locker room. And though I can barely tolerate Phil, his bit with Dylan playing In the Moonlight (Do Me) at the end was pretty funny. Can we please add Dylan to the cast? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: I wish they would have included more people commenting on the series. Like how can you talk about Michael falling into the fire without getting the firsthand account from Michael himself? But it was nice to see the battle of the egos between Russell and Richard. Too bad Richard was too much of a villain off the show that kept him from competing against Russell. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: The best part of the episode is that Senior Chang has nothing better to do that hang out in a bean bag in a dorm room of a student watching crappy movies. Although I was disappointed we didn’t get to find out what Jeff told Troy about Annie that got him to come on to her. Maybe he told him to Google the pictures from her Complex photo shoot. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

You can also check out my First Impressions of Lost the Final Season.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXIV

Hope for Haiti Now: Stevie Wonder singing Simon and Garfunkel, Taylor Swift covering Better Than Ezra, Jay-Z teaming up with Bono, The Edge, and Rihanna, Neil Young and Dave Matthews dueting, Chris Martin playing piano for Beyoncé, The Roots backing Shakira, Mary J. Blige, and Jennifer Hudson. It almost seems like a steal to buy all these performances, twenty in total, for $7.99, but you can download Hope for Haiti Now on iTunes and Amazon MP3 (see below) both of which also includes a studio version of the Jay-Z, U2, Rihanna song Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour). And you can also download the whole video in both places for $2.99. 100% of all purchases from either site will go to various Haitian relief charities such as Red Cross and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund.

Chuck: We finally get to meet Shaw and no surprise it is Superman even though I still don’t see how he pulls rank on Beckman when, as Casey puts it, he has back issues of Guns and Ammo older than him. And it is not surprising dude is a tool either. And his big secret: he’s married? When he pulled out the ring I thought, Oh my, he’s part of THE Ring, then he put it on his ring finger and thought, that is an odd reveal. Could Superman’s wife possibly be the upcoming guest star Lana Lang? And the drunken Casey excuse: hilarious. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Nothing groundbreaking as we have all had the Settler vs. Reacher debate (well, at least I have) and created our own stupid drinking game (well, at least I have). It was a little odd that they would bring in Amanda Peet for such a thankless role, especially when I would put a good chunk of change on her in a real fight vs. Alyson Hannigan. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Of course Sheldon hates Windows 7 because it is more user friendly. But I am shocked that he didn’t have a contingency plan in case, or to keep someone from robbing him. Like he hasn’t put a GPS on his gaming systems. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: I was just wondering when they were going to bring up Beckett’s mother’s death and here they do in a big way. And she kills the person who did it. Wow. But one thing that bugs me is who in the police force is signing up to be a decoy (sorry unlucky token Asian guy on the NYPD)? While putting on his bullet proof vest all I could think is the mark is a trained assassin, former marine and could probably easily take someone out with a headshot. Lucky for Token Asian Dude the plan itself was a decoy for the assassin. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Mercy: Oh snap, Ronnie gets turned down because of a cat. I didn’t see that one coming. Although why was that Still Bill’s one premonition? Did I miss a scene wit Ronnie telling the comatose Still Bill she was? But I love how Dr. Sands’ inner circle consists of his drugged out sister, and the emotionally stunted bearded doctor. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: Holy Dylan sighting! The really need to get this guy involved more often. I miss him and the Rusty Zippers. But I wonder if the show is getting too stale already. Last week it was pretty easy to figure out it was Phil downloading porn and this week it didn’t take a detective to deduce that Manny’s date was going to overaged (and then come on to the gay Cameron). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Also check out my First Impressions of The Deep End.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Best of the Week vol. XXX

Quote of the Week: (Facebook) is all about finding people you never got a chance to sleep with in high school or college. It’s annoying. (Ronnie, Mercy)

Song of the Week: The End – Pearl Jam (Castle)

Big News of the Week: Scott Brown, Your Newest Senator: It is hard to be surprised by political outcomes considering our last three presidents were black, brain-dead from cocaine use, and a hillbilly (two of which were even reelected). There is even a politician in Minnesota that managed to lose to both Jesse “The Body” Ventura and Al “Stuart Smalley” Franklin. But it is hard not raise an eyebrow at the special election in the very liberal Massachusetts that filled the senate seat that was held by someone with the last name Kennedy for fifty-four of the last fifty-six years by a Republican. Not only that but a Republican who has posed nude, his wife appeared in a 1984 music video for Digney Fignus's The Girl With the Curious Hand (I have never heard of it either but of course it is on YouTube) and has a daughter who was on American Karaoke (and she is single fellas, as her father so elegantly put in his victory speech). God bless American.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

A shocked Yvonne Strahovski

Free Download of the Week: Cousins (Video) – Vampire Weekend (iTunes)

Deal of the Week: Save Up to 56% on Boxed Sets (Mel Brooks Collection, Home Alone, X-Men Trilogy)

Video of the Week: The episode of Chuck I have been waiting for since I first heard Kristin Kreuk (who ranked in at #2 of The Hottest Hot Chicks of the 00's) would be appearing this season, and here is a promo of that episode, and as an added bonus, it also features Stone Cold Steve Austin. Color me excited.

Next On: Going Solo

Next Week Pick of the Week: Greek, Monday at 10:00 on ABC Family: When we last left Cypress Rhodes, Casey and her sisters burnt down a rival’s sorority house. That should lead to some entertainment when the show returns. What won’t will be Casey hooking up with Cappie which will probably be lame especially if the add Evan for a love triangle and Rebecca after that for a love quadrangle. I am not a fan of the newly late start time, but on an already crowded Monday, I most likely would have caught on Hulu later in the week anyway.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXIII

How I Met Your Mother: Didn’t we already have an episode where Marshall refused to acknowledge the hotness of a hot chick with Lily try to get him to say that while Robin tries to convince everyone she is hotter? If not I had a very strong case of déjà vu. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Holy Winnie Cooper sighting! Though why do CBS comedies misuse her, first she is part of a Ted three-way and now she is just a Raj hook up. You would think The Big Bang Theory would appreciate that she is a legitimate math genius with her own theory and actually give her a better role or spare with Sheldon for a Cooper vs. Cooper showdown of great television characters. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: As entertaining as it was to see Castle tried to get out of being duct taped to a chair, if he wanted to see how Nicky Heat got out of the chair, it would have been much more funny if he was able to get Beckett to take on the task. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Mercy: Before this episode I would have said a hand is a hand, hook me up with whatever you got, but the whole “70% muscle memory” stuff really creeped me out to the point to unless it came from a surgeon, I may rather go with the Buster Bluth hook. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: Last week I said that a whole pig would make for a great birthday present for me, and this week I would like to add a dog butler to that list. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Community: Even though I saw it coming, Senior Chang’s entrance after being presumed dead was pretty funny. I ams till not sure why a community college requires two semesters of a foreign language though. But nice callback to Getting Rid of Britta, Oh, yeah, and Jack Black was in this episode. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Also check out my First (Second and Third Impressions of Chuck as well as my previews of Leverage and Archer.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXII

Quote of the Week: Or we can throw that pig through the (expletive deleted)’s windshield. Send her a message. (Chloe, Mercy)

Song of the Week: That’s How Strong My Love Is – Otis Redding (Mercy)

Big News of the Week: Leno Back to The Tonight Show?: I am not a big fan of rumors and try not to give them any credence, but there was a lot of smoke with Leno making quite a bit of venomous jokes at his show potentially no longer being at 10:00 (saying Fox is wonderful this time of year). Although he made no mention of him going back to The Tonight Show as the rumor has him landing as soon as the Olympics end. This puts Conan O’Brien in the inenviable spot of taking his Late Night spot back or getting the boot (which I imagine will have a sizable severance package to go along with it). Unless I missed it, no word on what would happen to The Roots, but hopefully The Roots will be sticking around or maybe they will move to The Late Late Show where Craig Ferguson could use a house band. Also no word on how NBC will start filling their 10:00’s. My suggestion: five nights of Friday Night Lights a week. My prediction: more Dateline NBC on the schedule.

Mercy: Holy Michael Ian Black sighting! I thought he had resigned to just sitting around waiting for VH1 to announce the next batch of “I Love…” specials. And what is it about outside in New Jersey in the dead of winter that causes everyone to have an epiphany? Each patient ended out there for some profound speech with their nurse. And someone needs to point me out to the place on the internet where you can buy fully cooked full pigs. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: I feel insulted that the writers of Modern Family would insult me by trying to make me think that Al Bundy was supposed to be some sort high school baseball stud. We all he scored four towchdowns in one game for Polk High. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Free Download of the Week: Lost in 8:15 (iTunes): The second biggest news of the week was the audacity of the president to even think about scheduling the State of the Union the same day as the season premiere of the last season of Lost. Even though Obama ended up choosing another date, it was funny seeing the fanboys up in arms just because they may have had to wait another week after already waiting eight months. But before then, they have released the previous five minutes into just over eight minutes to catch you up. There are also a couple of free episodes currenly on iTunes including the Pilot.

Deal of the Week: Spend $7.99 or More and Get $5 Off Select MP3 Albums: Please note that this offer expires tomorrow, Sunday January 10 and you must use your credits by then. And keep in mind $5.00 may not seem like much, but Amazon MP3 has over 800 albums for that price or less which currently includes Dark Side Of The Moon, Coldplay’s first three albums Taylor Swift’s self titled debut, and greatest hits from Creedence Clearwater Revivial, Beastie Boys and Huey Lewis And The News. And if you are looking for a great album for $7.99 to get your free credits, might I suggest number one from my list of The 25 Best Albums of 2009, Bible Belt from Diane Birch (see below):

Video of the Week: The big return tomorrow is Chuck (more on that below), but Sunday also sees a sneak peak of the new National Geographic show Border Wars at 10:00 and the fourth season premiere of Big Love on HBO. For those that need to be caught up on the latter, here is a recap of the first three seasons (for those without HBO like me, the third season of Big Love has just been released on DVD):

Next Week Pick of the Week: Chuck, Sunday at 9:00 and Monday at 8:00 on NBC: Pretty silly that NBC debuts a show that always ends at 9:00 to start it a day earlier which will end at 11:00. But this is NBC and they tend not to make wise decisions anymore. But for those who remember and can stay up that late, its three hours of Chuck in twenty-four hours. Check back tomorrow for more on Chuck.