Before I get into this post, let me first say that no, I’m not the Scooter from the show. My lucky knee high socks are white with three neon green strips at the top. Also when I sport a beard I look more like the dude from The Notebook (or so I’ve been told). But if there are there are any Playboy models who want to jump on the hang out with dudes named Scooter bandwagon, shout a holla. Now back to your regularly scheduled post.
The first season Beauty and the Geek was one of the best reality seasons in the history of television. Richard Rubin set a very high bar for the Geeks while Lauren Bergfeld did the same for the beauty. Which led to a very steep drop off in the second season mostly because the contestants had an idea of what was to come as well as it seemed as if more than a few beauties faked their dumbness just to get on to the show. But after watching the two-hour premiere of the third go around, it looks like they did a better job casting because these girls all seem clueless led by Megan Hauserman, who has Playboy Model (guys check out the Google search box on the sidebar, I know you are gonna search eventually) as her credential, and Cecille Gahr, Bikini Model. But my favorite job has to be Jennylee Berns who has UFC Ring Girl on her résumé. And I swear I have seen her on one of MTV’s fifty different dating shows. Round out the beauties are Andrea Ciliberti (Beauty Pageant Queen), Erin Gipson (Voice Teacher), Nadia Underwood (Sorority Girl), Sheree Swanson (Former Hooters Waitress), and Tori Elmore (Model).
As for the Geeks, none of seem like they will dethrone Richard as the geekiest ever but overall this could be the geekiest of all the season. The crop definitely eliminates any thoughts I’ve had being a nerd myself when they have characters like Drew Sawa who informs us all a bit a trivia that I doubt anyone else knew in that Trekkie is like the “N” word to Star Trek fans who instead prefer Trekker. His explanation of this was only made funnier when his partner kept on calling the show “Star Track” and “Star Truck.” But it’s Singer for a Star Wars Band So Long Princess Nate Dern who steals the show. And sorry the band has yet to show up on iTunes. But hopefully we get to hear more songs from him throughout the series. Then there is Piao Sam (only Kissed One Girl) who like to go by Pi and even has a gang-like hand sign that resembles the Greek letter. But it was another Geek who bragged he knows Pi to over a hundred places. Other Geeks include Matt Herman (MIT Graduate), Niels Hoven (Had a Perfect SAT Score), Alan “Scooter” Zackheim (Harvard Graduate), Mario Muscar (Owns 25,000 Comics), and Sanjay Shah (Virgin) who, despite being a huge fan of rap music was under the impression that “bootie” was referring to a pirate’s treasure.
For some reason they tweaked the elimination round this year in that the partners stay in the room while the other answers the questions while all the other pairs watch from upstairs. But more puzzling is that they went from three questions each to just two. Both seem like change for the sake of change and in no way makes the show better. As for predictions, I’ll have to go with my boy Other Scooter and Megan to win. But more importantly Andrea wins my Girl I’d Most Want to Have Dirty, Dirty Sex With Award.
Verdict: After a sophomore slump Beauty and the Geek is back in fine form. It looks like I may have to bump Friday Night Lights back into the taping category at lest for the Geek’s seven week run. Beauty and the Geek airs Wednesday at 8:00 on The CW.
Be sure to check back tomorrow on my thoughts of Let’s Rob Mick Jagger which more than lived up to expectations. And don’t forget to check out my contest to win your own Knights of Prosperity T-Shirt. Also if you missed the show, head over to to stream the episode for free or tune in this Friday at 9:00 when ABC will repair the pilot.
All I'm saying is that when The Notebook came out I had a lot of random people tell me, "You know you look like the dude from The Notebook." I'm not saying I think I look like the dude from The Notebook, just random people do.
We all have our reality guilty pleasures but at least the Geeks do more than than sing other people's crappy songs (and had FNL stayed at it's old timeslot are you telling me you would have skipped American Kareoke for it?)
I just watched the finale of season 3 last night. I wanted to give you congratulations. You are an inspiration to geeks around the world. You have a good heart and a wonderful personality (from what we saw on TV). Keep being good.
And if we should ever meet, I'll be happy to sit down with you and chat.
Wait. You look like Ryan Gosling???
ReplyDeleteYou are bumping FNL for Beauty and the Geek?? Wow.
ReplyDeleteFriday Night Lights was really really good this past week. But, then I think it's good every week.
I did catch the last hour of B and the G. It's pretty good as reality stuff goes. I'll probably watch again if I get the chance.
All I'm saying is that when The Notebook came out I had a lot of random people tell me, "You know you look like the dude from The Notebook." I'm not saying I think I look like the dude from The Notebook, just random people do.
ReplyDeleteWe all have our reality guilty pleasures but at least the Geeks do more than than sing other people's crappy songs (and had FNL stayed at it's old timeslot are you telling me you would have skipped American Kareoke for it?)
I am choosing not to speak of AI around you.
ReplyDeleteI just watched the finale of season 3 last night. I wanted to give you congratulations. You are an inspiration to geeks around the world. You have a good heart and a wonderful personality (from what we saw on TV). Keep being good.
And if we should ever meet, I'll be happy to sit down with you and chat.
Dan W.