After two long, and at time excruciating, seasons, we will finally learn who A is on
Pretty Little Liars (assuming the promo monkeys are not playing with us). Sure the show has some issues, but one thing the show has gotten right is setting up the mystery of who A is. (S)He could be anyone who has walked the streets of Rosewood and it would not shock me. Seriously, they can dig up a long dead character and I could totally buy it, nor be that surprised. The intelligently impaired Hanna can beat Emily over the head with a folding chair, rip open her shirt to reveal another that reads “I’m A Snitches” well yelling I am not as dumb as you all thought and I’d go, sure, why not. Since we are just five days away from learning who the infamous texter is I thought I would dust off the old Oddsmakers game so you can place your bets on who A is (or are if my one my main theories of multiple A’s is correct).
Aria (503:1) - Her first name starts with A, how has no one pointed this out yet? And why is she the one that does the shhh-ing sign in the title sequence?
The Liars’ Fathers (150:1) - One of the few people that would shock me if one of them turned out to be A would be the Liars’ mothers. They have even talked with each other about their children being bullied. The father’s on the other hand are highly suspicious and shady with the exception of Mr. Fields who has been off in the military for most of the show. Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Hastings on the other hand seem to like to manipulate their daughters. Of course some of A’s demands have hurt the fathers like ruining a wedding and blackmailing an adulterer.
The Liars’ Boyfriends and / or Mya (68:1) - With the exception of Toby, the other three, Ezra, Caleb and My just happened to show up in Rosewood right around the time the Liars started receiving texts from A. Coincidence? Plus Caleb has the technical knowhow to spy on the girls. And who better than Erza to pull off something so devious? The big question though is motive.
The Field (50:1): Everyone not mention elsewhere in this post. So lay your money here if you think A will be Detective Wilden, Hanna’s half sister, the English doctor, the crazy lesbian with bad hair, or even Dr. Sullivan who somehow kidnapped herself.
Melissa Hastings (25:1) - She looks so guilty even her father hired a private investigator to spy on her.
Jason DiLaurentis, Garrett Reynolds, and / or Ian Thomas (13:1) - A plausible group of A’s who even listed one of their high school activities as part of the “We See All” club. Sure, A (presumably) killing Ian may hurt my theory that the band got back together, but that is not to say that Jason and Garrett got back together to torment the Liars and killed Ian to keep their secret under wraps.
Jenna Marshall, Mona Vanderwaal, and/or Lucas Gottesman (5:1) - A seems to be everywhere which makes multiple people acting as A a very plausible possibility and all three could have started up an I Hate Alison fan club that went too far. Plus it has long been assumed that the final scene of every episode is A scheming and Lucas admitted to destroying Alison’s memorial, something we saw A do in a final scene episodes earlier. They all seemed to have a moment at the Halloween flashback special. I also find it suspicious that this season all three have been targeted by A, giving them all an alibi.
Alison DiLaurentis (3:1) - My very first suspect while watching the Pilot was Alison. Of course by the end of the episode, they found her body and laid her to rest putting a crimp into that theory unless the show went supernatural. But who else but Alison would know all of the Liars’ deep dark secrets? Then recently Alison was found to be using an alias. But what is Vivian Darkbloom was not just Alison in a wig but a totally different person or a long lost twin, the DiLaurentis family has been known to hide the true identity of a child, and the real Vivian is the one under Alison’s headstone?