The Killing: I am a little surprised they are sticking on the teacher for more than an episode as a suspect. I wonder if the series is going to click off suspects one by one until they find the killer or will it be a suspect they looked at earlier in the season, but thought they cleared. Either way I am still enthralled. You can download The Killing on iTunes.
The Event: When the token hot chick talked about how cold it is in Siberia this time of year, I had to laugh when she said it was ten degrees. I was walking my dogs in negative wind chill this past winter, a stone cold assassin should not be complaining about double digit weather. But my favorite part of the episode was the “da, da, da” moment at the end when the creepy dude realized, after having it all day, that the coffee spilled on his shirt. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Event on iTunes.
Survivor: Redemption Island: I have given a lot of crap to Ometepe for keeping Boston Rob around, and he should have been the first one out on his tribe, but keeping him around now is a smart move because no one will vote for him. But the problem now, with Philip taking the other spot, you are now at Rob’s mercy to get that third spot at the final tribal (assuming there will be three). And now with all the Zapatera, the four fighting for that third and final spot are almost out of options depending when and who returns from Redemption Island. So unless Grant goes on an Immunity run, we might as well flash forward to the finale and give Natalie Tenerelli the million dollars. You can stream recent episodes over at

Justified: The first season really build with every episode to the season finale but this season something seemed to build to a head every couple episodes. Hopefully this season finale will have the same result: edge of your seat entertainment and one of the best forty minutes on television. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: I have long believed that the show will eventually get Sheldon drunk and have him sleep with Penny (although Amy would be more likely now that she is a cast member now) and I thought that might happened this episode, but only Amy getting her drink on, then her smoke on. Oh, yeah, more smoking monkeys please. You can stream recent episodes over at
Community: Now I was only a math minor, but I am pretty sure if Shirley was impregnated around Halloween that her kid was early even had it been a Chang baby. And after the plotline, they probably should have retired the handshake. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: What a juxtaposition of Tammi spending a whole week trying to hammer it into the girls of East Dillon about making good decisions while her daughter was a couple miles away making a pretty bad decision of her own. I wonder if Julie’s affair is what was going to happen with her creepy English teacher that got interrupted by the writer’s strike in season two. But at least we were witness to another great Coach Taylor put on your bulletin board speech. I really need to upload his great quotes onto my iPod and listen to them on a loop while working out. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.