Sorry, this contest has ended and the winner has been contacted. If you are still interested winning the DVD, you can check out the Dirt contest Tube Talk Girl is running that does not end until Friday.
In just over a month (Sunday, March 2 at 10:00 on FX to be exact) Dirt returns for its second season and for those who would like to relive the first season or would like to check it out for the first time with the lack of scripted shows dwindling I am giving away the Complete First Season of Dirt on DVD. There are three ways to enter:

2. Or which tabloid king or queen would you like to see stricken from all the magazines in the supermarket checkout aisles?
3. Mention and link this contest on a blog or message board. (Any link must be posted at least 48 hours before the conclusion of the contest and only one link per message board or blog; feel free to use the badge to the right).
You can e-mail your entries to ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com (subject: Dirt). If you link the contest, make sure you let me know you did in your e-mail where so you get credited with an entry. You may enter the contest up to three times (once each way). The contest ends Monday, February 11 at 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be picked at random from all eligible entries and will be contacted shortly after. Also this contest is only open to people with shipping addresses in the Untied States. And if you win you will have two to three weeks to review or catch up on the show before the premiere in March. Here is what you can expect on the DVD in terms of features:
- Available Subtitles: English
- Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- All 13 episodes from the 2007 season on four discs
- Celebrity Couple Gets Dirty
- Through a Lens, Darkly
- Tabloid Wars: Totally true stories from the celebrity trenches
- Deleted scenes
You can also double your chances of winning, you can check out Tube Talk Girl who is running the same contest. If you do not win and still want to catch up, you can download the first season of Dirt on iTunes or Amazon Unbox
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