Quote of the Week: “The pasty, skinny kid who looks like one of those Twilight (expletive deleted)” (Maura Tierney, Rescue Me)
Song of the Week: I Got Messed Up – R.L. Burnside (Rescue Me)
Big News of the Week: MTV Video Music Award Nominees Announced: There is really nothing that makes me feel older the last five years than the VMA’s and this may be the first time I don’t watch the award show since I first got cable in 1989. The only category with any interesting nominees is the new one Best Video (That Should Have Won a Moonman). The network has long since avoided any nod to its history so it is surprising they would do so this year. The list includes:
Beastie Boys – Sabotage
Bjork – Human Behaviour
Dr. Dre – Nuthin’ but a “G” Thang
Foo Fighters – Everlong
George Michael – Freedom! ‘90
OK Go – Here it Goes Again
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Into the Great Wide Open
Radiohead – Karma Police
David Lee Roth – California Girls
U2 – Where the Streets Have no Name
Even though I think Sabotage should win (seriously, it features Cochise), I hope California Girls wins just for the potential David Lee Roth acceptance speech. I would actually tune in to see that.
Coalition Links of the Week:
One more month until Glee!!! Whee!!! Can you tell Vance is really excited? (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace had an exclusive video interview with Doctor Who and Torchwood writer/executive producer Russell T. Davies and director Euros Lyn about what's coming up on the final David Tennant Doctor Who specials, a possible fourth season of Torchwood, the return of some familiar faces, and many, many other things. (Televisionary)
It's fun and it's quippy! Enter to win the first season of Leverage on DVD by e-mailing us with the last thing you stole. (TiFaux)
Matt can't wait to see Rachel Evan Wood on True Blood. As if this show could get any more fun/ridiculous! (TV Fanatic)
Kate wondered which oldie but goodie The CW will tackle next. (TV Filter)
This week, Sandie took at first look at Syfy's Alice, a re-imagining of "Alice in Wonderland." (Daemon's TV)
Rescue Me: They really went a long way just for a joke with Garrity’s, um, carrot. Maybe the best written episode of the season from an entertainment standpoint especially the discussion with Maura Tierney. But from a storyline stand point, the show seems to be coming off the rails again like it did last season. Hopefully they can pull it back in before the end of the season which only has three episodes left. You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

The Philanthropist: Another great storytelling devise this week with Teddy defending himself to some Glen Beck type nutjob. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download The Philanthropist on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Defying Gravity (iTunes): I had a luke warm First Impression of Defying Gravity, but if you would like to check it out for yourself, you can download the two hour premiere for free and in HD.

Deal of the Week: Comedy DVDs and More from $5.99!
Video of the Week: I really need to get DirecTV because I don’t think I can wait until next summer to see the new season of Friday Night Lights. Here is an interview with Julie Taylor from the TCA’s.
Next Week Pick of the Week: I got nothing. For those that need some sort of TV fix this week, may I suggest going through The 100 Greatest Television Shows of the 00’s and add some of the shows you have missed to your queue.