Quote of the Week: It’s a pretty nice chair. It used to belong to a pimp friend of mine Snookie. He got rid of it because he thought people didn’t respect the chair. Now he has one of his (expletive deleted) carry him around in a backpack Yoda style. (Patty, My Name Is Earl)
Song of the Week: Sandcastles in the Sand - Robin Sparkles (How I Met Your Mother)
Big News of the Week: Scooter Is Back: Sort of. After a three week hiatus where I had nearly zero free time, I wrote my first post last week and I should slowly get back into my groove within the next couple weeks. Since I may be still a little spoatic until them I highly recommend using that orange button on the top of the sidebar to subscribe so your feed reader can tell you when I do update. Also many thanks to Jo and Vance for sending along some guest posts.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz played agent to Lauren Graham and asked what her next career move should be. (BuzzSugar)
Sandie shared pictures from the set of Moonlight. (Daemon's TV)
Marcia liveblogged the UK's BAFTA Television Awards, in which shows most Americans have never heard of took home the big prizes. (Pop Vultures)
Rae listened in on a teleconference with Jason Dohring about the return of Moonlight and shares her favorite bits. (RTVW)
This week, the TV Addict set the internet ablaze with his review of the highly anticipated Battlestar Galactica prequel Caprica. (the TV Addict)
How I Met Your Mother introduces everyone to Vance's Canada! Welcome, eh! (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace dished about the Torchwood season finale but he was really all about the shape of things to come on Lost. (Televisionary)
TiFaux launched a new regular feature this week with Dan recruiting some of his gal pals for Ask a Lesbian About This Week's Work Out. This week, they addressed Jackie's new haircut and Rebecca's shouting for attention. (TiFaux)
Jennifer was downright giddy after Robin and Barney's kiss on How I Met Your Mother and couldn't resist gushing about the Robin Sparkles-centered episode guest starring James Van Der Beek. And she can't stop singing, "I'm building sandcastles in the sand." (Tube Talk)
Kate scoured casting notices until she was able to confirm that yes, there really will be a Wedding of the Year on Gossip Girl. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon quickly became one of my favorite characters on television and I may have realized why this week, dude is basically me. If you remember last summer I mentioned how I could win VH1’s World Series of Pop Culture by myself, and Sheldon actually tried win a team competition all by himself this week. I loved how the janitor was actually a physicist back in Russia. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: I’m not sure if I can watch this show anymore after seeing Marshall in all his doughy glory. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
My Name Is Earl: I’m not sure what I liked less since Earl came back from hiatus: the coma storyline or Earl’s coma sitcom. It did get better this week with the introduction of Jason Street’s buddy Herc and luckily Earl finally woke up because Randy as the lead just wasn’t cutting it, he should only be seen in small doses. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: Why do these morons hold onto the Hidden Immunity Idol so long? If I am not mistaken that is four Idols that have gone unused over the last two seasons when the owner’s torch got snuffed out. And with the girls’ alliance, why didn’t the guys get together, recruit Amanda who is last in their pecking order, and force a tie instead of resigning to being picked off one by one? Last week was the opportune time to do so, now they are just waiting around to get voted off. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Lost: I haven’t decided if I loved the ending or hated it. On one hand, Not-Henry is back to his un-castrated self playing mind games. On the other hand, if the rules have changed, why not cap Whitmore right there. And how hard is it for Not-Henry to find Penny, she has been waiting in the same apartment for a decade waiting for Desmond’s call. As for the rules changing, the easy explanation of what Not-Henry was doing in the Bat Cave was summoning the Smoke Monster, but what if this week’s flashbacks / forwards, were actually neither, and Not-Henry was actually went through that black wall and was transported to Tunisia, went through the whole thing with Sayid (do you really believe his Fiji explanation), found Whitmore, threatened him, and went back to the island. Check out the latest episode over at ABC.com.

Next Week’s Pick: Lost, Thursday at 10:01 on ABC: Leave it a Not-Henry-centric episode to make it look like the show is back on track and maybe the episodes the show lost due to the writer’s strike will speed things up for the rest of the season. Next week looks like a Jack episode but will we be getting flashback’s or flashforward. Of course if we get any more flashbacks from the Oceanic Six will be a huge disappointment, so hopefully it is a flashforward.