To find out how to win an Amazon or iTunes gift card, keep reading.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, or as those outside the U.S. like to call it, Thursday. So I hope you have (or had depending on when you read this) a great Turkey Day. Just a heads up with the holidays upon us, here’s a look at the schedule the 9th Green will be taking the next couple weeks as well as a list of the best of 2008. There is a link on the sidebar for future reference. Feel free to dive into the archives on days that I will be taking off and on day that are not listed, they will be filled by the regular reviews and such you have come to find at the 9th Green (card subject to change):
November 27-28 - Off for Thanksgiving
November 30 - 25 Days of Christmas Schedule
December 1 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
December 15 - Lyrics Quiz: Best of 2008
December 22 - Worst Songs of 2008
December 23 - Best Albums of 2008
December 24-25 - Off for Christmas
December 26 - Best Videos of 2008
December 27 - Best Performances of 2008
December 28 - Best Mash-ups of 2008
December 29 - Scooter McGavin’s Reader’s Best Songs of 2008*
December 30 - 100 Best Songs of 2008
December 31/Januray 1 - Off for New Years
January 2 - Induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame
*As you may have noticed, on the 29th I will have a Reader’s poll on what you all thought were the best songs of the year. So if you would sometime time before Christmas, e-mail me, ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com, your top ten songs of the year in order. If you need a refresher of songs from the last twelve months, check out the list of the albums I reviewed for my Terror Alert Scale as all the songs from those albums are eligible, look through the music videos I highlighted the past year and of course any song released this year is okay too even if I didn’t talk about it. Your nominations will be confidential and I won’t disclose it here at the 9th Green, so if you enjoy the 9th Green please send me an e-mail by December 24.

And with Christmas coming fast upon us, here are some deal that you can find over at
1) Black Friday Deals
2) Amazon Customers Vote
3) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery
4) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
6) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows
7) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets
8) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.
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