How I Met Your Mother: Kid or Drunk may be the greatest idea the show has had in season and Marshall really needs to pitch the idea to his father-in-law for his next board game. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Trauma: Forget present day San Francisco, convert the show to late nineties New Orleans and follow around Tyler, his mullet, and his partner with his catchphrase, “He’s dead.” That show would have been much better than the current version. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.
Castle: Oh snap, Esposito’s partner was still alive and gone deep, deep undercover. Didn’t see that one coming. And on a completely shallow tangent, Beckett should go with the ponytail look more often, she looks much better with the hair up. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.
Lost: Not totally unexpected, the flash-sideways are starting to blend exclusively (with some help with Desmond, but how did he know that Jack was going to meet with the lawyer (a disappointing chick who blew up last week, was Rousseau not available?), or did he). But why exactly can Locke not just kill a candidate, a whole wall of them have died so far, and just take the remainder on the plane? Hurph. The finale cannot come soon enough so I can stop thinking about the show. Except next week is a repeat which pushes that back an unnecessary week. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Justified: Now that is what I call an ending. Something tells me that even though Raylan will actually turn down the offer on his dad, that will eventually be turned into a yes later in the season. Though I must say I had the exact same reation as Raylan did towards every person I hate in my life and reevaluate if I have ever gone so far as to burn ever Hitler painting I could get my hands on. Really one of the mot powerful scenes on television this season. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.
Parenthood: Oh Zeke and your reverse racism. Though why didn’t Jasmine pull the band aid and tell her family the truth before the party even started? I guessed because we would have never gotten Zeke putting a foot in his mouth. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2: The look on Wes’ face when Kenny told him that he actually turned down Teresa was the funniest thing that happened on television all week. But I have to give it to Wes, the pre-game alliance to plant the mole may be one of the greatest moves in reality history to the point I am surprised no one has tried it before (aside from creating a whole show centered on the premise in The Mole). You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 on iTunes.
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Now that it has played out, I am not going to put J.T. on top of the dumbest moves in Survivor history because my top three all resulted in their instant demise where J.T. had the time to fix his mistake and may have recovered from the mistake had Parvati had not pulled the boldest move in Survivor history. I was shocked when she gave her Hidden Immunity Idol to Sandra, but managed to be even more surprised when she pulled out the second Idol and not use it herself but actually gave it to Jerri. I just recently was able to pick my jaw off the floor.
Too bad we didn’t get to see the gamesmanship had each tribe had Idols the other didn’t know about. Do Parvati and J.T. both use theirs and leaving no one with any votes? Does Sandra turn on the Villians and vote for Russell on a revote? Does Parvati even tell Amanda about it and does Amanda use that information against her? As amazing as this week’s Tribal was, imagine how it may have played out if J.T. kept the Idol. You can stream recent episodes over at