Showing posts with label Trauma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trauma. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXVII

How I Met Your Mother: Kid or Drunk may be the greatest idea the show has had in season and Marshall really needs to pitch the idea to his father-in-law for his next board game. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Trauma: Forget present day San Francisco, convert the show to late nineties New Orleans and follow around Tyler, his mullet, and his partner with his catchphrase, “He’s dead.” That show would have been much better than the current version. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

Castle: Oh snap, Esposito’s partner was still alive and gone deep, deep undercover. Didn’t see that one coming. And on a completely shallow tangent, Beckett should go with the ponytail look more often, she looks much better with the hair up. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: Not totally unexpected, the flash-sideways are starting to blend exclusively (with some help with Desmond, but how did he know that Jack was going to meet with the lawyer (a disappointing chick who blew up last week, was Rousseau not available?), or did he). But why exactly can Locke not just kill a candidate, a whole wall of them have died so far, and just take the remainder on the plane? Hurph. The finale cannot come soon enough so I can stop thinking about the show. Except next week is a repeat which pushes that back an unnecessary week. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Justified: Now that is what I call an ending. Something tells me that even though Raylan will actually turn down the offer on his dad, that will eventually be turned into a yes later in the season. Though I must say I had the exact same reation as Raylan did towards every person I hate in my life and reevaluate if I have ever gone so far as to burn ever Hitler painting I could get my hands on. Really one of the mot powerful scenes on television this season. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.

Parenthood: Oh Zeke and your reverse racism. Though why didn’t Jasmine pull the band aid and tell her family the truth before the party even started? I guessed because we would have never gotten Zeke putting a foot in his mouth. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.

The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2: The look on Wes’ face when Kenny told him that he actually turned down Teresa was the funniest thing that happened on television all week. But I have to give it to Wes, the pre-game alliance to plant the mole may be one of the greatest moves in reality history to the point I am surprised no one has tried it before (aside from creating a whole show centered on the premise in The Mole). You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 on iTunes.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: Now that it has played out, I am not going to put J.T. on top of the dumbest moves in Survivor history because my top three all resulted in their instant demise where J.T. had the time to fix his mistake and may have recovered from the mistake had Parvati had not pulled the boldest move in Survivor history. I was shocked when she gave her Hidden Immunity Idol to Sandra, but managed to be even more surprised when she pulled out the second Idol and not use it herself but actually gave it to Jerri. I just recently was able to pick my jaw off the floor.

Too bad we didn’t get to see the gamesmanship had each tribe had Idols the other didn’t know about. Do Parvati and J.T. both use theirs and leaving no one with any votes? Does Sandra turn on the Villians and vote for Russell on a revote? Does Parvati even tell Amanda about it and does Amanda use that information against her? As amazing as this week’s Tribal was, imagine how it may have played out if J.T. kept the Idol. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Sunday, April 18, 2010

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXVI

How I Met Your Mother: Holy Bob Rooney sighting! But they realy went a long way to go for a King Kong gag. I am just a little disappointed in myself that it took me until the cameraman throwing paper airplanes to realized that is what they were doing. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Trauma: How does Christian Sheppard continue to find work after operating on a patient drunk (and the whole being dead thing). And his relationship with Nancy is about as good as his other children (just how many families does this guy has). And is this the reason why he hasn’t appeared on Lost this season or does his absence add to the theory that Christian was actually Smokey all along. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Finally Leonard and Penny broke up and who knew we would have Will Wheaton to thank for that? Though I basically had the same reaction as Penny to the Wesley Crushers shirts. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: What a star studded guest list; an early 90’s reunion of Bill Bellamy and Dan Cortese (was Kennedy not available?), the chick from Nip/Tuck, Sabrina’s aunt, and Fred Willard. That really helped with my The actor I recognize is always the killer theory. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Lost: In true Lost fashion we get an answers many seasons to late to a question we already thought was answered. So the whispers are dead people that are stuck on the island even though everyone assumed a long time ago they were associated with The Others. Alrighty. So what if Michael didn’t die on the island (who was told by Christian “you can go now” after appear after some whispers), or that Walt, who appeared after some whispers, didn’t die on the island, or actually die at all. We finally get to see Libby again but none of her long lingering questions. But for the first time that I can remember a flashback-forward-sideways, the main focus actually switched between characters with the episode started out solely on Hurley, but no Hurley when Desmond ran over Locke. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Lost on iTunes

Justified: We finally get to meet daddy dearest and he doesn’t disappoint. He should play a decent foil to Raylan and I really loved the line he told his dad about being the one that got him out of jail and he could put him right back in their (even if it kind of ripped of Cliff Huxtable who told Theo he brought him into this world, he can take him out of it). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.

The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2: Finally they chopped the Real World / Road Rules part off the name, that was a long time coming considering that they have only had one season in the second half of the decade. One thing that really bothered me with the premiere episode is how they completely glossed over that one of the female challengers was banned from entering Canada. Seriously, what crap have you had to done not to get into Canada? And really this could be almost anyone between being denied for criminal record, banned substances, or the infectious disease department of Canada not allowing it. I really need to find out who this is because that is more entertaining than this season has been so far. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 on iTunes.

Modern Family: Nothing funnier on television this week than the look on Alex’s face at the end of the episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: With last week’s preview I never thought the entire Heroes would be so stupid to ship off their immunity idol to someone on the other tribe. Certainly there would be someone smart enough to realize you never give away an Idol unless all the Heroes do not trust J.T. with it. Though I am still not ready to call it the dumbest move in Survivor as my previously mentioned top three, all of them resulted in the immediate snuffing of the player’s torch. If the Heroes, with the possible help of Sandra, next week managed to blindside Russell, or even Paravti, without them playing their Idol, it will just turn out to be a dumb, harmless, mistake, not the dumbest ever. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Friday, March 12, 2010

Around the Tubes vol. XLII

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Nat Geo Wild, Trauma, Hitman, Caprica, Jimmy Fallon, and NBC’s Summer Schedule.

- It has to be good sign for humanity that they are changing the Fox Reality Channel to Nat Geo Wild Starting Monday March 9. Some of the series to look out for are Expedition Wild featuring Naturalist Casey Anderson who will be teaching a 900-pound grizzly bear to live in the wild after being raised in captivity. Mystery Gorilla will follow Mireya Mayor (a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader) observing the creature in northern Congo. Then there is Rebel Monkeys about a troop of more than 60 monkeys as the cause trouble in Jaipur, India.

- Trauma returned earlier this week and Executive Producer Dario Scardapane answered some fan question of which part one you can find below. Head over to for part two.

- The latest FX series Justified premieres next Tuesday and on March 23, FX will air the world broadcast premiere of star Timothy Olyphant movie Hitman.

- If you missed any episodes of Caprica, or just want to watch them again, SyFy is having a mini-marathon of the show today starting at 2:00 beginning with the pilot going all the way up until 9:00 with a brand new episode.

- Chris Parnell dropped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last week and Andy Sandburg just happened to show up. So of course a Lazy Sunday was in order. And for any Old School hip-hop fan, test your knowledge to see if what beats you can name that The Roots play as the background track.

- NBC recently released their summer schedule and here it is for those that like to plan they television watching months in advance:

America's Got Talent will return with a two-hour premiere on Tuesday, June 1 (8-10 p.m. ET) with the Wednesday edition debuting June 2 (9-10 p.m. ET).

Last Comic Standing will return with a two-hour premiere on Monday, June 7 (8-10 p.m. ET) before moving to its regular time period the following week, Mondays (9-10 p.m. ET).

100 Questions Thursday, May 27, 8:30

Persons Unknown Monday, June 7, 10:00

Law & Order: Criminal Intent (which premieres on USA Network in March) will encore on NBC beginning Sunday, June 20 10:00

Friday Night Lights Friday, April 30 8:00

NBC will also broadcast special programming this summer including the two-hour original movie The Jensen Project on Friday, July 16 (8-10 p.m. ET) as well as The Making of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter on Sunday, June 6 (7-7:30 p.m. ET) and The Macy's 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular (Sunday, July 4, 9-10 p.m. ET).

Sunday, December 06, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CIX

Quote of the Week: Like, I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I practiced these moves. I actually have a shot at this. (Casey Cooper, Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins)

Song of the Week: Girlfriend – Matthew Sweet (Trauma)

Big News of the Week: Tiger Woods: When Tiger Woods crashed his car in a post Thanksgiving romp, I could care less and though all the losers refreshing TMZ for updates needed to find something better to do with their time. He didn’t hurt anyone (except himself), he wasn’t drunk, he could easily pay for any damage. As a wise man once said, he didn’t kill nobody, he didn’t rape nobody. We all make mistake, just let him be.

But all that changed when it came out that one of Tiger’s alleged mistresses was one that appeared on Tool Academy. And not even one of the hot chicks. And the irony being that is was the one that stormed off the show when her Tool’s other girlfriend showed up. Apparently she doesn’t mind being the other woman when the dude is loaded. And just when you thought it couldn’t get better, she went on to say that Tiger had a fear that he would walk in on her having sex with Derik Jeter or, wait for it… David Boreanaz. Seriously, the dude from Angel. I don’t even fear walking in on my mistress hooking up with him. This is just the story that keeps on giving.

Now if you excuse me, I have to find something better to do with my life.

Trauma: Holy E.B. Farnum sighting! It took me awhile to recognize him without the stringy hair. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

Sons of Anarchy: Well that was excited. Sure there were some loose ends I would have liked for them to tie up, but it is hard to complain about the finale. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins: It is always a sad day when Casey goes home. She is easily the most entertaining reality star MTV has produced this decade even if she participates on a competition show with zero physical prowess. With that said I hope she is on every Challenge for the foreseeable future. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins on iTunes.

Survivor: Samoa: Has anyone ever been blindsided more in a season without being the one voted off than Shambo. This is about the fifth time she has been as shocked as the person going home at the outcome of the votes. But Galu will go down as the worst tribe in the history of the show. How do you go into a merge doubling the other tribe and let them vote four of yours straight to make the numbers even? With Shambo on the outs of both tribe, should make for an interesting vote this week. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Free Download of the Week: 25 Days of Free Christmas Music (Amazon MP3): Amazon is getting into the spirit of giving this holiday season by giving away a new song every day up until Christmas. And for those that missed the first week, each song stays free up until Christmas.

Deal of the Week: Top Holiday Deals: Still looking for a good Christmas gift, Amazon has great deals every hour until it is too late for the gifts to get shipped by Christmas.

Video of the Week: When I released my list of The 100 Hottest Hot Chicks of the 00’s, Rachel Bilson nearly split the list at 51. But that was before the nude scene from an upcoming movie of hers was leaked and surprisingly after seeing this, not only would it not put her higher on my list, but I am not sure if she would even make it if I were to redo it now. Check out the behind the scenes footage to see why (obviously not safe for work):

Next Week Pick of the Week: Men of a Certain Age, Monday at 10:00 on TBS: Look for a full review of the show coming tomorrow.

If you remember back when I asked some of my buddies what The Best New Shows of Fall 2009 were, a couple more recently shared their ballots if you are interested on how the list took shape.

TV Screener


Daemon's TV

Sunday, November 22, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CVII

The Prisoner: This was someone entertaining, but a little too David Lynchy at times. And it didn’t take me that long to figure out what The Village was, although I wasn’t able to figure out what 6’s part in all of it. Still I would have preferred the show to play across six straight Sundays rather than the six hours over three days like it was. But in the ends I wish networks would do more of these quick one and done shows like this.

The Prisoner on iTunes

How I Met Your Mother: How stupid are these people, I knew from the very beginning that the Scuba Diver would end up being an elaborate plan to pick up a chick. Seriously, have these people not met Barney before? You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Trauma: In an episode that saw a dude get slammed into window, a baby get delivered on a helicopter, and a few protruding bones, still the most disgusting part of the episode was a dude drinking from a shoe. Ewww. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: The show is always at its best when Penny and Sheldon are together but this was a little force, c’mon, Penny should have known that calling an ambulance would have been faster than having Sheldon drive. We even get a repeat of the “Check Engine” light discussion. But all is forgiven thanks to Penny making Sheldon sing Soft Kitty. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: Even though Castle and Beckett’s relationship is entertaining by itself, I wouldn’t be opposed to them bringing in the black dude for more ride-a-longs. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Sons of Anarchy: Wow, I never imagined Tig cracking like he did and just blurt out that he killed Opie’s wife right to his face. My jaw was dropped for most of the rest of the episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Mercy: Dawn Summer’s reactions are priceless, in fact I wouldn’t mind if she doesn’t say anything and all we get from her are reaction shots all episode long. Too bad she wasn’t the one that discovered the chick had a little something extra growing down there. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Modern Family: I knew that Edward Norton was going to be on Modern Family sometime this season but I am glad I didn’t know when or who until he showed up as the bassist for Spandau Ballet. Norton has never been this funny (although, has Norton ever been funny before). And we get the triumphant return of Dylan (although he didn’t get to sing this week). All that and the funniest moment may have been when Al Bundy started spaying down his step-son when he started hitting on his granddaughter. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins: Over the past decade, the drunken morons of this show have done some pretty some things yet Brad by far takes the cake for dumbest cast member ever but goading Durrell into fighting him. He just kept at it until he finally cracked and go his skull crack. Seriously, I was not prepared for Brad’s “after” look. And you have to ask the question, at what point do producers step in? You don’t see anyone get booted for fighting except this one. There has to be a reason for that. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins on iTunes.

Survivor: Samoa: They really need to get rid of that stupid tie breaker. It makes the baseball deciding home field advantage in the World Series with the All-Star Game seem fair in comparison. They should go back to fire making as a tie breaker. And how do you not switch your vote if you are in that situation? You may not vote out who you want, but I rather that happen then possibly be voted out. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: It is interesting that NBC goes through all this trouble to have a “Green Week” yet most of the shows that participated basically just make fun of it. Nobody participated in the bike ride to work on Mercy and here the dean wasted all that paper to promote Envirodale. But there are very few things more entertaining than a teacher pulling a student around in a desk while they are still in it. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CIV

Quote of the Week: A, there are no cows in space and B, didn’t you wear that like five years ago? So don’t you think it’s time to move on? (Alexis, Castle)

Song of the Week: CNR – “Weird Al” Yankovic (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Big News of the Week: Trauma Not Getting Renewed: Of course right after its best episode of the season, NBC announced that they were not going to order up any more episodes and if essentially done after its initial thirteen episode order. And if my math is correct, that puts its run over just before Christmas (assuming all of them get filmed by then). This means that we will most likely see Chuck, which got ordered up six more episodes, early 2010. And I as stated earlier, premiering Chuck before the Olympics is not a bright idea.

Trauma: Nothing like a Halloween episode to finally kick start the show. Although it may not be a good sign that my favorite character on the show in the fairy intern who isn’t actually part of the main cast. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

Greek: Oh, crap, we really are going back to the lame love triangle (quadrangle if Rebecca is going to be included). And the ending just ruined what was turning out to be one of the show’s best thanks to some entertaining one liner’s courtesy of Rebecca Logan. Really the only way the ending could have been worse is had Evan walked in on the two kissing and the show ended with shock on all three faces (or four as Even would be there to walk Rebecca home). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

Castle: The baby egg gave me some bad flashbacks. The period before I was supposed to hand mine in for eighth grade health class I leaned a little to my desk while Lil’ Scooter was in the fanny pack and cracked it making me settle for a D. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Modern Family: I have when networks think we’re stupid. Seriously, we just saw Manny and Luke get in a fight last week and now it’s the first day of school? If you are going to air episodes out of order, at least make sure there are no glaring continuity errors. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Survivor: Samoa: A fairly mundane episode, but judging from the previews, next week will more than make up for it. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: Whoa, they gave Star Burns some lines. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Free Download of the Week: Brushfire Records Fall 2009 Sampler or Lost Highway Sampler: T For Texas T From Tennessee (Amazon MP3): In the first sampler, you have Jack Johnson’s label featuring himself G Love and Special Sauce and Zee Avi. On the other there is more of a southern rock with Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett and one of my favorite songs of the year, Sugarfoot by Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears.

Deal of the Week: Indie Films up to 40% Off (Reservoir Dogs, Carmen, The Doors)

Video of the Week: Being Halloween today, here is a little Hallowwen cheer courtesy of Ryan Adams:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Greek, Monday at 9:00 on ABC Family: The last episode before the show takes a hiatus until January and hopefully we see Casey reject Cappie (or at the very least make him buy a razor to shave off that silly fuzz on his face) so he are not stuck back at the beginning of the series with Cappie and Evan fighting over Casey. Also let’s hope that Heath gets a better send off then Fannie got.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Around the Tubes vol. XXVI

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on Trauma, Community, Stargate Universe, and The League.

- Trauma is slowly getting its footing, which is of course too slow. But there is nothing like a Halloween episode to kick start a show because like the holiday itself, anything can happen. And since this year Halloween falls on the weekend, I think me and the Geto Boys are going to go trick or treat and robbing little kids for bags. But anyways. Here is a behind the scene look at Monday’s Trauma:

BTS Masquerade

- Also getting into the Halloween spirit next week is Community. Here is another behind the scenes look at some of the costumed fun:

Community Trick or Treat

- Tonight on Stargate Universe, “a stellar collision is imminent, and not everyone will escape.” Ere is a sneak peak:


I am not entirely sure about The League, the new FX comedy debuting Thursday, October 29th at 10:30, because from the previews I am not sure if the show will be laughing at me or laughing with me as an avid fantasy sports player. Check out a preview below to see if you can figure it out:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CII

Tool Academy: There is something to be said that when it was announced that the winning team would get a conjugal visit, Shannon and her “Special” Tool were the only ones not celebrating. So not surprising that they got eliminated. But I was really shocked that she took him back. I wonder if there is something seriously wrong with Shannon that we didn’t see because she should be albe to do much better than him. And having him John and Dre P eliminated in succession may hurt the show from an entertainment standpoint. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Holy crap, I was a sexless innkeeper. And no I am not retelling that story in poem form or not. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Trauma: The show really needs to spend more time developing their characters instead of going out on some of these smaller calls. They could have dropped either the skater or drunk couple and spend those five minutes getting to know the characters better. There are some interesting ones there; they just need to focus more screen time on them. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

Greek: It is good to see Dale born again at the episode because sleazy Dale was physically uncomfortable to watch. Also physically uncomfortable, the thought of a return of the Casey / Cappie / Evan love triangle. Hopefully this doesn’t happen. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Greek on iTunes

The Big Bang Theory: Great use of an Eye of the Tiger montage. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: I agree with Castle: best case ever. But I may go one further and say it was the best episode ever. And much like Castle, I was conned into thinking that the dude was actually CIA too. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Hip Hop Honors:: It is interesting to watch the reactions of the founders and CEO’s of Def Jam during certain performances, usually they would sing along and be excited, but were flatfooted during Ja Rule and Rick Ross. And coincidentally so was I. And just behind that front row in the balcony I swear was MC Serch of 3rd Bass who were conspicuously absent during the performances.

Mercy: Crazy homeless burrito stealing dude gets hit by a bike: classic. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Gary Unmarried: The ending was a little cheap because once you get a nickname, you are not losing it until you graduate (and hope none of your classmates go to the same college) or you get an even more humiliating nickname. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Gary Unmarried on iTunes.

Modern Family: Let’s hope Shelley Long isn’t really moving to Canada or at the very least makes the trek down to the states for holidays and family reunions because The Incident on the show was much more satisfying than the one on Lost. And more Dylan and the Rusty Zippers please because much like the families, I have been humming the song all week. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins: Yeah, the producers didn’t realize why the champions are champions for a reason. The only Ruins the challengers have won so far was one that a champion threw. At this point are there going to be any challengers left for the final challenge? You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins on iTunes.

Survivor: Samoa: With the tribe being unable to strategize, it makes me wonder why the show doesn’t have losing tribes go straight to tribal council more often. It has only happened once or trice that I can remember. It could make tribal council more interesting. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: I actually went to high school with someone who would believe anything I would tell her. I’d try to up the lie in hopes she would finally get I was joking but she would end up believing I was related to the fictitious Shooter McGavin while Darrin McGavin was my grandfather. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CI

Tool Academy: I need someone to explain to me again how running across tapioca pudding leads to maturity? Shouldn’t playing with your food show a lack of maturity? And sadly Big Big got the ax, things will be less fun without him. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Tool Academy on iTunes.

Trauma: I though the show was going to turn the corner when Herc told the gang bangers “Don’t shoot the white guy” but unfortunately the character stuff just isn’t living up to the bang bang stuff. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: To answer Sheldon’s question he posed at the end of the episode: yes, every hot chick to walk this planet. Or at the very least every one I have ran into. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Castle: It always has to be the naïve husband, doesn’t it. But what does it say about me that I was thinking that the babysitter would turn out to be the culprit. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.

Sons of Anarchy: One of the most intriguing relationships of the show is that between Hale and Unser, well Captain American Hale and anyone. But the scene where Unser told Hale why he made Hale his number two was a great one. But Hale has been uncharacteristically grey recently. First he doesn’t do anything about Darby’s meth lab and then he gives Jax the video of Opie at the scene of the crime. If Hale’s moral compass starts to drift east, is there any hope for Charming? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.

Mercy: Even though I saw it coming, I can’t believe they let a raccoon loose in the hospital. And then Dawn Summers killed it! Good times. Although Rescue Me did a much funnier Russian internet bride storyline. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.

Gary Unmarried: It was a little disappointing that we did get to learn what Louis said to the bully. One could deduce that it was something global warming related as it caused the kid to stay in front of The Weather Channel. But it would have been nice to know the exact threat she gave him. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Gary Unmarried on iTunes.

Modern Family: After keeping the families separate last episode, it is clear the show is at its best when they interest. The fake producers should force the families to have at least one family dinner a week just to have an excuse to do so. And I found it odd that the eldest daughter’s boyfriend has been in more episodes than the daughter herself. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Modern Family on iTunes

Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins: Someone who still watches MTV really needs to remind me when there is a new Challenge because I always seem to miss the start and have to play catch up. And oh so much happened in the first two episodes. Except any punches thrown. Instead we get a lot of head butting, literally. But my favorite moment so far was Darrell’s housewife comment. He may have said it just to get under the skin of Wes, but he basically insulted every female on the show because Kelly Anne may not even crack the top five sexual partners on the show. But what be the most shocking is Brad being on the challengers team. How many of these has he participated in and hasn’t won any yet. Even Katie and Tonya have managed to scrape out a win over the past decade. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins on iTunes.

Survivor: Samoa: I was really hoping that the one tribe was going to go 0-for until the merge. And how you could blame Monica (who thankfully didn’t go home because she was my pick to win it all) because you still were leading coming off the rope portion of the competition. You lost because you couldn’t get the final blocks to stay. Hopefully Russell’s tribe gets back to its losing ways, wise up to his shenanigans and vote him off. You can stream recent episodes over at

Survivor on iTunes

Community: From the pilot I thought making Annie the lead would be best for the show and after this episode I realized how they should go about it. For a spin-off, follow her in her pursuit of a psychology degree because those scenes were the funniest of the series so far. I could pass along some plot ideas from the experiments I participated during my college days. You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Community on iTunes.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Best of the Week vol. XXIII

Quote of the Week: Truth is, I was an idiot back then. You saw the goatee. (Ted, How I Met Your Mother)

Song of the Week: Centuries – Stars of Track and Field (Greek)

Big News of the Week: The Olympics are Heading to Rio: It is probably a slow news week when the big news is something that won’t happen for another seven years. But the Olympics will be heading to South America for the first time ever beating out Chicago despite the presence of the Big O’s. I never really understood the Chicago nomination because as a resident of the Great Lakes, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to do any open water swimming in Lake Michigan and when I think summer, The Windy City never has ever crossed my mind. Instead the games will be heading to the sandy beaches of Ro de Janeiro which may be the most visually striking games since Barcelona. And as an added bonus, it is only one hour ahead EST so none of the silly tape delays that plague NBC whenever the Games are held in the other hemisphere.

Coalition Links of the Week:
Vance ranks the new shows he's checked out from best to worst. Where did you think he put Glee and Modern Family? (Tapeworthy)

In the wake of the much ballyhooed Jenny Slate controversy, Kyle examined indecency, SNL, the FCC and drew one conclusion -- who cares? (TiFaux)

As the third season of Mad Men rolls on, BuzzSugar's got the rundown on what other projects the talented ladies of the show have lined up. (BuzzSugar)

This week, we took a first look at Al Pacino in HBO's new original movie, You Don't Know Jack. (Daemon's TV)

Free Download of the Week: Trauma (iTunes): I was lukewarm on the premiere (see First Impressions: Trauma) and I cannot imagine the explosions and helicopter crashes will look better on an iPod, but for those interested you can download the episode for free.

Deal of the Week: Halloween Sale (Shaun of the Dead, Beetlejuice, Freddy vs. Jason, Ghostbusters)

Video of the Week: As a straight man, I am a huge fan of breasts and feel obligated to promote breast health every once in a while and have even participating in a few Relay for Life walks and the like. Being Breast Cancer Awareness Month here is a public service announcement featuring Minka Kelly, Alyson Hannigan, Emily Deschanel, Jamie King, and Katherine McPhee. The clip may be from Funny or Die, but early detection is no laughing matter.

Next Week Pick of the Week: 30 for 30, Tuesday at 8:00 on ESPN: No one does self congratulatory like ESPN, their 25th anniversary seemed to last five years. For thirty years on basic cable, the network is handing the reigns over to thirty directors to do a documentary on a story of the past three decades including Barry Levinson (Colts leaving Baltimore), Steve Nash (Terry Fox), John Singleton (Marion Jones) and Ice Cube (the Raiders in LA). The celebration kicks off Tuesday with Friday Night Lights creator Peter Berg looking into Wayne Gretzky’s trade to Los Angeles.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Impressions: Trauma

The cast of Trauma

When the new shows were announced last May, one show stood out from the rest for me: Trauma. This says something as I stay away from medical shows due to my dislike of the sight of blood. But the show came from Peter Berg, the guy who gave us the second greatest television show of the 00’s, Friday Night Lights. Berg even pulled Herc from his wheelchair for the new show as one of the paramedics on the show. A finger-less Buddy Garrity even makes an appearance in the premiere.

Trauma also produced the best promo of the season with its mid-air helicopter collision that was even more jaw-droppingly looking in its entirety. That accident sets up the rest of the show as the plot then goes forward a year and everyone still seems shaken up. Anastasia Griffith (Damages) lost her partner / lover and naturally she is struggling with the fact she was supposed to be on the chopper that crashed. She was kept off from the flight by Cliff Curtis (10,000 B.C.) who may or may not also had a relationship with Griffith and somehow survived the crash when he was thrown from the cockpit onto a rooftop.

After some time in a coma Curtis return to the job just son happens to be the one year anniversary. His first day back is also the first day coincides with the first day on the job Aimee Garcia (George Lopez) who had been flying in Iraq because what show these days wouldn’t be complete without a war veteran in its cast? Filling out the cast are Derek Luke (Notorious) as Herc’s partner who can’t get over that day a year ago and Jamey Sheridan (Chicago Hope) who seems to be in charge of the paramedics. While Griffith’s new partner may or masy not be the long lost Jonas Brother.

Verdict: The crashes were visually stunning but one has to wonder how a show could keep that up in this economy. And aside from a few scenes like the Garrity car crash, the show wouldn’t have been that special without those crashes. But then again, if you check out my First Impressions of Friday Night Lights, I was not keen on the first episode and just look how that show turned out. And since they have graduated and Berg is fond of nepotism, I would not mind seeing, Smash Williams, Jason Street, Lyla Garrity and / or Tyra Collette make an appearance on Trauma.

Trauma airs Mondays at 9:00 on NBC. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes (as I write this, you can download the Pilot for free).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Best of the Week vol. XXII

Quote of the Week: First of all, it would be really cool to see Hailey that fat. And how awesome it would be to have a fake little brother that is really my nephew? (Alex - Modern Family)

Song of the Week: To Be with You – Mr. Big (as sung by Laura, Greek)

Big News of the Week: The New Season Has Begun: I really hate Neilson Rating because they are archaic (with more and more people streaming and downloading) and shrouded in secrecy (anyone know the margin of error of their data?) but it is hard not pour over their data to draw up some conclusions. Like how for one of the few times in history the most critically acclaimed show of the season, Modern Family was the most watched new show of the fall. Hopefully people still watch when the show has two unwatchable sitcoms as a lead in.

As for the older shows, the big new is, not surprisingly, no one watches Heroes anymore. Also unsurprisingly is the erratic ratings for The Jay Leno Show which seems to fluxgate depending on the guest and competition. And consider some think the show could pull in The CW numbers and still make nine figures from The Jay Leno Hour at 10:00. And what could reaffirm my faith in our country, despite not knowing exactly what the margin of error is, it is probable that the ratings between the shows are so close, it is statistically possible that The Big Bang Theory is now the most watched comedy on television over the unfunny Two and a Half Men.

Coalition Links of the Week:
Vance is sidetracking to movies this week because he got to see The Boys are Back and People's Choice winner Precious at TIFF09 (Toronto Film Fest). (Tapeworthy)

This week, the TV Addict talked to Glee star Chris Colfer about Kurt's coming out party. (The TV Addict)

BuzzSugar had some fun matching up which original Melrose Place character inspired which new Melrose Place character. (BuzzSugar)

Free Download of the Week: Flake (Live) – Jack Johnson with Lebo: Note you will have to enter your e-mail to which they will send a link to. Also be sure to check your spam folder because that is where I found my e-mail.

Deal of the Week: Save up to 60% on TV Shows (Friday Night Lights, The A-Team, Saturday Night Live)

Video of the Week: Here are the first four minutes of Trauma the premieres tomorrow:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Trauma, Monday at 9:00 on NBC: When the new shows were announced last May, the one show that piqued my interested the most was this medical drama from Peter Berg, the guy who gave us Friday Night Lights. The previews make the show look epic which is right up my alley. Unfortunately the show is sandwiched between the two least buzzed shows for the fall, Heroes (which debuted to disastrous numbers last week) and The Jay Leno Show. Hopefully if the show lives up to the hype of the preview it can find an audience on a log jammed night.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Around the Tubes vol. XXI

I have gotten a plethora of cool press releases have been flooding my inbox recently that you may find interesting. This post will include blurbs on E-Mail Order Brides, Smokey Robinson, Trauma, The Biggest Loser, and the most hotly anticipated returning fall shows.

- How many of you were watching Rescue Me this season when Chief Needles got himself a mail order bride and thought to yourself, “Mmmm.” And if you are a red-blooded American boy, one look at his bride and you did. Well I have a show for you E-Mail Order Brides coming Wednesday September 9 at 9:00 on the National Geographic Channel. The special follow two guys as they try to pick of foreign wives. Here is a clip:

- If Tool Academy ever would have a spin off called Douche Academy and that in turn would spin off Celebrity Douche Academy (and being VH1 which has a Surreal Life family tree of about twenty shows, this is certainly possible), then Jimmy Fallon most definitely be on the first season. But if there is one thing he has ever done right it was to hire The Roots as his house band which has led to some incredible performance (I recommend trying to hunt down them performing Let’s Go Crazy with Incubus). Here is a web exclusive of the band backing up Smokey Robinson doing my personal favorite, Tracks of my Tears:

- Trauma premieres Monday September 28. Here is the latest promo:

- The Biggest Loser has video profiles of all sixteen contestants over at

- has released a list of their most hotly anticipated returning fall shows. Topping the list: NCIS. Um, yeah, alrighty. For the new shows, the most anticipated, again according to is, wait, this has to be a joke, NCIS: Los Angeles. Are the only people voting over 65?