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Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts
Sunday, August 07, 2016
57 Channels and Only This Is On: 8/7/16
MTV Classic: A couple years ago VH1, in honor of MTV’s anniversary they devoted an entire weekend to the channel’s history with classic episodes of its shows and a couple documentaries. It was a great watch and made me think that is what VH1 Classic should be. And how about running full episodes of Yo! MTV Raps, Headbangers Ball, and 120 Minutes instead of random blocks of music videos in the morning. But then VH1 Classic went back to its rock heavy schedule and random movies that have nothing to do with music after the weekend was over.
So I got slightly excited when I heard they were rebranding VH1 Classic as MTV Classic bringing back classic shows from the channel’s history. The lauch started off well enough with an Unplugged marathon but I have been less than enthused since. Sure they show the occasional Beavis and Butt-Head, but so far they have been all episodes from the recent reboot and none from the nineties. And is any one setting their DVR for midnight airings of Run’s House? C’mon, where is Remote Control. And still no one is taking my advice to show genre specif shows in their entirety, instead we are still getting random videos in the morning. Really not the best start when the first one I saw was Vertical Horizon’s Everything You Want. Even worse, the first time I came across Yo! Hip Hop Hits, they were showing a video by Xscape, a fifth rate nineties girl group (featuring the future Mrs. T.I.) who are neither hip hop nor classic. Le sigh.
Ray Donovan: Did we really need to start off the episode with some dude pleasuring himself to a chick playing Cat’s Cradle? And just when you thought that was gong to be the most graphic part of the episode, a minute later we get to watch s full body cavity search. And then a couple minutes after that Conner pulls out some lubricant? Then after everything he went through with the Russians to get Belikov out of jail, he kills him over the Cat’s Cradle chick. That is probably not going to go over well.
Preacher: What the frack was that? Was that meant to not be coherent and meant to be a complete mess? How does an episode like that even make it to air?
You can download Preacher on iTunes.
Roadies: In the beginning I thought it was a wise choice to keep the band in the background and focus on the titular characters (and definitely we should never hear any of their songs because the worst part of these scripted music shows is they are supposed to be superstars but their songs are mediocre at best), but after Janine went HAM on the lead singer, the band instantly became extremely interesting. I actually want to see more of Janine as she writes her tell all and Chris’s reaction to all the revelations. And just how does Bill not get fired for sleeping with the lead singer’s girlfriend even if I took place a decade or so ago?
The John Mellencamp cameo made me wonder just where do some of these celebrity cameo stories come from. Did Cameron Crowe ask them for the personal stories like the one about the hundred year old grandmother that could fit in the show? Are they strictly written for the show? Are they stories Crowe has heard and asked the celebrities if he can use it on the show?
BrainDead: I figured Laurel would find a way to get the bugs out of her head before they push out half her brain, but I thought she would simply go to the refrigerator and put some bacon on her ear. Instead we got maybe the most entertaining segment on television this year.
You can download BrainDead on Amazon Instant Video, free with a Prime membership.
Pretty Little Liars: Seriously promo monkeys, we are already to the countdown portaon of the season. I get annoyed with the “one more episode until the (insert hyperbolic adverb here) finale” promo but four more episodes is a bit much. Sad thing is, that is most of what I remember from this episode. Um, Alison got attacked by someone and it turned out to not be her dead fiancée who is still in the ground. It probably was not Sara who ended up dead. Um, evil(er) twin maybe?
You can download Pretty Little Liars on iTunes.
Mr. Robot: Well at least we did not start with a cute flashback this week. And good news for anyone who was wondering what Angela’s douchebag ex-boyfriend was up to. Otherwise, meh.
You can download Mr. Robot on iTunes.
Tyrant: Oh hey Barry, you are really doing that days after your daughter died and hours after your wife checked herself into a mental institution? Cold.
You can download Tyrant on iTunes.
The Challenge: Rivals III: What a horrible ending to a horrible season. What a completely douche thing to do even by Johnny Banana’s standards. At least he cannot possibly get another invitation back after that and even so, how is he not sent into whatever they are calling the elimination round every time? What is worse was the whole point thing was kind of shady; I never really got the standing on the log checkpoint, and making things worse it was worth two points. Why not just stay on the log and refuse to leave?
You can download The Challenge: Rivals III on iTunes.
2016 Rio Olympics Opening Ceremonies: Not a very good sign for these games that I fell asleep somewhere around the M’s during the parade of nations. I am ready to call it the worse opening ceremonies of my lifetime. I know Pele was sick, but how was the biggest name at the ceremony Giselle? Was there really no one more important from Brazil? I was ready for Camilla from The Challenge or Abi-Maria from Survivor to pop up.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I Want My Music Television: 8/12/13
There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I thought I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.
It was a shame someone already told me the video featured Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, Ed Helms, and Will Forte because I otherwise I wonder how long it would have taken me to realize it was not exactly Mumford and Sons. But I feel bad for the bassist, he just had brain surgery and then gets stuck with Forte, who I think is a full foot shorter than him, as his doppelganger. Was Rhys Ifans not available?
Just days after dropping their album, The Civil Wars finally got around to releasing a music video for the lead single and not surprisingly it features neither of them as they continue to be on non-speaking terms. But the visuals seems so disconnected from the song. It basically looks like they took outtakes from The Bridge and repurposed it as a music video.
When I first heard that the first single off the new Kings of Leon album was entitled Supersoaker, I thought it was a joke. And when I first listened to it, the chorus was clunky with the silly word stuck in it. But it has grown on my, I do like the “sentimental girls” line, and looking at the beginning of the video, maybe they should have gone with Sentimental Girls as the title of the song instead.
A couple years ago MTV introduced the “Supervideo” to show they still care about music videos, but stopped after four or five and have not done one in a couple years (the last time I featured one in my I Want My Music Television series, a not so subtle dig at the network, was August 2011) but apparently they have relaunched the Supervideo for an M83 song which features some Ramona Flowers knockoff who glows when wet. Alrighty. Maybe MTV should have stayed out of the Supervideo game because not only does no one go to MTV for music videos anymore, certainly no one is going to to watch music videos either. If there is a video on the internet that is not on YouTube, it might as well not even exist.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Best of the Week: 7/6/13
Quote of the Week: And find out what it is about those four pretty girls that attracts so many corpses. (Lieutenant Tanner, Pretty Little Liars)
Song of the Week: Waiting On the World to Change – John Mayer and the Roots (Philly’s 4th of July Jam)
Big News of the Week: MTV and VH1 Actually Played Music Videos for a Full Day: No seriously, this actually happened when you were too busy being outside eating hot dogs and looking at fireworks, the two former music television networks took time out of airing unwatchable reality shows and laughably bad scripted series to celebrate the nation’s birthday with a little music with new music of today (VH1 aired a bunch of indie artist premieres like The Lone Bellow), and summer jam classics like Born In the U.S.A. (natch) and No Diggity (one of the greatest songs ever put to wax). Though in the age of YouTube, it because clear why television music channel would be irrelevant when they played songs like Pumped Up Kicks and noticeably edited out the word “bullet”, or when they edited out the saxophone bong from Diane Young (although I think the scene missing title was a nod to Closer by Nine Inch Nails) and of course the fully clothed version of Blurred Lines is also not nearly as entertaining. Of course by Friday, VH1 went back to being the all WAG’s network while MTV was back to showing YouTube videos of dudes getting hit in the junk with various objects.
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"The Pickett Line" Falling Skies Sunday at 10:00 on TNT |
Free Download of the Week: Funny Heartbeat
Deal of the Week: 100 Albums for $5
New Album Release of the Week: Don't Look Down
New DVD Release of the Week: Spring Breakers
Video of the Week: Kevin Hart was all ready to explode almost a decade ago, and then he was the star of Soul Plane
Next Week Pick of the Week: The Bridge, Wednesday at 10:00 on FX: FX regained its title as the next network on television launching The Americans and stellar seasons of its older show. Though it is about to enter a year of uncertainty as it splits in to two separate networks. Granted all its best stuff like its dramas as staying on FX Prime while all their not very funny comedies are being shipped off to FXX. Just before the switch, FX has one more show to launch The Bridge. The show follows two detectives investigating a murder who’s body falls on their border. Hopefully it is better than the last Norwegian murder investigation import: The Killing
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Best of the Week: 4/20/13
Quote of the Week: Ms. Lounds, it’s not very smart to piss off a guy who thinks about killing people for a living. (Will Graham, Hannibal)
Song of the Week: Rough Boys - Pete Townsend (The Americans)
Scene of the Week:
Big News of the Week: MTV Movie Awards: You are officially old when you opt for watching Mad Men instead of an MTV awards show. But being a completist (I have seen them all) I ended up watch the awards later. As I write this a week later, I actually cannot remember anything that happened. Either it was really uneventful or I really am getting old.
Preview Picture of the Week:
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Vikings "Sacrifice" Sunday at 10:00 on History |
Free Download of the Week: Wildest Moments – Jessica Ware (iTunes)
Deal of the Week: 100 Albums foe $5
New Album Release of the Week: Bankrupt
New DVD Release of the Week: Gangster Squad
Video of the Week: I have no desire ever to go to a music festival, hanging out in a sea of people on a campground for a weekend in extreme heat sounds like the worst thing ever. But had you told me that R. Kelly would join Phoenix during their set at Cochella last week to perform a mash up of Ignition (Remix) and 1901, I definitely would had spent all my money to fly out to the California desert to see that happen. Thankfully the performance got uploaded to YouTube so I can enjoy it alone in the comfort of my climate controlled study.
Next Week Pick of the Week: NFL Draft, Thursday at 8:00; Friday at 6:30 and Saturday at Noon, ESPN: It is the greatest time of the year again for us Browns fans. In a time of unparalleled parity, we have only been to the playoffs once in twenty year. And now we are in year one of yet another new regime (with another that may come soon considering our new owner just got raided by the FBI and IRS earlier this week and a legal analyst Lester Munson said: “I think that's in the realm of possibility” when asked if new owner Jimmy Halsem could lose the team in the near future) so really all we have is the draft which is filled with home, dreams and optimism… right up until the point where were trade up just to draft a thirty year old quarterback who turned out to be worse than the younger one we already had. I am really beginning to believe Bill Simmons is right when he says God hates Cleveland.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Kenny Wasn’t Like the Other Kids, TV Mattered, Nothing Else Did

I am not one of those people the bemoan that MTV does not play music videos because I bet most of the people who do complain would not bother to sit through an hour of Lady GaGa and Katy Perry videos in hopes they may play the latest from Mumford & Sons when you can just go on the internet and see it on demand. But watching the channel’s retrospective on VH1 Classic all weekend (apparently the actual channel is too busy with a Jersey Shore
If I am not mistaken, Remote Control, this month’s induction into the Scooter Hall of Fame, was the first show on MTV that did not resolve around music videos except for the lightning round where characters who have a wall of televisions in front of them and had to name the music videos that were playing on the ten screens. As the name suggested, Remote Control had a much more focus on television than music with many categories devoted to classic television shows like Leave it to Beaver
The game was simple, three contestants would come to the basement of Ken Ober, sit in easy chairs and buzz in for point with bizarre characters (my favorite being Dead or Alive, where contestants would have to guess, well, you know). In between commercials there would be a snack break, which was delivered from above the contestants. And when a contestant was eliminated, they were yanked “off the air” through a brick wall where they were tormented for all damnation.
Remote Control was surprisingly a launching pad for many of the cast. Ken Ober, rest his soul, would go on to star into the original Parenthood television show before returning to MTV in a trio of Blues Traveler videos. Co-host Colin Quinn would parlay the gig into a cast member on Saturday Night Live. While token hot click Kari Wurhrer would go on to be a staple during the Skinamax block of movies throughout the nineties. Ever her replacement Alicia Coppola would go on to have many recurring roles on shows like American Dreams
But the most surprising breakout stars of the show included Adam Sander, who beat Quinn to Saturday Night Live
Watching classic bits during the MTV of Remote Control like celebrity edition where LL Cool J goes head to head with (not Downtown) Julie Brown and "Weird Al" Yankovic and another featuring the Red Hot Chili Peppers (where Anthony and Flea played as a Two Headed Monster)makes me wish that MTV would add Remote Control to the list of shows the channel is rebooting along with Beavis and Butt-Head
Saturday, July 30, 2011
57 Channels and Only This Is On - 7/30/11
Quote of the Week: Getting laid mode? I didn't realize there was a “not getting laid” mode. (White Sean, Rescue Me)
Song of the Week: I've Got You Under My Skin – Louis Prima and Keely Smith (Pretty Little Liars)
Big News of the Week: A Melancholy Trails to Amy Winehouse: Amy Winehouse was a breath of fresh air back in 2007, ushering in the retro revival with the help of producer Mark Ronson. Like many of the greats before her, she put personal turmoil into song, but it is those demons that finally caught up with her becoming another cautionary tale of drug abuse and how hard it is to kick an addition.
Falling Skies: I was reading the description for this episode talking about Hal and Tom and I realized I still have no clue what the names of any of the characters on the show yet. And that is what is missing from the show, the emotional connection to the characters. So it is hard to care much when the black dude died (I do not know why they just did not take him captive instead) because like the rest of the cast, I do not really care that much about him. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Falling Skies on iTunes. Here is a quick tease for tomorrow’s episode: except three major reveals to happen and something that looks like it came from Star Wars.
Switched at Birth: One of the reasons I watched this show was I was interested in seeing how they explained away how the parents did not realize they were raising kids of different races for sixteen years. The whites stupidly explained away the difference by an Italian grandparent. And this week we learned that the Hispanic, at the very least is not as dumb as the whites because she knew as early as four years old, but mostly because the baby daddy thought she did it with the redheaded mailman. You can stream the show on Hulu. You can also download Switched At Birth on iTunes.
Weeds: It is good to see Heylia again. The show just has not been the same since her and Conrad got cut from the cast. Should lead to a very interesting next episode. Speaking of which, a little spoiler alert for tomorrow, Heylia is not the only familiar face you will see in the next episode).
Pretty Little Liars: If I am not mistaken, the “A” segments at the end (assuming they are actually “A”) in the past have always had to do with something that happened in that episode, and judging from the previews, the spiking of the container has to do with next week’s episode. I wonder if the parents finally realizing something funny is going on is going to shape the series going into the future or if they will ed up dropping it. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Pretty Little Liars on iTunes.
The Nine Lives of Chloe King: Chloe befriending her moral enemy; drink up if you are playing the Chloe King / Buffy Summers Drinking Game. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Nine Lives of Chloe King on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Growin' up in California
New Album Release of the Week: Dirty Jeans & Mudslide Hymns
New DVD Release of the Week: Everwood: The Complete Fourth Season
Video of the Week: I was the Battleship
Next Week Pick of the Week: 120 Minutes, Tonight at 1:00 AM on MTV2: MTV turns 30 on Monday and it is apparently feeling a little nostalgic. Beavis and Butt-Head
Sunday, July 24, 2011
57 Channels and Only This Is On - 7/24/11
Quote of the Week: And you’re still seeing the titbull? (Kelly, Rescue Me)
Song of the Week: I I've Got the World On a String – Frank Sinatra (Rescue Me)
Big News of the Week: MTV Video Music Awards Nominees Announced: It seems like a yearly rite of passage for most of the past decade when MTV unveils its nominations and I complain like an old dude yelling at kids to get off his lawn. But wait a second, this year Adele and Beastie Boys are up for Best Video. The Best Rock Video field is filled with acts that actually rock (Mumford and Sons! The Black Keys!) and no whiny emo rock crap in sight. The Song Otherwise Known as Forget You up for an award. And there is very little Lady GaGa or Britney Spears in sight. If MTV invites those acts former to perform and get a host that is actually funny, the VMA’s may be watchable this year. Seriously MTV, get Chris Rock on the phone.
Leverage: C’mon Leverage team, how did it take you almost an entire hour to figure out where the painting was? I realized where it was once Danny Glover started his story in the roller rink. You can stream recent episodes on You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Falling Skies: So we have a Benedict Arnold in out mitts. I am a bit surprised that the aliens would be willing to grant amnesty to a human just for providing them more slaves, they seem to be able to take whatever they want when they want it. But I wonder whatever happened to the one dude’s girlfriend that was take a couple episodes back. After rescuing his brother he seems to forget all about her, not even doing anymore recon in the hospital for her and now is ready to up and move without rescuing her. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Falling Skies on iTunes.
The Nine Lives of Chloe King: So the evil dude hired an assassin to kill Chloe but he does not know what she looks like? Seriously? When the assassin found her, how about asking him to take a picture for future reference? You know, just in case you run into her while at an art gallery? Of course if I am not mistake, Buffy ran into Glory without knowing who the other was. Or was it Dawn? Either way, drink up if you are playing my Chloe King drinking game. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Nine Lives of Chloe King on iTunes.
Rescue Me: I wonder what is going to get someone killed first (you do not think the series would end without one more major death right, I have money on Tommy and Black Shawn) Lou’s physical health or the Chief’s mental health. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Rescue Me on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Swell Window – Zee Avi (Rcrd Lbl)
Deal of the Week: Save up to 58% on Hit Movies & TV Deals
New Album Release of the Week: LP1
New DVD Release of the Week: The Blues Brothers [Blu-ray]
Video of the Week: When MTV announced they were resurrecting Beavis and Butt-Head
Next Week Pick of the Week: The Challenge: Rivals, Wednesdays at 10:00 on MTV: Might as well go for the MTV trifecta even thou I probably have not mentioned MTV three times in the last year. I got back logged on the latest incarnation of The Challenge because I thought I would just watch it On Demand. But the premiere did not show up the day after. A week later and it was not there and I just forgot about it. Now I am almost completely caught up as they reach the midpoint of the season and Rivals is turning out to be one of the best with a dude getting kicked out the first night, Wes and Kenny having to work together and CT actually being entertaining and not just scary. But my favorite part of the season is when the new chick punched the mirror and starting to spout how she was from Houston and other nonsense. Someone really needs to sit that girl down and force her to watch the Chappelle’s Show
Saturday, September 18, 2010
57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXLVIII
Quote of the Week: Cruelty is the mother of all invention. (Miles, Rubicon)
Song of the Week: Wild One - Little Darlins (Terriers)
Big News of the Week: VMA's Still Living in 2009: It is not a good sign that the only thing worth talking about from your award show is what happened last year. And the two participants were more than eager to talk about it. Taylor Swift debuted a not so subtle ode to Kanye West (but has Taylor ever written a subtle song about a boy yet?) which was an odd mix of scolding and forgiveness of the guy who stole her spotlight. Then after apologizing for most of the last year, Kanye, in the same bright red color Taylor sported last year, jumped onstage to revel in his behavior, beginning his new song to toast the douchebag, jerkoffs and scumbags. Though he apologized for us having to put up with his (expletive deleted) since way too long. And sadly neither of them performed the song that Kanye wrote for Taylor. In the only other non I’mma let you finish news, did the show really open and close with Ellen DeGeneres and Cher? Biggest disappointment of the night is the only award winning video of the night that actually deserved an award, Tighten Up by the Black Keys for Breakthrough Video, was the only winner that wasn’t actually announced during the show. On a side note, does anyone know where I can get the Deadmau5 remix of the song?
Rubicon: When they cut to Tanya in the bathroom after the drug test I was really hoping it was going to reveal that she was using a Whizzinator. Which begs the question, is there a Whizzinator for women? You can download Rubicon on iTunes.
Parenthood: Isn’t it enough that Dax Sheppard has tainted Veronica Mars, is he really going to hook up with Lyla Garrity too? It sure looks that is the root they were going. But then again I thought Crosby would take the place of Jabbar in the sleep over. Surely would have made for the better sight gag in the bunk beds. And now I have to decide what will be the annoying catchphrase that I will be using ad nausea for the next couple months, “I hear you; I see you” or “Let’s have a toast for the douchebags.” You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
Covert Affairs: Holy Vada Sultenfuss sighting! I was actually hoping she would turn out to be one of the good guys because I liked her character much more than any of the tertiary characters on the show. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Covert Affairs on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Pilot - Terriers, Season 1 (iTunes): Missed what I called the best new show of the Fall? Here is your chance to give it a look.
Deal of the Week: DVD's $6.49 and Under
Video of the Week: If you missed last week’s Stand Up 2 Cancer, you missed the two funniest people on television, Eric Stonestreet of Modern Family and Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory, cross network lines to show us that lung cancer is no laughing matter, or is it. And if you missed the show, you can download Stand Up to Cancer on iTunes or the individual musical performances from the show with proceeds going to Stand Up 2 Cancer.
Next Week Pick of the Week: The Big Bang Theory, Thursday at 8:00 on CBS: CBS has always been known as the network that plays it safe which is why we have multiple versions of CSI, NCIS and CM (Criminal Minds). But CBS took a big chance by moving The Big Bang Theory
Sunday, August 08, 2010
57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXLII
Quote of the Week: If you see your balls, pick ‘em up. When I get back I’ll staple them back on you. (Needles, Rescue Me)
Song of the Week: Goodbye – Steve Earl (Friday Night Lights)
Big News of the Week: MTV Video Music Awards Announced: Remember when the VMA’s were a cultural landmark, now, like most people that watch during the MTV heyday, I do not care. I haven’t even seen half nominated videos or even heard the songs. The only nominations of note are Broken Bells up for Best New Artist, though both James Mercer and Danger Mouse put out music for most of last decade, and Tighten Up - The Black Keys for Breakthrough Video, granted I do not remember anything groundbreaking about Tighten Up and both videos are better than anything in the Best Video category, but it is hard to complained because the VMA’s lost credibility about five years ago.
Leverage: Nice light fair after last week’s heavy political episode and Turner was nice enough to give Bill Engvall some work after canceling his show. I wonder if the network is regretting that decision after the daughter on the show has become a much buzzed about actress for her performance in Winter Bone
Rubicon: I am always up for a good conspiracy theory and it is too soon to tell if this is one yet. It is moving a little too slow for my taste so far. You can stream recent episodes on You can also download Rubicon on iTunes.
Rescue Me: There have been some very bizarre moments throughout the history of the show, but handcuffing your daughter in church to baptize her ranks very high near the top. And it is strange that Lou broke out of the hospital and no one there seems to care. I really do not think that storyline is going to end well for him. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Rescue Me on iTunes.
Covert Affairs: Let me put out my prediction of who I think the leak is: the chick from Invasion. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Covert Affairs on iTunes.
Also check out my season wrap up of Friday Night Lights.

Free Download of the Week: For The Summer
Deal of the Week: Over 1000 Albums for $5 Each
Video of the Week: Two years ago there was a Stand Up 2 Cancer special that aired on all the major networks (except Fox who for some reason had something else to air) and there will be another one coming up September 10 at 8:00 on many networks (this time Fox is included). Here is a PSA featuring Kristen Bell (in a bathtub), Zach Levi, Olivia Munn, Clark Duke, Aubrey Plaza, Vanessa Hudgens and more to bring awareeness to the cause..
Next Week Pick of the Week: Pretty Little Liars, Tuesday at 8:00 on ABC Family: Pretty Little Liars really didn’t catch my interest enough to actually write about it that often, but it has intrigued me enough during the summer doldrums to tune to find out who A is. My prediction: Aria (her name does start with A).
Sunday, June 13, 2010
57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. CXXXIV
Quote of the Week: Because I am just one jackass comment from doing some serious damage and if that happens I will lose my job. And I love my job, you get me? (Coach Traub, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Crazy – Patsy Cline (Friday Night Lights)
Big News of the Week: Obama Has His Biggest Pop Culture Week Since Being Sworn In: Barack Obama was everywhere in pop culture running for president but that has been slowing down ever since he was sworn in. But he was back in a big way this week. First we learned that he may or may not have been in the music video for the early nineties rap anthem Whoomp! There it Is! (I was more of a Whoot! There it Is fan). But it wasn’t all fun with Obama’s other pop culture reference of the week when he drew the ire of Jersey Shore weirdo Snookie who claims she no longer uses tanning beds because “Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning.” I guess we now know why Republicans recently won the governorship of New Jersey for the first time in a decade). More disturbing is that John McCain actually responded to Snookie, who went on to say, “McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning, because he's pale and he would probably want to be tan,” via twitter saying, “u r right, I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama's tax/spend policy is quite The Situation. but I do rec wearing sunscreen.” Well actually someone poising as Senator McCain said that because, let’s face it, he cannot even turn on a computer.
MTV Movie Awards: My viewing of this award show can best be summed up by the look on the face of the dude from Inglourious Bastards
Happy Town: I am quite befuddled by the big twist of the week. So Mama Haplin pays an absorbent amount of money to keep Henley from exposing a murder weapon, but one of her conditions is to keep a person who knows about said murder weapon in her hometown. Um, why? You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Happy Town on iTunes.
Friday Night Lights: With every passing episode, Becky Sproles is moving further up my list of favorite characters on television. I just love after her long winded speech at the end of the episode; Tim just cuts her off and says, Becky… shut up… please.” But considering how amazing they dealt with sending off former castmembers last season, the two that left this week weren’t so much. Lyla comes back just for another romp with Tim including a weird interaction with Becky. While Matt was this weird open ended ride off in the sunset where we are not sure if it was a proper goodbye, or just a short (or long) joy ride.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Pretty Little Liars Pilot (iTunes): You can also find the episode for free on Amazon Video on Demand
Deal of the Week: The Big DVD Sale (Blu-Rays)
Video of the Week: True Blood returns for a third season tonight at 9:00 on HBO and from the video below, the marketing team at the station went a little overboard in promoting the show. And for fanatics of the show who have found the previous 11, below the video is the 12th and final collectable poster that HBO has been releasing over the past twelve week leading up to the return.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Persons Unknown, Monday at 10:00 on NBC or Pretty Little Liars, Tuesday at 8:00 on ABC Family: I recently did a Toss Up between the shows, but take your own pick for yourself.
One last television note for the week, I had originally planned to include the unaired pilot for The Big Bang Theory that hit the web this week, but by the time I wrote my blurb about and when I was posting it, Warner Brothers had it taken down. I have seen a couple others uploaded and taken since then. If you haven’t caught it yet, I recommend trying to find it before WB does because it is an interesting view. Try typing “The Big Bang Theory” and “unaired pilot” or “Amanda Walsh” into You Tube or your favorite video sharing site. Below is what I originally wrote about it.
Every year pilots are filmed and are almost always reshot for tinkering or cast changes, even if it is just a couple scenes and in some cases completely new episode. Such is the case of The Big Bang Theory which hit the internets this week and it surprising just how much is changed; no Kaley Cuoco, Raj, or Howard and, gasp, Sheldon actually had sex and even adhered to the profound theory posed by the great sociologist Dr. Sir Mix-a-Lot PhD. that guys are predetermined to like big butts. The unaired pilot is actually funnier than the one that aired on television but it is good they did make the changes because Katy (the Penny precursor played by Amada Walsh) is pretty unlikeable here and the boys actually having a female friend (who was likely the basis of the Sara Gilbert character) is just weird. But not as weird as Sheldon actually having sex.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. XCVIII
Quote of the Week: First the board gave a report. Then they proposed doing an ice cream social with a different flavor for each house which I said was a lame idea. But they said it would be fun. So I told those (expletive deleted) it was a waste of money but those (expletive deleted) wouldn’t listen so that is when I said, uh, “Bite me” and walked out. (Expletive deleted). (Laura – Greek)
Song of the Week: Ruby Tuesday – Katey Sagel (Sons of Anarchy)
Big News of the Week: Let the Fall Season Begin: How symbolic is it that my Fall season begins with Jeff Probst snuffing out someone’s torch? But what people really care about are the new shows and TV Blips recently asked me and some other bloggers what they were looking forward to so head over there to see my answers.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Need to brush up on what went down in The Office's last season? Take BuzzSugar's Season 5 quiz! (BuzzSugar)
Things got really hot at the So You Think You Can Dance Phoenix auditions but got skintilatingly hot during the Top 14 Group dance on So You Think You Can Dance Canada. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace had an exclusive one-on-one interview with True Blood writer/executive producer Alan Ball the morning after the season finale and wrapped up the second season of the HBO vampire drama and took a look ahead to Season Three. (Televisionary)
They're both dreamy, they're both svelte, they're both sharp dressers. But the real question is this: who would win in a dance-off between How I Met Your Mother's Neil Patrick Harris and Glee's Matthew Morrison. (TiFaux)
Sorry, The Office. No offense, 30 Rock. But Community may have replaced you both as the funniest show on TV. (TV Fanatic)
MTV Video Music Awards: A lot of people have given crap to Kanye West for interrupting Taylor Swift, but you one person who wasn’t mad: MTV. Because what would we have talked about had he not stormed the stage? How boring the Michael Jackson tribute was (and just when you thought Madonna couldn’t be any more pretentious, she makes a MJ tribute about herself). How lame Lady Gaga is? Seriously, smearing yourself in fake blood? Considering how Russell Brand questioned her manhood in the opening he would at least man up and use your own real blood like Iggy Pop. Maybe we would be talking about Brand. And just when you thought he could be less funny than last year. At least last year he made jokes. Yeah they bombed but this year he would ramble for five minutes without any resemblance of a punch line. Maybe we would have been talking about the touching tribute Kid Cudi gave DJ AM by dedicating Make Her Say, formally known as I Poke Her Face, to the dead DJ. Hopefully when I die someone dedicates a song about oral sex to me. Or may if I am deserving enough, a song about full on intercourse. So when I pass, please pour out a forty and put on Do Me in my memory and just know when you say “smack it up, flip it, rub it down” I’ll be sing on with you with a smile on my face looking down on you (hopefully).
Greek: It has been going on all season but they just finally reveal all the rules behind the Gotcha game. And know it’s over. Oh well. And the show missed a real opportunity to do a naked mile with an homage to one of the funniest scenes ever to put to film from Austin Powers

The Jay Leno Show: You else was happy the Kanye West went all heartless on Taylor Swift? Jay Leno. After getting bagged on everyone for the last four months (except Time magazine) his new talk show instantly became must see television. Naturally the interview was a letdown, but anything short of Swift interrupting Kanye’s performance was going to be.
VH1 Divas Live – When Miley Cyrus started in on her verse of If it Makes You Happy may have been the most painful thing I have heard in a long time. Maybe since the fake Beyoncé performance from the Today show sound board. But that was fake so it doesn’t really count.
You can also check out my First Impressions of Survivor Samoa and my Preview of Community.
Free Download of the Week: Anti Sampler Fall 2009
Deal of the Week: Hit Blu-ray as Low as $12.49
Video of the Week: Tomorrow sees the return of the funniest show on television The Big Bang Theory at a new time at 9:30 which separates the show with How I Met Your Mother by an hour of unfunny television. Hurph. On the bright side, the second season of the show just came out on DVD this past Tuesday. Here is the cast and crew talking about the episode Sheldon and Penny went to war.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Modern Family, Wednesday at 9:00 on ABC: Go ahead and believe the hype, this is the funniest new show of the season if not the best new show of the fall in any genre. Look for a full review of the show later this week.
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