Quote of the Week: Hey Dumbass, you in the tank: comfy in there? (The Walking Dead)
Song of the Week: Peace / Crazy / Love Train – Yusef Islam, Ozzy Osbourne, The O'Jays (The Rally to Restore Sanity and / or Fear)
Big News of the Week: A Good Week to Be a John: It may be hard out there for a pimp, but if you are the one buying the prostitutes, you had a very good week. Last weekend, during yet another drug induced rampage, Charlie Sheen got so violent; his companion had to lock herself in the bathroom. And guess what, the ratings for his laughless sitcom Two and a Half Men actually went up. Sheen wasn’t the only guy with frequent hooker miles celebrating this week as family values crusader and prostitute patron David Vitter ,who lead the charge to impeach Bill Clinton for receiving a Lewinski in the Oval Office, won reelection to the US Senate in a landslide. And let’s not forget that Elliot Spitzer still has a television show despite everyone forgetting to actually watch the television show.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Free Download of the Week: Timeless Christmas (Amazon MP3 Exclusive Sampler)
Deal of the Week: 100/$5: 100 Albums for $5 Each
New CD Release of the Week: Lady Killer – Cee Lo Green
New DVD Release of the Week: Scott Pilgrim Vs the World [Blu-ray]
Video of the Week: Once I get my hands on Scott Pilgrim vs. the World this week, Sucker Punch will move up to the top spot of movies I most want to see. And to celebrated the occasion, the movie was nice enough to release a new trailer that may actually be more awesome the first one.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Conan, Monday at 11:00 on TBS: To be honest, I’ll be asleep when this airs, but I may catch it later because I am interesting how much he rips into NBC. Guest include Seth Rogan and Jack White (the rest of the week will feature Tom Hanks, John Hamm, Michael Cera, and Carol Vessey). And do not forget Lopez Tonight will be pushed back to midnight with the start of Conan. George’s guest Monday: Antoine Dodson. Here’s hoping Antoine finally give his opinion of the return of Ben Rothlisberger to the NFL.
With Veteran’s Day this week, I also want to point out Wartorn 1861-2010 from executive producer James Gandolfini, which premieres this Veterans Day, November 11th at 9pm on HBO which brings urgent attention to the invisible wounds of war like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Check out a trailer below.