In a story I broke last month, Chuck returns tonight at 9:00 with a two hour premiere. And if that is not enough Chuck for you, there is a third hour of Chuck tomorrow when it settles into its normal timeslot at 8:00 all on NBC. In honor of the return, it is time for another rousing game of Playing the Percentages dedicated to the show. As always I will be going up against Jo who will be playing the role of Colt McCoy as I will play the role of Marcell Dareus (Please note that Jo is a proud A&M alum and in no way condones being compaired to teasip, but that is what makes it fun).
What chance do you give that the Intercect 2.0 will be a jump the shark moment for the show?
Jo: 0%! Because Chuck is a well written show. It is a game changer and a new direction but I would point out that at least one of the writers on the Chuck staff used to work on Veronica Mars
Scooter: Even the best written shows can make dumb decisions and Chuck isn’t immune to them (Morgan is still around annoying me) but I figure as long as Casey still has his Regan picture, they find new ways to have the Token Hot Chick fulfill nerd fantasies, and Jeffster is still roaming the Buy More, I’ll keep it at a low 10%.
Any chance that more family and/or co-workers learn Chuck’s secret this season?
Jo: Hmm this is tough. 50%. The first rule of a secret hero double life is the more that know the secret; the more you have to protect them from harm. Though I can't imagine Captain Awesome will be very good at hiding things from Ellie.
Scooter: It is hard to believe that Captain Awesome could keep something from Ellie as seen during the Bachelor Party episode, but keeping Chuck’s secret is a matter of national security so I think Awesome can do it for Chuck. But I love for Jeffster to find out just from a humor standpoint although if anyone new finds out this season I would put my money on Morgan (assuming they don’t fulfill my dream of him actually moving to Hawaii to become a Benihana chief and thus off the show forever). As for anyone new in his circle finding out, I’d put it at 68%.
Percent chance we see these people again sometime this season:
Bryce Larkin?
Jo: Bryce 0%. Isn't he dead, again? Plus now starring on a very fun show called White Collar
Scooter: Sure Bryce is dead, but “again” is the key word. He was revived once and they could do it again and since USA and NBC are in the Universal family (at least were, I am not sure how the Comcast deal changes that) it can be worked out. Though his death did seem final this time, but I go with 14% just in case we get a flashback.
Chevy Chase?
Jo: 10% on Chevy since he's on Community
Scooter: “A real shotgun wedding,” to think that bad pun may be the line we hear from Chevy Chase on Chuck. Since his wound seemed to be in the same spot as Bryce, we probably never see him alive again, but if Scott Bacula comes back, we may see Chevy via flashback, but this is less likely that Bryce, so 3%.
Jordana Brewster?
Jo: I’m hoping to see Jordana again, so I'll call it 75% just for hope's sake.
Scooter: I agree Jordana is the most likely candidate to return because I can’t imaging Jordana has anything better to do these days than to sit around hoping someone is stupid enough to greenlight another Fast and Furious