Showing posts with label Pretty Little Liars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pretty Little Liars. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 23, 2024


House of the Dragon:  Child murder in the first episode?  Welcome back to Westeros.  But I have to say, this episode actually felt more… fun than the first season which seemed to be humorless and a bore.  This felt more like Game of Thrones at least in tone.  Going back to the wall also Helped a little.  Hopefully we get more non-Targaryen this season to break up the monotony.


The Acolyte:   So Jason Mendoza is definitely the Master and they are barely even trying to hide it.  Though did he really have time to cut himself down, beat the evil twin to the Wookie and double back so he could surprise everyone?


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  You would think with all the stupid carnival games, Ace would have had an advantage, except he still came in last.  Oh well, ho home ending like much Challenges end.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Wait, did this show actually come up with a competent ending?   And I did not realize how much that dude looked like Skeet Ulrich until he pulled off that mask.  But they had to ruin the competent ending with the stupid postscript.  The undead serial killer is just way too clichéd


The Chi:  I looked at the clock with just moments to go and thought to myself, literally nothing has happened in this episode yet… and moments later they blew up a kid.  Oh, wait, that was just a fake out.  Oh well, at least we had one child murder this week on television this week.  But they have to finally take down Douda for that in the finale, right?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 16, 2024


The Acolyte:   Not that the first two episodes were barnburners, but this episodes just ground the momentum to a halt.  And I am confused.  Just how were the kids created?  Why was the evil twin so mad at the Jedi since she started the fire?  What happened to the witched?  And where the fork was Jason Mendoza?!?


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Poor Flora, had to limp away from the challenge.  Even TJ could not give his usual vitriol for quitters.  But they really need to do more carnival/backyard games so they do not kill one of these contestants that are closer to AARP than college.  In an ideal world, there would be a 40 year old minimum so people like Flora can have a chance.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So they are really going to wait until the final to confirm if Bloody Mary is actually Imogen’s mother or not.  Way to drag that out.  Meh. 


The Chi:  Wait, Douda and Dwayne Wayne know each other?  Did we know that?  But Victor getting off on a technicality was a little silly.  I wonder if his political career will have blowback from the arrest.  But even sillier was that one chick wants Douda dead, had a gun to the back of his head, but just walked away.  They are really going to drag this out as long as possible.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 9, 2024


The Acolyte:   So Jason Mendoza is definitely the Master, right? If so, he will go from playing a solemn monk who was secretly a goofball to playing a goofball who is secretly a Sith (which basically and evil Jedi and Jedi's are monk-like).  He better throw a Molotov cocktail sometime this season.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I feel like this show has an unusual number of color blind people on this show.  You would think the amount of times a contestant brings up being color blind, they would stop doing these color specific challenges.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The Hell House was hilarious; though I am not sure it was supposed to be.  But Bloody Mary is Imogen’s mother.  Huh?  But I guess when the twist in the original show was that Alison’s brother turned out to be her other brother’s girlfriend, this makes more sense.  So is this a twin situation or is Imogen just crazy.


The Chi:  When is the men’s group going to finally stop talking about dealing Douda and actually do something?  Well, besides the previous failed assassination attempt.  But baby-daddy twist was a bit too soap-opera like.  Does the timeline even work?  She was gone a very long time and was not showing when she was rescued. This seems more like a retcon more than a plot twist.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 2, 2024


The Veil:  Well, that was a confusing ending.  But to be honest, I really was not paying close attention.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I am annoyed whenever the peanut gallery helps during elimination, but why was Leroy not louder in telling Kam she was missing ball?  Ugg, we could have gotten rid of Cara Maria.  And now she has a star.  But really lame Laurel did not come down.  You gotta get that star sometime.  There may only be an elimination or two left.


Under the Bridge:  I guess that is why they made Warren seem sympathetic despite doing some horrible things.  The postscript made it seem like he turned his life around afterwards.


Hacks:  I am starting to get tired of the hate each, but now the like each other and back again of this show


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  With it being Friday the 13th, I thought for sure the movie nerd was going to be targeted this we.  But running barefoot was one of the weaker trials so far.


The Chi:  It is weird seeing protests on the show about defunding the police, a phase I have not heard in a while, when the professional protesting class has moved on to Ceasefire.  But Victor went and got arrested.  Is he finally going to turn on Douda?  What actually can he do at this point if his DNA is at the crime scene and Douda’s is not?

Sunday, May 26, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 26, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:   Oh poor Cara Maria, all the manipulation did not work this time and she lost her star.  I was wonder why Averey would not want to go down against a vertically challenged person in a jumping challenge, but it did look like Tina’s trampoline was a little higher so I wonder if they did adjust it for height.  But as funny had it been to take Kam’s place and then take Cara Maria’s star, annoying the two who have been trying to manipulate things the last couple weeks, maybe it was best politically.  Still, Averey needs a star bad because there are likely not many more chances.


Under the Bridge:  Wait, do they really have co-od juvie in Canada?  The pregnancy rate has to be sky high there.  But this show is trying way too much to try and make Warren sympathetic.  At the very least he kicked a defenseless girl.  He deserves what he gets.


Survivor:  I kind of liked the new final challenge, much better than the usual standing until ssomeone drops or that stupid catch the balls contraption.  With that said, what a hilariously bad ending to a hisleriously bad season.  I really hope very few “New Era” players return for season 50.


Hacks:  That was kind of cheap to have Debra lose out on the late night gig only for her to get it two episodes later because the guy they pick would rather do some crappy bio-flick by some no name writer.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The doctor getting mysteriously pushed hurts my she is Bloody Rose theory… though that she did not see anyone is suspicious.  Maybe she did not see anyone because she threw herself down the stairs.


The Chi:  Wait, was the Jesus at the start of the episode supposed to look like Victor with dreads because that was who I thought that was when I first say that.  Maybe it was meant to look like him to remind us of him since he took the episode off.  But did we know that Victor’s buddy and Douda henchman was also the weed grower’s daddy?  That just make all the attempted murder going back and forth more messy.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 19, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Trivia is usually the best week, but Challenge trivia, especially about the season they are doing, was kind of lame.


Under the Bridge:  Oh joy, more unnecessary flashbacks.


Survivor:  Lol, four straight people go home with an Idol thinking Q was the target; Q finds an Idol and finally gets voted off.  This season is so stupid. 


Hacks:  Cool, they got Shooter McGavin back on a golf course.  It is probably obvious he won the tournament.  But I was a little surprised Debra did not get the job.  What are they going to do the rest of the season?  Watch her do some YouTube late night show.  I just hope the guy that got it gets canceled and they have to go with Debra as their second choice.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  Is Mouse really that stupid that her grandma with dementia was in charge of getting her to the party?  She probably should not be driving. 


A Gentleman in Moscow:  Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Chekov’s guns.  But what a heart racing finale.  Unfortunately the ending was very vague.  They used the 3:4 aspect ratio for flashbacks, I wonder what the significance of them here.   I got the sense that it was a dream sequence.   I seems like Rostov did not get out, but what happened to Anna?  It seems like she should have gotten to Finland with Osip’s help but why was she not able to get to Sofia?  Was she just to famous to not get caught like Osip suggested earlier.  They played the ending like reality where we would not learn what happened behind the Iron Curtain, but this was fictional, I would rather have gotten a definitive answer to what happened to Rostov and Anna other than some vague dream sequence.


The Chi:  So just how long of leach does Emmitt have to kill the person Douda told him to?  And will he use her to get back at Douda?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 12, 2024


The Veil:  I am beginning to think I would like this show much more if Josh Charles was the main character.


The Challenge All-Stars 4: I thought it was silly when Janelle volunteered to go in the first women’s elimination, which would be a very long time she would need to hold on to that Star.  But that begs the question, when is the right time to volunteer so you can get a Star.  Obviously Nicole, a firefighter would send herself in with a choice of two lightweight and a physical challenge.  So now she has her Star, but presumably she will have to try to keep it for five more eliminations with eight people left.  Though, I wonder if they do a musical chairs situation when there will be four people left when it is time for the finals, but only three Star holders.


Survivor:  Bad move by Charlie.  Marie is clearly going with I want to sit next to lay-ups at Final Tribal strategy.  She is going to get rid of him as soon as she can.  He should have teamed up with Venus and Liz and do his own lay-up strategy.  But how stupid can Venus be.  Two straight weeks Q was the decoy to get out someone with an Idol.  Why would she think that would change this week? 


Hacks:  Wait, Debra is all of the sudden offended by jokes.  Making things makes less sense, she grew a conscious the episode right after her very own Roast.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So are they just doing a reverse Friday the 13th where the serial turned out to be Jason’s mother and then Jason became the serial killer in the second movie?  But I put all my money on the shrink to be the “mom.”  But this show is still really horrible with way too many pop culture references.  Noa remains the only interesting character.  And apparently she is a lesbian now.  Cool.


A Gentleman in Moscow:  I am not sure if it were screeners and it will be added later, but my version did not give us any dates as to when this takes place.  Thankfully Stalin died and it is easy to find out that was in 1953, or 6 years since the last episode or 14 years since we last Mishka if my math is correct.


This episode answered a few questions I have had.  I wondered if the characters would ever learn what really happened to Lena and it turns out the manager knew and even had a hand into what happened to her.  I have also wondered if Rostov actually wrote the poem that saved his life and we got that answer this week too.  Now for the biggest question of the series, with one episode left, will Rostov leave the hotel?  This episode does end with him saying that they need to leave that place.  Now the question is, will he be able to get away.

The Chi:  So the cliffhanger of the mid-season finale was Victor heading off to kill Douda.  Then moments into the midseason premiere he runs into someone and was just like, naw.  Meh, just how many times is this show going to almost kill Douda before giving him a reprieve?  And now Douda will spare Emmitt if he kills the person that sent Emmitt to kill Douda.  Ugg, just kill of Douda already.  He is really bogging down the show.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 21, 2022

Westworld: So they make a point to tell us that being shot in the pearl makes a host dead-dead right before Hale, Bernard, and Mauve get shot in the forehead. Then five minutes into the finale Hale back to normal. So are the pearls lower in the skull? Could Bernard and Mauve (and Clementine for that matter) be brought back then? It did look like when Hale took her pearl out it came out around her nose. Not that any of that matters now because it seems like next season will mostly take place in the Sublime and Delores can just image all the dead-dead hosts anyway. Though, speaking of Delores, wasn't she supposed to be dead-dead because of what went down with Rehobolem last season? So what, she could not be put into a host body but her conscience could still stay intact?


Tales of the Walking Dead:  I dreaded watching another Walking Dead show, but how can I stop this far into it?  But shockingly that was the best episode in the series that I can remember and the first time they ever injected levity into the show.  I would much rather see an Olivia Munn / Terry Crews show than the upcoming Daryl / Carol show or Negan / Maggie one or the Rick movie that got turned into a miniseries.


The Chi:  Oh, so Jemma was not shot, just the shooting got her trampled.  But dude does deserve to get punched.  I did get a big laugh at the guy ripping up the envelope.  As a spiteful person, I really appreciated.  But I am not sure what was more surprising, that Emmitt tried celibacy or that he turned down sex.  At first I thought Tiff was testing him, but she really did seem disappointed to be turned down.


City on a Hill:  Well that kid had a point about the condom.  But anyway.  So Siobhan was part of a hit and run.  That was a surprising twist.  Now I wonder if her friend’s accident was actually an accident.  Then Jackie sees big boss drag a drugged lady out.  So at what point does he turn his boss in?  Are they really going to drag this out all season for him to grow a conscience in the season finale?


Flatbush Misdemeanors:  The white lady going through all the names of the drugs was hilarious.


In the Dark:  It I absurd that the show turned Josh into a raving lunatic and they somehow made him even crazier this week.  But at we are finally getting to the episode where Darnell gets shot next week.


Only Murders in the Building:  Oh my, Cinda Canning has been a bad, bad girl. When we first saw her last season, I was predicting she murdered Tim Kono and she killed him because the reason she was such a good true crime podcaster was because she was the one committing the crimes, now I have to ask... was I right? We know that Jan poisoned Tim, but I do not recall her ever admitting she staged it to look like a suicide.

Then when Cinda just happened to be at the crime scene when the three amigos were being perp walked out of the building, I rolled over my Cinda theory to Bunny's murder and that is looking very plausible right now. Cinda was killing Bunny while Kreps was spying on Mabel waiting for the right time to set her up. But the one thing making me pause that it is one thing fake Poppy's disappearance and murder, it is another to actually kill somebody.

One theory I got very wrong was that Teddy faked Will's DNA test, which would have been very funny, instead Teddy did hook up with Oliver's wife. I have a sinking suspicion that Will will be finding out this information next episode even though everyone else was sworn to secrecy. I doubt Oliver will be able to pull off being Greek for very long.

The show made it so obvious that Jan was the killer at the end of episode nine last season, I was convinced there was another shoe to drop in the finale that never came. Will the show do the same thing this season, and Cinda did it, or will there actually be a twist in the second season finale? Like I said before, it is a big leap between faking a murder and actually committing one. Then Kreps might be okay with planting evidence knowing the "dead" girl was alright, but would a NYC cop really be an accomplice to the murder? If he were that evil, he would do much more than spar with Mabel (but really, Selena Gomez constantly making fun of him make Michael Rappaport much more tolerable).

Then, while we learned what happened to the real painting this, we still have not learned who stole the fake. Is that too obvious that Lion King guy did it since we know he has allergies? When he sneezed last week, I was suspicious that they would introduce someone so late to play such a big part, but since the mystery of the real painting was solved this week, I guess who stole a fake matters much less now, so it might as well be Lion King guy. Like I have been saying from the beginning, I think the art thief and the killer are two different people.


Motherland: Fort Salem:  Oh snap, the president coming in was just great.  Sure, they just yadda yaddaed her getting to Fort Salem after being stranded in the Cession (much like how they yadda yaddaed Alder escaping the cave). But after taking down the vice president so early in the episode with the wedding filling in the rest, I had a sinking suspicion something bad would happen considered the last time this show did a wedding, the bride was murdered.  Shockingly it went out without a hitch, it is just that Fort Salem fell while it was going on.  Oops.  I guess we will be seeing Chekov’s which bomb in the finale.


The Challenge: USA:  Poor Alyssa, she gets stuck with Leo, and the only thing worse than being stuck with Leo is being stuck with Leo on a week he is ready to quit.  But at least he stayed… only for him to fork up the mission, sending them straight into the elimination.  But luckily they did not get the Madonna question which is the only one I could not solve.  But since they both got stuck on question two, I have to wonder if they were not allowed to skip a question.  Seems like it would have been smart to skip, do the other ones so you could eliminate some choices.  But thanks to Leo, Alyssa now has the most money among the women and second most overall.  I wondering if have more money will get you any advantage in the finals if you make it there.


Speaking of questions, what now after they got rid of the algorithm??  For Alyssa’s sake, I hope they are not stuck with these partners from here on out.  Though it would be funny if Tyson and Sarah would be stuck together for the rest of the season.  Maybe it is an individual game.   But would they still be doing double eliminations because with 14 because they still need to get rid of a few people.


Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin:  When I started this show I complained that it was just IP fraud that barely had anything to do with the original show.  Now that it is over, I need to complain about the one part of the show it ripped off, the dumb twist that “A” was a brother that no one new existed.  But at least he did not turn out to be a she that dated her brother.  Maybe that is the second season twist.  Even worse was the reveal that Ezra and Aria were still together. Again, he was a teacher who forked his student, why are they glorifying that and condemning grooming in previous episode.  Tabby and her boss got to be about the same age. 


But Tabby’s mom going H.A.M. on her boss was the only entertaining part of the whole show.  The whole blood drive plan was so stupid, how about labeling the blood because limiting the pool down to 65 still seemed too high. Yet inexplicably it worked because Tabby used that 1 in 65 chance to just accuse Chip who turned out to be the rapist.  What a horrible, stupid show.  Of course I will watch a second season.


The Resort:  Oh hey, Luis Guzman!  Oh, he is already dead.  But at least he gave us the most entertaining episode so far.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: August 14, 2022


Westworld:  I actually liked this season and they had to go and ruin it by just killing off three of the four major characters within minutes of each other.  Yeah, they told us robots who are shot in their pearl are dead-dead, but we were also told Delores and Teddy were dead-dead but two people who definitely look like them showed up this season so I am sure we will see Maeve, Bernard, and Charlotte very soon.


The Chi:  I did not realize the guy who shot Gemma was the mentee who tried to rob Emmitt a couple episode back.  There are just too many characters to keep track on this show.


City on a Hill:  On one hand, I am surprised that they killed Ernie Hudson so quickly.  But on the other hand, they really could not have Decoursey spend that much time away from his job.  Speaking of his job, is he going to start investigating one of the ongoing story lines like the construction accident, the cop shooting, or even possibly investigate the guy Jackie is employed by (which would be the most interesting as it will be who side Jackie falls on) or will we be juggling a four case?


Flatbush Misdemeanors:  How dumb is that supervisor who did not realize there was something that was not lube in that bottle?


In the Dark:  Well, that had to be one of the worst bottle episode in the history of television.  How about not sticking two very unlikeable characters alone in a room together?  And the beeping toy was so stupid. And why is the kingpin on the hunt for the blind chixk and Darnell?  Does he not have at least one their numbers somewhere?


Only Murders in the Building:  Oh wow, after the false reveal of Marv, I thought Glitter Guy would slip through our grasps one more time. But now that we know he is Det. Kreps, that makes me think about the first season in a whole new light. We know that Tim Kono's tox screen was not done after his murder, I thought it was just police incompetency, but with Kreps involved, that seems more deliberate now.

But just what are Kreps' intentions? Texting Charles and Olivier makes it look like his is a good guy, but then going after Lucy with a knife is very nefarious. But I wonder if he was breaking into Charles' apartment to go after Lucy or was it for something else and just went after her after he realized she was there?

So we finally know who Glitter Guy is, now the question is, who killed Bunny? Who was the guy in the passageway with Lucy? Who met with Bunny at the diner? Who stole her painting? Det. Kreps may be the answer to one or more of those questions (he most likely is passageway guy) but I doubt he is the answer to all of them.

One more question, why have they spent multiple scenes of Marv talking about his daughter? I saw a theory that Alice is really his daughter and the more Marv talks about his daughter, the more I think it has to be someone. Poppy is the only other realistic option I can think of.


The Challenge: USA:  There is always that part of the season of this show where someone gets a lot of screen time and I have to ask myself, have they been there this whole time.  That was David this week who wrnt from I forgot he was on the show to getting every confessional.  Which meant he was either going to win the challenge or get eliminated.   But I will never understand the people who go on this show even though they are scared of heights, or water, or cannot swim.


Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin:  Well, that Mouse storyline go weird quick.  Though I am still not sure why she is posing as a kidnap victim.  Even more confusing is just where did her father go?  Seems like he would have a good case for paternity, even if they did not go through proper channels.  So Angela was raped.  So is A the product of that (my, it is Karen theory took another big hit this week so I do need a new theory)?  And we learned this week that Imogen’s baby is the byproduct of rape (if that was a secret, what has she been telling people this whole time) by an unknown assailant, add that to Tabby being raped by an unknown assailant, now I have to ask, did A rape them both in some sick revenge fantasy because he thinks their moms were somehow involved with Angela’s rape?  That would be messed up.


The Resort:  It crossed my mind this week, could Chidi and Ted Mosby’s baby mama somehow be the two kids that went missing somehow.


Sunday, July 31, 2022

57 Channels and Only This Is On: July 31, 2022


Westworld:  There seemed to be some debate on whether Christina was human or robot, but if she is controlling humans with her mind, she has to be a robot.  So I guess that means that Charlotte, who is just a clone brain ball of Delores, created someone who looks like her, reprogrammed her into Christina, but still put Delores’ memories in deep down, because Teddy (presumably sent by Bernard) seems like her is getting her to access them.  That is Bond villain level dumb plan.  Why doesn’t Chorlotte, who is Delores on the inside, just put herself in Delores’ body?


The Chi:  When did Emmitt and Trig become cards buddies?  I do not even remember them ever sharing a scene before this.  But there goes Emmitt’s celibacy, the under was easy money.


In the Dark:  When the boys were thinking of a place to stay, that made me wonder, just what happened to Guiding Hope?  While I guess Felix stopped paying the electricity bill on account he does not have any money left, but that is at least a place with a roof to stay.  I also got a strong feeling that grandma’s money might be coming from the drug trade and she will end up being at the top of the food chain.


Only Murders in the Building:  When we saw the guy in the diner with Will last week, I thought, that kind of has the shape of Will. When we saw the guy on the subway, I thought, that kind of has the shape of Will. But if Will is the one texting Oliver the video of Mabel stabbing Glitter Guy, that is probably, most definitely, not him. So who kind of has the same shape as Will? Well, his possible half-brother Theo. There is also Howard who is the person I first thought of when we saw the guy in the Arconia walls with Lucy. Which of these two would most likely text Oliver and Charles to get out of the building, but would also want to get any evidence of the murder? I wonder if Theo, who we know knows about secret passage ways, saw Bunny with Mabel, contacted the police then texted the other two.

I have never really thought Alice was the killer, maybe she was involved in art theft, but that was some psycho level stuff she was doing there. She may not be at the top of my murder board yet, but she moved much higher after this episode.

Then I was wondering after her reappearance this week, how many seasons does this show have to go before Saz is the victim?

But if I had only one word to sum of this episode, it would be: Soup!


Motherland: Fort Salem:  I am surprised everyone split up this week, especially Tally who went the completely different direction as everyone else.  Just how long is she going to stay on the West Coast with just four episodes left?


The Challenge: USA:  You gotta love a good comeuppance story, and even though I did not watch Big Brother, I do appreciate Alyssa finally got get revenge on Xander.  But really, what a dumb strategy to break all the glass.  That ended up being a 28 seconds penalty once you factor in the time it took the other team to finish, plus their much shorter penalty.  How did someone with such a short fuse win Big Brother?


Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin:  Well that was a flaming pile of hot garbage.  And I do not mean that in a good way.  It is clearly just IP fraud where someone came up with a generational slasher idea for a show called “Original Sin” and some executive at HBO Max said, what if we make the slasher a texter, call them “A,” and set it in Millwood?  But apparently Millwood high is a performing arts school that has film and ballet classes.  I know the original show was not high art, but the remake is so bad.  The physiological terror was an interesting take on the dawn of texting that did not take itself too seriously, but this new series is dead set on being serious, sucked all the humor out of the air and does not realize that slasher films do not translate to television because you can only kill so many people.  And I am not expecting them to be Meryl Streep, but the acting is so bad especially Imogen (give that girl a nickname quick) who routinely seems to forget she is supposed to be playing a pregnant lady. Since the show seems extremely predictable, it seems obvious to me that A is really Karen (a name way too on the nose, even though she turned out to be more likeable than the other girls on the show) and Kelly is actually the dead twin.  But on the bright side, at least they kept the theme music, though a crappier version.  Here is my way too early Pretty Little Liars Power Ranking:

1) Noa

2) Karen/Kelly

3) Faren

4) Mouse

5) Imogen

6) Tabby (seriously, enough with the movie references every time she opens her mouth)


The Resort:  Well that was weird.  But I feel like maybe it would have been better had it been weirder.  Usually with mystery shows like this, I have big predictions to make, but it does not feel like there is anything to predict other than they are both alive, but I am not entirely sure why I would predict that.  I wonder if I would like it more if it was longer.  When I see 35 minute run times, I guess I expect it to be funnier than it is.


Players:  I would be fine if this show does not be renewed.


Monday, January 03, 2022

The Ten Most Anticipated Events of 2022


10.  The End of The Walking Dead (returns 2/20):  It is the end of an era with The Walking Dead ending after eleven seasons.  Though much like the titular characters, the show will live on with a Carol and Daryl spinoff (spoiler alert, they do not die… though I may actually enjoy a show following the zombified duo more than what we will actually get) and of course there is always Fear the Walking Dead and supposedly those Rick movies, so I guess this is not truly the end.


9.  Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin:   The original show had possibly the worst plot twist in the history television when Allison’s brother turned out to be Allison’s other brother who was about seven years too young from when they already established the character to be.   The soft reboot with Allison and Mona was pretty bad.  Still, the quick glimpse in the HBO Mas 2022 teaser got me weirdly excited for the third go-around.


8.  Single Drunk Female (January 20):  I know nothing about this show, there has not even been a trailer released yet, but based solely on the name, I will be watching.


7.  Pam and Tommy (February 2):  When Hulu announce they were going to do a show about the infamous sex tape, I went, huh?  Then they announce Seth Rogen as the dude who obtained the sex tape, and again went, huh?  But I was also intrigued.  This is one of those shows you just hope completely goes off the rails.  Though I really hope we do not have to see how the Winter Soldier steers a boat. 


6.  Problematic Sporting Events (Maybe?):  Nothing I love more than international sporting events and we will be getting two this year… maybe.  With the Omicron variant wreaking havoc all over the world, it seems like the Winter Olympics may follow the Summer’s lead and postpone a year (the NHL already pulled out their players).  Hopefully things will be better by summer for the Men’s World Cup.  Oh wait, they pushed that to the late fall because some shady regime in Qatar, where it hits triple digits in the summer, presented the highest bribe and they proceed to have essentially slave labor build the soccer stadiums.    The Winter Olympics are just as problematics because it is being held in China who has a long history of human rights violations.  Sigh.  But hey, maybe both events will be canceled, but with money to be made and them being held in places that do not care about the well-being of people, probably not.


5.  The Next Game of Thrones (Maybe?):  Ever since Games of Thrones was winding down, networks and streaming serves have been on the lookout for that elusive next Game of Thrones.  There are a few contenders coming out.  Here are a few ranked from least likely to most likely.  Halo was supposed to be Showtime’s foray into the attempted Game of Thrones market but their corporate daddy gave that to Paramount+ (Showtime did get The Man Who Fell to Earth, which I am pretty confident in saying will not be the next Game of Thrones).  While this is huge IP, space stories do seems to have a ceiling and The Mount is near the bottom of the most subscribers’ power ranking.

Next up is Lord of the Rings which is one of the biggest IP names out that that spawn two very successful trilogies earlier this century.  Amazon has the big pocket and a large subscriber base, but as Apple has shown with Foundation, shelling out a lot of money on IP alone will buy you the next Game of Thrones.  Plus while a lot of people subscribe to Prime, there also seems to be a lot of people that do not realize Prime Video comes with that two day free shipping.

So the most likely next Game of Thrones will be… Game of Thrones.  After spending a lot of money on a Pilot that got scrapped, HBO went with another story and we will likely be getting House of the Dragon this year.  But it is not guaranteed it will do as well as the original show.  House of the Dragon will have to win over a lot of fans who were disappointed with the choppy final season and pretty bad finale.  But on the bright side, this show will not have to hope George R.R. Martin finishes the books before the get to that part of the story


4.  Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, More Star Wars and Marvel Shows on the Ploose:  I will be watching all the shows they release but the MCU seems to be having diminishing returns.  The Mandalorian was great, but will Star Wars fatigue set in when they start pumping out more shows too?  I was fairly meh on the first episode of the Book of Boba Fett.  Here is my power raking of the shows that are likely coming to the Ploose this year: 

1)      Obi-Wan Kenobi

2)      Ms. Marvel

3)      Secret Invasion

4)      Andor

5)      Moon Knight

6)      She-Hulk


3.  Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (December 16) and Thor: Love and Thunder (July 8):  While superhero fatigue is setting in, the two goofier heroes of their respective cinematic universes and thus stared in some of the more entertaining movies.


2.  The Woman in the House across the Street from the Girl in the Window (January 29):  Now there is a title.  But all I need to know is the series is starring Kristen Bell so I may have to re-subscribe to Netflix for the first time in a while.


1.  The Season Finale of Yellowjackets (January 15):  Last episode was wild, Laura Lee’s plane blew up and it seems like Adam turned out to be the blackmailer, which could mean he could be adult Javi.  Of course after Van survived being mauled by wolf, I half expect Laura Lee to crawl out of the lake at the start of next episode.  Okay, I have actually seen the next episode and no spoilers, but there is a very big reveal and a popular Reddit theory gets vindicated.  Okay, one spoiler: the girls butcher a Seal.  No spoilers for the finale, mostly because I have not seen it.  But considering how bat-shirt crazy things have been I am sure there will a few more jaw dropping moment for the last episode.  It looks like the girls will be going to a reunion.  I have to image we finally learn of some of the other crash survivor that made it to middle age.  But will we see the presumed dead Jackie like I have been predicting all season?  Will we learn of anyone else who is with Misty during the dining scene from the premiere?  Oh, and the finale is entitled “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi” or “the glory of the world” in Latin, a phrase spoken when anointing a new Pope.  One has to assume a new leader will be coroneted during the earlier timeline.  Yeah, this is going to be wild.  And since the show was already been renewed, we may get more than three episodes this year.


Here is everything else I will be watching while trying to stay warm this winter:


8:00 – The Neighborhood (CBS, January 3)

9:00 – Snowpiercer (TNT, January 24)



How I Met Your Father (Hulu, January 18)

Dollface (Hulu, February 11)

8:00 – Young Rock (NBC, March 15)

8:30 – Mr. Mayor (NBC, March 15)

9:00 – Abbott Elementary (ABC, January 4)

9:30 – Black’ish (ABC, January 4)



The Book of Boba Fett (Disney+, already started)

Pam and Tommy (Hulu, February 2)

8:00 - The Goldbergs (ABC, January 5)

8:30 - The Wonder Years (ABC, January 5)



Peacemaker (HBO Max, January 13)

The Dropout (Hulu, March 3)

8:00 – The Blacklist (NBC, January 6)

9:00 – Ghosts (CBS, January 6)

9:30 - B Positive (CBS, January 6)

9:30 – Pivoting (Fox, preview January 9, regular timeslot premiere January 13)

10:00 – Grown’ish (Freeform, January 24)

10:30 – Single Drunk Female (Freeform, January 20 back to back episode starting at 10:00 the first week)



Search Party (HBO Max, January 7)

2022 Winter Olympics (NBC, February 4)

8:00 – The Blacklist (NBC, February 25)



8:00 – Killing Eve (BBC America, February 27)

9:00 – Billions (Showtime, January 23)

9:00 – The Walking Dead (AMC, February 20)

9:00 – Fear the Walking Dead (AMC, april 17)

10:00 - The Righteous Gemstones (HBO, January 9)

10:00 – Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber (Showtime, February 27)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 26, 2019

Supergirl: Last week I wondered why Red Daughter was killed off screen, but we got flashbacks of it this week, oh and she did not actually die. I guess they could not afford Jon Cryer to appear in more episodes so they had to do big Lex episodes with copious amounts of flashbacks. Speaking of not really dying, I take it The Monitor is going to do something to Lex to bring him back. I do hope we get Evil Lena next season, the buddy-buddy with Kara has become a bit tedious and we need a little more drama. I wonder if she will just be a little upset or go full Lex.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Killing Eve: Yeah, still confused. So last week, the French assassin smacks the mark with a book, stalks some chicks at night, and this week she is still meeting with the mark even though she smacked him pretty hard last week? Why would he want to be in the same room as her?
You can download Killing Eve on iTunes.

Good Girls: Wait, Boomer has been alive this whole time and the other chick gave the Good Girls her dead husband’s husband so should could continue to cash his military checks and Boomer has been living in the attic of his grandmother? What? That is some daytime soap plotline right there. But if he was there, why didn’t he continue to pay his grandmother’s bill like he used to? And I am confused to what was going on with Ruby’s lawyers. It seemed implied to me that the lawyer knew she was playing with dirty money, I assumed that is why he asked for more when Ruby paid with cash, so it would cover the extra expense of having to wash it.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes

The Enemy Within: I actually thought for a moment they were actually going to bring Tal into the task force and just keep adding traitors as they climb higher and height up the ladder who the head of the organization was. But I did not quite understand why Erika did not mention there was someone higher up in the government. Wouldn’t that guarantee she stays in Washington so she could help find Tal’s accomplice? The only reason I can think of for not telling is maybe she thinks she can get a full pardon if she brings down this person herself?
You can download The Enemy Within on iTunes.

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists: Obviously the British dude was a red herring, but what a horrible end. Someone called The Professor admits to killing the dude and (s)he may be an actual professor because that is what the waiter called him. They really are going to stretch out this mystery like the orginal version of the show. And unless it turns out to be Cece again, it will likely be as dumb.
You can download Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: Well I predicted a Nany/Turbo win at the beginning of the season so I will go ahead and take credit for that. But what great humor for Cara Maria to get the mile head start only for her to have to sit there for someone else to show up, then lose to everyone but the last person.
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: Ooo, Dagger vs. Mayhem battle royal. So big bag did take Dagger’s mom. But how? And why? And where are they now?
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: Okay, so when Beard Hunter randomly showed up on Danny Street was not as random as I thought. When he ate Niles “essence” it led him to Danny Street where Niles’s daughter was. Alrighty. But after a stellar first season, the ending was kind of meh. Well aside from the Tubthumping karaoke.

Blindspot: Well that was a long layoff, when the little girl showed up, I thought, wait, when did Kurt and Jane have a kid? Did I forget a time jump? But then I realized, oh yeah, Kurt knocked up that US Marshall.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: With an episode entitled, “Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Kitson” you would have to think things might get a little weird, but I never thought Quake and Simmons would start tripping balls. Well that was entertaining.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 19, 2019

Supergirl: That ending made no sense, Red Daughter just leaves to be killed by Lex off screen and then Supergirl somehow is about to pull sunlight out of nowhere in the dead of night when she is too hurt to move? Then I did not think I could dislike quirky Braniac 5 more, but super serious Braniac 5 does that. Although if The Dreamer gets banished from the show because of what he did, I will be fine with that. But is Lena actually more evil than her mother? Her mother did say she loved her daughter with some anti-lying thing but Lena did really poison her mother to make sure she helped.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Killing Eve: So I found it weird for Eve to team up with the French assassin but the ending this week was downright confusing. So the French assassin hits the dude with a book and leaves and then starts stalking two chicks at night. I feel like I missed something.
You can download Killing Eve on iTunes.

Billions: I thought when Bonnie turned down telling Taylor she was in the super-secret fund; I thought she was going to go there and be a mole. Kind of petty to take that meeting just to have Axe tell Taylor off face to facetime. That pettiness is going to bring Axe down one of these days. Well, probably not because the show is built on pettiness.

Good Girls: I know these are amateurs but c’mon, if you are going to break into someone’s apartment, at least have a look out so you do not get caught. And I know throwing the body away did not work, but burying a body in the backyard seems like a pretty bad idea too. Especially if you are not sure if it is the right body or not.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes

The Chi: Emmitt’s council of baby mamas need their own television show. But it surprising that a standardized test gets stolen, Kevin scores well above average and the teacher thinks he is just a genius.

Survivor: Edge of Extinction: I thought the idea of someone who was booted out fourth would make for a horrible show, except the guy voted out third ended up winning. Yep, half of the final four was made up players who were voted out in the first four votes. And they just handed Chris the win because he got to hang out with the jury for a month with nothing better to do and talk about the game without any real consequence, got put back in the game with a ton of dirt from the jury (Victoria can win, Lauren has an Idol, Gavin and Julie are goats), and Idol in his bag, and we learn after the show that he actually also was given letters from the jury to the remaining player. People have been given some unfair advantages in the past, but the overwhelming amount of advantages that Chris receive was just absurd. This should go down as the worst season of Survivor ever.
You can download Survivor: Edge of Extinction on iTunes.

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists: Dead girl shot British dude? Did not see that coming. But what is British dude hiding? Is he really the killer? Was he just involved but did not do it? Is this all a red herring and his secret not tied to anything? Since it took a bunch of seasons for the original show to tell up who A really was, I am guessing there is a shoe or two to drop. Maybe Cece killed the dude. It would make about as much sense as Cece turning out to be A.
You can download Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: TJ not kidding this being the most grueling final ever: running and biking six miles in the desert seems extremely brutal. Kind of hard to watch. At least they did not make them eat anything gross… yet.
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: When the season started I assumed Mayhem was some sort of Jekyll and Hyde situation. Except it turned out she was split into two spate people. But is she now Jekyll and Hyde. Mayhem certainly implied the good cop half was now in there but was not to being presplit cop. And what happened at the end, did Dagger’s mom OD? Did record playing guy make her take those pills by playing her album? We never see a body so did record playing guy take Dagger’s mom?
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: I did not think we were going to get a weirder power than the one Beard Hunter had, and then Flex Mentallo flexed and made everyone, um, really happy for a about a minute. Alrighty. But what exactly happened to Beard Hunter. He swallowed Niles essence, went down some weird staircase, and the next we see him he is on Danny the Street, giving up on hunting beards. But we are in for a loaded finale, they need to explain to us just how Niles was involved in creating all those superheroes and then they have to bring down Mr. Nobody.

The Blacklist: So the president was not trying to assassinate himself, just making it look like a failed assassination plot gone wrong. That makes much more sense than trying to kill himself. Then after all this time we get to finally see Lizzy’s mom… who promptly stabs Red and stuffs him in a van. Um, okay, that is going to need some explaining. I am guessing that momma thinks if Red can find her the Russians can too.
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I hope we do not get a bunch of close misses of FitzSimmons because that will be a bore. But not-Coulson has to be an alternative Universe version, right?
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 12, 2019

Supergirl: So just when Kara was going to reveal herself to Lena, Lena says something about betrayl so Supergirl puts her glasses back on. Meh. Maybe Supergirl will tell Lena by the end of the season setting up Lena slowly turn evil next season. There really needs to be a change in that dynamic.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Killing Eve: I am not sure what made less sense, the French assassin not retaliating for Eve stabbing her or Eve having the French Assassin locked in a container with two armed guards and just let her walk away. She has killed a bunch of people including one of your co-workers Eve.
You can download Killing Eve on iTunes.

Billions: Really, a draw? They can pay for Rich Eisen but not any judges? But kudos to the nerd who bet push. But silliness aside, both Axe and Chuck took a big hit from their adversaries this week. I hope at least one of them if not both get their comeuppance this season because if we are just going to have them in these big holes only for them to come out on top by the finale will be pretty boring.

Good Girls: So Beth takes an entire week off from being a drug kingpin? And only decides to go back to it because someone would not put out her gluten filled cupcakes? Kind of an unnecessary episode.
You can download Good Girls on iTunes

Shadowhunters: Petty horrible show, and even though they had to wrap up the series in a two and a half movie, that actually kind of had a satisfying ending. Still, I am glad it finally got canceled.
You can download Shadowhunters on iTunes.

Survivor: Edge of Extinction: Just when you thought Rick could not get any more annoying. If Lauren does not win, this will be the biggest travesty in the show's history.
You can download Survivor: Edge of Extinction on iTunes.

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists: It seems like they have spent most of this season trying to convince the head of security that the trio had nothing to do with the death that we really have not spent much time figuring out who exactly did it. The British dude has to move to the top of the very short list right now.
You can download Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists on iTunes.

The Challenge: War of World: Good riddance Paulie, please go back to Big Brother.
You can download The Challenge: War of Worlds on iTunes.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: What a great ending, just when you though the worst was about to happen to Dagger she sees the light. But did Cloak put Mayhem back in his dark space? He told her doppelganger he put her away. We did see a record store there when Dagger went there so I guess that is some voodoo plain where all that other worldly things go.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Doom Patrol: So poppa Stone is still, barely alive. I guess that would happen because it is hard to do Cyborg without him. We also almost got the death of Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man but hilariously he was shot in the mineral part of him. I wonder if he will just stay in the background or if he will ever come face to face with the Doom Patrol again. He as to have some part in the finale, right?

The Blacklist: So the president’s big plan is to kill himself to become martyred? Yeah, that does not make any sense. If you can pull off a conspiracy like that, how about just bury the bad information?
You can download The Blacklist on iTunes.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I thought we were going to start another season without any Fitz, but he finally showed up in the end tag. But what exactly was he injecting? Of course that may not have been Fitz because we got not-Coulsen this episode. I take this is some sort of multi-verse thing. Except the guy in the wall had some sort of cybernetics. So who know? Hopefully we find out sooner rather than later.
You can download Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on iTunes.