Quote of the Week: Or we can throw that pig through the (expletive deleted)’s windshield. Send her a message. (Chloe, Mercy)
Song of the Week: That’s How Strong My Love Is – Otis Redding (Mercy)
Big News of the Week: Leno Back to The Tonight Show?: I am not a big fan of rumors and try not to give them any credence, but there was a lot of smoke with Leno making quite a bit of venomous jokes at his show potentially no longer being at 10:00 (saying Fox is wonderful this time of year). Although he made no mention of him going back to The Tonight Show as the rumor has him landing as soon as the Olympics end. This puts Conan O’Brien in the inenviable spot of taking his Late Night spot back or getting the boot (which I imagine will have a sizable severance package to go along with it). Unless I missed it, no word on what would happen to The Roots, but hopefully The Roots will be sticking around or maybe they will move to The Late Late Show where Craig Ferguson could use a house band. Also no word on how NBC will start filling their 10:00’s. My suggestion: five nights of Friday Night Lights a week. My prediction: more Dateline NBC on the schedule.
Mercy: Holy Michael Ian Black sighting! I thought he had resigned to just sitting around waiting for VH1 to announce the next batch of “I Love…” specials. And what is it about outside in New Jersey in the dead of winter that causes everyone to have an epiphany? Each patient ended out there for some profound speech with their nurse. And someone needs to point me out to the place on the internet where you can buy fully cooked full pigs. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Mercy on iTunes.
Modern Family: I feel insulted that the writers of Modern Family would insult me by trying to make me think that Al Bundy was supposed to be some sort high school baseball stud. We all he scored four towchdowns in one game for Polk High. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Free Download of the Week: Lost in 8:15 (iTunes): The second biggest news of the week was the audacity of the president to even think about scheduling the State of the Union the same day as the season premiere of the last season of Lost. Even though Obama ended up choosing another date, it was funny seeing the fanboys up in arms just because they may have had to wait another week after already waiting eight months. But before then, they have released the previous five minutes into just over eight minutes to catch you up. There are also a couple of free episodes currenly on iTunes including the Pilot.
Deal of the Week: Spend $7.99 or More and Get $5 Off Select MP3 Albums
Video of the Week: The big return tomorrow is Chuck (more on that below), but Sunday also sees a sneak peak of the new National Geographic show Border Wars at 10:00 and the fourth season premiere of Big Love on HBO. For those that need to be caught up on the latter, here is a recap of the first three seasons (for those without HBO like me, the third season of Big Love
Next Week Pick of the Week: Chuck, Sunday at 9:00 and Monday at 8:00 on NBC: Pretty silly that NBC debuts a show that always ends at 9:00 to start it a day earlier which will end at 11:00. But this is NBC and they tend not to make wise decisions anymore. But for those who remember and can stay up that late, its three hours of Chuck in twenty-four hours. Check back tomorrow for more on Chuck.