Back in college, one thing all the graduate assistants I worked with agreed on, do not do graduate work at the same school you did your undergrad. I could not help think of those words of wisdom when watching this season of Greek. Though I did not have any plans of going to grad school after graduating, watching Casey Cartwright this season I could see exactly why everyone suggested not continuing even higher learning at the same school.
Sure hanging out with undergrads you were friends with just three months ago may not seem that band, but how quickly you turn into that old guy at the college bar. And I got that vibe that Greek itself may have stayed one season too long and may have been better if the series would have just ended when Casey and Even Chambers graduated. Instead Casey and Cappie end up riding off into the sunset one semester too late (leaving Evan to wallow by himself yet again).
We even got a steady parade of returning alumni this season with Frannie, Katherine, Ashleigh, and Wade all finding their way back to Cypress Rhoades this season to mixed results but with one common theme, they did so with their tails between their legs. Again, you may be able to go home again, but that doesn’t mean you should. Even Lonegirl15 inexplicably popped up for no apparent reason. Who knew she was still attending CRU? Which begs the question whatever happened to Ben Bennett?
That is not to say season four was a complete waste. Dale, always the series MVP, finally got a major storyline worthy of the spotlight when the former president of USAG (fun fact: Abed from Community was also a founding member) actually rushed a fraternity and taught the guys who only gave a bid to get back at Rusty a thing or two about brotherhood. And his work as the ZBZ hasher was always comedy gold especially whenever Rebecca was involved.
Greek did miss the usual ten years later epilogue you expect at the end of college stories, but at least Dale finally got that kiss from Casey he had been pining for since he first laid eyes on her at his Darwin Lied concert. Here is hoping they do not come back to Cypress Rhoades except for the occational Homecoming weekends.
Greek 4.x gets a
![Terror Alert Level: Elevated [YELLOW]](
Greek the Series gets a
![Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE]](