Once Upon a Time: How dressing is it that the kid actually think his mother is some evil queen capable of killing a dude. Sure it turns out that he is right, but you would think he may start living back in the real world after the sheriff’s death.
You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Once Upon a Time.
Leverage: Usually I rail against promo monkeys and their spoilery ways, but I am actually glad they actually told us who that was behind the bars because I had no clue who the guy was in the final shot.
You can stream recent episodes on TNT.tv. You can also download Leverage on iTunes.
Shameless: The Chicago cold was such a character of the first season it is weird seeing the cast walking around in summer clothes. Well, Fiona is still wear the same amount of clothing, little to none.
Pan Am: In other promo monkey news, thanks for letting us know next week Christina Ricci will be making out with the hot chick from those horrible vampire movies.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Pan Am on iTunes.
Pretty Little Liars: Lucas as A’s lackey helps my theory that he, Mona and Jenna actually comprise as A and a wet Mona and an arguing Jenna also bolsters that theory. Of course with all that smoke I am beginning to think they are all just red herrings (which brings me back to my original theory that Allison really is not dead). But the biggest question now is how did Lucas get from the door to the middle of the lake in the time Emily talked to Spencer? Does he have an evil twin? Or was it just horrible writing? I will assume that latter until proved otherwise.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Pretty Little Liars on iTunes.
The Lying Game: That was a great ending. Just as the credits ends with everyone eulogizing Sutton while I role my eyes (anyone who watches television knows no one is ever dead until you see the body, and even then there are exceptions) Sutton shows up at the door a second before the episode ends.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Lying Game on iTunes.
Castle: I do not understand how Ryan was so calm about learning his future wife was in a conquest book by some sleazy dude. I do not care about exclusivity; she had a one night stand with someone who is probably a hotel for VD. I would call off a wedding for less.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes.
Switched at Birth: Whenever they go into silent mood whenever Emmitt is talking is always jarring but effective, but the silent mode when the cops showed up was really striking.
You can stream the show on Hulu. You can also download Switched At Birth on iTunes.
Suburgatory: I did not think Dalia could get any scarier, then I saw the 3-D laser rendering of her inside a paperweight.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Suburgatory on iTunes.
Modern Family: Funniest sight gag of the week was Hayley sticking an egg in Luke’s mouth after theorizing that the egg could survivor a story drop inside his mouth.
You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Happy Endings: It is nice to know I am not the only person who goes around copying The Wire
You can stream the show on Hulu. YYou can also download Happy Endings on iTunes.
Revenge: I have had the inkling since the beginning (the timeline set up very well), but actually hearing someone suggest that Charlotte may actually be Amanda/Emily’s half-sister was pretty jaw dropping (mostly because I had forgotten of this theory a long time ago). And it was nice to finally see Emily go back to destroying people’s lives. But I wonder if we will be getting the first scene of the series earlier than the season finale like I have always expected. By my count there are still ten episodes left and are they really going to string out Emily and Daniel’s inevitable engagement out that long?
You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Revenge on iTunes.
Chuck: Isn’t Bo Derek a little before Morgan and Chuck’s time? Wouldn’t Kathy Ireland or Elle Macpherson been more age appropriate for the boys? But anyway. Is it a shame the writers did not have the foresight to make the Memento
You can stream current episodes on Hulu. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.