Even though I try to avoid VH1’s … of Love shows (sometime unsuccessfully) the Charm School spin off remains one of the guiltiest guilty pleasures currently on television. This is most likely because I don’t have to see trashy girls having sex with the likes of Flavor Flav and Brett Michaels. For the third season they are actually combining two shows with the rejects of Rock of Love Bus and Real Chance of Love. We also get a new Headmistress in Ricky Lake who may be the most credible of giving charm advice of all the headmistresses. But considering she is following Sharon Osbourne, that isn’t saying much.

There also seems to be a theme of charity this season, the first challenge (?) saw the schoolgirls give clothing of their choice to charity. Although I am not sure who would possibly want to wear hand-me-downs from strippers and porn stars no matter how in need they are. Then later in the season some of the girls will be going down the 9th Ward to help rebuild houses. As nice as that seems, should they really have these girls that close to Bourbon Street while in Charm School?

Charm School with Ricki Lake airs Monday at 9:00 on VH1. You can stream current episodes at VH1.com. You can also download Charm School on iTunes or Amazon Video on Demand
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