Quote of the Week: I got the premium package. I told you if I don't watch 5 hours of TV a day, I'm throwing money out the window. (Gary, Gary Unmarried)
Song of the Week: Heaven
Big News of the Week: The Recession Hits Home: When the recession started making stories circa October last year I could care less because it seemed to only hurt morons who bought houses they couldn’t afford and the morons who gave them the money to do so (an a few innocent bystanders). But as we inch closer to a depressions thanks to an administration thinking throwing money at anything will make things better even though the reason why we are in it is because the last one did the exact same thing, the recession actually hit home this week with the announcement that BMG Music is no more. I have taken advantage of their “12 for the price of 1” deals for almost two decades now (my first shipment included Public Enemy, Bryan Adams and Alice in Chains) and would estimate a good 40% of my CD collection came from the service. BMG Music: you will be missed. Luckily Amazon MP3 has cushioned my fall thanks to the MP3 Daily Deal
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
With news of Leighton Meester landing a film role, Buzz wondered which TV actors could shine on the big screen. (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie shared the first pictures of Alex O'Loughlin in Criminal Minds. (Daemon's TV)
Vance is loving the new Degrassi kids, meanwhile, some of the old ones are going to Hollywood, while a few in real life are starring in a play in Toronto! (Tapeworthy)
Missing Lost this week? Jace might not have a new episode of the ABC drama to tide you over until your latest fix but he does have video of his interviews with showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and series stars Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, and Michael Emerson... along with a few spoilers. (Televisionary)
Although not usually one to pick a fight, Dan expressed some annoyance with the portrayal of gay folks on SNL and Bromance. (TiFaux)
Jennifer pondered why there are no big stars on Dancing With the Stars and who will die on Smallville, while Ashley took a swing at TV's best musical moments. (Tube Talk)
Raoul talked to Kris and Amanda from The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)
This week, we listed 5 reasons why Kings could help rebuild NBC's empire. (the TV Addict)
The Big Bang Theory: I may be knit-picking, but Sheldon does that with everything, so it makes it okay. But the opening just didn’t work for me for two reasons. Why would they need more Tivo space so they don’t have to delete Battlestar Galactica? I can’t image between the four of them, at least one has the DVD, and most likely all four have their own version. And why would Sheldon be so adverse to breaking the warranty agreement? Wouldn’t he think he would be able to fix the Tivo better than even the dude who created it. With that said, all of it was still funny. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: I was completely offended by the insults flung around to Ted having a soul patch as I sported one in my youth and had one before there was even a name for such a thing. Okay, the name “soul patch” is kind of Toolish, but having one before it was dubbed that was totally awesome. Then I had the save mine off when someone suggested I stole the idea from the gay dude on The Real World (I want to say New Orleans). You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
I Love Money: I love how The Entertainer and his alliance have gotten so upset that everyone pretty much banded together to out his crew as if no one else is allow to create their own alliance and just sit around waiting to get voted off.
Gary Unmarried: It has become pretty clear that Louis is the new star of the show and the most recent episode just cemented that. Just imagine if she were ten years older and ran into Sheldon. And they should seriously think about adding Martin Mull and Jane Curtain to the cast. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.
Survivor: So J.D. chips a tooth, spits it out, throws it across the playing field, and gets ready for the next round. Man's Game J.D. But I really want the Exile Alliance to work though they are skating on thin ice on both tribes. What really sucks is I don’t think we will get a new episode for three weeks thanks to March Madness with just a Wednesday recap episode in the mean time. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Friday Night Lights: I was a little disapointed that the Panthers did not run a little Wildcat. When you have two quarterbacks on the field you have to trow in a trick play or two. And how do you go for it on fourth and long with under a minute? Punt i through the enzone so the cannot have a run back and go into prevent. If he doesn't make a first down, that would have been a fireable offense. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com.

You can also check out my First Impressions of Castle and/or my Final Impressions of Tool Academy.
Free Download of the Week: Pitter-Pat (Acoustic)
Deal of the Week: Over 300 Blu-ray Discs as Low as $13.99
Video of the Week: Monday wraps up Christina Ricci’s run on Saving Grace and don’t expect her tenure to end with her completion of her rotation. Nope, Grace finds something about Ricci that brings her stint to an abrupt end. Check out a clip below:
Next Week Pick of the Week: March Madness, Thursday and Friday from noon until after midnight on CBS: Some would argue that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but for me it is March Madness. With four games on at a time, there is a high probability that at least one will be good and they go on all day for two days. Plus it is the only time of the year when gambling is socially acceptable, even teachers pass out brackets to their students for “extra credit” and the boss doesn’t care if you spend the workday hitting refresh on ESPN.com. Sadly 90% of people are all but out of their office pool by the start of the second round while the secretary who doesn’t follow sports sits on the top of the leaderboard.
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