Quote of the Week: Well, then allow me to put this to you delicately. You see, men are dogs. They come, you know, sniffing around, barking up your tree. But if they don’t see a kitty cat up in that tree, pretty soon they stop barking. Dwight’s not missing. He's barking up somebody else’s tree. (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)
Song of the Week: Barney’s Christmas Medley - Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)
Big News of the Week: Design Your Own The Office T-Shirt: Here is a cool offer if you are a fan of slave labor. Head over to NBC.com to design your own t-shirt dedicated to The Office. A grand prize is awarded to one lucky fan who would be chosen by producers of The Office and will be sold through the NBCStore.com. And that is pretty much the whole prize, no Dundie and it sounds like NBC won’t even cut you in on the profits your shirt makes for the site.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz reflected on the year Grey's Anatomy went totally crazy. (BuzzSugar)
This week Team GMMR shared our TV on DVD wish list. What's TV series are on your list? Here's to hoping Santa likes TV as much as the rest of us. (Give Me My Remote)
Which EW 2008 Pop Culture moment photo, recreated by the gang at How I Met Your Mother, do you love best? Vance wants you to vote on it! Vance thinks it's a toss up between the Michael Phelps Olympics one and The Jonas Brothers one. Either way, Neil Patrick Harris is hot. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace once again took a look into the future, offering advance reviews of Season Three of HBO's Big Love and the Skins season finale on BBC America. (Televisionary)
Amy Poehler's send-off on Saturday Night Live was bittersweet -- Jesse was sad to see her go, but glad that she left on what could be the best episode of the season thus far! (TiFaux)
This week, the TV Addict poked fun at NBC's latest attempt to cut costs. (The TV Addict)
Free Download of the Week: Being the last Free Download of the year and everyone seems to be in a giving mood here is a list of some cool free stuff. And of course there is also the free iTunes or Amazon gift card you can win just by sending me your favorite songs of the year:
Listen Up - EPMD
25 Days of Free Christmas Songs
I Believe - R. Kelly (iTunes)
Flight of the Concords: Season 2 Premiere (Streaming at Funnyordie.com)
Video of the Week: Kenneth the Page has a new edition to his Kenneth the Web Page and here it is:
Next Week Pick of the Week: Leverage, Tuesday at 10:00 on TNT: It seems to be a light week thanks to the holidays but for those that cannot stomach spending all that time with your family and have overdosed on The Christmas Story marathon by the third hour, Leverage offers up their Christmas episode. Had I waited an extra month to post the list, the show would have easily been number one on my Best New Shows of Fall 2008 and this episode is the best of the first four and features D.B. Sweeney as a priest whose church the gang tries to save from being bought from a shady business man.
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