Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do You Know What’s Worth Fighting for When it’s not Worth Dying For

21st Century Breakdown - Green Day

It is a story fit for Behind the Music: band on the edge of self destruction ends up recording their most critically acclaimed album and second biggest selling album, a concept album of all things that some would argue (not me) is the soundtrack for the Bush era. So what do you do for a follow up if you are Green Day and it has been half a decade since you released American Idiot: how about another concept album?

And so we get the three act 21st Century Breakdown that follows the couple Christian and Gloria (as opposed to the singular protagonist of American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia) through eighteen songs across seventy minute. The first act Heroes and Cons is the angsty portion of the album that opens with the ambitious title track with multiple tempo changes within its five minutes. That is followed by the paranoia driven first single Know Your Enemy which can easily be written off as this album’s American Idiot: a straight ahead rocker with not so thinly veiled potshots at their political foes.

The act does delve into some of the mellowest movements of the band’s career as we are introduced to Gloria in ¡Viva la Gloria! Before that song takes off then goes back down for the acoustic Before the Lobotomy before again revving up halfway through the song. Then comes Christian’s Inferno that sound as menacing as the title would suggest. The act ends with the mellow Last Night on Earth that unlike the previous songs in the act doesn’t get moving.

The second act Charlatans and Saints starts off with East Jesus Nowhere, a pure punk rocker that shouts along for four and a half minutes with machine gun guitar riffs that takes aims at religion that permeates the second act. That rocker continues with Peacemaker but with a south of the border tinge. They go full tilt western to start out ¿Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl) sounding like an old time drinking hole piano player.

The last act Horseshoes and Handgernades (as in the only two things where close counts) also is the name of the first song which may be the closest thing on the album that sounds like nineties Green Day with its snotty lyrics and fast guitars. 21 Guns could be this album’s Boulevard of Broken Dreams with its high highs and low lows that go back and forth during the song. Bucking the trend of the closer of the previous which close with songs that border on Air Supply type adult contemporary, the album ends with a bang worthy of the act title, that tells the ever after of Christian and Gloria.

All in all, if you liked the politics and rock theatrics of American Idiot, 21st Century Breakdown will be right up your alley even if they just seem to be rehashing things five years later. Musically it seems like their detour with the garage rock of the Foxboro Hut Tubs as the genre creeps into many songs on the set. But if you started to get sick of American Idiot and the bands turn into Queen like stadium anthems, just stick with Dookie and pass on the album.

Song to Download – 21st Century Breakdown

21st Century Breakdown gets a Terror Alert Level: Elevated [YELLOW] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First Impressions: Charm School with Ricki Lake

The Girls of Charm School with Ricki Lake

Even though I try to avoid VH1’s … of Love shows (sometime unsuccessfully) the Charm School spin off remains one of the guiltiest guilty pleasures currently on television. This is most likely because I don’t have to see trashy girls having sex with the likes of Flavor Flav and Brett Michaels. For the third season they are actually combining two shows with the rejects of Rock of Love Bus and Real Chance of Love. We also get a new Headmistress in Ricky Lake who may be the most credible of giving charm advice of all the headmistresses. But considering she is following Sharon Osbourne, that isn’t saying much.

Gia is first to go... againThere are a couple more changes this season. There is a Dean’s List which keeps some of the girls safe from expulsion every week. And instead of the Headmistress having full control of who to bring down to the carpet then expel, those not on the Dean’s List go to Detention where they vote who goes down to the carpet. An odd change considering it may lead alliances determining who gets on the carpet instead of who deserves it. Even last night the Bus rejects all voted for one girl while the Real Chance also-rans did another. But there was the hilarious part where Gia voted for Ashley, apparently not know what exactly she was voting for through her alcoholic haze.

There also seems to be a theme of charity this season, the first challenge (?) saw the schoolgirls give clothing of their choice to charity. Although I am not sure who would possibly want to wear hand-me-downs from strippers and porn stars no matter how in need they are. Then later in the season some of the girls will be going down the 9th Ward to help rebuild houses. As nice as that seems, should they really have these girls that close to Bourbon Street while in Charm School?

Beverly Palmer: You children will be embarrassedIn the end Gia’s drunken stupor got her expelled, even if she improved from her time on Bret Michael’s bus. C’mon, she didn’t have anyone drink from her lady area. That is progress. But her exit from the house looked like a trailer for a horror movie, it was that creepy. And she wasn’t the only one to leave as the equally drunken Beverly got the boot for breaking the number one rule of reality television of never put your hands on another cast member. On her way out she hoped she wouldn’t do anything to embarrass her children. Too late honey.

Charm School with Ricki Lake airs Monday at 9:00 on VH1. You can stream current episodes at You can also download Charm School on iTunes or Amazon Video on Demand.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LXXIX

The Big Bang Theory: I wonder is we are heading for a Leonard/Penny coupling again for the second straight season finale? It certainly looks like it. Then we will probably start up the third season with them decoupling once again. Hurmph. At least Sheldon’s fascination with potty humor was funny. You can stream current clips over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: What was with all the girls running away from the bouquet? Like that has ever happened at any wedding. Certainly the garter may be thrown around until a kid who is to young to understand the consequence gets a hold, but not the bouquet. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Greek on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Stella? Seriously? We have already established that she was not the mother so why jerk us around like that? But I may have to get myself a job at Goliath Bank to get the unlimited poster budget because I would do as many as he would. I love graphs. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

I Love Money: We are at the finale already? At least we learned once and for all that yes, It is that stupid. You can also download I Love Money on iTunes.

Rescue Me: Leave it to Rescue Me to make Cancer almost funny. Poor Shawn. And if Tommy does let Katie decide if she wants to be in boarding school or like with Janet or him and she choose him, where exactly are they going to say? With Lou? You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

Rescue Me on iTunes

Lost: Why is it nobody is wondering what exactly what will happen if they actually detonate the hydrogen bomb? Do they think that they will actually magically warp to life in 2007 as if they never crashed on the island without any recollection of actually crashing and not just die in the blast? Then there are Dan’s mom and Richard who have no future to warp to, what do they think with end up happening to them? My theory is that they were always destined to set off the bomb and that is what creates the Swan station. And at least there was the goods comic relief of Dr. Chang quizzing Hurley on current events. You can stream current episodes over at

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: Ug, another week, another week without Coach getting voted off. I wish I could say I couldn’t believe that he actually told his buddy that everyone calls him the dragon slayer, but that would be a lie. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: Yeah, this would have been better as just a one episode because the second part just went off the rails. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Best of the Week vol. XX

Quote of the Week: For what it's worth, my mother says that when we deceive for personal gain, we make Jesus cry. (Sheldon – The Big Bang Theory)

Song of the Week: Mercy – Duffy (Cupid)

Big News of the Week: A Melancholy Happy Trails to Dom DeLuise: Some of the funniest movies of my childhood were The Cannonball Run movies and Dom DeLuise was certainly one of the reasons the two movies were so hilarious. And the laughs kept coming with his cameos in Mel Brooks films: Blazing Saddles and History of the World pt. I and his numerous television guest appearances on series and game shows throughout the eighties. They just don’t make comics like Dom DeLuise anymore and that’s a shame.

Coalition Links of the Week:
Inspired by the Bones/Family Guy crossover, Buzz dreamed up some other funny TV crossovers she'd love to see — complete with goofy photoshopping! (BuzzSugar)

The Tony Award nominations are out and while it's about Broadway Theatre, the show is still on TV, so Vance gives his two cents on this years picks.(Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace reviewed the first two episodes of Showtime's sensational new comedy Nurse Jackie, starring Edie Falco, which launches in June. (Televisionary)

Whether it'll stick around remains to be seen, but Marisa wants to have the (almost) final word on Dollhouse. (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict offered up his snap judgements on NBC's new fall offerings. (The TV Addict)

Eric was lucky enough to interview Cassidy Freeman just a week before the Smallville season finale. (TV Fanatic)

Earlier this week I unveiled The 25 Best Duos on Television, and some of the brain trust culled to make up the list posted their ballots, so head over to Ducky Does TV, Give Me My Remote, Pass the Remote and Tapeworthy to see just who they voted for.

Free Download of the Week: Free Green Day Song (Rhapsody): All week Rhapsody has been giving away free Green Day songs and as I write this you can get their new single Know Your Enemy (please note that Rhapsody changes randomly, so you better not procrastinate to get it). And if you are a Rhapsody subscriber, you can stream the new album 21st Century Breakdown for free (non-members get 25 free streams per month so you could get two listens in before you run out).

Deal of the Week: Get Free Movie Cash to See Star Trek (Tropic Thunder, Strange Wilderness, Ghost Town)

Video of the Week: Certainly we have all seen this story before: overeducated and unemployable. It is doubtful that anything will come close to being as great as Wonderfalls in telling that story, but Post Grad features Matt Saresen saranading Rory Gilmore, so hopefully it will be at the very least watchable.

Post Grad Trailer

Next Week Pick of the Week: The Big Bang Theory, Monday at 8:00 on CBS: The funniest show end with what CBS calls “The coolest finale ever!” Of course this is because the foursome will be going on an exposition to the Arctic. But will Leonard really make the trip after it was revealed Penny called out his name in the heat of passion? I may have to brush up on the Schrödinger's cat experiment before I predict that.

Looking ever further into the future, TNT looks to have a big push this summer with seven new and returing shows premiering throughout the season. I am sure I will have more on the shows at a later date. Until then, here are the premiere dates:

Monday, June 8
9:00 - The Closer
10:00 - Raising the Bar

Tuesday, June 16
8:00 - Wedding Day (A new reality show from Survivor's Mark Burnett)
9:00 - HawthoRNe (A new series starring Jada Pinkett Smith)
10:00 - Saving Grace

Wednesday, July 15
9:00 - Leverage
10:00 - Dark Blue (A new series staring Dylan McDermott)

Friday, May 08, 2009

Previewing Dog Whisperer: Inside Puppy Mills

Cesar Millan of the Dog WhispererLast month, Barack Obama got a lot flack for selecting his dog Bo from a breeder instead of adopting a rescue dog like he promised during his campaign. An off shoot of that decision is that will increase puppy mills churning out Portuguese water dogs because of his decision. On a special episode of Dog Whisperer tonight at 9:00 on the National Geographic Channel Cesar Millan goes undercover to witness the puppy mills first hand. As the press release says:

Dog Whisperer: Inside Puppy Mills
Every year, millions of dogs are mass-produced at puppy mills - often packed in tiny wire cages, neglected, dehydrated, dirty, and chronically sick - and then sold legally to pet stores throughout the country. In this powerful episode, Cesar sees puppy mill horror and works to rescue and rehabilitate caged pups with the animal rights group Last Chance for Animals. With hidden cameras, LCA operatives spot check Los Angeles county kennels, rescue eleven dogs considered worthless by breeders and learn from Cesar as he teaches them how to immediately rehabilitate the traumatized pups.

For anyone who is thinking about getting a dog, this is a must see episode. For more facts on puppy mills, head over to And since they were both mentioned in the special you can find out more about Last Chance for Animals and at their websites. You can also check out a preview below with a cameo from Sharon Osbourne:

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Very Thing that Drives You Can Drive You Insane

White Lies for Dark Times - Ben Harper and Relentless7

For his tenth studio album, Ben Harper has traded his normal backing band the Innocent Criminals for a new one the Relentless7, but make no doubt, White Lies for Dark Times still sounds like a Ben Harper album. What the Relentless7 adds can be heard most on the rock songs that sound bluesier and closer to a garage band, the three musicians come from Texas, sound than the more polished Innocent Criminal sound.

That influence can be heard of the drums and fuzz first single Shimmer & Shine and the album opener Number with No Name which is a slide guitar from down on the bayou that takes a pit stop in Seattle. The spacey yet raw Up to You Now is reminiscent of something off of Mirror ball which famously saw Neil Young replaced for the album Pearl Jam with Crazy Horse. Lay There & Hate Me features an opening piano groove and bassline that borders on disco with some “ooh’s” that could have been lifted from a Rolling Stones record yet mix together perfectly. While Why Must You Always Dress in Black sounds like something from the Jimi Hendrix catalogue. Keep it Together (So I Can Fall Apart) starts out that way until it breaks down into kind of jam band type groove.

The slower songs sound more like vintage Harper for better or worse. Skin Thin sounds like it has appeared already on his previous nine albums with just a changed lyric or two. On the flip side of the coin is Fly One Time that just builds and builds with a driving groove to the point where Ben’s voice starts to crack. Hopefully the rejuvenation from the Relentless7 keeps Ben Harper putting out listenable music for another ten albums.

Song to Download – Fly One Time

White Lies for Dark Times gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I Want My Music Television vol. LI

There have been a couple of videos that have caught my eye lately so I thought I’d give them some love since the death of Musical Television left a void for a forum on the art form. If you are interested in buying the video through iTunes, click the title link (where available). If you are interested in buying the song, look for a link in the analysis.

Magnificent – U2

I have no clue what the white sheet were supposed to symbolize or what was with all the gratuitous close up smoky Arab dude, but at least the new U2 video looks cool.

You Belong with Me – Taylor Swift

I had a very She’s All That vibe from this video. Or was it Whatever it Takes? Maybe Get Over It? All those early ’00 teen movies all blend together. Then Evil Taylor Swift conspicuously looks like Jodi Lyn O’Keefe who I think was the ex-girlfriend in all of them. And I think I may take Evil Taylor over the good version.

The Best Days – Taylor Swift

And here is another video from Swift for all the mothers out there on the eve of Mother’s day.

3 A.M. – Eminem

I am not going to embed the new Eminem video because it is creepy in an early Marilyn Manson video kind of was but with more blood. Eminem always likes to walk up to the line of controversy, but with 3 A.M. he jumps right over the line and is just shocking for the sake of shock. Click the link above to watch the video in its entirety on YouTube at your own digression.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Previewing NBC's New Shows

Over the past two years, I have killed Ben Silverman for ruining NBC with bad decision after another and batting an abysmal .000 when it comes to new shows (it is safe to now put Southland in the fail column after losing almost half its viewers in a month). I am sure yesterday’s Infronts will get more run for what was absent (Chuck, My Name Is Earl, Law and Order; but note the press release says “Additional series pickups announced May 19”), but some of the new shows at the very least interesting. Here are the five shows that may get my eye this coming fall (or Spring 2010, or possibly that Summer because NBC won’t be revealing their summer also until May 19).

1. Trauma: I am not a medical fan and don’t recognize anyone in the cast (aside from Puff Daddy, not the real one, the one from the Biggie Bio-pic), but this has me intrigued for one reason: Peter Berg, the guy that gave us Friday Night Lights, so the guy knows about scouting unknown talent. And the preview looks epic. Maybe almost too epic as it looks movie type expensive which means if it doesn’t get a lot of viewers and fast, it will be gone soon. Check out the preview below and be on the lookout for Buddy Garrity (supposedly Kevin Rankin, who you may know better as Herc is in the cast but I didn’t spot him in the preview):

2. Parenthood: I wasn’t at all interested when I heard they were doing another attempt at Parenthood. That was until they started casting some really likeable actors including Peter Krause (Sports Night), Maura Tierney (News Radio), Craig T. Nelson (The Incredibles), Dax Shepard (Idiocracy), Bonnie Bedelia (okay, I have no clue who she is), Monica Potter (Trust Me), Erika Christensen (Traffic) and Sarah Ramos (American Dreams). From the promo below, you can also spot Sam Jaeger (Eli Stone) and Mae Whitman (her?). And the behind the scenes people are also pretty solid with Ron Howard and Brian Grazer from Arrested Development producing along with Jason Katims (Friday Night Lights) who also handles the writing.

3. Community: Break out star alert: Danny Pudi. Plus the show stars Chevy Chase (American Vacation) and comes from some of the directors of Arrested Development. Plenty of laughable moments in the preview below:

4. Day One: Here is a show that can go either way, it is from Jesse Alexander whose credits include Heroes, Lost and Alias so we or more likely looking at something that is high concept but low reward. Plus there is a Hayden Painietere look-a-like in the cast in the form of Addison Timlin (if she wears a cheerleader outfit I am certainly not watching (wait, did I just write that?)). And all the Jericho comparisons are not helping (the title refers to the day after a catastrophic event). But the show stars the enjoyable Julie Gonzalo who looks like she is going back to her Veronica Mars long blond hair as opposed to her more recent short brunette locks on Eli Stone. No promo yet (it won’t premiere until 2010), but here is an interview with Gonzalo:

5. Mercy: Again, not a fan of the medical fair, but Mercy doesn’t focus on doctors, but instead the nurses. And it stars Michelle Trachtenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and someone who apparently isn’t Tisha Arnold. The lead manages to have only one entry on her resume. But she does grab someone’s nose in the clip below, so that is a plus. Mercy also has producers, writers, and directors with shows like Friday Night Lights (anyone spotting a trend), Pushing Daisies, and Rescue Me on their resumes. Check out a clip below:

Also on the slate for the peacock network is 100 Questions which looks like it wants to be the new Friends, but if watch the preview you will instantly notice the laugh track which is never a good sign for a sitcom. Also expect reality shows from Jerry Seinfeld (as a marriage councilor), Tony Robbins (helping people threw challenges) and Lisa Kudrow (tracing a person’s family tree). Then this winter is the Vancouver Olympics. And of course don’t forget the Jay Leno hour.

Monday, May 04, 2009

The 25 Best Duos on Television

This really hasn’t been a good couple of months for duos: Lindsay and Sam, Mike and the Mad Dog, Hannity and Colmes have all gone their separate ways. But fret not hopeless romantics because there still a few duos going strong on our boob tube over the past twelve months of which I made a list of my favorites . Since it ain’t fun if your homies don’t get none, I invited some of mine to make up a definitive list which may or may not been created with the help of Schrödinger's cat. Here is what the feline may have let out of the box:

Coach Eric and Tami Taylor of Friday Night Lights1. Coach Eric and Tami Taylor (Friday Night Lights)

2. Liz Lemon and Jack Donagy (30 Rock)

3. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D. and Penny (The Big Bang Theory)

4. Jim Halpert and Dwight Shrute (The Office)

5. Patty Hewes and Ellen Parsons (Damages)

6. Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan and Special Agent Seeley Booth (Bones)

7. Emerson Cod and Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)

8. Blair Waldolf and Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)

9. Shawn Spencer and Burton “Gus” Guster (Psych)

10. Chuck Bartowski and Special Agent Sarah Walker (Chuck)

11. Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural)

12. Marc St. James and Amanda Tannen (Ugly Betty)

13. Barney Stinson and Ted Mosbey (How I Met Your Mother)

14. Bill Adama and Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)

15. Landry Clark and Tyra Colette (Friday Night Lights)

16. Ben Linus and John Locke (Lost)

17. John “J.D.” Dorian M.D. and Dr. Christopher Turk (Scrubs)

18. Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton (True Blood)

19. Jeff Patel and Lester Barnes aka Jeffster (Chuck)

20. James “Sawyer” Ford and Juliet Burke (Lost)

21. Homer and Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)

22. Bill Adama and Saul Tigh (Battlestar Galactica)

23. Richard Cypher and Kahlan Amnell (Legend of the Seeker)

24. Earl and Randy Hickey (My Name Is Earl)

25. Michael Westen and Fiona Glenanne (Burn Notice)

Voters: Ducky, Kath, Matt, Sandie, Scooter McGavin, TVFan, Vance

And in a measure of full discloser, here is my ballot:

Sheldon Cooper and Penny of the Big Bang theory1. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D. and Penny (The Big Bang Theory)

2. Coach Eric and Tami Taylor (Friday Night Lights)

3. Jeffry Barnes and Lester Patel aka Jeffster (Chuck)

4. Emerson Cod and Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)

5. Landry Clark and Tyra Colette (Friday Night Lights)

6. Barney Stinson and Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother)

7. Hugo “Hurley” Reyes and Miles Straume (Lost)

8. Chuck Bartowski and Major John Casey (Chuck)

9. Sheldon Cooper Ph.D. and Leonard Hofstadter Ph.D (The Big Bang Theory)

10. Casey Cartwright and Frannie Morgan (Greek)

Sunday, May 03, 2009

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LXXVIII

The Big Bang Theory: I’m not a big fan of paying for sex to the point I have never stepped foot into a strip club. But if I were ever to be propositioned by Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, I may have ton reconsider my stance. Although if Ashley Alexandra Dupré can charge $4300, I don’t even want a quote from O’Keefe. Not that any of that would happen because let’s face it, My Name Is Earl is the only television show that have realistic looking hookers on it. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Greek: Can they have a dodge ball game every week please? You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Greek on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: I don’t text so I was pretty much lost all episode. Isn’t it just easier to actually call someone than trying to type on those small keyboards? You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

I Love Money: So they initially censor the fake nipples on the fake breasts (the one for the challenge, not Frenchie’s) but they just basically gave up half way through. Did they use up their censor budget half way through or did the editor just get lazy? You can also download I Love Money on iTunes.

Rescue Me: Yep, I have my dirty and clean piles lying around with the dirty pile typically towering over the clean one. And I am disappointed they didn’t stick with the all-black theme for the bar. You can stream current episodes over at Hulu.

Rescue Me on iTunes

Lost: So Faraday was inflicted with the same illness as Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates then is killed (presumably) by his mother even though she knew (and apparently his father) that her past self would shoot him. Alrighty then. You can stream current episodes over at

Lost on iTunes

Survivor: This may be the oddest season of Survivor yet. You had a tribe that outnumbered the other 6-3 then proceeded to let those three to control the game. Then JT and Steven flip on who they want to align themselves with every week. Then you had this odd vote where Erinn votes for Steven. She did tell Sierra she wouldn’t vote for her, but why not vote for Debbie? And then why did Taj vote for Debbie? Is she no longer in the JT / Steven loop? I just hope Probst calls Coach out for getting caught in a lie by approaching Sierra for an alliance. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: I thought this was going to be a blatant rip-off of the Cops episode (like when they did the second part that just wasn’t funny), but Geraldo certainly added something to the episode to make it enjoyable. And the tongue and cheek ending on why they were doing a two partner instead of an hour long was quite brilliant. Like they were poking with a stick hoping they get canceled. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

You can also check out my season review of Chuck.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Best of the Week vol. XIX

Quote of the Week: Devon, why are you letting Sam Kinison and an Indian lesbian ruin your wedding? (Woody Woodcomb, Chuck)

Song of the Week: Mr. Roboto – Styx (as performed by Jeffster, Chuck)

Big News of the Week: ABC coming to Hulu: And along with ABC is the Disney family including ABC Family, Disney Channel, SOAPnet, classic ABC series, and titles from The Walt Disney Studio. Conspicuously absent for the Disney umbrella is any ESPN programs which means no Pardon the Interruption. Hopefully that gets remedied because I would love to hear another uncomfortable new media pitch from Tony Kornheiser while Michael Wilbon grumbles about how he will refuse to use it. Unless I am blind I did not see exactly when the Disney family will be added to Hulu in the press release. When it does I will have to remember to log off whenever I have a Wizards of Waverly Place marathon so it doesn’t show up as viewed on my profile.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski after getting caught in the sprinklers

Coalition Links of the Week:
With the Upfronts fast approaching, Buzz took a spin through some of the networks' most promising pilots. (BuzzSugar)

Vance gives his 2 cents on Lost, Survivor, 90210, Gossip Girl, American Idol and a few other shows. (Tapeworthy)

So we've got a question about Jonathan Rhys Meyers from The Tudors. Is he creepy, hot or just creepy hot? Vote in our survey! (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict discussed why Moonlight failed with Criminal Minds guest star Alex O'Loughlin. (The TV Addict)

Matt just caught up on the first two seasons of Californication. Bring on season three already, Showtime! (TV Fanatic)

Kate was delighted to hear that Chuck, Ed Westwick...will guest star on Californication. (TV Filter)

Free Download of the Week: Four Winds – The Killers (Kanye University): I am not entirely sure if this is on the up and up, but Kanye West routinely post music from him and artists from his label. Then occasionally he will post others like thyis The Killers cover of a Bright Eyes song. Because Kanye West is where I go for the latest in indie rock music advice.

Deal of the Week: DVD for Mom: As Low as $6.49 (Clueless, Elizabethtown, Mean Girls)

Video of the Week: I am not entirely sure about marketing campaigns that insult their potential customers, but hey, the latest Hulu spot stars Denis Leary. So there’s that.

The Leary Mission

Next Week Pick of the Week: Lost, Wednesday at 9:00 on ABC: Last week on Lost set into motion of what could be an explosive final three episodes of the season. Literally considering Faraday wants to take the buried bomb and blow up the Dharma station. Will they succeed? Considering the two-hour season finale is called The Incident, something better. Although why didn’t Kate or Jack bother to ask Faraday what exactly would happen to them if they did blow up the station, keeping Desmond from crashing the plane? That would have been my number one question.