Sunday, May 26, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: May 26, 2024


The Challenge All-Stars 4:   Oh poor Cara Maria, all the manipulation did not work this time and she lost her star.  I was wonder why Averey would not want to go down against a vertically challenged person in a jumping challenge, but it did look like Tina’s trampoline was a little higher so I wonder if they did adjust it for height.  But as funny had it been to take Kam’s place and then take Cara Maria’s star, annoying the two who have been trying to manipulate things the last couple weeks, maybe it was best politically.  Still, Averey needs a star bad because there are likely not many more chances.


Under the Bridge:  Wait, do they really have co-od juvie in Canada?  The pregnancy rate has to be sky high there.  But this show is trying way too much to try and make Warren sympathetic.  At the very least he kicked a defenseless girl.  He deserves what he gets.


Survivor:  I kind of liked the new final challenge, much better than the usual standing until ssomeone drops or that stupid catch the balls contraption.  With that said, what a hilariously bad ending to a hisleriously bad season.  I really hope very few “New Era” players return for season 50.


Hacks:  That was kind of cheap to have Debra lose out on the late night gig only for her to get it two episodes later because the guy they pick would rather do some crappy bio-flick by some no name writer.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  The doctor getting mysteriously pushed hurts my she is Bloody Rose theory… though that she did not see anyone is suspicious.  Maybe she did not see anyone because she threw herself down the stairs.


The Chi:  Wait, was the Jesus at the start of the episode supposed to look like Victor with dreads because that was who I thought that was when I first say that.  Maybe it was meant to look like him to remind us of him since he took the episode off.  But did we know that Victor’s buddy and Douda henchman was also the weed grower’s daddy?  That just make all the attempted murder going back and forth more messy.

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