Quote of the Week: Cruelty is the mother of all invention. (Miles, Rubicon)
Song of the Week: Wild One - Little Darlins (Terriers)
Big News of the Week: VMA's Still Living in 2009: It is not a good sign that the only thing worth talking about from your award show is what happened last year. And the two participants were more than eager to talk about it. Taylor Swift debuted a not so subtle ode to Kanye West (but has Taylor ever written a subtle song about a boy yet?) which was an odd mix of scolding and forgiveness of the guy who stole her spotlight. Then after apologizing for most of the last year, Kanye, in the same bright red color Taylor sported last year, jumped onstage to revel in his behavior, beginning his new song to toast the douchebag, jerkoffs and scumbags. Though he apologized for us having to put up with his (expletive deleted) since way too long. And sadly neither of them performed the song that Kanye wrote for Taylor. In the only other non I’mma let you finish news, did the show really open and close with Ellen DeGeneres and Cher? Biggest disappointment of the night is the only award winning video of the night that actually deserved an award, Tighten Up by the Black Keys for Breakthrough Video, was the only winner that wasn’t actually announced during the show. On a side note, does anyone know where I can get the Deadmau5 remix of the song?
Rubicon: When they cut to Tanya in the bathroom after the drug test I was really hoping it was going to reveal that she was using a Whizzinator. Which begs the question, is there a Whizzinator for women? You can download Rubicon on iTunes.
Parenthood: Isn’t it enough that Dax Sheppard has tainted Veronica Mars, is he really going to hook up with Lyla Garrity too? It sure looks that is the root they were going. But then again I thought Crosby would take the place of Jabbar in the sleep over. Surely would have made for the better sight gag in the bunk beds. And now I have to decide what will be the annoying catchphrase that I will be using ad nausea for the next couple months, “I hear you; I see you” or “Let’s have a toast for the douchebags.” You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
Covert Affairs: Holy Vada Sultenfuss sighting! I was actually hoping she would turn out to be one of the good guys because I liked her character much more than any of the tertiary characters on the show. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Covert Affairs on iTunes.
Free Download of the Week: Pilot - Terriers, Season 1 (iTunes): Missed what I called the best new show of the Fall? Here is your chance to give it a look.
Deal of the Week: DVD's $6.49 and Under
Video of the Week: If you missed last week’s Stand Up 2 Cancer, you missed the two funniest people on television, Eric Stonestreet of Modern Family and Jim Parsons of The Big Bang Theory, cross network lines to show us that lung cancer is no laughing matter, or is it. And if you missed the show, you can download Stand Up to Cancer on iTunes or the individual musical performances from the show with proceeds going to Stand Up 2 Cancer.
Next Week Pick of the Week: The Big Bang Theory, Thursday at 8:00 on CBS: CBS has always been known as the network that plays it safe which is why we have multiple versions of CSI, NCIS and CM (Criminal Minds). But CBS took a big chance by moving The Big Bang Theory
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