Quote of the Week: I’m no stranger to memetic epidemiology. At Johnson Elementary School the phrase “Shelly Cooper is a smelly pooper” spread like wildfire. (Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Fortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival (Lights Out)
Big News of the Week: Glen Beck Getting Booted from Television: With a government shutdown looming, Glen Beck is getting the boot from his daily Fox blow hard show just months as his liberal nutjob counterpoint Keith Olberman lost his job at MSNBC. Of course will all the loony talking heads that populate the air waves, somehow Beck managed to out crazy them all like earlier this year during the Egypt uprising, suggested that the American presidents (even both Bush’s) were in cohorts with the Arabs to bring about Armageddon. Goodbye Glen, you won’t be missed.
Free Download of the Week: The Killing (iTunes): You can get the first two hours of the new AMC show for free. You can also check out my First Impressions of The Killing.
Deal of the Week: Seed Your Cloud
New Album Release of the Week: Wasting Light
New DVD Release of the Week: Man vs. Wild Season 5
Video of the Week: The Paul Riser Show premieres this Thursday at 8:30 and I am not entire sure what to think about it. But it cannot be any more boring than Perfect Couples. Can it?
Bonus Video of the Week: You cannot quite view this video right now (as I write this), but Norm McDonald will be Normcasting the Masters live this Sunday at 2:00 from his living room. Head over to Comedy Central.com then to watch. And tune into the premiere of Sports Show with Norm McDonald this Tuesday at 10:30.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Friday Night Lights, Friday at 8:00 on NBC: It is ironic all us terrestrial television viewers were expressing our jealous toward DirecTV viewers last fall when they got to watch Friday Night Lights. Now all my friends who watched then say they are jealous of me because I still have episodes of the seminal show that I have not seen. And I will savor them a week at a time even though season five
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