The Event: It should go without saying, but I hope the president was smart enough to put GPS trackers on the buses, but since he has made some dumb decisions in the past (okay, let’s be honest, the writers are the one’s making the dumb mistakes) I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download The Event on iTunes.
Castle: Alexis’s goodie-goodie act is starting to wear thin. Se seriously lied to her father so she could go back to the store where her friends stole stuff without him find out? C’mon. She doesn’t have to go Lindsay Lohan, but it is time to ditch the Mother Teresa act. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes.
Parenthood: Who would have guessed that Cappie would actually look more shaggy post-graduation? Maybe he should realize the best job he could get in underground for a reason. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Parenthood on iTunes.
Lights Out: Every episode since it happened I keep going back to the one that ended with Barry K. Word and Hal Brennen and wondering what exactly was discussed during that meeting. Have they been conspiring this whole time or was that a throw away scene and I am reading too much into it. With one episode left, hopefully all will be revealed. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Lights Out on iTunes.
Survivor: Redemption Island: I was thinking the other day, when an Immunity Idol is played, the person with the second most votes is the one that goes home. But what if the only two people who get votes both play an Idol? Usually when there is a tie, the people who got votes are not allowed to vote in the revote. So would they have a revote for the two people that were voted for whose Idols are no longer valid or do they revote and they cannot vote for the two that played the Idol. This is really all I could think of this week because the actual episode was a bore. Hopefully it picks up next week with the merge and we get to see if my Idol conundrum plays out which could happen because people will be gunning for Boston Rob, but the other tribe knows that Ralph has one, and he knows they know he have one which makes for an interesting chess match. You can stream recent episodes over at

Justified: Wow, that is the second time we have seen Raylan get severely beaten, sure two on one could be expected, but I thought he could have taken a dimwit with one good hand. But I was disappointed we did not make it to the Bennett Whoop-Di-Do. I remember looking at the clock while they were still at papa’s house and thinking, crap, they are not going to make it this week. I wonder what her master plan is, and what Boyd plans to do about it. But I thought earlier this season it was eluded to that Arlo was the one that had to do with Dicky’s limp, not the story Raylan gave this week about the baseball game. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: I am surprised Penny’s one episode addition to World of Warcraft, which to this day is one of the better ones in the series run, was never brought up. You can stream recent episodes over at
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