Quote of the Week: There's acing it, and there's what you did. Kind of like shooting a cow with a Howitzer. (The Middleman, The Middleman)
Big New of the Week: A Melancholy Happy Trails to Tony Snow: Former Bush spokesmen died early this morning after losing a second bout with cancer at age 53. He lasted only seventeen months as the press secretary before stepping down to have chemotherapy. I remember hearing a fact recently (I know I am messing up the exact number, but you will get an idea) that we since President Nixon declared war on cancer, we have spent less on cancer research that what we do in one week in Iraq. That is just an embarrassing. Tony Snow and the millions of other that have died or are suffering through the disease, including Eric Shanteau who learned just a week before qualifing to the Olympics that he has testicular cancer, deserve better than that. For more on the life of Tony Snow check out the article at MSNBC.
Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz was pretty delighted by her first glimpse of NBC's Kath and Kim. (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie shared her visit on the set of The Closer. (Daemon's TV)
Getting ready for Burn Notice's second season, Rae shares her talk with Props Master Charlie Guanci, Jr. (RTVW)
Vance is looking forward to getting burnt all summer with a new season of Burn Notice! (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace gave a rare second chance to HBO's upcoming vampire drama True Blood (from Six Feet Under creator Alan Ball), taking a look at the pilot installment's revised version and the series' second episode, kicking off this September. But did he change his tune about the series this time around? (Televisionary)
In his quest to find something -- anything -- to watch on TV, he uncovered an internet music series based out of France. And, believe you me, the clip he found by Menomena is probably the cutest thing he has seen all year. Honest. (TiFaux)
The TV Addict has the scoop on Grace Park's first post - Battlestar Galactica project. (the TV Addict)
Petrozza from Hell's Kitchen badmouthed Matt and Jen and we kinda loved him for it. (TV Filter)
The Middleman: Here is a case of the promo monkeys ruining a show. Knowing that Dr. Phil did it before the show even started just made the reveal less interesting. At least the witty dialogue saved it a little. You can download episodes of The Middleman on iTunes.
The Bill Engvall Show: Great juxtaposition of how cheesy and lame Bill is and really that is what is endearing about the show. Just a half an hour each week to turn off my brain and enjoy. Catch up on recent episodes over at TBS.com

Pick for Next Week: ESPY Awards, Sunday (7/20) at 9:00 on ESPN: Yeah Justin Timberlake hosts, but hopefully the show can overcome that because the awards has been pretty solid in recent years. Expect Lance Armstrong, David Beckham, Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell to show up. Speaking of the former Ms. Veronica Mars, Amazon is having a sale on Crime Shows up to 50% off
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