Quote of the Week: The ring of fire, when a man comes around, that your daddy called you Sue, the fact that God’s gonna cut you down, that your in the jail house now, the Folsom Prison Blues, that road that goes on forever. (Wendy Watson, The Middleman)
Big New of the Week: A Melancholy Happy Trails to Jesse Helms: Yeah he was straight up raciest, simple and plain, but much like Mac McGill, I find old racist dudes somewhat entertainment, in a dude is senile sort of way.
Coalition Links of the Week:
With the Emmy nomination shortlists out for the comedy and drama series categories, Buzz wondered which five shows would make your ballot. (BuzzSugar)
This week, Sandie shared her interview with Kyra Sedgwick from TNT's The Closer. (Daemon's TV)
In this week's TV Talk podcast we talk about our recent turnaround on Swingtown, what BSG's Tricia Helferis up to, a preview of our upcoming trip to Comic Con and our first impressions of the upcoming Fringe. (Give Me My Remote)
Plattie reviewed the BBC's search for the nation's top disabled model. No, really. Britain's Missing Top Model is an actual show. We're not making this up. (Pop Vultures)
While meeting Dulé Hill last week, Rae learned a little of what to expect for the upcoming third season of Psych and which of Gus' nicknames is actually the given name of one of Dulé's aunts. (RTVW)
Vance celebrated Canada Day with a shout out to all our favourite Canadians on our favourite TV shows. (Tapeworthy)
While he's always happy to host giveaways on TiFaux, Dan had an ugly flashback to his history as an awkward teen as he introduced a new contest for an X-Files compilation DVD. Click the link to enter! (TiFaux)
M*A*S*H’s Alan Alda (Hawykeye) and Wayne Rogers (Trapper) reunited for an interview, and Jennifer was excited to share the video of the event. Among some of the topics covered, was the fact that M*A*S*H and The West Wing, were both recently chosen as two of the top ten smartest TV shows of all time by the chair of MENSA. (Tube Talk)
The Middleman: Same pacing issues as the last issues, but it is hard not to be down with any show that does multiple Johnny Cash references. Maybe that is a sign that The Middleman needs more Noser. You can download episodes of The Middleman on iTunes.
The Bill Engvall Show: If you are going to have characters go to a The Killers concert, either pony up for the licensing fee or just create some faux band name to go with the random background music at the concert. Catch up on recent episodes over at TBS.com

My Boys: I’m sure I would have laughed at Dr. Brando had I don’t do the exact same thing even when I have health insurance as I just really hate doctors and hospitals in general. Plus Dr. McGavin thinks NyQuil is a cure all for pretty much anything. Catch up on recent episodes over at TBS.com. You can also download My Boys on iTunes.
Promo of the Week: Found this over at AICN. Finally some synergy that doesn’t completely suck.
Pick for Next Week: Generation Kill, Saturday at 9:00 on HBO: Since I am too cheap to buy pay channels, I’ll have to wait for the DVD’s, but for those that do, this seven part miniseries, from the creators of The Wire, is a based on a book written by an embedded journalist from the early days in Iraq.
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