Failed Experiment
Lost - Bernard tries to get people to help him build a sign that planes could see but couldn’t even get half an “S” done.
Veronica Mars - Logan and Wallace try to beat Angie at the “It’s not me it’s Wu” egg drop.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Interracial Lovin’
Lost: Bernard has some jungle love while in the jungle.
Veronica Mars: Dead gay dude had yellow fever for Mr. Wu.
Winner: Lost
Lost: Rose and Bernard have flashbacks to the day they met.
Veronica Mars: Logan flashes back to making out with Veronica, oh and the first time she met Lucky.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Surprised to See
Lost: The dude from Angel gets his own flashback.
Veronica Mars: The chick from Cupid is back after getting unceremoniously dumped by Keith.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Let Down Ending
Lost: It’s Michael coming out of the woods.
Veronica Mars: I Am God is a band.
Winner: Lost
Best Line
Lost: Sometimes you don’t need the prettiest horse, just one that lets you ride bareback. (Okay Lost didn’t have any good lines; I just wanted to post both of these.)
Veronica Mars: Just because you wiggle your finger doesn’t mean Dick’s gonna come.
Winner: No Contest
Lost: Bernard tries to spell S.O.S. in hopes to get rescued.
Veronica Mars: Veronica hopes she’s more PYT than PWT.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Help a Brother Out
Lost: Charlie helps Eko build a church.
Veronica Mars: Logan helps Wallace when he wants to stick it to Angie.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Hook Up
Lost: Rose and Bernard after he helps her car gets stuck.
Veronica Mars: Keith goes on two unsuccessful blind dates and one that went very well.
Winner: Lost
Remember two weeks ago when Lost had its episode with five can’t miss moments and it actually delivered? Everyone, including me, said that was the point where the show breaks its sophomore slump. But then last week came the sluggish Hurley-centric episode. Then Lost this week hit an all time low with the most boring first run character-centric episode focusing on the courtship of Rose and Bernard. The major twist is that Rose had less than a year to live, but this wasn’t too shocking because in the end she was cured by the island just like Locke. And what was supposed to be the other big shocker (and when I say shocker, I’m giving the Scout’s Honor sign) is that Rose knows that Locke was in the wheelchair. But what’s really shocking to me, like I mentioned after last year’s finale, was how doesn’t anyone remember and old dude being carried onto an airplane?
And much like every episode since he arrived, Not-Henry Gale was much more interesting that that week’s character-centric storyline. Not-Henry continued to screw with Locke’s head by ignoring him when Locke once again tried to get Not-Henry to admit he punched in the numbers in between trying to sketch the blacklight image.
Then after realizing he has gotten all that he’s going to get out of Not-Henry, Jack decides to cross the line that shall not be crossed in hopes of making a trade of Not-Henry for Walt. Apparently Jack didn’t get the memo that Earl Hickey kidnapped him. Naturally Zeke and the Gang have no interest. And in a surprise that surprised no one, Michael was the rusting in the woods.
Now I must disclose that I’m not the biggest fan of dream sequences. Mostly because there are always have deeper meanings with Freudian psychobabble that goes over my head. And there was plenty of this happening with Veronica’s conversations with dead people on her new night Tuesday. First, it is hard to decide it was all just a magnification of Veronica’s subconscious or were the dead really giving her hints. That wouldn’t be the first time the dead helped her as Lily saved her from the bus crash and also had a habit of showing up in her dreams during the first season.

For those keeping track at home, that would be two jabs at former guest star Paris Hilton. Can we expect shots at Laguna Beach next season? If so, count me in.
Next week, no Lost because there is a two hours episode of Alias. Wait, that show is still on the air? Is this going to be a Will and Grace situation where ever year the Emmy’s come out with a nomination for the show even though I was convinced it got canceled two years ago? But when Lost does come back, Michael gets his regulator to mount up in hopes to get Walt back. And naturally it will doubtfully end well.
As for Veronica Mars, the previews were pretty cryptic, but it looks like Weevil will be back and Veronica will be inquiring about Thumper. And I’m sure it will add another bus crash subject or two before the episode ends. I can’t believe there are only four episodes left. Be sure to turn in next Tuesday.
I found your site through another blogger I regularly post at (Confessions of a TV whore) and enjoyed this post. I watched Lost in real time and I have to say - I agree with all your comparisions. I loved I am God and just felt Lost was too slow and predictable this week.
ReplyDeleteGreat toss up as usual! I, too, loved the Paris reference. So awesome. Oh, and for the record, this is Alias' last season. So, that means only one more Emmys with Jennifer Garner being nominated for the show. ;-)