Okay, so last night I check my e-mail right after watching the Veronica Mars episode that they filmed while I was there, which already had me on a high and what do I see Live Chat with Denis Leary. Much like when I got the invite to visit the set of Veronica Mars, I sat there and stared at the letter for a while. I’m sure long time readers to the 9th Green know how much of a fan of Denis Leary I am as I quote him everyone and a while. Plus No Cure for Cancer was recently inducted into the Scooter Hall of Fame and Rescue Me was a winner at the inaugural Scooter Television Awards. Needless say, sleep didn’t come last night as I spent last night thinking up questions. One of the bad things about Rescue Me is that it has been so long since it last aired; it’s somewhat hard to remember what happened last. Some of my Veronica Mars Bloggers cohorts were also there and here are some of the highlights:
Give Me My Remote: When is Rescue Me coming back? I've heard May 30th?
Denis Leary: May 30th and the second season DVD comes out May 9th. The soundtrack comes out the third week in May.
Denis Leary: I have a new song coming out in the fall called "(Expletive Deleted) You"
Scooter McGavin: Denis is "(Expletive Deleted) You" going to be part of a new comedy album?
Denis Leary: "(Expletive Deleted) You” will be part of a new comedy album.
Denis Leary: "Traditional Irish Folk Song" is one of my favorites. We played it in front of 10,000 people at a gig I did in Dublin last fall.
Denis Leary: Some of the older members of the FDNY found it difficult to watch during the first season but a good friend of mine, Timmy Higgins, who was a member of the FDNY and died on 9/11, his brother Bobby and his brother Joey and his father are all firefighters. His father has put in 40 some odd years fighting fires in New York city and he loves the show. So, he's my touchstone.
About the criticism around movie Untied 93
Denis Leary: I think it's a knee- jerk reaction. You can't judge the book by its cover. Bruce Springsteen released a fantastic song called "The Rising" shortly after 9/11 and that song had a healing effect so it's like "Rescue Me". It depends on what the piece has to say.
Scooter McGavin: Denis, are we ever going to see a second season of the funniest two hours ever on TV - Contest Searchlight?
Denis Leary: No, Contest Searchlight was a one off.
tubetalkgirl: What has been your favorite character to play so far in your career?
Denis Leary: Tommy Gavin, no doubt. Although Diego has been very, very good to me.
About his charity
Denis Leary: We are building a high-rise simulator here in New York City for the FDNY. This will enable firefighters to work in conditions that simulate fires and terrorist attacks in skyscrapers. We break ground
next month.
Denis Leary: we are also trying to help the New Orleans fire department which was devastated by Katrina and you can make donations to help them through my foundation and the branch named the Jeremiah Lucey fund.
Denis Leary: www.learyfirefighters.org
About other projects he’s working on
Denis Leary: Yes, a couple of television pilots and a couple of film scripts.
Denis Leary: Plus my book, Kiss my Irish Ass, which is due out in 2007.
GiveMe_MyRemote: I think Rescue Me really pushes the envelope do you ever feel stifled by the network censors?
Denis Leary: No, FX is absolutely the best group of people I have ever worked with. All they do is ask us to push the envelope even further.
Comparing FX to ABC during The Job
Denis Leary: FX is so far and beyond ABC not just in terms of ideas but in terms of marketing that there is no comparison.
The show’s scheduling
Denis Leary: We like playing our stories out over the course of the summer. There is less competition and it allows us to shoot the show from February into August, which gives us three seasons of weather.
Scooter McGavin: I remember last year you were hocking Ryan Adams latest album at the time, what are you currently listening to?
Denis Leary: I am currently listening to Arctic Monkeys and Greg Dulli's brilliant new album called Powderburns.
Denis Leary: Best rock and roll album that I have heard in the last ten years.
tubetalkgirl: Are there any fun extras on the upcoming DVD i.e. bloopers, cast commentaries?
Denis Leary: Yes, there are all kinds of deleted scenes and behind the scenes extras.
Scooter McGavin: What other shows are you watching?
Denis Leary: Family Guy
Denis Leary: Seeing The Simpsons
His Oscars ballot
Denis Leary: Capote, Matt Dillon, Katherine Keener, King Kong.
Denis Leary: I think when People reaches the point when they have to have me in their sexiest man episode we are almost in the bottom of the barrel. Could be a sign of Armageddon.
Denis Leary: I started out as an actor. I studied acting and I got into comedy just to get some stage time and to meet girls.
TV on DVD he owns
Denis Leary: Colombo, 24, Lost, Dick Van Dyke show, Black Adder, the British Office, Fawlty Towers, The Simpsons, The Family Guy, too many to name.
Denis Leary: Thanks for your time too guys. Remember May 30th, FX, 10:00 pm and don't forget to drag your kids out to see Ice Age 2.
Denis Leary: Thank you, thank you, thank you. My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my daughter's T Cup Chihuahua thanks you.
Denis Leary: Lou is contemplating his retirement. The chief has a financial burden because they've raised the charges at the home where his wife is being taken care of. Sean falls in love with the wrong woman.
tubetalkgirl: Has Franco kicked the pill habit?
Denis Leary: Yes, Franco has kicked the pill habit and all the guys quit smoking in the first episode of the show.
Denis Leary: Lenny's character is prison this year and I told him nobody gets fat in prison. So he lost 110 lbs before we started shooting the third season and I have a project that I am developing for him that is very secret and under wraps.
Denis Leary: No, Sheila is not a lesbian, but down deep she still could be, but right now she's not.
tubetalkgirl: Will Jesus make any appearances this season, like last season?
Denis Leary: It's possible that Jesus may make an appearance before the season is over. He represents Tommy's doubts about his own faith and belief in God which will be sorely tested before the season is over.
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