The Indians
Target: Terrence Cook via Ms. Dumass
Why: Terrence owes them a lot of money and sent a message threw his girlfriend
Why Not: Too obscure, only been in one episode
Odds: 1000:1
(Vice) Principal Clemmons
Target: Everyone
Why: His first attempt at ousting the Principal hoping that if a bunch of students went over the cliff, he’d resign.
Why Not: He has a kid and would take out others being a parent himself.
Odds: 900:1
The Gay Mafia
Target: The dude who was going to have the outing of all outings (for the life of me I can’t remember his name).
Why: To stop the outing of all outings.
Why Not: Again too obscure, I can’t even remember the dude’s name.
Odds: 750:1

Target: The poor.
Why: They hate the poor because they bring down property values.
Why Not: Not that bright.
Odds: 100:1
Sheriff Lamb
Target: Dick Casablancas, the poor
Why: To get rid of Madison’s off again/on again boyfriend, poor people commit crime, less poor people, less crime.
Why Not: Dude’s lazy and not that bright.
Odds: 80:1
The Manning’s
Target: Meg, Duncan and their
Why: Not to be shamed by their love child and to kill the sinner.
Why Not: She still their kid.
Odds: 75:1
The Field
(For those not familiar with the phrase, that means everyone else not mentioned so if you think it’s Mac, Vinnie VanLough, Deputy Leo or some other harebrain choice, this is your category)
Odds: 60:1
Terrence Cook
Target: Ms. Dumass
Why: She knew a lot of dirt on him that would put him on the out with his fiancé and keep him out of the Hall of Fame.
Why Not: Like Clemmons has a kid the same age as the ones on the bus many of which would be fans of his.
Odds: 50:1
The PCH’ers
Target: Logan
Why: If I’m not mistaken, Logan was supposed to be on the bus, he was in Yearbook last year and since he just got off for the murder of Felix, retribution was in order.
Why Not: One of there own, Cervando was also on the bus.
Odds: 25:1
Aaron Echolls/Curly Moran
Target: Veronica
Why: She’s the key witness in his murder trial.
Why Not: Don’t think Aaron would kill a whole bus load of kids just to get one especially since he will most likely walk anyways.
Odds: 10:1

Target: The poor.
Why: Civil unrest that killing the poor on the bus would cause helping his upcoming proposal of incorporation.
Why Not: Too risky considering his daughter was supposed to be on the boss. Plus I still think he was the target in the first place by taking out his daughter.
Odds: 2:1
The Fitzpatrick’s
Target: Gia, Logan, Cervando, Ms. Dumass
Why: Gia - to send a message to her father; Logan - o tie up loose ends with the Felix murder; Cervando - maybe didn’t pay back his drug money; Ms. Dumass - to send a message to Terrence or because she knew too much.
Why Not: Good question, um, maybe someone beat them to the idea.
Odds: 3:2
* This game is strictly for entertainment purposes, no money is meant to change hands. Unless of course you would like to donate to the Scooter McGavin is Poor Fund.
I'm going with the Cassablancas Clan at 100-1. There is something going on with that family and they are getting weirder each episode. I don't know if it is Dick, Beaver, Kendall or Richard someone has to be in on the bus crash.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to believe that the Casablancas' little beaver may be up to some seriously devious behavior and wouldn't put it past him.
ReplyDeleteI like the Casablancas Clan if you include Kendall in there. I think it was her. She's not as dumb as we think she is!