A wise man once said, “The waiting is the hardest part,” but finally my wait ended last night as the latest episode of Veronica Mars
Letting Go
Lost: Hurley of his Id, Dave, twice.
Veronica Mars: Nothing says great time from breaking up like dances that’s where Beaver and Wallace dropped their respective chicks.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Tied Up
Lost: Not Henry Gale is tied up for another round of torture.
Veronica Mars: Thumper is chained up to a urinal at old Sharks stadium, or, well, was.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Talking to People that Aren’t There
Lost: Hurley talks to his imaginary friend.
Veronica Mars: Veronica talks to dead people (well next week).
Winner: Lost
Making Out
Lost: Proving that she’s crazy, Libby kisses Hurley.
Veronica Mars: Proving that he’s crazy, Wallace kisses Jackie when still dating Jane.
Winner: Lost
Lost: Even having episodes recently, Claire,
Veronica Mars: Without Dick around, Veronica was forced to deliver the Dirty Sanchez blast.
Winner: Lost
Plot Twist that Everyone Could See Coming
Lost: Libby was at the nut house.
Veronica Mars: Thumper killed Felix with an assist from the Fitzpatricks.
Winner: Lost
Signs of a Bad Boy
Veronica Mars: You get beat up by the gentle dude.
Lost: Your girlfriend’s dad ships her cross country to break you up.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Good Cop/Bad Cop
Lost: While interrogating Not Henry Gale, Ana Lucia was obviously playing good cop to Sayid’s bad cop.
Veronica Mars: Veronica as a good cop delivers Felix’s killer on a platter, but bad cop Lamb decides not to do anything about it, well until after Thumper goes kaboom.
Winner: Veronica Mars
Racist Statement That You Laughed at Anyways
Lost: Sawyer wonders if Sayid needs a job at his mini-mart.
Veronica Mars: Veronica gives Weevil the new nickname Dirty Sanchez.
Winner: Lost
Lived Up to the Hype
Lost: Even though it was a Hurley-centric episode after the best one of the season, this week drug on until the inevitable.
Veronica Mars: Rob Thomas said that this week and last’s were his favorite of the season and this one was better, but I preferred last week’s “18 - It’s Legal!” episode.
Winner: Push
Both shows were let downs from last week but both definitely had their moments. Unlike what seems like everyone else, I did like the “All in Hurley’s head” theory that his Id Dave suggested on Lost, but the episode fell into the same problem that the whole season had where the plot just slugged along to the point where I became as catatonic as Hurley may or may not be. And the big twist was one I predicted back when Hurley ask if they had met before, Libby was at the same mental hospital as Hurley although I was slightly off because I said she would be a doctor there not a patient. My revisionist theory now is that she took over the identity of her doctor because she wants to be the one to cure Hurley. I’m surprised how many people wondered how she could become a physiologist in between the time she was in the hospital and crashed. Um, she lied, she not really one.
But back in the hatch, the castaways were able to get some more interesting information out of Not Henry most notable the second mention of The Man (remember Zeke mentioned Him during Clair’s flashback to Ethan Rom). It’s still too soon to speculate who that it is, but it’s safe to assume we have already met him (or I would be surprised if it’s a her). Not Henry also continued to mess with Locke’s head by telling him, a man of faith, that God cannot see the island nor did he push the buttons and the clock reset by itself. Hopefully Locke is mobile again soon so he can start looking for more clues about the blacklight map.
As for Veronica Mars, I totally missed the boat on last night’s episode. How can an episode be great, let alone the best without Dick being involved? But anyways. I was surprised that Woody was surprised that Logan won the essay contest. I was thinking it was fixed because Woody has a plan for the younger Echolls. But then again it would be the first time he lied as it was obvious that he didn’t want the DVD of his house back so his gardener could destroy it. Although Logan’s, “Should I put this in the anti-incorporation pile” was classic. And the chick from America’s Next Top Model wasn’t half bad or at least better than the chick from last season and a certain chick from an MTV reality show. And it was nice to see Officer Mahoney give her some advice before debut during ANTM.
Then we get our first big mystery solved as it turns out that Thumper killed Felix. Not a big surprised as the two biggest suspects were him or the Fitzpatricks, with Logan as a small possibility, and it turned out to be both. Not that the mystery stops there as I’m sure Weevil will want to exact some revenge on the Fitzpatricks too. And what was with the laughing children at the end while Weevil was in confessional? Does that have to do with the little kid that saw Weevil knock out Thumper and steal the money?
There’s nothing like a dance to break couples up. Ironically at the last dance it was all about hook ups; Meg and Duncan and Veronica and Deputy Leo. First Jane gave Wallace the boot after he admits that it was him who kissed Jackie, who was continuing her image rehabilitation tour by taking the mentally challenged boy, who’s mom looked extremely young to the point I thought he had two dates, to the dance. Then Beaver ended with Mac when she pressured him to put out. I’m sensing a pattern here because he also passed up a chance to nail a passed out Veronica at the infamous Shelly Pomroy party. I’m not ready to say Beaver may be wearing a “I (Heart) Dick” shirt just yet, but I’m wondering if this setting up another mystery for next season.
Then there was what probably the reason why everyone was so over the moon about this episode, Veronica and Logan dancing. Ugh. I don’t get why everyone wants this to happen. Don’t they realize he had sex with what is basically a high price hooker while she was in the room next door? It doesn't get less classy that that. And this begs the question why was Logan there in the first place? He doesn’t volunteer for anything. And why was Gia stag? Why didn’t she ask Dick? And most importantly, where was Dick? And it’s safe to assume Madison’s new boy toy would pass up the opportunity to go to a high school dance, but why didn’t Veronica bring Madison up when she was with Lamb? You know Veronica would love to rub something like that in on the bad cop. But even though Rob Thomas demostrated it, I saw it in the previews a couple times, I love the Shocker/Scout's honor scene along with Veronica not being able to turn do Weevil's offer to help him even though he didn't have the $50. And if anyone was wondering the song that played during the dance, it was Sway by The Perishers.
Next week, Veronica Mars will be on it’s new night, Tuesday, with the episode that I was at on the Bloggers Press Day and I will say the lack of Dick in this episode will definitely be made up for in the next on. Also look for the scene with Veronica and Beaver in the courtyard as that was the scene I watched. Also make sure to check out the 9th Green Tuesday as I commemorate the move and my set visit with a very special post. Until then, you can check out the new, and only, Veronica Mars posdcast at Neptune Pirate Radio.
Then on Wednesday on Lost it looks like Jack will go deep in the jungle in hopes of trading Not Henry Gale with Walt. I think it’s safe to assume this will not end well. And even with Veronica Mars move, still expect my weekly Toss Up on Thursday for the reminder of the season well barring anymore Cavs games.
Scooter, don't deny the "I HEARD DICK" pic cameo. I'll repost if you keep that up!
ReplyDeleteYou got one thing wrong here though my friend, Sun and Jin were both in this weeks "Lost" episode as Hurley was bringing the hurt onto Sawyer. Remember, Sun told Jin to go break it up. And he did.
Now, calling Weevil "Dirty Sanchez" may sound racist but once again its another one of those sexual slang terms our VM writers love so much! Oh the Dirty Sanchez... nothing like a poo mustache!
Yeah, I totally fogot about the Koreans, I guess that happens when you do your write up four days after the fact.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do, sadly, know what a Dirty Sanchez is, but I still think it's still a little racist.
And lastly, ewwwwwwwwww.