Quote of the Week: Like, I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Song of the Week: Girlfriend – Matthew Sweet (Trauma)
Big News of the Week: Tiger Woods: When Tiger Woods crashed his car in a post Thanksgiving romp, I could care less and though all the losers refreshing TMZ for updates needed to find something better to do with their time. He didn’t hurt anyone (except himself), he wasn’t drunk, he could easily pay for any damage. As a wise man once said, he didn’t kill nobody, he didn’t rape nobody. We all make mistake, just let him be.
But all that changed when it came out that one of Tiger’s alleged mistresses was one that appeared on Tool Academy. And not even one of the hot chicks. And the irony being that is was the one that stormed off the show when her Tool’s other girlfriend showed up. Apparently she doesn’t mind being the other woman when the dude is loaded. And just when you thought it couldn’t get better, she went on to say that Tiger had a fear that he would walk in on her having sex with Derik Jeter or, wait for it… David Boreanaz. Seriously, the dude from Angel
Now if you excuse me, I have to find something better to do with my life.
Trauma: Holy E.B. Farnum sighting! It took me awhile to recognize him without the stringy hair. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.
Sons of Anarchy: Well that was excited. Sure there were some loose ends I would have liked for them to tie up, but it is hard to complain about the finale. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Sons of Anarchy on iTunes.
Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins: It is always a sad day when Casey goes home. She is easily the most entertaining reality star MTV has produced this decade even if she participates on a competition show with zero physical prowess. With that said I hope she is on every Challenge for the foreseeable future. You can stream recent episodes over at mtv.com. You can also download Real World-Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins on iTunes.
Survivor: Samoa: Has anyone ever been blindsided more in a season without being the one voted off than Shambo. This is about the fifth time she has been as shocked as the person going home at the outcome of the votes. But Galu will go down as the worst tribe in the history of the show. How do you go into a merge doubling the other tribe and let them vote four of yours straight to make the numbers even? With Shambo on the outs of both tribe, should make for an interesting vote this week. You can stream recent episodes over at cbs.com.

Free Download of the Week: 25 Days of Free Christmas Music
Deal of the Week: Top Holiday Deals
Video of the Week: When I released my list of The 100 Hottest Hot Chicks of the 00’s, Rachel Bilson nearly split the list at 51. But that was before the nude scene from an upcoming movie of hers was leaked and surprisingly after seeing this, not only would it not put her higher on my list, but I am not sure if she would even make it if I were to redo it now. Check out the behind the scenes footage to see why (obviously not safe for work):
Next Week Pick of the Week: Men of a Certain Age, Monday at 10:00 on TBS: Look for a full review of the show coming tomorrow.
If you remember back when I asked some of my buddies what The Best New Shows of Fall 2009 were, a couple more recently shared their ballots if you are interested on how the list took shape.
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