How I Met Your Mother: Holy Bob Rooney sighting! But they realy went a long way to go for a King Kong gag. I am just a little disappointed in myself that it took me until the cameraman throwing paper airplanes to realized that is what they were doing. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Trauma: How does Christian Sheppard continue to find work after operating on a patient drunk (and the whole being dead thing). And his relationship with Nancy is about as good as his other children (just how many families does this guy has). And is this the reason why he hasn’t appeared on Lost this season or does his absence add to the theory that Christian was actually Smokey all along. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Trauma on iTunes.
The Big Bang Theory: Finally Leonard and Penny broke up and who knew we would have Will Wheaton to thank for that? Though I basically had the same reaction as Penny to the Wesley Crushers shirts. You can download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Castle: What a star studded guest list; an early 90’s reunion of Bill Bellamy and Dan Cortese (was Kennedy not available?), the chick from Nip/Tuck, Sabrina’s aunt, and Fred Willard. That really helped with my The actor I recognize is always the killer theory. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Castle on iTunes. Also be sure to check out my chat with Stana Katic.
Lost: In true Lost fashion we get an answers many seasons to late to a question we already thought was answered. So the whispers are dead people that are stuck on the island even though everyone assumed a long time ago they were associated with The Others. Alrighty. So what if Michael didn’t die on the island (who was told by Christian “you can go now” after appear after some whispers), or that Walt, who appeared after some whispers, didn’t die on the island, or actually die at all. We finally get to see Libby again but none of her long lingering questions. But for the first time that I can remember a flashback-forward-sideways, the main focus actually switched between characters with the episode started out solely on Hurley, but no Hurley when Desmond ran over Locke. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Justified: We finally get to meet daddy dearest and he doesn’t disappoint. He should play a decent foil to Raylan and I really loved the line he told his dad about being the one that got him out of jail and he could put him right back in their (even if it kind of ripped of Cliff Huxtable who told Theo he brought him into this world, he can take him out of it). You can stream recent episodes on Hulu. You can also download Justified on iTunes.
The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2: Finally they chopped the Real World / Road Rules part off the name, that was a long time coming considering that they have only had one season in the second half of the decade. One thing that really bothered me with the premiere episode is how they completely glossed over that one of the female challengers was banned from entering Canada. Seriously, what crap have you had to done not to get into Canada? And really this could be almost anyone between being denied for criminal record, banned substances, or the infectious disease department of Canada not allowing it. I really need to find out who this is because that is more entertaining than this season has been so far. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download The Challenge: Fresh Meat 2 on iTunes.
Modern Family: Nothing funnier on television this week than the look on Alex’s face at the end of the episode. You can stream recent episodes on Hulu.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains: With last week’s preview I never thought the entire Heroes would be so stupid to ship off their immunity idol to someone on the other tribe. Certainly there would be someone smart enough to realize you never give away an Idol unless all the Heroes do not trust J.T. with it. Though I am still not ready to call it the dumbest move in Survivor as my previously mentioned top three, all of them resulted in the immediate snuffing of the player’s torch. If the Heroes, with the possible help of Sandra, next week managed to blindside Russell, or even Paravti, without them playing their Idol, it will just turn out to be a dumb, harmless, mistake, not the dumbest ever. You can stream recent episodes over at

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