Showing posts with label Pushing Daisies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pushing Daisies. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LX

Survivor: When Sugar came in second for the fan vote I wondered why would anyone actually voted for her. Then it donned on me that the rest of the cast was really that unlikeable. All the people I may have latched myself to, except for Bob, were booted early. Then you have someone like Corrine who tried to be a horrible person which Survivor should never catch someone like every again. Having a curmudgeon like Randy is fine if that is him, but having someone who is mean just in hopes to more screen time is the fastest way to get me to stop watching the show. In the end this was one of the top five worst seasons ever and would have been in the bottom two with the season where the porn star won had it not been for Bob’s fake immunity idol because there is nothing better on television today then when someone tries to play a fake immunity idol. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor: Gabon gets a Terror Alert Level: Guarded [BLUE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

Survivor on iTunes

Rock of Love: Charm School: With last Sunday log jam I was happy when Doug informed me that this was just a recap and not the finale like I thought. But after word came out that Sharon Osborne beat the crap out of one of the contestants during reunion show, I wish they would just skip the finale and show the reunion show this week.

The Big Bang Theory: I have to agree with Sheldon (which happens a little too much) on the giving gift thing and the whole trying to put a monetary value on your relationship and the worry that you will spend much less or more than the other person. And after building it up all episode, I thought they wouldn’t be able to pay off the gift but the Nimoy napkin was priceless. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: One thing that bugs me about the show, and this episode definitely is included in the gripe, is Chuck conveniently flashes on certain things but not on others that you would think were in the Intercet. Like how he conspicuously didn’t flash on anything from the car crasher, but did on the hostage negotiator. And it was a little odd that knowing he was Fulcrum, Chuck gave Captain Awesome the green light on the ambush. Why did the general agree with no bumrushing the dude because it would blow their cover? Would anyone bat and eye if Casey took someone down even if they had a gun? And despite the missing toe, Casey should have made it to the Christmas tree farm at some point. With that said, maybe the most enjoyable episode of the year. Seriously, more Carl Winslow please. For a second I thought that was actually Big Mike playing both roles, they look so much a like. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: The marketing people over at the show must have been asleep this week because how could Barney’s Christmas Medley not get uploaded to iTunes? And since it isn’t, anyone who has the MP3, shout me a holla. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: What I really like most about this show (asides from anything that comes out of Emerson’s mouth of course) is that it seems like they always cast people I know, and for the most part like, from something else like this week when the Orlando Jones and the chick from Love Monkey. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Gary Unmarried: I never really have anything to say about Gary Unmarried except that the main plot always seems to connect with something in my past. Like this week’s paint ball exposition hit a little too close to home. Like how I now know never wear shorts and a t-shirt no matter how hot it is that day because exposed skin and paintball do not go very well together. And when you are playing Capture the Flag when there is just one flag in the middle of the course, do not, under any circumstance offer voluntarily to try to catch the other team off guard and run out and try to get that flag as soon as the game starts. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Best of the Week vol. VIII

Quote of the Week: Well, then allow me to put this to you delicately. You see, men are dogs. They come, you know, sniffing around, barking up your tree. But if they don’t see a kitty cat up in that tree, pretty soon they stop barking. Dwight’s not missing. He's barking up somebody else’s tree. (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)

Song of the Week: Barney’s Christmas Medley - Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)

Big News of the Week: Design Your Own The Office T-Shirt: Here is a cool offer if you are a fan of slave labor. Head over to to design your own t-shirt dedicated to The Office. A grand prize is awarded to one lucky fan who would be chosen by producers of The Office and will be sold through the And that is pretty much the whole prize, no Dundie and it sounds like NBC won’t even cut you in on the profits your shirt makes for the site.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski Close Up

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz reflected on the year Grey's Anatomy went totally crazy. (BuzzSugar)

This week Team GMMR shared our TV on DVD wish list. What's TV series are on your list? Here's to hoping Santa likes TV as much as the rest of us. (Give Me My Remote)

Which EW 2008 Pop Culture moment photo, recreated by the gang at How I Met Your Mother, do you love best? Vance wants you to vote on it! Vance thinks it's a toss up between the Michael Phelps Olympics one and The Jonas Brothers one. Either way, Neil Patrick Harris is hot. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace once again took a look into the future, offering advance reviews of Season Three of HBO's Big Love and the Skins season finale on BBC America. (Televisionary)

Amy Poehler's send-off on Saturday Night Live was bittersweet -- Jesse was sad to see her go, but glad that she left on what could be the best episode of the season thus far! (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict poked fun at NBC's latest attempt to cut costs. (The TV Addict)

Free Download of the Week: Being the last Free Download of the year and everyone seems to be in a giving mood here is a list of some cool free stuff. And of course there is also the free iTunes or Amazon gift card you can win just by sending me your favorite songs of the year:

Listen Up - EPMD (Amazon MP3)

25 Days of Free Christmas Songs (Amazon MP3)

I Believe - R. Kelly (iTunes)

Flight of the Concords: Season 2 Premiere (Streaming at

Video of the Week: Kenneth the Page has a new edition to his Kenneth the Web Page and here it is:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Leverage, Tuesday at 10:00 on TNT: It seems to be a light week thanks to the holidays but for those that cannot stomach spending all that time with your family and have overdosed on The Christmas Story marathon by the third hour, Leverage offers up their Christmas episode. Had I waited an extra month to post the list, the show would have easily been number one on my Best New Shows of Fall 2008 and this episode is the best of the first four and features D.B. Sweeney as a priest whose church the gang tries to save from being bought from a shady business man.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LIX

The Big Bang Theory: Just when I thought Sheldon’s knocking was getting old really quick, having him do it with computer was hilarious. But how could no one make a Steven Hawkins joke? You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: Chuck got me, I predicted Lunberg would end up like Chuck’s ex and Casey’s sensei, but just slipped away. Although I am not entirely sure why he put the money in Chuck’s account and skipped town. But the DeLoeran bit cracked me up. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met your Mother: I have a hard time believing that for someone that basically lives in a bar in New York, that was Ted’s first and apparently only fight he has ever been in. When inebriated, it doesn’t take much to start one. I am one of the most mannered people you would meet, but even I have partaken in a couple bar brawls and more than a few bench clearing brawls in various sports. And I do have some scars to show Robin. Which begs the question, how easy is it to bed Robin: Ted, Barney, Naked Man, any dude with a scar. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Eli Stone: I have no problem believing that Eli gets messages sent to him by God through George Michael, but there is no way I am believing that Bridget Moynihan is an heiress that gets acupuncture in Chinatown and lets said acupuncturist set her up on blind dates. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: The chest bump may have been the greatest thing on television of the year. If I were to make a list of the best duos on television, Emerson and Olive would definitely be in discussion for the top spot. It almost makes me want to send pies to ABC. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Gary Unmarried: I completely come down on Gary’s side that a person’s very first concert is important. Case in point: For the rest of my life I am stuck telling people my first concert was the Club MYV Party to Go Tour featuring Bell Biv DeVoe, C+C Music Factory, Gerado, and many more. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor: My prophecy of Kenny getting the boot didn’t completely come to fruition, but close with his ally Crystal taking his place. Barring immunity, he is most likely the next gone and it should be safe to assume Bob will win in a landslide and will also get the fan’s poll prize too. All this because Kenny over thought everything.
You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: It is good that Earl is on the right side of karma because the his plan was one of the most devious thing on television not thought up by Eric Cartman. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Best of the Week vol. VII

Quote of the Week: So? make it look like an accident. Trip over an ottoman. Dick Van Dyke his (expletive deleted). Tap that! (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)

Song of the Week: Crazy - Seal (Eli Stone)

Big News of the Week: NBC Has Just Given Up: Ealier this week I started writing about the 10:00 Jay Leno only zone and kept writing to the point it was long enough for its own post. Read it in its entirety here: Your New Most Inept Executive in America Is…

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski on the couch

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz went looking for opinions about the best underappreciated TV gem of '08. (BuzzSugar)

In the latest installment of Take 5, GMMR looked back at the top 5 episodes of Veronica Mars. (Give Me My Remote)

Rae takes a look at one of the shows she's been anticipating for months, TNT's new series Leverage. (RTVW Online)

Vance checks out Toronto's cast for the play Dog Sees God which happens to look a lot like Degrassi: The Next Generation (Marco! Craig! Jay! Jane!). (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace was all about looking forward, with advance reviews of Season Two of FX's Damages and the pilot script for ABC's Flash Forward, which could just be the next Lost. (Televisionary)

Holy affluent teen drama! This week Gossip Girl featured a funeral, a wedding and a Blair/Chuck meltdown. (TiFaux)

With the shocking announcement by NBC that Jay Leno will be sticking with the network, put together a list of Winners & Losers. (The TV Addict)

Raoul talked to the winners of The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)

Suffering with an almighty pre-Christmas hangover, TV Spy was, to its shame, a blog of few words, as it looked forward to the new series of Flight of the Conchords and Battlestar Galactica. (TV Spy)

Deals of the Week:
1) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery: Amazon and Sony are offering incredible values on high definition products such as Blu-ray players and movies, as well as PlayStation 3 consoles, games, and accessories. New deals will be debut every week through Feb. 7, 2009.
2) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
3) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows. Offer valid from 12/2-12/15.
4) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets. Offers posted from 12/2-12/22.
5) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.
6) Save at Least 50% on Movies & TV: Offers posted until 12/18.
7) DVD Boxed Sets up to 60% Off: Offers posted until 12/23.
8) Buy 2 Blu-ray Discs, Get 1 Free: Offers posted until 12/18.

Lost on iTunesFree Download of the Week: Lost Starter Kit (iTunes): We are just a month away until the best show comes back to broadcast television. But enough about Friday Night Lights. Also returning in January is Lost and like ABC does here is a recap, or as they call it a starter kit. Of course I would bet there will be a full hour recap sometime before the premiere on the channel.

Video of the Week: For those like me and have missed the Battlestar Galactica bandwagon, here is a starter kit, or as Sci-Fi Channel calls them, a recap called Catch the Frak Up before the last season resumes January 16 at 10:00. Granted I think I may wait and watch BSG prequel Caprica first to see the show in chronological order, because you know Star Wars would have been more satisfying had you seen Episode I first instead of IV. Or I will wait until Jo shows up on my doorsteps with the complete series on DVD and a shotgun from the Sarah Palin collection.

Catch the Frak Up

Next Week Pick of the Week: Pushing Daisies, Wednesday at 8:00 on ABC: At the very least it is the last Pushing Daisies of 2008 and hopefully ABC doesn’t pull a Fox and not show the remaining three episodes at some point so they can hype a DVD with never before seen episodes. Actually, hopefully ABC gives the show a stay of execution and brings the show back and just a have another limited season to cut down on the costs. That would be the best Christmas present. Unless of course anyone out there wants to hook me up with a Playstation 3.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LVIII

Chuck: For those keeping track at home, in successive weeks, they have put in jail Chuck’s ex-girlfriend and Casey’s former sensei. Things are not looking up for the Token Hot Chick’s father who popped up in the promo this week. Although I am not sure if I am comfortable with Sarah’s father’s turning out to be someone who’s O-face I have seen. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Eli Stone: I never understand why show drag episodes that aren’t that very strong in the first place out into two-partners. Maybe the fault was with the casting director because I spent more time wanting to smack the kid then feel sorry him. But the duel shouting match between Eli/Taylor and Maggie/Matt was mildly entertaining while it lasted. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: For those that missed the back story about the Muffin Buffalo lady, she was a character on Wonderfalls that Brian Fuller, who created both shows, didn’t tell ABC was a crossover until they actually filmed the episode because he knew they wouldn’t let him use her because Fox owned the character. When Fuller finally asked for permission to use the character, the people at Fox said it was okay and they were happy to see the show live on. Um, if you wanted the show to live on, why did you cancel it after four episodes? Have I mentioned lately I hate Fox? And was the Dr. Burton underneath those bandages?
You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Survivor: How can Kenny be such a mastermind and get suckered in believing a fake Idol? This is mind blowing. Not only that be he was willing to turn on Matty to go with Corrine and Bob even though if he is in the final three with either of them, he loses in a blow out. Now he can easily be as exposed as the turncoat and be on the outs with the person with the real Idol. All he had to do was stay down and he had the fast track to the million dollars and now he may get the boot before Bob. Moron. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: I know the liberal communist judges out there would call it cruel and unusual punishment, but they should really have those t-shirts for real criminals. Guilting people into not doing crime is much more effective than fining people anyways. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

* Please note that if anyone out there did not get the previous Office Space reference, we cannot be friends.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Best of the Week vol. VI

Quote of the Week: Those seven years of MacGyver finally paid off. (Chuck, Chuck)

Song of the Week: Eternal Flame - The Bangles (as sung by Olive Snook, Pushing Daisies)

Big News of the Week: Television Shows Back on the Big Screen: From Star Trek to Firefly I cannot think of any canceled shows bringing back all their principle actors for a major movie (for years they have had made for TV movie reunions and re-cast big budget flicks). But this past summer saw the resurrection of both Sex and the City
and The X-Files both to moderate success.

Maybe thanks to those movies, just in the past week or so there has been a lot of buzz of resurrecting a few gone before their time. First the on again off again movie resurrection of Arrested Development (which was predicted by Maeby in the series finale) looks to be on again as Mitch Hurwitz and Ron Howard recently have signed on to write the script with Jeffery Tambor saying in an interview fans “can be sure it’s happening.” While Jason Bateman “hopes to start filming next summer.”

Also being booting around the rumor mill since its demise is a Veronica Mars movie that has been fueled by both Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell stating they’d be up for it, which tends to be the first question any interviewers asks about. Recently Thomas mentioned that he has started an outline and hopes to get it hammed out during the holiday seasons. What could help in giving him more time is ABC recently cutting the number of Cupid episodes down to nine. Also helping out is Bell finally getting killed off of Heroes this week. If only you could see my happy dance.

The most recent possible second chance is the HBO series Rome where creator Bruno Heller (who recently created The Mentalist) was quoted this week as saying talks of a movie “Is moving along. It’s not there until it is there (Scooter’s note: how Yogi Berry of him). I would love to round that show off.” Each episode of Rome seemed like a movie so this may be the most natural transition.

Of course I would be happy if just one of these shows live on as if I were to make a list of the greatest television show of the ’00, those three shows at the very least would be in the discussion for the top ten. Granted I am cautiously optimistic than any of them happen because I am still waiting for the promised Angel movies that have yet come to fruition. But with the success of Twilight, there is rumors that Buffy the Vampire Slayer may get resurrected too, which actually started as a really crappy movie.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski in glasses

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz suggested a few possible scenarios for the Gossip Girl spinoff. (BuzzSugar)

GMMR shared some news and pics from her recent visit to the set of Privileged. (Give Me My Remote)

The holiday season has arrived and with it a brand new TV Advent Calendar including our favorite advent "treat" this week... How to make a holiday work wheel Ă  la The OC and Seth Cohen's Chrismakkuh Work Wheel. (RTVW Online)

Vance fell behind in TV blogging November sweeps so did a little blogging cleaning up on over a dozen shows. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took a look back at those five suggestions to improve Fringe that he made in October to see if the writers had addressed any of them since then. (Televisionary)

Our national nightmare came and went. Dan evaluated Rosie's debacle of a variety show. (TiFaux)

TV Spy got a bit bogged down making the huge Christmas double issue of TV & Satellite Week. But somehow, amid all the madness and mince pies, Ben and Gareth found time to ponder Heroes: The Eclipse Pt2, and reckoned they spotted some definite signs of improvement. Phew! (TV Spy)

This week, the TV Addict got an exclusive update on the status of the Veronica Mars movie from Papa Mars himself, Enrico Colantoni. (The TV Addict)

Kate was a little sad to see Stylista's surgically enhanced little fashion urchin get the boot. (TV Filter)

Deals of the Week:
1) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery: Amazon and Sony are offering incredible values on high definition products such as Blu-ray players and movies, as well as PlayStation 3 consoles, games, and accessories. New deals will be debut every week through Feb. 7, 2009.
2) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
3) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows. Offer valid from 12/2-12/15.
4) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets. Offers posted from 12/2-12/22.
5) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.
6) Save at Least 50% on Movies & TV: Offers posted until 12/18.

Free Download of the Week: Brooklyn (Go Hard) - Jay-Z featuring Santogold (Rcrd Lbl): I have been critical of Jay-Z’s unretirement, but this is the first of his songs that really matches any of his preretirement work.

Video of the Week: The first of ABC Family’s new programming for 25 Days of Christmas debuts next Saturday. Here is a preview of A Misers Brother’s Christmas. Personally I am looking forward to the sequel to Snow the following day.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Leverage, Tuesday at 9:00 on TBS: The show actually premieres tomorrow after The Librarian (see Previewing The Librarian), but for those that forget, the first episode reruns Tuesdays because it settles into its regular timeslot at 10:00 right after. Barring the apocalypse, I should have more on the show coming up Tuesday.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LVII

Quote of the Week: My house is like an Indiana Jones movie: If you move one thing a boulder starts (expletive deleted) at you. (Martin Mull, Gary Unmarried)

Big News of the Week: Tim Kring Thinks I’m a Dip(expletive deleted): And a happy Thanksgiving to Tim Kring too. For those who missed the guy behind Heroes and his full quote, this is what he said about serialized television, of which is show is:

[Serialized storytelling is] a very flawed way of telling stories on network television right now, because of the advent of the DVR and online streaming. The engine that drove [serialized TV] was you had to be in front of the TV [when it aired]. Now you can watch it when you want, where you want, how you want to watch it, and almost all of those ways are superior to watching it on air. So [watching it] on air is related to the saps and the dip(expletive deleted) who can’t figure out how to watch it in a superior way.

Of course Kring is responding to why his show’s viewership has been cut by more than half. And the reason behind that is because the storylines are lame and regurgitated, the acting is unwatchable, and the characters are just not likeable. It is not because online streaming and DVR. And his basis thesis is majorly flawed. How exactly are those methods so superior that those of us watching live are dip(expletive deleted)s? How is watching things online superior to anything? Unless your monitor is bigger than your television and you have couch you can lay down on that just makes no sense to me. But of course I’m a dip(expletive deleted).

What is worse is Kring totally alienated his core audience. Having people watch like is something you want to shoot for because that means people can’t wait to see a new episode. Watercooler shows are not being DVR’ed because people don’t want to be left out of the discussion the next day. But then again, what do I know, I’m a dip(expletive deleted) that is not even pretentious enough to have a DVR. And with that I am done with Heroes, thanks Tim Kring for giving me a reason to finally cut the cord. Now please kill of Kristen Bell so she can find work on a real show.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski in Orange

The Big Bang Theory: I never thought I would say this, but Sheldon became too much this week. This is mostly attributed to his knocking fixation which they have done about five too many times know, even if Penny opening the door earlier gag, disrupting Sheldon’s rhythm was still funny. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: A week later and I am still trying to decide what was funnier, Big Mike saving Casey or Chuck in the spinning thing. But one thing that bugged me though is why didn’t Casey and Sarah bring Jill in right away because they should have known that she knew that they knew she was a spy. Although I’m not sure that just made much sense to me. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: When did How I Met Your Mother get so consistent again? Dare I say since Stella got the boot? But as funny as it was I don’t think I will be trying out the Nake Man anytime soon
You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: I would like to think that Pushing Daisies would be above doing an Anna Nicole Smith episode, but sadly I was round. That is one ba-dunk-a-dunk I cannot get behind. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Gary Unmarried: I know this doesn’t say much bet this was the best episode of the year. Hopefully the parents are back for Christmas. And Easter. Might as well write them in for Flag Day too. Or just just have Martin Mull actually separate with Jane Curtain and move in with Gary for a while. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

For those who wonder what my voice sounds like, my question got answered on not one but two different podcasts recently. If you check them out I would like to preface it by saying 1) I stand by my assertion that calling something “goofy” is not a term of endearment, 2) If you don’t get my pop culture references that is your problem not mine, and 3) like it was brought up I am a little too much like Sheldon, apparently right down to not being to properly convey sarcasm. With that said download these episodes for more me:

TV Talk with GMMR and Ducky (Podcast 31)

TV Times Three (Fall Status Report)

Free Download of the Week: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas - Harry Connick Jr. (iTunes): Thanksgiving is over so it is time to overdose on Christmas music to the point that I am already tire of the genre before December hits double digits. For even more free Christmas music also check out Tony Bennett who also has a holiday song for free.

Tony Bennett on iTunes

Video of the Week: Monday is the start of 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family of which I will post the full schedule tomorrow. Until then here is a promo for the event:

Next Week Pick of the Week: Grammy Nominations Concert Live!!, Wednesday at 9:00 on CBS: For those of you like me that think three hours of performances that the Grammy’s bring us every year are in luck because this year the nominations are being announced in prime time this year with music in between from John Mayer, B.B. King, Taylor Swift, the Foo Fighters and, um, CĂ©line Dion. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, following right after on the Eye Network: Half Naked Model Hour. Hopefully CĂ©line Dion is not included there.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LVI

Chuck: I was a little perturbed last week when it wasn’t explained why Jill hooked up with Bryce Larkin right after breaking up and now I am completely befuddled. It cannot be a coincidence that he ended up being NSA and she Folcrum. I always hated when Chuck went into the past but I now want to know more. (My theory, she was always a spy, and she was assigned to get close to Chuck thinking he was going to be part of the recruiting thing at Stanford, when he got kicked out, she moved on someone who did get accepted: Bryce Larkin. She then got the boot when he hooked up with the Token Hot Chick) And come to think of it, have they ever actually explained who Folcrum is and what their mission statement is and who they are aligned with? You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Aw, the Wooo girl, the greatest and worst things ever. I can thank the Wooo Girls for so many memories that will never be repeated ever. And dare I say Hannity and Colmes may be the best derogatory tem for breasts ever? You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: And I though Peter trying to emote next to Kristen Bell was excruciatingly painful, but having her in scenes with Sylar makes me want to poke my eyes out. I know there aren’t many people on the show that can, but can they please have Kristen in scenes with people that are at least community theater quality actor. Seriously, who will be paired with next, Matt to hit the trifecta of horrible acting? Or better, just kill her off so I can stop watching this show. You can stream current episodes over at

Heroes on iTunes

Eli Stone: Finally a musical number. But I am still weary of the two firms and how that plays out. Although I guess thanks to ABC, it won’t take me long to see how it plays out. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: I was kind of looking forward to having a case where the dead were people that couldn’t talk. Although it was pretty obvious that the killer was just inept, that is why the animals died first. Hopefully ABC give the show a reprieve long enough so he can have a mute that is killed, of course in Pushing Daisies fashion, it would be a mime that wouldn’t break character even in death. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Survivor: There is nothing better on television these days than when people play a fake idol. If I am not mistaken, this is the third straight season someone tried to play a fake idol. And really no one deserved to play a fake idol more than that humongous tool. What was best is that everyone had a smile on their face when he first played it even thinking it was a game changer, or knowing that it was a fake.
You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: Holy Bob Rooney sighting! You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.