Quote of the Week: So? make it look like an accident. Trip over an ottoman. Dick Van Dyke his (expletive deleted). Tap that! (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)
Song of the Week: Crazy - Seal (Eli Stone)
Big News of the Week: NBC Has Just Given Up: Ealier this week I started writing about the 10:00 Jay Leno only zone and kept writing to the point it was long enough for its own post. Read it in its entirety here: Your New Most Inept Executive in America Is…
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz went looking for opinions about the best underappreciated TV gem of '08. (BuzzSugar)
In the latest installment of Take 5, GMMR looked back at the top 5 episodes of Veronica Mars. (Give Me My Remote)
Rae takes a look at one of the shows she's been anticipating for months, TNT's new series Leverage. (RTVW Online)
Vance checks out Toronto's cast for the play Dog Sees God which happens to look a lot like Degrassi: The Next Generation (Marco! Craig! Jay! Jane!). (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace was all about looking forward, with advance reviews of Season Two of FX's Damages and the pilot script for ABC's Flash Forward, which could just be the next Lost. (Televisionary)
Holy affluent teen drama! This week Gossip Girl featured a funeral, a wedding and a Blair/Chuck meltdown. (TiFaux)
With the shocking announcement by NBC that Jay Leno will be sticking with the network, theTVaddict.com put together a list of Winners & Losers. (The TV Addict)
Raoul talked to the winners of The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)
Suffering with an almighty pre-Christmas hangover, TV Spy was, to its shame, a blog of few words, as it looked forward to the new series of Flight of the Conchords and Battlestar Galactica. (TV Spy)
Deals of the Week:
1) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery
2) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
3) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows
4) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets
5) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.
6) Save at Least 50% on Movies & TV
7) DVD Boxed Sets up to 60% Off
8) Buy 2 Blu-ray Discs, Get 1 Free

Video of the Week: For those like me and have missed the Battlestar Galactica bandwagon, here is a starter kit, or as Sci-Fi Channel calls them, a recap called Catch the Frak Up before the last season resumes January 16 at 10:00. Granted I think I may wait and watch BSG prequel Caprica first to see the show in chronological order, because you know Star Wars would have been more satisfying had you seen Episode I first instead of IV. Or I will wait until Jo shows up on my doorsteps with the complete series on DVD and a shotgun from the Sarah Palin collection.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Pushing Daisies, Wednesday at 8:00 on ABC: At the very least it is the last Pushing Daisies of 2008 and hopefully ABC doesn’t pull a Fox and not show the remaining three episodes at some point so they can hype a DVD with never before seen episodes. Actually, hopefully ABC gives the show a stay of execution and brings the show back and just a have another limited season to cut down on the costs. That would be the best Christmas present. Unless of course anyone out there wants to hook me up with a Playstation 3.
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