Quote of the Week: Those seven years of MacGyver
Song of the Week: Eternal Flame - The Bangles (as sung by Olive Snook, Pushing Daisies)
Big News of the Week: Television Shows Back on the Big Screen: From Star Trek
and The X-Files
Maybe thanks to those movies, just in the past week or so there has been a lot of buzz of resurrecting a few gone before their time. First the on again off again movie resurrection of Arrested Development
Also being booting around the rumor mill since its demise is a Veronica Mars
The most recent possible second chance is the HBO series Rome
Of course I would be happy if just one of these shows live on as if I were to make a list of the greatest television show of the ’00, those three shows at the very least would be in the discussion for the top ten. Granted I am cautiously optimistic than any of them happen because I am still waiting for the promised Angel
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz suggested a few possible scenarios for the Gossip Girl spinoff. (BuzzSugar)
GMMR shared some news and pics from her recent visit to the set of Privileged. (Give Me My Remote)
The holiday season has arrived and with it a brand new TV Advent Calendar including our favorite advent "treat" this week... How to make a holiday work wheel à la The OC and Seth Cohen's Chrismakkuh Work Wheel. (RTVW Online)
Vance fell behind in TV blogging November sweeps so did a little blogging cleaning up on over a dozen shows. (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace took a look back at those five suggestions to improve Fringe that he made in October to see if the writers had addressed any of them since then. (Televisionary)
Our national nightmare came and went. Dan evaluated Rosie's debacle of a variety show. (TiFaux)
TV Spy got a bit bogged down making the huge Christmas double issue of TV & Satellite Week. But somehow, amid all the madness and mince pies, Ben and Gareth found time to ponder Heroes: The Eclipse Pt2, and reckoned they spotted some definite signs of improvement. Phew! (TV Spy)
This week, the TV Addict got an exclusive update on the status of the Veronica Mars movie from Papa Mars himself, Enrico Colantoni. (The TV Addict)
Kate was a little sad to see Stylista's surgically enhanced little fashion urchin get the boot. (TV Filter)
Deals of the Week:
1) Blu-ray Deals and Discovery
2) Save up to 60% on Over 550 DVDs and Blu-ray Discs. Offer valid from 11/17–12/16.
5) The Big DVD Sale—Great Entertainment as Low as $5.99. Offer valid from 11/17-12/16.
3) Save at Least 42% on ABC TV shows
4) Save up to 60% on over 900 DVD Boxed Sets
5) The TV Holi-Daily Deal: Special one-day deals on favorite TV shows. Offers posted from 12/4-12/16.
6) Save at Least 50% on Movies & TV
Free Download of the Week: Brooklyn (Go Hard) - Jay-Z featuring Santogold (Rcrd Lbl): I have been critical of Jay-Z’s unretirement, but this is the first of his songs that really matches any of his preretirement work.
Video of the Week: The first of ABC Family’s new programming for 25 Days of Christmas debuts next Saturday. Here is a preview of A Misers Brother’s Christmas. Personally I am looking forward to the sequel to Snow the following day.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Leverage, Tuesday at 9:00 on TBS: The show actually premieres tomorrow after The Librarian (see Previewing The Librarian), but for those that forget, the first episode reruns Tuesdays because it settles into its regular timeslot at 10:00 right after. Barring the apocalypse, I should have more on the show coming up Tuesday.
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