Showing posts with label Pushing Daisies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pushing Daisies. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Best of the Week vol. V

Quote of the Week: Now if you excuse me, I have a date with Hannity and Colmes. (Barney - How I Met Your Mother)

Song of the Week: Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd (How I Met Your Mother)

Big News of the Week: ABC Drops All the Shows I Watch on Their Network: The day after Tony Kornheiser gave Pushing Daisies some dap on Pardon the Interruption, ABC announced that the show would be taking its title too seriously. Michael Wilbon won’t be too happy that Dirty Sexy Money will be joining them. Also six feet under is Eli Stone. None of the shows are officially canceled or pulled from the schedule, but it is doubtful we will see any of the shows again after their original order of thirteen episodes are aired, that is if ABC bothers to air them all (I sense a buy the DVD to see unaired episodes situation coming). After the Jericho debacle, I doubt there is any luck resurrecting any of the shows by sending pies, stones, or dirt covered money to the network. The closest thing to hope fans can look to is a Friday Night Lights situation, although network may want to wait to see how successful that is before trying it themselves. And Mark Cuban, whom owns DirecTV, is a little busy these days with the SEC. At any rate, it may be time for another rant that anyone who thinks the Neilsen Ratings are credible are complete morons.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski after a shower

Coalition Links of the Week:
From Turtle on Entourage to Thirteen on House, Buzz rounded up some of her favorite nicknamed TV characters. (BuzzSugar)

Vance loves Bobby Cannavale but isn't quite sure if he'll make a good Cupid yet after seeing the preview. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took an advance look at the Doctor Who: Complete Series Four DVD which came out earlier this week and offered an early look at a potential ABC midseason schedule. (Televisionary)

I'm in ur hospital, sleepin' with ur interns! Dan continued his trend of ridiculing Grey's Anatomy with a new batch of LOLGrey's. (TiFaux).

Jennifer returned from maternity leave to chat with Rosie O’Donnell about her new variety show, Nip/Tuck, and The View and received a strike notice from her DVR. (Tube Talk)

Kate kinda hated herself for continuing to watch Stylista. But holy crap was this week's episode compelling! (TV Filter)

Heather had a longish chat with 24: Redemption's Robert Carlyle and, incredibly, managed to avoid once mentioning Hamish Macbeth! (TV Spy)

Free Download of the Week: Gettin’ Up - Q-Tip (iTunes): A couple weeks ago iTunes launch a Free Single of the Week and the former A Tribe Called Quest rapper’s latest video is yours without having to pay for it. I always wondered who actually pays to download music videos on iTunes. Why download a three music video for $1.99 when you can get a forty minute television show for the same price. But you cannot beat free. Now if only I could figure how to convert an iTunes video into a MP3 song.

Video of the Week: I have always been skeptical of the upcoming remake for Cupid from Rob Thomas, but the promo for the show hit the interwebs this week. Have a look:

Cupid - Remake Trailer (ABC)

Wow, after watching that I have to wonder if Bobby Cannavale watched every episode of Entourage back to back because he looks like he is trying too hard to do a Jeremy Pivin impersonation. Is there really anyone at ABC that thinks this will be better, or even perform better, than Eli Stone or Pushing Daisies? The channel may be morphing into The CW for me where I no longer watch it, not because I am boycotting it like Fox, but I don’t watch it because there just isn’t anything watchable.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Macy’s Thanksgivings Day Parade, Thursday at 9:00 AM on NBC: A yearly tradition even if I don’t know who seventy-five percent of the “stars” they have trotted out in the past decade. Surprisingly this year I actually recognize a few names like Miley Cyrus, David Archuleta, Kristen Chenoweth, James Taylor, Darius Rucker and Trace Adkins. Not appearing this year are The Cheetah Girls, whoever they are, because they got dumped from the show for some reason. Hopefully that means more Hootie.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LIII

Coalition Links of the Week:
There have been so many Grey's Anatomy hookups and romances over the years, it's hard to keep count. Which is your all-time favorite? (BuzzSugar)

This week, Sandie shared an interview with Reggie Austin from The Starter Wife. (Daemon's TV)

A longtime friend of Vance's wrote this past week's The Office episode and Vance gives it a totally unbiased review. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace was absolutely gutted by David Tennant's decision to leave Doctor Who at the end of 2009 and came up with some suggestions as to who could succeed Tennant as the Eleventh Doctor. (Televisionary)

On the topic of Gossip Girl, Sara thinks that Chuck's a bore, Nate's a dim bulb and Dan and Serena keep having the same conversations over and over! (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict took a brief look at Life on Mars. (The TV Addict)

What can be done to save Heroes? TV Spy’s answer to Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, Ben and Gareth, have the answers! (TV Spy)

Kate loved the second episode of Stylista even more than the first one! (TV Filter)

Chuck: Aw, the arcade. The youth today just don’t know how good they got it with next generation gaming like the PS3. I was always partial to Gauntlet myself even though it was a huge quarter suck and you needed three other players to even do anything. But anyways, they really need more Creepy Guy-centric episodes; he had me cracking up throughout especially his video tape of Anna. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Heroes: There needs to be a running counter at the bottom of the screen that ticks up whenever (now former) Osmosis Dude dies but doesn’t actually die. Dude fell further out a window than John Locke for goodness sake. The number has to be in double digits by now. Or just imagine how high that number would be if it included the whole cast. Is there any cast member that shouldn’t actually be dead by now? Hiro is the only one that I can think of off the top of my head. You can stream current episodes over at

Heroes on iTunes

Greek: Finally something interesting happened this season. Gotta love the massive brawl Rusty started and the pledges debating to take off their blindfolds or not. Then the complete blindside at the end with Frannie taking half the house to start her own sorority. This should make the second half be a little more interesting than the first half. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Greek on iTunes.

Eli Stone: Well that was a dark episode. If there was really one episode that needed a musical montage sequence, this would have been it. Eli is forced to settle, Jordan wins his case but loses his firm in the process, and Maggie ends up defending the paint companies at the Supreme Court. And with that last sentiment, the show is closely getting into the territory that is part of Heroes downfall with the cast sending too much time trying to change a vision of the future in the long term. It has been fine with the future being resolved at the end of each episode, but it won’t work if spends a whole season, or even a couple of episodes trying to change a vision he had of the future. I guess we have to wait two weeks to see if Maggie stays with Jordan or goes with Dr. Abbott and Peg Bundy. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: They shouldn’t go to that well too often, but hopefully they bring back Simone every couple months. If only I could train my dogs that way. My elboy is dislocated from mine trying to catch cars and squirrels. And hopefully Jimmy James isn’t as evil as they have teased. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Survivor: At this point I am just really ready for a merge. I thought the case the team around the course was the most pathetic attempt by any tribe ever, but the keep away challenge really rivals that. While Sugar beating Bob in the log rolling may be up their as the biggest upset ever. But Bob can rest in the solace that he wins the award for best use of a buff with him using it as a bowtie. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

My Name Is Earl: A nice fight there between karma and voodoo. Earl debating anyone tends to be the highest of high comedy, but seeing him try to mind wrestle a kid just made it funnier. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

For those still undecided or persuadable, please check out My Case for John McCain and Part II (I have a lot of reasons) before you go to the polls Tuesday.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LII

The Big Bang Theory: I would have liked to laugh at this episode, but being the local mule in college as one of the few people in my dorm with a car, it just brought back bad memories of back seat drivers, especially the part about the Check Engine light. I even pulled the, “no, the light is just broke” line. Okay, I still laughed at the simulated driving part of the show. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: What sick and twisted world do we live in where Nicole Richie gets top billing over Ben Savage, the boy in Boy Meets World. He dated Topanga, was friends with Shawn Hunter and little brother to Fred and he becomes an afterthought to a reality star. Sacrilege. But DJ Casey almost made up for that. Almost. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met your Mother: In a plot twist everyone saw coming, Stella was not the mother. Seeing the kids in the future and knowing she had a daughter really killed any chances. That she ended up with the sleaze ball ex-boyfriend was the shocking part. Isn’t it time for the baker to come back from France and just make her the mother already? Really, the show hasn’t been as consistent since Ashley Williams got on the plane, so just bring her back, make her the mother, and move on. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: The show sucked a little less this week, mostly thanks to the slapstick comedy of Hiro and the African dude which sank into Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd territory. It didn’t even bother me that Hiro didn’t try to freeze time before getting hit in the head with the shovel. You can stream current episodes over at

Heroes on iTunes

Eli Stone: What may be sadder than the Nicole Richie top billing on Chuck is Katie Holmes is almost in the same league of stunt casting as Richie despite being a legitimate actress just as soon as five years ago. Any of you that read those trashy supermarket magazines or their even trashier internet counterparts are to blame for this. And it is not that she went and shaved her head, she just married a midget. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: You know when you see an actor that you just can’t place and go to bed thinking I’ll just check IMDB tomorrow when I’m at the computer, then at 2:00 you start to calculate how long it will take you to power up your computer, go to IMDB, power down the computer, then finally go to bed at around 3:00 when out of nowhere you think, “Oh, that was grandma Abbott” and finally are able to go to sleep? Nope, never happens to me either.

And what is with the recent resurgence of David Arquette lately? First he was on My Name Is Earl which left the door open for another appearance, then the same with Pushing Daisies. What’s next, a Scream 4? But who knew that Emerson would turn out to be the male version of Veronica Mars. Now if I could just figure out who played his mom. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Gary Unmarried: I used to think Ed Begley Jr. would be the scene stealer of the show but I am starting to think the daughter and all her nut-job social awareness plans could make her the liberal, female version of Alex P. Keaton of the new Millennium who railed against his hippy parents two decades ago. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor: Just by bad luck you are going to have the token hot chick exist early from the show, but with Kelly voted out I think this is the very first time no attractive women made it on the jury. This is a landmark moment in bad TV. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Sunday, October 19, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. LI

The Big Bang Theory: Another reason this should be an all Sheldon all the time kind of show, whenever an episode focuses on Raj it just isn’t entertaining, except for Sheldon tying to smile. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: Chuck really needs to stop going to the Bryce Larkin well because the stories always suffer when he is around. Speaking of storyline suffering, I was really hopping Michael Strahan was going to pummel Morgan out of the show. Why can’t Strahan be Chuck’s new best friend. And speaking of Strahan, did they really need all those gratuitous close up of his gap teeth? You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Heroes: Like the show really need help ruining it’s own storylines, but the promo monkeys really ruined the episode by revealing the Papa Patrelli pulling the strings. And what the frak was with Hiro killing Ando. Being Heroes he certainly won’t stay dead, I’m sure Future Hiro will go back in time and tell Ando to put a steel plate and exploding ketchup packages under his shirt, but still this is extremely lame. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Heroes on iTunes.

Eli Stone: The whole Nate gets the aneurism thing was also fairly lame. I am glad they corrested that fairly early in the season. On the bright side it gave us the great line about being stalked by the other dude in Wham! And it was odd that the mother sided with Eli while the daughter decided to fight it so vigorously. Seemed a little out of chachter. But with that out of the way hopefully the show gets back to the stride it was hitting last season. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Eli Stone on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: After a pair of episodes that took way too much time trying to explain to people who haven’t seen the show before, this was the first episode that really clicked like last season. Maybe it was because the gang was all together trying to figure out. That and it was the first who did it that I didn’t figure out before hand (something I don’t think I did at all last season). That is what the show does best is coming up with this completely absurd explanation that actually makes sense in the context of the plot. You can stream current episodes over at

Pushing Daisies on iTunes

Survivor: How do you not out the Immunity Idol when you have the chance? The longer one has the Idol, the harder it is to get that person out. Best case scenario Sugar gets voted out and the Idol is put back in play. Worst case scenario Sugar plays it, GC is voted out and the Idol again is put back in play. It just blows the mind how stupid some of these Survivors are sometime. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

2008 Presidential Debates: Saturday Night Live right in that the winner was whoever you thought was going to win. And the post-debate coverage is the most bizarre thing ever. They actually interview people from something called “The Spin Room” which is like saying, “Let’s interview someone who will straight up lie to you and we won’t bother to call them out on their blatant lies. While all the pundits blow hard about who won, it is safe to say who the loser was: anyone who watched any of the debate. What is sad is that the very next night, John McCain and Barack Obama had this to say about each other:

Imagine how much more entertaining the debates would have been if that was how they went after each other.

Everybody Hates Chris: The guy who was trying to do Bill Cosby wasn’t very good. And wasn’t he Chris’ teacher at one point?

Everybody Hates Chris on iTunes

Saturday, October 11, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. L

Quote of the Week: Leonard, you have to do something about Penny. She is interfering with my sleep, she is interfering with my work, and if I had another significant aspect of my life I’m sure she’d be interfering with that too. (Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory)

Song of the Week: Livin’ la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin (as sung by Earl Hickey; My Name Is Earl)

Big News of the Week: Chinese Democracy Gets a Street Date: Yeah, if I am not mistaken, this is the third “official” release date, but this may actually be the one as there is the gimmick of being a Best Buy exclusive. And keep in mind if the album does actually drop on November 26, everyone gets a free Dr. Pepper. Maybe a free can a pop for every American will be the catalyst to steer us away from this looming Depression. So I this time next year we are all swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck, we will have Axl Rose to thank.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski on all fours

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz spent some phone time with Lee Pace, whose delightful show you should really all be watching. (BuzzSugar)

GMMR is not a judgey judge. If Nathan Fillion wants to do porn then I'm going to support his aspirations . Have you seen PG Porn yet? (Give Me My Remote)

Marcia graded the new season of Heroes and decided it was thoroughly mediocre. (Pop Vultures)

Vance was on holidays in LA but still spent some time at The Office (with some pictures to prove it!). (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took an in-depth look at Season Two of 30 Rock on DVD and felt much better about the merits of that series than NBC's latest comedy effort, Kath & Kim. (Televisionary)

Aided by the lovely and charming Anne Hathaway, the gang at Saturday Night Live turned in one of the stronger episodes of the season thus far. (TiFaux)

The TV Addict explains why he's done with Heroes. (The TV Addict)

Raoul chatted with Anthony and Stephanie from The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)

The Big Bang Theory: This episode brought back some bad memories of a houseguest who was so obsessed with World of Warcraft they would go AFK to let their dog out instead their dog did her doggy business on my carpet (which still smells to this day). I dd a bit of revenge when their dog did their doggy business on their Christmas present last year. But that was quickly forgetting when Penny chopped Leonard’s head off. And here is to hoping that Sheldon never grasps the concept of sarcasm. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Chuck: For those keeping track at home, that is three different Huey Lewis and the News tracks in the first two episodes and personably I hope they cover their whole catalog over the course of the season because it is really time for a comeback from the band as teased by their contribution to Pineapple Express. And don’t tell me if you lived threw the eighties you don’t have Fore on cassette, just look between Thriller and Dancing on the Ceiling. But back to Chuck, I forgot to complain about it last week, but the Token hot Chick’s change in occupation is a bad idea to end all bad ideas because the Weinerlicuious costume may be the greatest thing ever. And to all the ladies out their, with Halloween coming up, keep the dream alive and dress up in your homemade Weinerlicious. And feel free to send me the pictures. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Heroes: There are shows that are out there that you need to turn off your brain to enjoy, which are fine in a comfort food version of television. But after this past week’s episode I have come to the realization that you need a lobotomy to enjoy Heroes. The show has managed to amass the dumbest cast of character ever. Like a couple weeks ago when Noah told the Haitian that he was going to find Sylar’s weakness and kill him. He told this to a guy who can neutralize other’s powers and erase their memory and didn’t think to utilize this and put a bullet in his brain. But the dumbest of the dumb has to be Osmosis Dude who forgets his powers when it is convenient for the plotline. He knows to stop Indestructible Girl’s bullet in the season premiere, but doesn’t this past week? And not only are the character not going to be invited to a MENSA meeting anytime soon, the writers apparently think we the viewers are morons too. How are we supposed to believe that Indestructible Girl and her gang were able to make it to California minutes after Osmosis Dude? Certainly the Speedster could, but don’t tell me she carried Indestructible Girl and He-Man all the way there. And how does He-Man get out of the house without a scratch yet the Speedster couldn’t. I can actually feel my IQ dropping while watching the show. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Heroes on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies on iTunesPushing Daisies: It took a while to get into the episode just because how off putting Rachel Harris without her glasses was. I am kind of understanding how people couldn’t put two and two together with Clark Kent and Superman. Actually the episode never actually clicked. Maybe it was the long layoff but I am having a hard time getting back into the show. Then again the show rarely lives up to my Wonderfalls expectations. You can stream current episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: Didn’t the show already do the repeat a day again already before? Something about getting to jail on time. And couldn’t Earl realize the way to cross the guy off his list is to get his short term memory back? I guess they left it open so they can bring David Arquette back. Now if only they bring Norm MacDonald back. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Saturday Night Light Weekend Update Thursday: If the name wasn’t lame enough, did they really have to do the “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night” line? Plus it didn’t help that paroding the most boring thing ever on television to start things off. I am starting to think the second debate was the a repeat of the first but with Tom Brokaw’s face superimposed on Jim Leher. At least Bill Murray almost saved the skit with his pathetic Cubs question. Here’s hoping the Cubs truly never win another pennant so the Cubs fans never become unsufferable much like the Red Sox fans since 2002. (Go Rays!!!)

Everybody Hates Chris: For those that had Greg back with Chris and the under, go ahead and collect your money. Even I thought they would spead that out at least five episodes.

You can also check out my interview with Frank Caliendo or my season review of I Love Money and my preview of The Starter Wife.

Free Download of the Week: My Own Worst Enemy (iTunes): Not entirely sure why it has taken so long for the show to premiere, but with all the ads during the Olympics I am actually already tired of the show before it even premieres.

Next Week Pick of the Week: Eli Stone, Tuesday at 10:00 on ABC: Last season’s feel good new show finally returns. Well as feel good as a show about an aneurism can be. The new season starts out with a bit of stunt casting including Sigorny Weaver, Katie Holmes, and Seal. Not scheduled to make an appearance is George Michael who not surprisingly found himself in some more legal problems.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

First Impressions: Pushing Daisies Season Two

Pushing Daisies on iTunesWhere Chuck took the approach to a lengthy layoff after a quick minute recap before starting something new (see Previewing: Chuck), Pushing Daises took the opposite approach and devoted almost half of its premiere to recapping the first season. The Pushing Daisies approach may be better to in bringing in new viewers, but they could have recapped a little faster.

Giving so much emphasis on the narration and the flashback, my boy Emerson Cod seemed to get the short stick in terms of a storyline. But they planted a couple more seeds about his missing in action daughter which he is apparently trying to find via a pop up book, a new hobby he picked up last season.

Then there is the head scratching plot twist with Olive heading off to a nunnery because she hated hiding all the secrets she accumulated in the first season. I totally did not get why Olive had Aunt Lily take her to the nunnery if she was one of the people she was trying to escape. I wonder if there is a deleted scene out there somewhere that explains this. Or explain why Lily stuck around to keep her tabs on her.

The mystery of the week with the bees may have been the weakest of the series, but that could have been because it didn’t have the usual twist and turns due to all the time dedicated to bring people back up to date. Hopefully now that everyone is caught up, Pushing Daisies can get back into the groove starting next week.

Pushing Daisies airs Wedsdays at 8:00 on ABC. You can stream recent episodes over at You can also download Pushing Daisies on iTunes or through Amazon Video on Demand:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing the Percentages vol. II

It is time for another rousing round of Playing the Percentages, again along for the ride is the good people from TV on the Brain. If you want to play the home game, just drop your thoughts in the comments or leave a comment on a question you would like to be answered at a later date. Now let us play the game where I will play the role of the House Republicans with Jo playing the role of George Bush.

What are the chances that Pushing Daises has a sophomore slump?

Scooter: 10%. Where someone like JJ Abrams is high concept, low results, Bryan Fuller has proven to be high concept, high results, well at least when people turn in. Plus it is had to have a sophomore slump when your freshman year is cut in less than half.

Jo: 0%. Bryan Fuller and crew didn't even get a full season one thanks to the strike. So he's had nearly a year to think about it. And even though this show has a very specific premise, there is a rich well of story to tell in this beautiful fantasy world he's created.

What are the chances that the best show of this season will be a mid-season replacement?

Scooter: It is not a good sign when the best new show of the season I have seen is Raising the Bar with Zack Morris and his absurd hair. I was looking forward to Ex-List until Diane Ruggerio left unceremoniously. She just happen to get quick work with Rob Thomas on the reboot of Cupid. Thrown in mid-season shows by Mike Judge and Joss Whedon plus the much buzzed Kings I’ll go a high as 92% on this.

Jo: I haven't been paying attention to the new material coming out, but my money would be on proven show runners Joss & Rob as well. So I'll toss a 75% out there for good measure.

What chances does Gary Unmarried have to be this year’s The Big Bang Theory?

: Despite being much beloved now, The Big Bang Theory got crushed by critics, professional and armchair alike much like Gary Unmarried has when they first aired. But even their first were not completely unwatchable. With that said I will only give it 33% chance because The Big Bang Theory had Sheldon to build around and Gary Unmarried doesn’t have that potential break out character to lift them into bankable sitcom. Although if tweaked, Ed Beagley Jr., who I think is just currently recurring, could be that.

Jo: 25%. Jay Mohr is a bit of a love 'em or hate 'em actor. I happen to hate. And as much as I seriously adore The Big Bang Theory, they need to better balance the story telling out among all the characters because, yes Scooter, even Sheldon will get old with his schtick.

Scooter: As someone with some of Sheldon's quirks, there is plenty of of schtick left before Sheldon gets old.

What is the percentage that you will not be watching Friday Night Lights until 2009?

Scooter: 25%, I deleted all my torrent programs years ago out of security reasons (and the fear of being sued) but I am holding out hope that NBC still steams new episodes on Hulu the day after they air on DirecTV which would be the smart thing to do from a business standpoint to combat the torrent. But NBC has proved not to be the smarted network (*cough* Knight Rider *cough*)

Jo: ? 50%? I don't even know when FNL is supposed to come back. I figure since NBC is barely keeping the show alive anyways that if all else fails, I'll rent the DVDs.

Scooter: For the record, Friday Night Lights season three premieres tomorrow at 9:00 on DirecTV channel 101 (and repeated Fridays at 9:00) uncut and commercial free. Then sometime in 2009 the episode will re-air on NBC at a time and day to be determined later. I'm not sure the "uncut" is a marketing ploy or if DirecTV will be throwing in a swear word and gratuitous nudity that will be cut out for network broadcast or maybe some extra scenes. Now if only I knew someone with DirecTV so I could find this out (anyone in Northeast Ohio with DirecTV, shout me a holla).

Saturday, September 27, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. XLVIII

Quote of the Week: You thought the opposite of loser is community college graduate? (Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory)

Song of the Week: Eye of the Tiger - Survivor (as sung by Earl Hickey; My Name Is Earl)

Big News of the Week: We’re All Screwed: Well at least those of us in America. Then both canidates had a chance to ease the minds of the public but neither did at the debate last night even when Jim Lehrer tried to get them to do it time and time again (five by my count). Bob Barr is looking more plausable.

Coalition Links of the Week:
After one of the more frustrating Emmy experiences in memory, Buzz proposed five ways to fix the show. (BuzzSugar)

Plattie explained exactly why she hates British soaps. (Pop Vultures)

Vance is disappointed with buzzworthy shows 90210 and Heroes so far but is totally charmed by Privileged. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took an advance look at HBO's pond-skipping new comedy Little Britain USA, from the warped minds of David Walliams and Matt Lucas. Yes, you'll be talking about Mr. Doggy come Monday. (Televisionary)

She's easy to hate -- the Tim Gunn disrespect, the constant laughing, the hyperconfidence -- but Marisa can't help but like Kenley on Project Runway. (TiFaux)

Raoul talked to Misha Collins about his role on Supernatural. (TV Filter)

The Joy of Painting: I have become so cynical that I see partisan politics everywhere now. Case in point, the last two Bob Ross paintings have been of the Alaskan landscape leading me to think, “someone at PBS is in the tank for Sarah Palin.” Yeah, I need help.

Greek: Finally Evil Frannie is back. I have been waiting for that shoe to drop for almost ten episodes now. And with Frannie looking to get her presidency back should keep the fireworks coming for the rest of the season. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download Greek on iTunes.

Gary Unmarried: Not as bad as the critics would have you believe, a decent amount of laughs in the first episode and I don’t want to go NBA Draft Analyst on you but the show has some upside. But one thing that bothered me is how did Jay Mohr not know Jamie not have a kid? He’s painting her house, how did he not notice the toys laying around. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube.

Pardon the Interruption: I am not one for superlatives, but the Kimbo Slice interview was the best ever in the history of PTI. It was the first time I was aware of anyone swearing during Five Good Minutes and Tony Kornheiser looked visibly scared despite Kimbo being via satellite. Throw in the hateable Dan LeBatard and I had to watch it a couple times. You can download the PTI podcast for free on iTunes.

My Name Is Earl: A solid return after a subpar third season thanks to Earl getting back to the list. Seth Green was hilarious as the Make-A-Wish that Earl stole from him and any show will be hard pressed to come up with a funnier musical segment than Earl singing Eye of the Tiger to his dad when he went to beat up his former neighbor this season. You can stream current episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Be sure to also check out my First Impressions of The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother and Heroes or my First Impressions of Survivor: Gabon.

Free Download of the Week: Chuck (iTunes): We are two days away from the new season Chuck, and you know what that means: more gratuitous Token Hot Chick pictures. For those that cannot wait you can download the premiere for free on iTunes. And for those that do not want to download it, you can also stream the episode on Hulu or Amazon Video on Demand.

Promos of the Week: Three years ago I claimed that the TV Gods were against me because they schedule Veronica Mars and Lost, my number one and number two shows from the previous season, at the same time. And that is happening again this season but this time around it is much easier on account I do not have DirecTV to watch Friday Night Lights so Pushing Daises it is. Here is a behind the scenes look of Pushing Daisies and for those with DirecTV, something to get you hyped up for the third season of Friday Night Lights for those with DirecTV:


Next Week’s Pick: Pushing Daisies, Wednesday at 8:00 on ABC: If I am not mistaken, Pushing Daisies was one of the first shows to run out of episodes due to the strike so it has been a very long time since we have seen The Piemaker and the gang. With all that time off it should be interesting to see how they relaunch the show.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008 Fall Television Preview

Yesterday I mad a run down of the music that will fill the fall air this season but today I turn inside to the television that will put me firmly into my couch as the leaves turn colors. Well some of these shows are on a short leach like Gary Unmarried. But no shorter leash than on Heroes which was abysmal last season and the first season was not much better. It does not bodes well that last season I found myself switching over to I Love New York because I was so bored with Heroes. But anyways. Here is what I will be watching, and for the most part, enjoying and their start dates:

8:00 - The Big Bang Theory; CBS (September 22)
8:00 - Chuck; NBC (September 29)
8:00 - Monday Night Football; ESPN (October 13, November 17, December 15)
8:30 - How I Met Your Mother; CBS (September 22)
9:00 - Heroes; NBC (September 22)

9:00 - Greek; ABC Family (already started)
10:00 - Eli Stone; ABC (October 14)

8:00 - Friday Night Lights; DirecTV (October 1)
8:00 - Pushing Daisies; ABC (October 1)
8:30 - Gary Unmarried; CBS (September 24)
10:00 - Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Island; MTV (already started)
10:00 - South Park; Comedy Central (October 15)

8:00 - Survivor: Gabon; CBS (September 25)
8:00 - My Name Is Earl; NBC (September 25)
8:00 - Thursday Night Football; NFL Network (November 6)
9:30 - SNL Weekend Update Thursday; NBC (October 9)

8:00 - Everybody Hates Chris; The CW (October 3)
9:00 - Ex-List; CBS (October 3)
9:00 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars; Cartoon Network (October 3)

9:00 - I Love Money; VH1 (already started)

Then for the midseason, I will be looking out for Lost, The Goode Family, Cupid and the NBC showing of Friday Night Lights. And specials like Hip Hop Honors on October 7 featuring Cypress Hill, De La Soul, Naughty By Nature, Slick Rick, and Too $hort. And of course the debates between John McCain and Barack Obama on September 26, October 7, and October 15 with Sarah Palin and Joe Biden going at it on October 2. I will also be trying to catch up on the second seasons of Dexter and Big Love as well as the third season of Weeds on DVD.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. XLII

Quote of the Week: Goodnight LeBatard’s mustache. (Tony Kornheiser, Pardon the Interruption)

Big New of the Week: It’s the End of the World as We Know It: And I feel sick. The most coveted endorsement: Angelina Jolie. I wish I were making this up. Then Barack Obama finally got around to responding to John McCain’s celebrity ad, keep in mind it took him a week longer than it took Paris Hilton to respond, calling McCain “Washington’s biggest celebrity.” The election better get here soon before someone uses the rubber/glue response.

Coalition Links of the Week:
With the news that the Emmys will have actors recite classic TV lines from the past 60 years, Buzz put out a call for your favorite TV quips. (BuzzSugar)

We wind down the week with some Friday Fun, this time featuring battles between some of our favorite sidekicks. Tell us who you think would win. (RTVW Online)

Vance asks all you readers to help pick the Song of the Summer for 2008! (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace took a look at another British import, reviewing the first three episodes of BBC America's new drama Skins, launching this Sunday. (Televisionary)

TiFaux’s coverage of the Olympics included coverage of commercials, hot athletic bodies, the opening ceremonies and, yes, even a few passing mentions of sports! (TiFaux)

This week the TV Addict asked, "Is The Secret Life of the American Teenager the Best Worst Show Ever?" (The TV Addict)

Kate stayed up way too late and decided that Grey's Anatomy is just like Friends. (TV Filter)

I Love Money: We may just be getting closer and closer to the first reality death. Pumpkin better hope that VH1 brought down some metal detectors. You can download episodes of I Love Money on iTunes.

Sit a side an hour because Best Week Ever has compiled the Ten Best To Catch a Predator segments ever. Don’t ask me how the naked dude who gets tackled by a dude only lands at number eight.

With all the Olympics I have been watching over the past week there have been plenty of NBC programming I have seen. First off, who knew Lipstick Jungle wasn’t canceled? As for the news show, it probably says something that I have only seen one ad for Caruso and Knight Rider, but ads for Kath and Kim and My Own Worst Enemy are shown ad nausea. That is not to hint at the quality of either as both look unwatchable. Kath and Kim looks less funny each commercial and Jennifer Garner makes for a more credible looking spy than Christian Slater.

Free Download of the Week: Primeval: My sources tell me the BBC America show is entertaining but I cannot find that channel on my television, but you can download the first episode for free on iTunes.

Promo of the Week: In about a month shows start trickling back to your television sets, some that we haven’t seen for nine months. So to help you remember the story so far for their returning shows (Lost is supposed to be up next week), have Starter Kits. Below is the Starter Kit for the best new show from last season, Pushing Daisies:

Pushing Daisies Recap, Starter Kit

Pick for Next Week: More Olympics, All Day, Every Day, NBC Networks: As swimming winds down (thank goodness, the Michael Phelps coverage is leaving me want to hear more Brett Varve new). For those that need a break from Archery, Table Tennis, and Rowing, tonight is the first face to face meeting with John McCain and Barack Obama on MSNBC in a forum on faith starting at 8:00. Well face to face for a few moments.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Best Television Shows of 2007-2008

It is weird compiling a list of the best television for the past year with so many shows disappearing in the middle of the year or being rushed to complete the sessions with a couple less episodes that were planned. It was interesting with all my bemoaning of hoe horrible the new batch of shows were last summer, freshmen shows dominated the list with four of the top five shows. Here are my picks anyways for the best of the last twelve months:

1. Friday Night Lights 2.x (NBC)
2. Pushing Daisies 1.x (ABC)
3. The Big Bang Theory 1.x (CBS)
4. Eli Stone 1.x (ABC)
5. Chuck 1.x (NBC)
6. Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites (CBS)
7. Lost 4.x (ABC)
8. Rescue Me 4.x (FX)
9. Greek 1.x (ABC Family)
10. My Name Is Earl 3.x (NBC)

A nice even split among the networks this year (not counting the unwatchable FOX or The CW) with cable getting a share of the pie this year too. Below is a breakdown as well as a running tally of the shows that led in numbers of Quotes and Songs of the Week from my weekly 57 Channels rundown:

NBC (3)
ABC (3)
CBS (2)
FX (1)
ABC Family (1)

Quote of the Week
Friday Night Lights (9)
The Big Bang Theory (5)
Lost (4)
Pushing Daisies (3)
How I Met Your Mother (3)
My Name Is Earl (2)
Journeyman (2)
Eli Stone (2)

Song of the Week
Eli Stone (6)
Journeyman (5)
Everybody Hates Chris (3)
My Name Is Earl (3)
Smallville (2)
Friday Night Lights (2)
Chuck (2)
How I Met Your Mother (2)
Pushing Daisies (1)
South Park (1)
Lost (1)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fourth Annual Scooter Television Awards

Thanks to the writer’s strike, this was a weird year for television. Some shows ended around Christmas and won’t be coming back until the fall with some never to be seen again. But on the bright side, this was the first time in a very long time that a show I loved didn’t get canceled. This year’s awards also mark the first time Veronica Mars didn’t win top honors for Best Scripted Show on account that it is no longer on. So without further ado, let’s see who took over the top spot for this years STA’s.

Best Scripted Show: Friday Night Lights

Best Sitcom: The Big Bang Theory

Best Cable Show: Rescue Me

Best Reality Show (Game Show): Survivor

Best Talk Show: Pardon the Interruption

Best New Show: Pushing Daisies

Best Awards Show: 2007 Hip Hop Honors

Best Hour of TV: There Goes the Neighborhood (Friday Night Lights)

Best Half Hour of TV: The Peanut Reaction (The Big Bang Theory)

Worst Idea: Writers going on strike

Best Shocker: All the blindsides on Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites

Best Theme Song: The Big Bang Theory

Best Song Placement: If it’s the Beaches - Avett Brothers (Friday Night Lights)

Best Karaoke: Hopelessly Devoted to You - Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)

Hottest Token Hot Chick:

Yvonne Strahovski: I'd hit that

Yvonne Strahovski in bed

Yvonne Strahovski half naked and under cover

Best Character: Landry Clarke (Friday Night Lights)

Best New Character: Sheldon Cooper PhD. (The Big Bang Theory)

Best Guest Appearance: George Michael (Eli Stone)

Best Cast Addition: Miles (Lost)

Most Entertaining Reality “Star”: Midget Mac (I Love New York)

Best Quote: What is the rate of exchange on the life of a bird because if equal to or greater than mine I gotta get back to my car. (Emerson Cod, Pushing Daisies)

Show That Should Be Brought Back: Journeyman

Best Promo: