Quote of the Week: Leonard, you have to do something about Penny. She is interfering with my sleep, she is interfering with my work, and if I had another significant aspect of my life I’m sure she’d be interfering with that too. (Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Livin’ la Vida Loca - Ricky Martin (as sung by Earl Hickey; My Name Is Earl)
Big News of the Week: Chinese Democracy Gets a Street Date: Yeah, if I am not mistaken, this is the third “official” release date, but this may actually be the one as there is the gimmick of being a Best Buy exclusive. And keep in mind if the album does actually drop on November 26, everyone gets a free Dr. Pepper. Maybe a free can a pop for every American will be the catalyst to steer us away from this looming Depression. So I this time next year we are all swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck, we will have Axl Rose to thank.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Coalition Links of the Week:
Buzz spent some phone time with Lee Pace, whose delightful show you should really all be watching. (BuzzSugar)
GMMR is not a judgey judge. If Nathan Fillion wants to do porn then I'm going to support his aspirations . Have you seen PG Porn yet? (Give Me My Remote)
Marcia graded the new season of Heroes and decided it was thoroughly mediocre. (Pop Vultures)
Vance was on holidays in LA but still spent some time at The Office (with some pictures to prove it!). (Tapeworthy)
This week, Jace took an in-depth look at Season Two of 30 Rock on DVD and felt much better about the merits of that series than NBC's latest comedy effort, Kath & Kim. (Televisionary)
Aided by the lovely and charming Anne Hathaway, the gang at Saturday Night Live turned in one of the stronger episodes of the season thus far. (TiFaux)
The TV Addict explains why he's done with Heroes. (The TV Addict)
Raoul chatted with Anthony and Stephanie from The Amazing Race. (TV Filter)
The Big Bang Theory: This episode brought back some bad memories of a houseguest who was so obsessed with World of Warcraft they would go AFK to let their dog out instead their dog did her doggy business on my carpet (which still smells to this day). I dd a bit of revenge when their dog did their doggy business on their Christmas present last year. But that was quickly forgetting when Penny chopped Leonard’s head off. And here is to hoping that Sheldon never grasps the concept of sarcasm. You can stream current episodes over at Innertube. You can also download The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Chuck: For those keeping track at home, that is three different Huey Lewis and the News tracks in the first two episodes and personably I hope they cover their whole catalog over the course of the season because it is really time for a comeback from the band as teased by their contribution to Pineapple Express. And don’t tell me if you lived threw the eighties you don’t have Fore on cassette, just look between Thriller and Dancing on the Ceiling. But back to Chuck, I forgot to complain about it last week, but the Token hot Chick’s change in occupation is a bad idea to end all bad ideas because the Weinerlicuious costume may be the greatest thing ever. And to all the ladies out their, with Halloween coming up, keep the dream alive and dress up in your homemade Weinerlicious. And feel free to send me the pictures. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
Heroes: There are shows that are out there that you need to turn off your brain to enjoy, which are fine in a comfort food version of television. But after this past week’s episode I have come to the realization that you need a lobotomy to enjoy Heroes. The show has managed to amass the dumbest cast of character ever. Like a couple weeks ago when Noah told the Haitian that he was going to find Sylar’s weakness and kill him. He told this to a guy who can neutralize other’s powers and erase their memory and didn’t think to utilize this and put a bullet in his brain. But the dumbest of the dumb has to be Osmosis Dude who forgets his powers when it is convenient for the plotline. He knows to stop Indestructible Girl’s bullet in the season premiere, but doesn’t this past week? And not only are the character not going to be invited to a MENSA meeting anytime soon, the writers apparently think we the viewers are morons too. How are we supposed to believe that Indestructible Girl and her gang were able to make it to California minutes after Osmosis Dude? Certainly the Speedster could, but don’t tell me she carried Indestructible Girl and He-Man all the way there. And how does He-Man get out of the house without a scratch yet the Speedster couldn’t. I can actually feel my IQ dropping while watching the show. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Heroes on iTunes.

My Name Is Earl: Didn’t the show already do the repeat a day again already before? Something about getting to jail on time. And couldn’t Earl realize the way to cross the guy off his list is to get his short term memory back? I guess they left it open so they can bring David Arquette back. Now if only they bring Norm MacDonald back. You can stream current episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Saturday Night Light Weekend Update Thursday: If the name wasn’t lame enough, did they really have to do the “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night” line? Plus it didn’t help that paroding the most boring thing ever on television to start things off. I am starting to think the second debate was the a repeat of the first but with Tom Brokaw’s face superimposed on Jim Leher. At least Bill Murray almost saved the skit with his pathetic Cubs question. Here’s hoping the Cubs truly never win another pennant so the Cubs fans never become unsufferable much like the Red Sox fans since 2002. (Go Rays!!!)
Everybody Hates Chris: For those that had Greg back with Chris and the under, go ahead and collect your money. Even I thought they would spead that out at least five episodes.
You can also check out my interview with Frank Caliendo or my season review of I Love Money and my preview of The Starter Wife.
Free Download of the Week: My Own Worst Enemy (iTunes): Not entirely sure why it has taken so long for the show to premiere, but with all the ads during the Olympics I am actually already tired of the show before it even premieres.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Eli Stone, Tuesday at 10:00 on ABC: Last season’s feel good new show finally returns. Well as feel good as a show about an aneurism can be. The new season starts out with a bit of stunt casting including Sigorny Weaver, Katie Holmes, and Seal. Not scheduled to make an appearance is George Michael who not surprisingly found himself in some more legal problems.
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