Sunday, June 16, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 16, 2024


The Acolyte:   Not that the first two episodes were barnburners, but this episodes just ground the momentum to a halt.  And I am confused.  Just how were the kids created?  Why was the evil twin so mad at the Jedi since she started the fire?  What happened to the witched?  And where the fork was Jason Mendoza?!?


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  Poor Flora, had to limp away from the challenge.  Even TJ could not give his usual vitriol for quitters.  But they really need to do more carnival/backyard games so they do not kill one of these contestants that are closer to AARP than college.  In an ideal world, there would be a 40 year old minimum so people like Flora can have a chance.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  So they are really going to wait until the final to confirm if Bloody Mary is actually Imogen’s mother or not.  Way to drag that out.  Meh. 


The Chi:  Wait, Douda and Dwayne Wayne know each other?  Did we know that?  But Victor getting off on a technicality was a little silly.  I wonder if his political career will have blowback from the arrest.  But even sillier was that one chick wants Douda dead, had a gun to the back of his head, but just walked away.  They are really going to drag this out as long as possible.

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