Sunday, June 02, 2024

57 Channels and Only This Is On: June 2, 2024


The Veil:  Well, that was a confusing ending.  But to be honest, I really was not paying close attention.


The Challenge All-Stars 4:  I am annoyed whenever the peanut gallery helps during elimination, but why was Leroy not louder in telling Kam she was missing ball?  Ugg, we could have gotten rid of Cara Maria.  And now she has a star.  But really lame Laurel did not come down.  You gotta get that star sometime.  There may only be an elimination or two left.


Under the Bridge:  I guess that is why they made Warren seem sympathetic despite doing some horrible things.  The postscript made it seem like he turned his life around afterwards.


Hacks:  I am starting to get tired of the hate each, but now the like each other and back again of this show


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School:  With it being Friday the 13th, I thought for sure the movie nerd was going to be targeted this we.  But running barefoot was one of the weaker trials so far.


The Chi:  It is weird seeing protests on the show about defunding the police, a phase I have not heard in a while, when the professional protesting class has moved on to Ceasefire.  But Victor went and got arrested.  Is he finally going to turn on Douda?  What actually can he do at this point if his DNA is at the crime scene and Douda’s is not?

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