It really isn’t a good sign for Heroes when people are spending more talking about how boring this season is then debating who the black hooded sweatshirt person who shoved Sulu over the building was (is it Adam Sandler, Bill Belichicken, the Unabomber?) which I am assuming is the big whodidit of the season. But with the first appearance of Kristen Bell tonight, of which I am equally excited for (because its Veronica Mars) and dreading (because its Veronica Mars reciting horrible dialogue surrounded by bad actors), I thought I would throw the show a bone and run down the odds of who could be killing off The Company members one by one. Even though anything is possible in this show, I think it is safe to say since they are nowhere near New York City that you can rule out the Bennett’s, the Wonder Twins and Syler, but I think almost everyone else could be a suspect. Go ahead and place your bets in the comment section*.
The Invisible Man (1000:1) - The hooded person seemed to disappear and dude definitely had a grudge against The Company. But that last time we saw him, he seemed content of being left alone, plus that was a long time ago.
Heidi Petrelli/Janise Parkman (500:1) - They both seemed normal but every other Heroes has been linked romantically to another Heroes, so I wouldn’t be surprised that either of them turn out to have one. Both also have been mentioned a couple times so it is only a matter of time before they show up again. But neither really have a motive at this point.

Future Hiro (95:1) - Hiro has already come back from the future to warn of eminent danger before and since it is a different future now there may be a different threat. But since Ando is now alive, he won’t be cool Hiro anymore so Future Hiro may be too busy in the future with his man crush with him.
Mohinder (75:1) - It has been established that everyone who is blood related to each other are Heroes also. Well all except Mohinder whose sister is but he isn’t. Or is he and he doesn’t know it? Here’s my theory: when asleep, Mohinder sleep walks and uses his power of teleportation to do the killing.
Takezo Kensei (55:1) - We know that Kensei can heal himself, but what if his true power is more than that and he cannot die ever. It is obvious that his symbol keeps showing up isn’t a coincidence but maybe it wasn’t passed down and adopted by a new generation but he himself imported it and made it the symbol of The Company and now want to destroy the very thing he helped create for whatever reason.
The Field (50:1) - Do you have Micah, the Haitian, Mr. Muggles, or anyone else not mentioned, this is where you place you bets
Jessica (40:1) - We really haven’t seen much of Niki this season and I am pretty sure that we have yet to see Jessica. What if the reason why Niki is sick is that Jessica actually split from her body and she can’t like without her sister. And while on her own she is the one killing the remaining Company members because Linderman arranged that if anything happened to him, she would take the rest out.
A Charter Member of The Company We Haven’t Met (30:1) - The conversation between Sulu and Mama Petrelli made it sound like it was a fellow Company member that was doing it and since the only other members we have met are currently dead except for Mama and the Golden Dude.

Mama Petrelli (25:1) - As one of the few Members we have seen alive, it wouldn’t put it past me that she faked her own attack to get people off her trail.
Papa Petrelli/Linderman/Shaft (20:1) - They are also charter members of The Company the only difference is they are all dead. But by my count, Papa Petrelli’s son has come back from the dead about five too many times. And one of my biggest problems with Heroes was they killed off Shaft early in the show. Seriously, why kill off a bad mother… well maybe I should just shut my mouth. But he did show up in what may or may not been a dream sequence late last season and I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t back this season.
Parkman’s Dad (7:1) - He is a member of The Company and has already been revealed as the Boogieman so I wouldn’t put it past the Heroes writers to make him the hooded killer too.
Future Peter (5:1) - It is pretty clear that the hooded person went over the edge with Sulu so either that person can fly, heal from the compact with the concrete or teleport, all of which Peter can do.

* This game is strictly for entertainment purposes only, no money is meant to change hands. Unless of course you would like to donate to the Scooter McGavin Is Poor Fund.
I think what's worse is listening to the amazing Kristen Bell speak the dialogue from Heroes. It was just so glarringly wrong last night and just made me miss VM even more. You were so right about that.
ReplyDeleteWhat was worse was that they obviously made Elle Veronica Mars but evil complete with inner dialogue except spoken out loud. But at least it wasn't as bad as her vapid narration of Gossip Girl.