Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Scooter McGavin’s Solution to the Writer’s Strike

In a story I broke this weekend, the Writer’s Guild has gone on strike an quite frankly, I could care less. Well that was until I came up with a solution to keep some of the shows on the air: Hire scabs, and by hire scabs I mean hire me to write for your shows. Best case scenario I can take a sinking ships like Heroes (and shows that have yet to get afloat like Bionic Woman) and turn them around. Worst case scenario the shows continue their downward spiral they were already on. And even then there can be some positive can come out of it because you can film my debacle for a reality show that you can air instead of repeats.

Before you laugh at my proposition to write for a show, let me mention that I wrote three well received short plays in college as well as rewrote a play I was in that also happened to land me a Best Actor award. So in addition to writing I could also up the great acting quota on a show like Heroes (which definitely needs it) where I could be, for instance, Elle’s boyfriend (assuming she is still around, seriously Heroes, characters on your show disappear faster than my friends when the check comes). I even came up with a cool ability where dude can enter other people’s bodies and control them.

I hate to pick on Heroes, okay maybe not, but the show would be so easy to fix. All you have to do is have Hiro go back to the lackluster showdown of the season finale where he does what needs to be done, put a bullet in Peter’s brain to keep him from exploding than have a massive fight with Sylar involving all the heroes that were in the plaza, Matt and Jessica of course would end up being casualties. Then since the present would have chanced so much, we can forget anything that happened this season ever happened. And since Peter is dead, Elle wouldn’t have to go to Ireland and she would have more time to have dirty, dirty sex with her boyfriend.

Seriously, who couldn’t get behind that idea? So if you are a network executive, shout me a holla as I have much more ideas roaming around my head for different shows. This offer is not valid for Friday Night Lights because certainly there is no way I could improve that show.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. VI

Quote of the Week: Like Jane Goodall observing the apes, I initially saw their interactions as confusing and unstructured, but patterns emerged. They have their own… language as you will. Well it seems the newcomer approaches the existing group with the greeting, “How wasted am I?” which is met with the approving chorus of, “Dude.” (Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory)

Song of the Week: If I Could - Blue Merle (Friday Night Lights)

Big News of the Week: The Writers Go on Strike: The Screen Writers Guild goes on strike tomorrow and to show you my lake of enthusiasm on the subject, when someone told me this, my only reaction was, “I hope the Friday Night Light writers cross the picket line.” And what I don’t understand about this whole strike is I have read writers have been writing none stop in case there is a strike. Now I have never been on strike myself, but shouldn’t you slow down heading into a strike telling your boss, “If this all you get out of me now, think next week when I’m not here at all.”

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski as Princess Leia

Chuck: Leave it up to Captain Awesome to make Morgan tolerable this week. Unfortunately he looks to be back to his abnormal self by the end of the episode. Yawn. And just how pretentious do you have to be to have sex to the Arcade Fire? No wonder Chuck hasn’t had a girlfriend since college. Now I like pretentious music as much as the next musical snob but I still break out Prince, Boyz II Men or Dave Matthews Band when it is time for some sweet lovin’. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: I have stood by all the nerd talk so far this season because for the most part I have gotten most of it, but Sheldon’s Doppler Effect costume went over even my head. Can anyone tell me how exactly that the costume represents the scientific notion? And I hope that the producers took note that the Token Hot Chick’s look much more attracted with the hair pulled back in the costume (click below to enlarge) than the bangs across the hair she has been sporting so far. Chick’s hair across the face has been pretty bad this year on television. Did the hairdressers go on strike too? Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Kaley Cuoco as a catperson

Heroes: Wait, did I fall asleep and missed Kristen Bell? That must be the case because I really can’t remember anything memorable from this week so I must have been asleep. Check out the latest episode over at

Pushing Daisies: I hope this is the week where everyone who said Olive was the weak link in the show after the first episode eat a little bit of crow after seeing she could be an integral part of the show and can definitely be a focus of an episode. It is turning out that Olive and Emerson relationship is the most entertaining in the show. Hopefully she uses his services in the future again. Check out the latest episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: Last year’s Our Cops Is On was easily one of the funniest half hour ever on television. The hour long sequel just proves there is such a thing as too much as a good thing. Even if the trimmed the best into a half hour I’m not sure if it would live up to the original. And the only thing the new one did was remind me that Earl still hasn’t crossed anything from the first Cops yet. I still want to see him cross “stole Mimi’s cop car” off his list. But at least there was no Michael Rappaport. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Survivor: Jamie turning in the not-immunity idol has to be a top 5 Survivor moment of all time. Even though I new it was coming, I was still laughing hysterically throughout her whole speech and Probst’s response. But the best was at the end he tossed the not-idol into the fire. Classic. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Friday Night Lights: This was the first episode of the season where I loved the whole episode. I guess I may have to go shopping for some crow for second guessing the murder plotline as it is working pretty well. But my favorite parts of the episode were Coach Taylor trying to get some all episode, especially the conversation with Mac. Or maybe it was Saracen asking Mrs. Coach if Landry was right that he was a chump for going back to Julie, or maybe it is that Coach is still calling Landry Lance. But then maybe it was Lance and his Jack from Lost speech at halftime. Check out the latest episodes over at

Promo of the Week: Okay, this isn’t so much a promo but rather an exclusive clip from this Tuesday’s new episode of Nip/Tuck. I have already seen this episode (see: First Impressions: Nip/Tuck) and anyone who is a fan of 80’s music and naked dudes, you definitely want to check out this episode because you get both in one scene. Below are also two exclusive pictures of guest stars you will see in the episode, Portia de Rossi and Paula Marshall.

Portia de Rossi and Natasha Richardson Paula Marshall and Dylan Walsh

Next Week’s Pick: Friday Night Lights, Friday at 9:00 on NBC: Just when you think the show couldn’t raise the acting bar any further, this week sees the arrival of Jessalyn Gilsig last seen as Claire’s birthmother for a short stint on Heroes (well aren’t they all short stints) but I will always remember her Ms. Davis on Boston Public. And since Green Week on NBC starts tomorrow, don’t be too surprised if she brings some energy efficient light bulbs with her.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A Collation of the Willing

Television Blog CoalitionRecently a bunch of television bloggers and I got together to share some of our favorite links from our sites with our readers (I am currently seeing how many Lou Bega references t takes before I am excommunicated). I will eventually end up incorporating this into my weekly 57 Channels segment, but I thought I would introduce it first plus I burned my main hunt and peck finger a typing finger so I doing this would limit some typing. You will notice a bunch of posts dedicated to the writer’s strike and the new Joss Whedon show but I haven’t written about either because I have yet to decide which story I care less about. So until I do so, feel free to check out the links below.

BuzzSugar: We reminisced about My So-Called Life and wondered how well everyone remembers it. We mulled over the current state of Heroes. We thought HBO's In Treatment sounded more intense than a college course. And we actually liked Blake Lewis' first single post-American Idol. Yeah, we know.

Daemon's TV: Sandie finds weird couples on TV and shares her new TV addictions (Supernatural, Malcolm in the Middle, and Torchwood). In addition, she gets a first look at Rachel Bilson (Summer in The O.C.) in NBC's Chuck.

Give Me My Remote: The TV Writer's Strike is on everyone's minds, but there's still a lot of TV to talk about in TV land. GMMR is shocked to discover that she misses Karen Filipelli on The Office, but not shocked that she isn't missing Cameron, House and Foreman on House. Should she be? And her readers are wondering if her love for all things Pushing Daisies is healthy or something they should be worried about. GMMR ended her week as she always does by catching up on all the latest TV news with a cocktail.

Glowy Box: Liz answered questions posed by the Googling masses about Desperate Housewives, The Bachelor, and Grey's Anatomy. She also marveled at the extreme improvement in Desperate Housewives' writing this season, and shook her head and sighed at Brad's poor decision-making skills on The Bachelor.

Mikey Likes TV: Mikey listed the many ways in which he’s disappointed by Heroes: Generations, was surprised by how much he likes the new season of Nip/Tuck and forgot about it all after news of Joss Whedon’s blissful TV partnership with Eliza Dushku.

Rae: We recalled about our favorite Halloween episodes from classic Roseanne to Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Ugly Betty. Plus, Rae found out about Joss Whedon's new show, Dollhouse, which proves she'd follow him anywhere... even to Fox.

Tapeworthy: Vance is watching Project Runway Canada until Heidi and Tim return. He defends Chuck over Reaper, and like everyone else, is still all over Pushing Daisies , especially after their Halloween episode. Finally, Vance thinks they sure can dance at the So You Think You Can Dance Live Tour in Toronto!

Televisionary: This week, Jace was overjoyed about Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, dubious about the rumored Office spinoff, disappointed in Chuck, furious about FOX's US version of Spaced, and enraptured by Pushing Daisies. Also, his blog came in third place in Hey Nielsen's first annual TV Blog competition. He'd be a really happy boy if Joss actually had those seven scripts written.

TiFaux: Which TV character has the biggest daddy issues -- Lost's John Locke, Dexter or maybe Dirty Sexy Money's Nick George? The new episode of Reaper reminded Kyle of the new DVD package of Twin Peaks. Also, we suggested some last-minute TV-oriented Halloween costumes inspired by Pushing Daisies and Heroes.

The TV Addict: Wondering how the writer's strike is going to effect your favorite shows? Check out Our Writer's Strike for Dummies. Need proof that writer's are actually worth the money — see our favorite quotes of the week! Curious as to this TV Addict's take on the strike, click here. Tired of all this strike talk already — take a trip down memory lane with our Scranton OFFICE Convention diary.

TV Filter: We argued about whether "Chuck" is more like "Buffy" or "Veronica Mars." Raoul interviewed Ebony from "America's Next Top Model" and got all the good dirt on why she decided to leave the show. Kate managed to write up this week's episode of "The Next Iron Chef" without mentioning Andrew Knowlton's name even once.

TV With MeeVee: We're going wOOt crazy on Writer's Strike Updates. We're finding Criss Angel something less than phenomenal. We're mocking NBC's Green Week, while at the same time kinda respecting it. And we're all over the new season of "Project Runway."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. V

Quote of the Week: What is the rate of exchange on the life of a bird because if equal to or greater than mine I gotta get back to my car. (Emerson, Pushing Daisies)

Song of the Week: Living in America - James Brown (Everybody Hates Chris)

Big News of the Week: Subscribe to My Comments: I could complain on how bad the Blogger comment system is but you get what you pay for so it is hard to complain about something that is free. But this week Blogger introduced a cool new function where you can subscribe to the comments where any further comments will be e-mailed to you (keep in mind it is e-mailed to whatever address your Google account is for). I was never sure what the protocol was for replying to comments, usually I reply in the comment section and by e-mail if I have it, but from now on I will assume that if you have left a comment you have subscribed to that comment if you wanted a response. Then you can always come back and respond to my response or other people’s comments and so on and so on. So feel free to try that out sometime soon, even on this post if you see fit.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski in blue

Chuck: Another episode ruined by too much Morgan. They really need to leave the comedy to Captain Awesome and Jayne because Morgan just ends up being more annoying than funny. Even all the other Buy More employees are more entertaining than him. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Every once in a while something takes you out of a show early to the point that you can’t enjoy the rest of it, and the show totally ripping of the classic Just a Friend really irked me that I could never get into the show this week. C’mon, if you are going to call a girl Blah Blah, you at the very least mention she had 9/10 pants and a very big bra. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

The Big Bang Theory: Loved the bit of the whole week was Sheldon after finding the scarf on the doorknob from getting the Token hot Chick to figure out what the symbolism was, including how he was like twelve when he was in college, all the way to him squirming on the couch until morning. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: Leave it up to Heroes to set the bar so low they could step over it only to still find a way to limbo over it. Sure I want Veronica Mars to still be on the air, but there really was no reason to write Elle to be Ronnie but evil complete with an inner dialogue. Of course without a narration Elle had to do hers out loud. But the biggest crime was how little screen time Bell got. About ninety percent of it was already show in the promo from last week. And I could care less who Elle’s dad is unless of course it turns out to be Enrico Colantoni. But then again I’m not sure I could stand to hear another Mars alum recite horrible dialogue. With that aside, don’t forget to check out Oddsmaker: Who Is Under the Hoodie to bet on who is killing The Company members. I guess I can scratch off my far fetched Jessica and Kristen Bell ideas.
Check out the latest episode over at

Journeyman: By far this was the strongest story of the week with the Vietnam vet hijacking a plane to help get a family that nursed him back to health out of Cambodia. Although back in the present, I didn’t care for the continuation of the gun in the gala last week. And unfortunately it looks like that may continue again with the guy still being in the hospital. If I were a betting man I would put money on the dude in the hospital being part of Dan’s journey sometime soon. Check out the latest episode over at You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: I was a little disappointed at first when Olive passed up the chance to out Chuck this week but after thinking about it, it was the better decision not to yet because Olive hanging out with the aunts is becoming yet another great part of the show proving all the people that thought Olive was the weak part of the show wrong. But the best part of the show is it is the only procedural where I cannot guess the outcome with good percentage because all the cases are so out there and I can just sit back and enjoy the show without over thinking every clue because I know there is no way I am gong to guess correctly. Check out the latest episodes over at

Bionic Woman: I didn’t give up the show completely but was more reading with the TV on, that is until Jamie started to speak with a British accent, which instantly turned her into uber-hot. I like how the tech dude that reminds me of a nerdier version of Herc from Friday Night Lights, who is the best part of the show, ok the only good part of the show, called her out for using the accent when she didn’t need to. I’m guessing this was an attempt of the show to be tongue in cheek (and failing) considering the actress is actually British. This begs the question with all the fake Americans on television these days where are the real British characters? I don’t think there has been one since a pre-fame Sienna Miller on Keen Eddie. Way to go with that one Fox. Check out the latest episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: There was nothing funnier on television this week than the “Enjoy Yourself: You Earned It” poster with the picture of Coach on it on the door of the conjugal visit room. The least funny on television this week was anything else involving Michael Rappaport. Can he just get shived already? Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Survivor: Wow, this has to be the most inept group of Survivors ever. Between the inability of Denise to beat James and Frosti finding out about the immunity idol I thought Todd’s head was going to explode because he seems like the only one there with a half a brain cell. And it was a little shady after saying last week he would never throw a challenge that he was quick to do so this week. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Smallville: There is something to say about The Big Bang Theory when all I could think about when Lana was thrown off the building was Sheldon’s diatribe a couple weeks ago about the scientific inaccuracy of Superman catching Lois Lane.

Friday Night Lights: I really couldn’t get into the episode this week because my sister paid me Friday and brought her Devil Dogg (no seriously, it was born on 6/6/06) and since she just finished season one and hasn’t started season two yet I had to spend too much time explaining what has happened over the past couple episodes so I really need to rewatch this episode to fully enjoy it. One thing that I did catch and really appreciated was when the Tennessee coach came over to the Taylor’s to confront Coach Taylor foe being butch league. Ever since it was hinted that Taylor was coming back to Dillon I knew it would end up being shady to how he got back to being coach of the Panthers and I am glad that the writers had the piece of mind to point that out. Although the old coach saying they may meet again gives me a weird feeling they may meet in the playoffs ala Voodoo last year and that may be a little cheesy. But as much problems I had with this episode, next week’s promo looks real good (see below). Check out the latest episodes over at

Promo of the Week:

Next Week’s Pick: Nip/Tuck, Tuesday at 10:00 on FX: I am going to go into more detail on this show tomorrow when I preview the first two episodes of the new season.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oddsmakers: Who Is Under the Hoodie

It really isn’t a good sign for Heroes when people are spending more talking about how boring this season is then debating who the black hooded sweatshirt person who shoved Sulu over the building was (is it Adam Sandler, Bill Belichicken, the Unabomber?) which I am assuming is the big whodidit of the season. But with the first appearance of Kristen Bell tonight, of which I am equally excited for (because its Veronica Mars) and dreading (because its Veronica Mars reciting horrible dialogue surrounded by bad actors), I thought I would throw the show a bone and run down the odds of who could be killing off The Company members one by one. Even though anything is possible in this show, I think it is safe to say since they are nowhere near New York City that you can rule out the Bennett’s, the Wonder Twins and Syler, but I think almost everyone else could be a suspect. Go ahead and place your bets in the comment section*.

The Invisible Man (1000:1) - The hooded person seemed to disappear and dude definitely had a grudge against The Company. But that last time we saw him, he seemed content of being left alone, plus that was a long time ago.

Heidi Petrelli/Janise Parkman (500:1) - They both seemed normal but every other Heroes has been linked romantically to another Heroes, so I wouldn’t be surprised that either of them turn out to have one. Both also have been mentioned a couple times so it is only a matter of time before they show up again. But neither really have a motive at this point.

Kristen Bell now on HeroesKristen Bell (100:1) - I was rooting for Bell’s character to be the boogieman but we found that to be Parkman’s dad. Yawn. Being the hooded person seems a little far fetched at this point as from the promo she looks to be in Ireland but the show does have some timeline issues so not out of the realm of possibility that she flew out after the two hits. And maybe her ability is teleportation, which would make both hits probable. Plus I got a distinct chick vibe from the attacker.

Future Hiro (95:1) - Hiro has already come back from the future to warn of eminent danger before and since it is a different future now there may be a different threat. But since Ando is now alive, he won’t be cool Hiro anymore so Future Hiro may be too busy in the future with his man crush with him.

Mohinder (75:1) - It has been established that everyone who is blood related to each other are Heroes also. Well all except Mohinder whose sister is but he isn’t. Or is he and he doesn’t know it? Here’s my theory: when asleep, Mohinder sleep walks and uses his power of teleportation to do the killing.

Takezo Kensei (55:1) - We know that Kensei can heal himself, but what if his true power is more than that and he cannot die ever. It is obvious that his symbol keeps showing up isn’t a coincidence but maybe it wasn’t passed down and adopted by a new generation but he himself imported it and made it the symbol of The Company and now want to destroy the very thing he helped create for whatever reason.

The Field (50:1) - Do you have Micah, the Haitian, Mr. Muggles, or anyone else not mentioned, this is where you place you bets

Jessica (40:1) - We really haven’t seen much of Niki this season and I am pretty sure that we have yet to see Jessica. What if the reason why Niki is sick is that Jessica actually split from her body and she can’t like without her sister. And while on her own she is the one killing the remaining Company members because Linderman arranged that if anything happened to him, she would take the rest out.

A Charter Member of The Company We Haven’t Met (30:1) - The conversation between Sulu and Mama Petrelli made it sound like it was a fellow Company member that was doing it and since the only other members we have met are currently dead except for Mama and the Golden Dude.

The Charter Members of The Company

Mama Petrelli (25:1) - As one of the few Members we have seen alive, it wouldn’t put it past me that she faked her own attack to get people off her trail.

Papa Petrelli/Linderman/Shaft (20:1) - They are also charter members of The Company the only difference is they are all dead. But by my count, Papa Petrelli’s son has come back from the dead about five too many times. And one of my biggest problems with Heroes was they killed off Shaft early in the show. Seriously, why kill off a bad mother… well maybe I should just shut my mouth. But he did show up in what may or may not been a dream sequence late last season and I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t back this season.

Parkman’s Dad (7:1) - He is a member of The Company and has already been revealed as the Boogieman so I wouldn’t put it past the Heroes writers to make him the hooded killer too.

Future Peter (5:1) - It is pretty clear that the hooded person went over the edge with Sulu so either that person can fly, heal from the compact with the concrete or teleport, all of which Peter can do.

The Buckeye State's Own Lauren WiseBefore you go to the comment section to tell me who you are putting your money on* I want to quickly mention another show that premiere today. For those that enjoyed the ABC Family show Greek over the summer, you may want to head over to where six people are competing for a walk on role on the show for an online reality show Rush’d which will follow the six around for a hometown visit, a photo shoot, set visit to meet the cast as well as their audition for the producers. Then during the week of November 19-23 the Virtual Rush community will vote for their favorite finalists. At right is Laura Wise a.k.a. WhiteCup, the contestant who I’ll be voting for because 1) she’s also from Ohio, 2) she’s the most attractive.

* This game is strictly for entertainment purposes only, no money is meant to change hands. Unless of course you would like to donate to the Scooter McGavin Is Poor Fund.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. IV

Quote of the Week: I was with her a year ago. You figure for her that was like two hundred showers ago. You ask yourself: Is two hundred enough? (Barney, How I Met Your Mother)

Song of the Week: Where I Stood - Missy Higgins (Smallville)

Big News of the Week: Kristen Bell Week: After four episodes of being bored out my mind enough to switch over to I Love New York to see if Midget Mac was still around, this week we finally get our first look at Kristen Bell on Heroes. Unfortunately it looks like from the promo that Kristen will be acting opposite of the worst actor of our time, the Absorbing Guy. But she was able to come away from Pulse unscaved so hopefully he doesn’t rub off on her. And if that weren’t enough of Ms. Bell, Tuesday also sees the release of the third season of Veronica Mars on DVD (see right) which features the FBI pitch that was unfortunately not picked up by The CW and looking at the ratings of the shows it picked up instead, that decision is looking even worse than before.

On a non-Kristen Bell note, I have made it known my dislike for those TV writers who write under the guise of the “gossip” label because they hide behind “sources” that tend to be wrong when citing these “sources.” But I was trolling a Friday Night Lights site recently to see a gossiper that will go nameless who recently wrote, “According to an informant, the Peacock recently sent out a reader survey and one of the questions was, ‘Would you be more likely to watch Friday Night Lights if it followed Heroes on Monday?’” Informant? I totally reported this two weeks ago (See 57 Channels vol. II). So not only these people have shady “sources” they have no problem stealing news without credit. You should leave that to the bloggers. On a brighter not, I have a new segment that is inspired by showing pictures to give the ladies out there for a Halloween costume which is pretty self explanatory.

Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week:

Yvonne Strahovski in a bath robe

Chuck: Can anyone explain to me why a DEA agent would have a eastern European accent? Seriously, couldn’t just saved this actress for the inevitable KGB episode? I know nothing can be perfect, but there seems to be something that really bugs me every week with this show. But my biggest problem this week was way too much Morgan. They really need to kill him off and promote Captain Awesome to series regular. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Everybody Hates Chris: Holy Dwayne Wayne sighting! I wonder if Eurkle is sitting at home watching the parade of forgotten black actors and wondering when he is going to get a call.

Everybody Hates Chris on iTunes

The Big Bang Theory: After the sub par outing last week with little Sheldon, the show gets back on track with a Sheldon-centric episode. I’m not sold on the Token Hot Chick as a character but the more along time with Sheldon, like how they went shopping this week, and that could turn her around. The only problem I had is that they tried a little too hard to make his mom into your token hillbilly with a kid nothing like her. That is not to say I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Laurie Metcalf on the shoe. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: So last season they hyped this big bad even badder than Syler and it turned out to be Hearing Guy’s Dad? Seriously? We are supposed to believe and old balding fat dude is this completely evil. Yeah if this were a political show I could believe that, but as a superhero show I want something a little creepier than someone who looks like my high school science teacher. Speaking of Syler, we leave him last week in the middle of the jungle only to end up road side at the beginning of the next episode. Why even bother putting him in the middle of nowhere in the first place.

We get a new hero this week with Does Things from TV Girl. I would have liked her more if they didn’t sell her early with the tomato scene and had her first heroic scene being the wresting move. But anyways. This is usually where whine about how boring the episode was and I ask when Kristen Bell is showing up, but we all know when now. Check out the latest episode over at

Journeyman: Did Dan really start off the episode with an, "Oh boy"? And that may be my biggest problem with the show is that it takes itself too seriously except for a line or two per episode. They really need to work in an absurd storyline soon where Dan follows a carnie or maybe an animal. Just a whole episode of comic relief. But we did get a big twist this week where the science guy was able to call Dan in the past. I think it is easy to assume that the science guy’s association with Dan’s dad will have a major impact on the show. Although I’m not sure how Olivia would fit into all of this. Check out the latest episode over at You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: I am not really fond of the show going back and revisiting the first case like this. IT may have been better if they did back to back episode or a two hour premiere, but it seems like a step back. And devoting the first segment of every show to retell Ned’s power has gotten old real quick. They really don’t need to dumb down the show that much, the “previously on” has done a decent enough job explaining to newcomers. But is a little hard to be too disappointing when the show also featured a hillbilly Chinese dude fighting Ned, the wannabe Jedi. Check out the latest episodes over at

Bionic Woman: Yeah, I think I am done with the show. And this past episode added confusion to the unlikable characters and boring writing. Like what happened to the doctor and why was the one dude so eager to kill him? How could they not have restraints strong enough for the Bionic Woman? They know how strong she is. I may catch it every once and a while to see if it ever reaches its potential, but it is officially off my must see TV list. Check out the latest episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: To all the kids out there, this past episode is the very reason you should stay off drugs. That’s pretty much all I have to say about this episode. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Survivor: Can someone explain to me how the contestants got their bathing suits? Did I miss something? They made a big deal about living with no possessions the first week only to give them running shoes that episode and now they all have bathing suits. Cheap. And that wasn’t even the worst part about the episode with the two girls throwing the challenge. Now I am not one to argue their strategic element of doing so, but you can’t do it so blatantly then giggle about it. Now there is no way either of those two win. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Friday Night Lights: This is the tale of two episodes. The scenes with Riggins and Lyla, Landry and Tyra, Matt trying to get the nurse to do his laundry, and Coach Taylor’s passive aggressive chat with Buddy on the phone were classic Friday Night Lights. But there were some eye rolling moments with Julie in the car, Matt tackling Smash after the game, and of course bringing up the murder again. Although from the promo, it looks like next week will be the make or break storyline for the murder so I will hold off final judgment of that until at least then. Check out the latest episodes over at

I would also like to mention that the kind people over at FX were nice enough to hook me up with the first two episodes of Nip/Tuck and I’ve watch the first one so far and there is a show inside the show staring Bradley Cooper and Paula Marshall, Hearts and Scalpels, that is extremely hilarious, although the explicate surgery scene reminded me why I didn’t start watching the show in the first place (not too mention the gratuitous male nudity I could have done without). I’ll have a more in-depth post on the show closer to the season premiere October 30.

Promo of the Week: Interesting that NBC would prominently feature Kristen Bell in the Heroes promo this week. Apparently they know something that The CW could never figure out. Well I guess that is an obvious statement for many other reasons that just the use of Bell.

Next Week’s Pick: Saving a Species, Friday at 9:00 on the Animal Planet: Why watch this Gorillas on the Brink documentary? Two words: Natalie Portman. Oh, and the whole bring a light to the endangered species of mountain gorillas is a worthy cause. The episode follows Portman along with Jack Hanna as they visit Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. III

Quote of the Week: Don’t tell me to become a man alright because if that is your definition of a man that’s extremely sad. (Landry, Friday Night Lights)

Song of the Week: Hopefully Devoted to You - Olivia Newton John (as sung by Olive, Pushing Daisies)

Big News of the Week: Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton on The 9: A couple months ago I highlighted my favorite video blog The 9 (see Now Get Back to Work) and who popped yesterday but none other that Coach and Mrs. Taylor. Chandler dropped what could possibly be a huge spoiler (especially if you put together what he said with next week’s promo) for the season so be warned. Also why you are there, take note at the bottom right of the page where you can submit your favorite things you find on the internet *cough* the 9th Green *cough*.

And since I have gotten a couple questions about it, the song that plays during the promos this season is Believe by The Bravery. It was also brought to my attention that you can buy a Crucifictorious in the NBC Store. So if you were ever wanting to know what to give a random dude whose stuff you read on the internet for Christmas, there you go (assuming a new iPod is too much to ask for). Unfortunately, even though you can buy a Tim Riggins one, Landry’s 85 jersey isn’t available for purchase.

Chuck: We get our first listen to the show’s theme song and it Short Skirt/Long Jacket. Seriously? That is the best they could come up with. Yeah I like the song and the accompanying videos were brilliant, but as a theme song to a spy show?

But anyways. At least the Token Hot Chick is still working at Weiner King and Jayne’s lurking thought the episode was frakking hilarious, though not as hilarious as Captain Awesome teaching Chuck the tango and for no apparent reason doing so in just his boxers. The spy part of the episode was a little shaky though, it was stressed that there were no known pictures of the arms dealer yet no one questioned how Chuck was able to ID him in the bathroom? That just bugged me. And I was extremely disappointed that Chuck was back to the industry standard ringtone. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother: Way too many gapping holes in the episode. Seriously, it never donned on Robin that instead of shaving her legs in the restaurant bathroom with butter that she should hade just went home with him and used his shaving cream? Then, even though she had been in his bedroom once before and watched him go into his bedroom, Winnie Cooper and her sorority sister went into the other bedroom to full around? Then to top things off we don’t even find out if Ted sealed the deal. Pretty lame. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.

Everybody Hates Chris: I’m not sure if anyone else caught it, but the funniest part of the episode was when Julius was filling up the sugar bowl with restaurant sugar packets. I don’t know why but I was falling on the floor when I saw that.

Everybody Hates Chris on iTunes

The Big Bang Theory: It was clear watching this episode that this show is going to depend exclusively Sheldon for entertainment. The scenes with Leonard hitting on the Token Hot Chick and his co-worker were excruciatingly boring. And isn’t a little too soon for the Token Hot Chick to figure out Leonard has the hots for her? Shouldn’t they save that awkwardness for at least the second season? Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: Sylar’s back. Yawn. This may be the worst decision the show has ever made which says a lot. And what is with the Company having him guarded by only by the shape shifting chick (who definitely upgraded bodies)? Elsewhere, the Wonder Twins with the X-Files eyes: still lame. Invincible chick and Flaying Boy II: extremely cheesy CGI. My Two Dads: still boring. When is Kristen Bell going to show up again? Check out the latest episode over at

Journeyman: It is not a good sign that they are already going to the sensationalized history event already. If I am not mistaken, Quantum Leap waited a couple seasons before they pulled that. And it was a little weird that Dan was so surprised to go back to the same day saying he has never done that before. Um, this is only the third journey nothing should be too surprising yet (well aside from everything about it). And I guess we have to wait to see the blow up between Dan and his wife about him not telling her about Olivia at a later date. Check out the latest episode over at You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.

Pushing Daisies: Holy Professor Landry Sighting! Yeah, so that tipped me off a little early to who was behind the whole. The second episode was an improvement over the first (which says a lot if you read my review of it), but I can do without the narrator’s obsessive compulsiveness when it comes to telling us the exact time of things. I could have also done without the retelling of the main theme of the show, the “previously on” did a good enough job at that, hopefully they don’t try pounding that into us every episode. As a straight dude, it is in my DNA to have musicals, but if there is one that I hate the least it is definitely Grease. And the way it was done, I could completely believe that Olive would break out into song at that moment so I can really give the show a pass on that.

The show did clear up one of the biggest questions I had with the first episode when I wondered why Ned couldn’t just pet his dog with a glove on and since he was able to kiss Chuck in the body bag (anyone else had visions of Naked Gun during that scene?) he could conceivable pet the dog with gloves. Although my other biggest question, can someone that Ned revive die naturally or does Ned have to touch them for them ever die again, wasn’t. Because seriously, that dog has to be pushing triple digits in dog years by now. That aside, my favorite part of the episode had to be all of Emerson’s knitting. C’mon, dual wool gun holsters: brilliant. Check out the latest episodes over at

Bionic Woman: Anyone else find it funny that right after the "Is she a lesbian" question they went straight to Isiah Washington? But anyways. After two episode, we finally get to see an actually human side of Jamie. Granted it only lasted five second while dancing with her sister. And the writers are really trying their best to ruin the original Bionic Woman. They introduce her as what looked to be the big bad of the series. The next episode she was more ambiguous. Then in the third episode she had humongous swings from trying to be sympathetic to sarcastic and back to complete evil. So I not sure if I, as a viewer, am supposed to hate her, feel bad for her, or laugh at her. I originally gave the show a month of episodes to win me over and next week is the make or break episode. I get a feeling it is going to be break. Check out the latest episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: For the love of good acting, what is Michael Rapaport doing on this show? Even without Rapaport, this would have been a sub par episode. Aside from Our Cops Is On, the show suffers a little when they do flashbacks and what really hurt this time is that we already knew some of the things that were going to happen. With that said, Darnell’s witness protection program bit were still funny. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Survivor: To show you just how addicted to fantasy sports I am, I even play fantasy Survivor. I bring this up because I picked up Dave this week because I figured if he got naked last challenge he would be the new Richard Hatch only for min not only stay fully clothed the whole episode but he got voted off this week. This isn’t as frustrating as earlier this season when I picked up Ashley for basically the same reason to promptly get voted off because she was blurred almost the whole episode yet not naked point. To me if a person is unclothed enough to be blurred that should count as being naked. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Smallville: Well it looked like last week wasn’t just jitters for Supergirl, that is pretty much her whole acting range. She may just challenge the absorbing dude on Heroes for worst actor on television award. But hey, at least she looks good in a bikini.

Friday Night Lights: I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about this episode. I have made it known that I am not a fan of the idea of Coach Taylor living in Austin and the Landry killing a dude plotlines, but I can’t say I am really that disappointed so far. But those two plot point would pale in comparison is Mrs. Taylor ends up cheating with the science teacher. I am really hoping that is not where that is going. And seriously how sad would it be to lose your eligibility over a Justin Timberlake concert? Check out the latest episodes over at

Promo of the Week: My contest to win a copy of Nip/Tuck on DVD may be over (check your e-mail if you entered because I notified the winner this morning) but I still have a couple more promos to share hyping the start of season 5 on October 30th. Here is one of them:

Next Week’s Pick: The Big Bang Theory, Monday at 8:30 on CBS: In the series first three episodes two featured former Rosanne costars, last week it was Sarah Gilbert as one of Leonard’s coworker and this week Laurie Metcalf stops by as Sheldon’s mom (which hopefully mean more Sheldon this week). Any one want to place bets to witch Becky will show up first on the show?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

57 Channels and Only This Is On vol. II

Quote of the Week: (Expletive deleted), I was in the proximity. (Emerson, Pushing Daisies)

Song of the Week: Bad Reputation - Freedy Johnson (Journeyman)

Big News of the Week: Friday Night Lights Moving to Mondays? : I am part of a NBC Panel Group and yesterday I got a survey about Friday Night Lights and the first episode. The questions were pretty run of the mill, rating each character, whether the show focused too much on football, high school, say what you like/dislike, but stuck in the middle of this survey in the agree/disagree portion of the survey was the statement, “I would be more likely to watch if FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS followed HEROES on Monday.” They already tested this scenario once last season garnering the series its highest rating and supposedly Journeyman has gotten disappointing numbers (although if any can explain to me how that can be when more people watched it than Chuck yet Chuck has been said getting good rating) so this may be a reality. Granted if I were running NBC, I would move the show to Sunday once Sunday Night Football is over. If anyone wants to join this panel shout me a holla and I will drop NBC your e-mail.

Also do not forget that this is the last week to enter my Win Nip/Tuck 4.x on DVD Contest. You have until this Friday to enter.

Ladies, take note for Halloween

Chuck: Please, please, please, never have the Token Hot Chick fired from Wienerville. And while I am making suggestions, every episode the Token Hot Chick should be required to jump over the counter at least once while at McWieners. And to all the females out there, with Halloween creeping up on us, might I suggest you go as an employ of Wienercabana. In fact, anyone who swings by my pad at the end of the month wearing a company issued Wienertown uniform will get an extra package of raisins. (Yes I give out fruit for Halloween. If you do 50 sit ups maybe I’ll give you a Kit-Kat bar.)

Yvonne Strahovski: I'd hit that

Wieners-R-Us aside, I am really disappointed they kept up the agents trying to kill each other plotlines. Yeah there is animosity between to the two agencies, but having them try to kill each other goes way too far, not too mention it is getting tired already. Just play up the easy Odd Couple angle, no need for the two to come to blows. And I like pretentious music as much as the next musical snob, but did they really need to spin Don’t Make Me a Target by Spoon during each segment? Not too mention the multiple times they played Gnarls Barkley’s version of Gone Daddy Gone. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download Chuck on iTunes.

Hottest Token Hot Chick ever?

Everybody Hates Chris: Man did it take some time to get used to Chris’ voice change. I got to imagine it has to suck to have your voice change on national TV. Hopefully Chris Rock (the current day version) shows up more times this season because it was great to see him work off his younger alter ego. But hopefully Greg’s diaper doesn’t make another appearance. You can download this episode of Everybody Hates Chris for free on iTunes.

How I Met Your Mother/The Big Bang Theory: There is something to say that this week one of rare time I noticed How I Met Your Mother had a laugh track yet didn’t remember hearing one on The Big Bang Theory this week. It is clear in the year of the nerds this television season; Sheldon is the early favorite as break out star. Granted it doesn’t bode well for the show that I only laughed at one non-Sheldon joke, the sarcasm sign. But the Lois Lane debate is definitely like an inane arguments I routinely have with anyone willing to engage me in a debate of absurd proportions. And if for some reason someone from CBS or the Barenaked Ladies happen upon the 9th Green, in the past two weeks I have gotten an absurd amount of hit looking to download the theme song so I highly recommend getting that on iTunes ASAP. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.

Heroes: Not nearly as funny as last week, mustache dude was MIA, drunken samurai didn’t get much screen time. But it was nice to see Noah and the Haitian reunite even if it were pretty obvious that Mohinder was faking the memory loss. Wonder Twins meet X-Files storyline is still a bore. And unfortunately they still haven’t decided to kill off Absorbing Dude and Hearing Guy once and for all this week. Yawn.

When is Kristen Bell showing up again? Check out the latest episode over at

Journeyman: Still undecided on this show. I hope that he gets to journey outside of San Francisco one of these days because his near misses with friends and family could get old soon. Also getting old fast is the ex-girlfriend vague responses whenever Dan tries to get answers out of her. Could she be Al to his Sam but in the flesh? But any show that plays former Feed You iPod song, Bad Reputation gets another look in my book. Check out the latest episode over at You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.

Bionic Woman: Still not sold on the show. Jamie was a little more likeable this week, but still comes off as wooden most of the time. And I’m not sure if it was a shout out to the observant viewer or not, but Jamie’s comment of her sister being a clichĂ© sums up my thoughts of the sister over the past two episodes. They need to get her an interesting storyline and do it soon because I am giving the show only another two week trial run before I drop it for good. Check out the latest episodes over at

My Name Is Earl: For most of the summer I was hoping that it wouldn’t take long for Earl to get parole, but after the first two episodes of the season I wouldn’t mind that all if he take the whole season to get out because it looks like there are plenty of ways for Earl to do good deeds on the inside. The inept Coach as the warden just adds to the hilarity of it all. Check out the latest episodes over at You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.

Survivor: Well my prediction of a one tribe sweep got crushed this week. But how do you let someone who weighs about as much as a machete wield one in an immunity challenge? And the reward challenge was pretty cheap letting the challenge be decided by letting the females go an extra time. The tiebreaker should have been let everyone compete at once. Now that would have been interesting. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Survivor on iTunes

Smallville: Wow, what an auspicious start by Supergirl. No, it wasn’t in the way they wrote the character it is that girl just can’t act, which says a lot considering usually girls that are moderately attractive like this can blind me to some iffy acting skills. Hopefully this was just first episode jitters because if she doesn’t get better I’m not sure I could watch a whole season if she is part of it. Well unless I utilize the mute button.

Also do not forget to check out my First Impressions of Pushing Daisies and Friday Night Lights.

Next Week’s Pick: Hip-Hop Honors, Monday 10:00 VH1: Monday is a pretty crowded day for television, but all the shows will be put on the back burner (luckily there is nothing worth watching on Tuesday so I can catch up) for what has become the third best award show after the Grammy’s and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (well next year may not be as good if they let Madonna in). For the previous three shows I have said, “Great, but where is A Tribe Called Quest?” Well Tribe will finally getting their just dues this year along with Snoop Dogg, Kool G Rap, Whodini, Missy Elliot, New Jack Swing and Wild Style.