Quote of the Week: Don’t tell me to become a man alright because if that is your definition of a man that’s extremely sad. (Landry, Friday Night Lights)
Song of the Week: Hopefully Devoted to You - Olivia Newton John (as sung by Olive, Pushing Daisies)
Big News of the Week: Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton on The 9: A couple months ago I highlighted my favorite video blog The 9 (see Now Get Back to Work) and who popped yesterday but none other that Coach and Mrs. Taylor. Chandler dropped what could possibly be a huge spoiler (especially if you put together what he said with next week’s promo) for the season so be warned. Also why you are there, take note at the bottom right of the page where you can submit your favorite things you find on the internet *cough* the 9th Green *cough*.
And since I have gotten a couple questions about it, the song that plays during the promos this season is Believe by The Bravery. It was also brought to my attention that you can buy a Crucifictorious in the NBC Store. So if you were ever wanting to know what to give a random dude whose stuff you read on the internet for Christmas, there you go (assuming a new iPod is too much to ask for). Unfortunately, even though you can buy a Tim Riggins one, Landry’s 85 jersey isn’t available for purchase.
Chuck: We get our first listen to the show’s theme song and it Short Skirt/Long Jacket. Seriously? That is the best they could come up with. Yeah I like the song and the accompanying videos were brilliant, but as a theme song to a spy show?
But anyways. At least the Token Hot Chick is still working at Weiner King and Jayne’s lurking thought the episode was frakking hilarious, though not as hilarious as Captain Awesome teaching Chuck the tango and for no apparent reason doing so in just his boxers. The spy part of the episode was a little shaky though, it was stressed that there were no known pictures of the arms dealer yet no one questioned how Chuck was able to ID him in the bathroom? That just bugged me. And I was extremely disappointed that Chuck was back to the industry standard ringtone. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download Chuck on iTunes.
How I Met Your Mother: Way too many gapping holes in the episode. Seriously, it never donned on Robin that instead of shaving her legs in the restaurant bathroom with butter that she should hade just went home with him and used his shaving cream? Then, even though she had been in his bedroom once before and watched him go into his bedroom, Winnie Cooper and her sorority sister went into the other bedroom to full around? Then to top things off we don’t even find out if Ted sealed the deal. Pretty lame. Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download How I Met Your Mother on iTunes.
Everybody Hates Chris: I’m not sure if anyone else caught it, but the funniest part of the episode was when Julius was filling up the sugar bowl with restaurant sugar packets. I don’t know why but I was falling on the floor when I saw that.

The Big Bang Theory: It was clear watching this episode that this show is going to depend exclusively Sheldon for entertainment. The scenes with Leonard hitting on the Token Hot Chick and his co-worker were excruciatingly boring. And isn’t a little too soon for the Token Hot Chick to figure out Leonard has the hots for her? Shouldn’t they save that awkwardness for at least the second season? Check out the latest episodes over at Innertube. You can also download or The Big Bang Theory on iTunes.
Heroes: Sylar’s back. Yawn. This may be the worst decision the show has ever made which says a lot. And what is with the Company having him guarded by only by the shape shifting chick (who definitely upgraded bodies)? Elsewhere, the Wonder Twins with the X-Files eyes: still lame. Invincible chick and Flaying Boy II: extremely cheesy CGI. My Two Dads: still boring. When is Kristen Bell going to show up again? Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com.
Journeyman: It is not a good sign that they are already going to the sensationalized history event already. If I am not mistaken, Quantum Leap waited a couple seasons before they pulled that. And it was a little weird that Dan was so surprised to go back to the same day saying he has never done that before. Um, this is only the third journey nothing should be too surprising yet (well aside from everything about it). And I guess we have to wait to see the blow up between Dan and his wife about him not telling her about Olivia at a later date. Check out the latest episode over at NBC.com. You can also download Journeyman on iTunes.
Pushing Daisies: Holy Professor Landry Sighting! Yeah, so that tipped me off a little early to who was behind the whole. The second episode was an improvement over the first (which says a lot if you read my review of it), but I can do without the narrator’s obsessive compulsiveness when it comes to telling us the exact time of things. I could have also done without the retelling of the main theme of the show, the “previously on” did a good enough job at that, hopefully they don’t try pounding that into us every episode. As a straight dude, it is in my DNA to have musicals, but if there is one that I hate the least it is definitely Grease. And the way it was done, I could completely believe that Olive would break out into song at that moment so I can really give the show a pass on that.
The show did clear up one of the biggest questions I had with the first episode when I wondered why Ned couldn’t just pet his dog with a glove on and since he was able to kiss Chuck in the body bag (anyone else had visions of Naked Gun during that scene?) he could conceivable pet the dog with gloves. Although my other biggest question, can someone that Ned revive die naturally or does Ned have to touch them for them ever die again, wasn’t. Because seriously, that dog has to be pushing triple digits in dog years by now. That aside, my favorite part of the episode had to be all of Emerson’s knitting. C’mon, dual wool gun holsters: brilliant. Check out the latest episodes over at ABC.com.
Bionic Woman: Anyone else find it funny that right after the "Is she a lesbian" question they went straight to Isiah Washington? But anyways. After two episode, we finally get to see an actually human side of Jamie. Granted it only lasted five second while dancing with her sister. And the writers are really trying their best to ruin the original Bionic Woman. They introduce her as what looked to be the big bad of the series. The next episode she was more ambiguous. Then in the third episode she had humongous swings from trying to be sympathetic to sarcastic and back to complete evil. So I not sure if I, as a viewer, am supposed to hate her, feel bad for her, or laugh at her. I originally gave the show a month of episodes to win me over and next week is the make or break episode. I get a feeling it is going to be break. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
My Name Is Earl: For the love of good acting, what is Michael Rapaport doing on this show? Even without Rapaport, this would have been a sub par episode. Aside from Our Cops Is On, the show suffers a little when they do flashbacks and what really hurt this time is that we already knew some of the things that were going to happen. With that said, Darnell’s witness protection program bit were still funny. Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com. You can also download My Name Is Earl on iTunes.
Survivor: To show you just how addicted to fantasy sports I am, I even play fantasy Survivor. I bring this up because I picked up Dave this week because I figured if he got naked last challenge he would be the new Richard Hatch only for min not only stay fully clothed the whole episode but he got voted off this week. This isn’t as frustrating as earlier this season when I picked up Ashley for basically the same reason to promptly get voted off because she was blurred almost the whole episode yet not naked point. To me if a person is unclothed enough to be blurred that should count as being naked. Check out the latest episode over at Innertube.

Smallville: Well it looked like last week wasn’t just jitters for Supergirl, that is pretty much her whole acting range. She may just challenge the absorbing dude on Heroes for worst actor on television award. But hey, at least she looks good in a bikini.
Friday Night Lights: I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about this episode. I have made it known that I am not a fan of the idea of Coach Taylor living in Austin and the Landry killing a dude plotlines, but I can’t say I am really that disappointed so far. But those two plot point would pale in comparison is Mrs. Taylor ends up cheating with the science teacher. I am really hoping that is not where that is going. And seriously how sad would it be to lose your eligibility over a Justin Timberlake concert? Check out the latest episodes over at NBC.com.
Promo of the Week: My contest to win a copy of Nip/Tuck on DVD may be over (check your e-mail if you entered because I notified the winner this morning) but I still have a couple more promos to share hyping the start of season 5 on October 30th. Here is one of them:
Next Week’s Pick: The Big Bang Theory, Monday at 8:30 on CBS: In the series first three episodes two featured former Rosanne costars, last week it was Sarah Gilbert as one of Leonard’s coworker and this week Laurie Metcalf stops by as Sheldon’s mom (which hopefully mean more Sheldon this week). Any one want to place bets to witch Becky will show up first on the show?
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