Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 57 Channels. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 11/18/2018

Supergirl: The season finale promised up Soviet Supergirl but it seems like she has only been on screen for about a minute and a half in the first five episodes this season. Certainly that storyline has to be better than this annoying anti-alien storyline.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Ray Donovan: So just how long does it take to drive from Los Angeles to New York City? I actually used Bing Maps and it actually took less than I expected: forty hours without traffic (though when I searched, Bing estimated nine extra hours with traffic). The trip while avoiding toll roads which I am guessing two fugitives would want to avoid would take at least forty-six hours (plus maybe twelve hours of traffic). Still, that is plenty of time for Daryll to hire some protection. Or does that set not have any protection. Last week Daryll said his dad was going to kill him, maybe get prepaired for that situation.

The Walking Dead: So five(ish) years later they never did finish the bridge (you would think how much Rick wanted it, you would think they would have continued) and Negan is still in prison. Oh, and Carol and Eugene have way more hair. Weird the different communities have lost touch, but of course theey are just starting to get back together. And was the “her” Michone talked about in HillTop Maggie or did she die in the missing years. And when did covering yourself in mud throw your scent off the zombies?
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: I guess we now know what Saving Private Ryan would look like on a television budget. Though I guess the less personal and firepower can be explained away by the virus. And I joked about Tom Chandler going down with his ship a couple weeks back and it turns out I was right that they actually did sink the ship. Except Tom Chandler didn’t actually go down with it despite an apparent lengthy white light montage. Jokes aside, The Last Ship was a fun summer diversion (even though it crept into the fall in the last couple seasons), like a televised weekly action movie and still managed to go multiple seasons after no longer being the last ship.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: Well I have been predicting Joe would kill Beck by the end of the season and it turns out I was right. Which brings up his death doll this season to six I believe. But whatever happened to the DNA the PI mentioned? Is there really no DNA in urine like Joe hoped? Was the PI just bluffing to see how Joe reacted? And though I was right about Beck, I was wrong about Candice being killed by Joe. So where has she been? Was Joe telling the truth that she really changed her name and moved to Italy? I just assumed the teeth were hers. So whose teeth were those?
You can download You on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Do you believe in highly unlikelies!?! The curse of Bananas screwing over Sarah strikes again. And just in time for TJ to announce that twist of players being able to screw over their partner is back. I ridiculed Bananas for doing that, but for an extra half a million, I think I may just have to take that money. But then I thought about taxes. If you take the million dollars, you will ended up with $512,000.29 while if you split it, then you would receive $283,670.89 which is not as dramatic as getting an extra half a million dollars. But without Bananas and Tony, this may be the weakest finalist field ever. I guess if I had to make a prediction, I would go with Joss and Sylvia.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: The rare we get to see no votes cast Tribal. You have to expect some weird shirt to happen when the editors pull that. But why not just show the obligatory one vote for Christian and one for Angelina? We still would have gotten that shock that, oh, why is John getting votes moment. But yeah, why exactly did John get votes? Was it that Davie did not tell everyone that he had an Idol, but devised a plan to get rid of strong Goliath and not just an easy pickings like Angelina with Christian and Nick? That seems the only plausible answer I can come up with.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Isn’t it obvious why Doug Forcett is destined for The Bad Place like Shawn suggest even though Michael was shocked. Tahani’s whole reason for going to The Bad Place is because she did good for the wrong reasons and so it would also mean if the sole reason why you are doing good things is for the moral deserts of not being tortured for all eternity, then not only are you not getting those points, you are actually getting negative points for your efforts to subvert the system. But really disappointed that The Real Eleanor did not play a bigger role in the episode. Why even un-pod her just to be a random henchman in a bar brawl?
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: A couple weeks ago an episode with a tease of Jane getting caught by Kurt only for her to talk her way out of it pretty easily. I do not think that will happen this time. But if she is going to go rouge, how long until she teams up with Zapada?
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 11/4/2018

Supergirl: Ugg, they are really laying on the evil old white guy who hates alien immigrants really thick this season. It is becoming a harder and harder watch. They really need to bring back Saturn Girl to make it watchable.
Supergirl on iTunes.

The Walking Dead: So this is how Rick dies, impaled on a rail with two hordes converging on him? Kind of anti-poetic. Sacrificing himself for Daryl to get out of that pit would have been a better way to go. Granted he is not dead yet so maybe he makes it out of that situation only to go out in a more poetic fashion.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: We have said goodbye to a few sailors early this season and I thought we were going to actually get through the siege without any casualties, at least to the people we know. But just like a horror movie, there is always one last death. Although, haven’t all the long standing characters that have died this season, all been minorities? Maybe they are setting up the big sacrifice of Tom Chandler. A captain does always go down with his ship.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Joe and Beck broke up for three months. Yawn. Can we fast forward to the end of the season where Joe kills Beck, it is going to happen eventual. If not now, maybe the series finale. Or Beck becomes a killer. Oh crap, are they going to kill John Stamos together?
You can download You on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Stacking cards up high? Someone has been watching Survivor. Here is hoping Bananas does not pull the Double Cross.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: I thought for sure that Mike White was going to turn on a Goliath once again (actually I got very I am going to sacrifice myself vibe from Mike White right after the challenge) even though Lyrsa was the smarter vote. You cannot assume you are going to merge and with Lyrsa, you are not winning any more Immunity Idols. Of course right after voting out Lyrsa, there was a promo that there is a merge next week. Oops, maybe they should have voted out the more strategic threat than the way to beat Lyrsa.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Wait, so Eleanor’s mom and Tahani’s sister do not even need any help getting into the Good Place? Kind of a filler episode if nothing that did helped their family member. At least Pill Boi was (presumably) put on the right track.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/28/2018

Supergirl: Ugg, they are really going to lay on the illegal aliens are the actual aliens allegory pretty thick this season aren’t they. And as an old white dude, I am kind of offended how old white dudes are portrayed this season on the show. C’mon, we are not all alien (illegal or actual) hating people.
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Wait, crazy Peg Bundy is a shrink herself? I guess it takes one to help one, maybe? But poor Fiona, she seemed to finally get her stuff together, only for everything to completely fall apart right before she is about to leave the show. I wonder if she will end up going out the way it almost happened back in season one in that she does run away with Steve in her final scene. And is Lwna really that oblibious that Supergirl showed up seconds after Kara left?

The Walking Dead: Okay preacher guy, when you’re crazy girlfriend asks if you are with her or will you report her, maybe not admit you are going to tell Rick.
You can download The Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: They have killed off a bunch of cast members in this final season and those all of them survived this episode (except for that one dude’s leg), did they really need to kill that child that helped the Americans? But how very Red Reddington of the Florida traitor. What shadiness does she have up her sleeve? But c’mon, military, be smarter, you had to know the ambulance was a scam all along. I sniffed it out from the moment they arrived.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Joe is really going to be okay with Beck breaking up with him? Is he just going to start obsessing over that new chick? Well, at least he was able to last more than a minute the first time with her.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So is the kid going to be some sort of messiah? First he just happens to find the Jamaican dude by when he claims was a feeling, no voices or visions like everyone else. And then he is apparently the only person in the plane to see the weird lights. So what is his connection, did he do this or did some other force (aliens) do it because of him?
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: The producers really do have a floating scale when it comes to giving people the boot. I was a bit surprised when it was not even discussed Sylvia head-butted Marie and after giving Cory a deserved boot, how did Tony not go with him? Putting your arm around someone tightly and asking multiple times, “are we gonna fight” seems like grounds for being sent home. Also, that had to be the lamest trivia challenge ever. Two wrong answers I think? Just too many Challenge related questions. Trivia should be common knowledge questions.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: Oh my goodness, Angelina asking Natalie multiple times for her jacket after being blindsided is the greatest moment on the show since Andrea told Zeke he sucked at this game. I am not sure if she was being sincere or trolling her, but either way it was awesome.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

Superstore: Weird that the day after Megyn Kelly suggested that blackface is fine if done out of respect, and a day before her show was canceled for those comments, this show had the exact same discussion. And the anti-blackface side was only doing that so they could win the costume contest.
You can download Superstore on iTunes.

The Good Place: Did we really need to leave Jacksonville so soon? They could have spent the whole season trying to save the souls of Donkey Doug, Pillboi, or even Blake Bortles and I would have been perfectly fine with that.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Jane explained the syringe that Kurt caught her with as what she wants to kill herself with. Um, Kurt, you are a moron. Are you not a little suspicious that she already had the poison in a syringe and not keeping it in a vile until it was time. But I really like these Patterson-centric episodes where we only get glimpses of the mission which is clearly done to keep costs down but are always well done.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/21/2018

Supergirl: Oh, hey, The Real Eleanor! Well, fork. They killed her off already. Shirtballs. And is it too late to have Saturn Girl be the token Legionnaire to stay behind because Braniac 5 may actually be more annoying than Toyman Jr.?
Supergirl on iTunes.

Shameless: Peg Bundy? Monica Geller? Danny Tanner? What nineties era sitcom star will be on next, Uerkel? But is that it for Ian? The actor announced he was leaving the show too. Seriously, can people just leave without announcing iy first? Once it is announced it is just a long slog until they are off the show. At least Ian just announced last week so it was not a long wait. Assuming he just rides off into the sunset with Micky. Kind of sad that is his big love. Is Jimmy going to come back for Fiona to take her away for her to leave?

Fear the Walking Dead: Is the preacher really going to hook up with the creepy Trash Lady? And what happened to his eye? I remember he was really sick last season, but I do not remember anything happening to his eye.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: Wait, the lesbian traitor is really an American mother of one from Orlando? I just assumed she was an ambiguous Latina who could pass as Caucasian. Being an actual turncoat makes her a much more compelling character. So just how and when was she turned? And I know in the post-pandemic world, they might be low on soldiers, but how do you not keep eyes on that house. At least pay a local.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So the Pretty Little Liar gets her head bashed in with a rock last week and looks none worse the wear the next day? Oh, but she is apparently dead now? It was quite absurd that Joe tossed the rock not far away from the body last week and I does not seem like anyone bother to canvas more than two feet from the attack, but c’mon, Joe had to have left plenty of DNA at the house, including a forking jar of urine. But Joe hallucinating his ex-girlfriend is giving me the sinking suspicion that the big twist at the end of the season will be that Joe was hallucinating some, if not all of what happened this season.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So now they passengers can see inanimate objects instead of just hearing voices tell them to do things? Meh.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Yeah, I laughed pretty hardily at Natalie in the ball pit. Big old shocker she actually won. Even bigger shocker Zach got the boot for medical reason. Always sucks when someone leaves for medical reasons. But had he stupidly not voluntarily put himself into that elimination that injured him, he would still be in the game uninjured.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: So we got a brand new advantage, the Idol Nullifier where someone can play it and would wipe out the Idol that is played. But only if they play it for someone who actually plays their Idol. I will be quite shocked if this actually gets played correctly.

Then at Tribal you had the battle of the dumb moves. First you get the Black Dude David with the Idol who decides to try to get the Tribe to vote out the other David so he would not have to play the Idol even though he would still be in the minority for any future Tribals with this group. I never understand the hold on the Idol for later strategy. If you think there is more than ten percent chance you are going home, play it now. Then tomorrow, go out and look for another one. I am too lazy to do the research, but I am pretty sure more people have been booted with an Idol in their pocket than have played one correctly. In Survivor you should worry about getting to tomorrow and then worry about tomorrow then.

But Black David was bailed out by the White Dude Goliath who had a dumber move of his own when he decided to turn on his majority for what appeared to me for no apparent reason. So now he is in the minority and why would anyone trust him? It is just amazing to me how whenever these Tribe swaps happen that the majority seemed to vote one of their own more often than the easy vote. I would be interested to go back and see how many of these early Tribe Swap turncoats actually make it very far. I would be shocked to see either of these two morons in the finals. I would be surprised if either get to the merge.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Isn’t Michael telling the group about The Good Place point system kind of a backdoor to still get them in? Since they know about the points, any points they accumulate would be void, but now they think there is no way to get to The Good Place, actually they can get those points for doing good because they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, not because it will get them moral deserts of an decent afterlife. Right? I think I hurt my brain coming up with that theory. But hey, of course Jason has his own infectious disease named after him in Jacksonville.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Blindspot: Oh no, Jane got caught with a syringe. Oh wait, the promo for next week sees the team working together with no tension. I guess she is easily able to explain this like she did taking photos of Patterson’s board. I really need to stop watching promos.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/14/2018

Shameless: Oh Frank, of all your stupid ideas, electroshock therapy to your own junk has to be the worst. But getting conned by Peg Bundy in pursuit of drugs does totally seem on brand.

The Walking Dead: I feel like I missed something. A dangerous mission to DC for a plow and a wagon? And what exactly were you expecting pulling those things over a glass ceiling? And is It really that hard to make your own plow?

The Last Ship: Oh yeah, Tom Chandler still has children, that was the first sighting of the season. And right during the episode Chandler said he was back full time. And what a weird juxtaposition of a siege with a fight with the daughter.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Peaches is just the female Joe? I can work with that. So when does Peaches get a POV episode? Is it a flashback to when Peaches met Beck? Although we are already seem to be done with Beck monologing. But of course Peaches is not dead, she just got interesting. And how exactly does Joe get out of this? He stupidly threw the weapon nor far from where he attacked her? Shouldn’t there be enough DNA on it?
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So now the people on the show can solve crimes by following the voices in other people’s head? And kind of lame that the big cliffhanger of the person who went on television being murdered ended up being the maid.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: You know what Marie, if you did not want the Lavender ladies to turn on you, maybe you should not have voted with Banana’s last week creating that tie.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Blindspot: So Jane and Tasha are bad guys now? Alrighty. Not that I think that Tasha will do anything to hurt her old team. I guess something had to change to make the show more interesting.
You can download Blindspot on iTunes.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 10/7/2018

Shameless: About half way through the episode I thought to myself, for the hundredth episode, this week was fairly tame for such a milestone. Then Frank went and started a race riot. That is more like it.

The Last Ship: I always found the lesbian relationship completely weird, out of place, and just randomly popped out of nowhere at the start of this season. It really just screamed something shady was going on. And apparently I was right. Too bad Alicia did not figure it out before me because she is yet another character to die this season. Is anyone going to get out of this final season alive?
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: Ooo, a change in format. But maybe I was too harsh on Joe monologing because Beck is not that more compelling at it. I actually assumed the Captain was her father the moment he offered money (I guess I forgot she mentioned he was dead). Though does Peach actually think he is dead with her dead dog an analogy for her father or does she just think the father is just dead to Beck? Really weird to tell everyone, even your best friend, your dad is dead when he is not. But did Joe really leave Beck alone in his apartment with her panties, shirt, and phone when returning the book or did h take that stuff with him. Joe is kind of sloppy for a meticulous stalker.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: So this show is just going to be miracle of the week format? Meh. I am much more interested in the shadow figure who may be going around and killing passengers from the plane. My prediction: it is someone who was on the plane.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Do these people seriously forget they are playing for a million dollars? I am not risking a chance at a million dollars to play chicken with my partner. And Zach is clearly in the wrong because Amanda’s alliance is clearly stronger and easier to be one on one. And how did they lose that elimination? C’mon, at one point how do you not realize that Zach needs to climb across and shake that last flag off? I was thinking that after the third try failed.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: The promo monkey really was trolling us last week. It seemed like both tribes were targeting a woman of color, which would have been another in a long list of women of color being voted out first. Unfortunately, the show reverted back to an older trope of voting out the most attractive females early. Meh.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Oh my goodness, the American Café was just offensively brilliant. Maybe even better was the explanation of how the Jacksonville Jaguars and Blake Bortles got suddenly good.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/30/2018

Shameless: You would think Frank supporting a pedophile foe Congress would be the most shameless moment of the season, but it was not even the most shameless part of the episode. No, Lip pulling the plug of someone on a ventilator so he could kidnap a kid was really bad.

The Last Ship: Well that was a novel way to blow up a bridge.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: Call me old fashion, but seeing who I thought I was dating forking some other dude she just met would be a huge deal breaker for me. Doing that seems more psychopathic than killing your crush’s boyfriend. Although leaving the body in your car while putting together the girl’s bed is probably up there. But really, trying to get a child to buy that stuff should be child endangerment that should come with some jail time. And I hope that ending was intentionally funny.
You can download You on iTunes.

Manifest: Going into the show I kind of expected it to knock off Lost, but I was not expected the show to also knock off another mid-nineties show, Wonderfalls. And really poorly because being told to do ambiguous things that turn out to be for the better is much more entertaining when it is done by inanimate objects rather than your voice in your head.
You can download Manifest on iTunes.

The Gifted: And I though the kid’s Beiber haircut was laughable. But other than him, I really wish they would just get rid of the Mutant Underground and spend all the time with the inner Circle, all of the more interesting character are there.
You can download The Gifted on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Oh snap, someone on this show went with the strongest team to meet in elimination. And then actually defeated them.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Survivor: David vs. Goliath: What a horrible way to end an episode. Definitely should have done a double episode on that. And why were they making such a big deal of Christian solving that first puzzle, which was the easiest one in the show’s history. A child could have done that in a minute or two.
You can download Survivor: David vs. Goliath on iTunes.

The Good Place: Kind of a meh start to the season. I guess having the characters all being on Earth kind of eliminates some of the zanier aspects of the show. Hopefully Trevor spices things up next week (but thanks to the promo right before the last segment and Adam Scott’s name appearing in the credits before he was actually on screen, that surprised was kind of ruined). Granted, if the demons are sending up their own to taint this experiment, it really should have been Real Eleanor. Hopefully Trevor fails and she is next.
The Good Place on iTunes.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/23/2018

Shameless: Every season I say the show could not do anything more shameless than what they have done in past seasons, but Carl volunteering to euthanize dogs in cars may be an all-time low. Frank’s reverse racism would be up there if it were not so funny. Though Mo White is a little on the nose.

Fear the Walking Dead: How has a bunch of people who have manage to make it this long in the zombie apocalypse be as so stupid to pull a paraplegic along the road? Seriously, did none of them get up to ninth grade science? Not only are you pulling his weight, but the friction is only adding to the force. You would have exerted much less energy just to carry him. But when you are down a wheelchair, the hospital was the right call. Granted it would have been smart to get in, grab, the chair, and keep moving.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Last Ship: My big takeaway from the episode is the New Colombians have a very weird salute.
You can download The Last Ship on iTunes.

You: So Joe’s last girlfriend weirdly went to Rome with some other dude after they broke up? There has to be more to that story. And what exactly is going to have to Benji, in real life and the digital world? Is Joe just going to dump the body somewhere and have people believe he got the wrong drink or if he just going to continue to make daily douchebag hashtags in perpetuity?
You can download You on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Oh snap, TJ pulled out the our female testers were able to do this faster than anyone insult. I was kind of wondering if they tested that challenge from a couple weeks ago where they were dunking people underwater to solve a hard puzzle. Just how well did those testers do on that one?
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/16/2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Well that was a confusing challenge. Why did the people who got the most bags get rewarded by having more disgusting food?
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Castle Rock: One of the biggest critiques of Stephan King is that, even though he comes up with some great idea, he at times is not very good at finishing his stories. So it should not be that much of a surprise that show inspired by King, though had a great twist in episode in episode nine, was a bit of a let down by the time the final credits rolled. It felt like we ended right back at where we started with The Kid back in his cage but now it is Henry keeping him there instead of the Warden.

We never did get a confirmation if The Kid’s story of the alternative universe was real or not. We did learn that it was, in fact, Henry that pushed his father off the cliff, but we did not see what happened to him after that. I actually thought they were going towards the Henrys going back to the other world with Black Henry being stuck there in a cage for the next twenty-five years until he could find his way back to his world.

Then after the start of the credits we finally got some quality Jackie. She was the best part of the early episodes but just disappeared for long stretches only to return to wield an axe like her uncle. But what exactly was that last scene? Was it just one big Easter Egg because it seemed like all her character was this season? Or was it a teaser for season two and the show will follow her out west to where the story she was writing began? The Overlook Hotel (home of The Shining) is out west in Colorado. After not appearing in much of the first season, I would definitely look forward to a Jane Levy-focused second season.
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Sunday, September 02, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 9/2/2018

Sharp Objects: Last week they made a pretty convincing argument that Adora was in fact a serial murder, killing her own kid along with two local girls more recently. I was slightly disappointed because I was convinced all the way back that Amma was the killer. Of course the one thing that bugged me was they never really explained why Adora would mutilate the bodies by ripping their teeth out. My suspension was right because big twists at the end: I was right in thinking Amma was super creepy this whole time because she did end up killing those girls. The show was a rare murder mystery that cleared up all the loose ends and even managed to explain away all the red herrings. Okay I had to have it explained to me that in the brief flashes at the end was Amma killing one of the girls in the guest house where they found the girl’s blood, I totally missed that. And I am kind of left wondering just what the Sherriff knew about Adora and Amma. It was implied he knew about the Munchhausen by Proxy and I always took him dismissing the Woman in White theory because women cannot pull teeth as kind of deflecting of what he knew or at least assumed happened. I guess the only other loose end I have is who dumped the bike?

Fear the Walking Dead: Wait, the hurricane did not actually blow Morgan away did it? Or did someone actually drive him across state lines during a hurricane? Did he just sleep through the whole thing? I feel like I missed something.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Oh my goodness, they actually played Jozea’s single. And it was just as bad as expected. I actually went to YouTube the next day and after it aired and after five months, the video had less than a thousand views. If this is the job Jozea was talking about, he is really going to need to find another one. Just please do not think you can be the next Johnny Bananas. I would not mind if this was the last season for both of you.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Castle Rock: Well Jackie finally got to partake in the horrors that happen in her time. But did she whack that guy with a wood axe or a fireman axe? Oh and Molly died in the woods. Wait, what? We have seen her interact with many different people so she is not a ghost. Was she brought back to life? Is just everyone in this town dead already? And is Henry really the “Black Death” or was the prisoner being locked up is what is truly behind what is cause people to murder?
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 8/25/2018

Before I get into the week that was on television, I would be remised not to mention the biggest television news of the week: a Veronica Mars reboot is reportedly coming to Hulu with Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas (and other original cast members being negotiating). In the immortal words of Bart Scott: Can’t wait! Really, 2019 is shaping up to a dream year for me with the probibility of reboots of Veronica Mars, Alf, a Deadwood movie, Zombieland 2, and live action Black Manta. Since I am greedy, let me suggest some things that hopefully I can will into existence for 2019: reboots of Quantum Leap, My Two Dad, anything by Bryan Fuller (Dead Like Me, Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, or Hannibal) and give another chance to the Indian chick version of The Greatest American Hero. Brittany Snow cast in the movie version of Supergirl, but that does not interfere with Pitch Perfect: The Series set between the first and second movie. Reunited Oasis and Hootie and the Blowfish or just any nineties act having a great big hit. Areatha Franklin’s death made wonder whatever happened to the musical comeback. Back in the eighties and nineties there were plenty of artists who would have late career resurgence after a decade away from the charts but cannot think of anyone who that has happened to since Santana earlier this century. Is it simply because there is no Clive Davis type figure around anymore to will it? Oh, and of course the most important thing we need to happen next year, if nor earlier, impeachment.

The Affair: Oh snap, Anton straight up called Noah a psychopath in that paper. Speaking of psychopaths, really cold to show up to the funeral of the person you killed. We did get I believe was the first ever three part episode. After a whole season of being absent from the whole show except in the title sequence, the daughter finally showed up. I do not remember her being that cheery. But I called it, Vic gets his legacy from the starlet’s daughter. At least Helen’s story added some levity to the episode so we did not end the season on the depressing Alison death.

Sharp Objects: Murder mystery shows routinely give huge red herrings in the penultimate episode, but that looked like it was definitely Adora. Unless Camille was just imagining Adora as the Woman in White (the show does get a little too artsy). But this whole time I thought Camille’s sister was brutally murdered like these girl. Well it did turn out they were killed by the same person. Except the one thing that does not add up is did Adore really mutilate these bodies? I wonder if Adora had an accomplice. The sheriff gets a little too comfortable with her and I remember it being very striking when they revealed that the girls had their teeth pulled and a couple scenes later he was seen fixing a stop sign with pliers. Oh, and Camille having sex with a teenage murder suspect who up to this point I thought was a homosexual was really creepy.

Fear the Walking Dead: So is this back half of the season just going to be pairs of cast members and how they survive (or don’t survive) this hurricane?
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: When Kam announce she had a big plan, my first inclination was that it will backfire. And I was right, TJ again pointed out he is the dirtiest player in the game by introducing Mercenaries (Smashley and someone so inconsequential, I have never bothered to learn his name, yawn). Except her big grand plan was to pit the two weakest teams was super lame. Seriously, she could have gotten Kyle and Brad vs. Zack which would have seen at least one or possibly two of the strongest guys out (although I like either of them against those Mercenaries). Just stupid and yet Kam thinks she is the smartest player out there.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Harlots: Oh my, Quigley has a Mini-Me. Although the Mini-Me turned on her by helping lock her up. It was pretty unclear just where the Mini-Me stood all season. It will be interesting if Mary Wells get back to London without fear the gallows. I actually would be interesting to see just how her talents could be used in Virginia at that time period.
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Castle Rock: What the fork just happened? Okay I get Ruth has Alzheimer's and her mind sometimes lives in the past. But did they just confirm that the prisoner is some version of Reverend Deaver? Does he just want Ruth to think that? He said more this episode than the previous one’s combined so was that him or in Ruth’s mind? But it seems pretty real that Ruth did, indeed kill Pangborn. But I miss the timeline. Last week they ended with Pangborn entering the house in disarray, but other than an overdrawn bath, it did not seem to happen unless that was when Ruth was pushing her way through the funeral. But when did Panborn get out to the shed. Maybe a more coherent version of events will be shown next week.
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 8/18/2018

Claws: So they arrested Desna at the end of an episode and made me assume the cops were going to use her to flip the Russians, but the cops made her look like the bat ig fish, only for the cops to pull the reveal this week that they were using Desna to get to the Russians. But where exactly was the cops when all murder was going down? Shouldn’t they set up shop next door? But that was a plenty shocking ending. But who shot Virginia? Uncle Daddy? The Haitians? The Russians? But they really did not killer her, right? She is the best part of the show.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: Wait a second, has the Fiona Apple theme song been a huge spoiler this whole time. Hearing it an episode after we learned Alison died just seemed to tie everything together. “I have only one thing to do and that's be the wave that I am and then sink back into the ocean,” is just eerier now. Then we had the weird two parts both being Alison. The show typically has had two sometime wildly different narratives. Does this confirm than Alison is the unreliable narrator? Granted just this season Noah and Helen had different telling of events. Maybe the second act is always the truth versions of events. But surprisingly we did get confirmation that Ben did kill Alison (assuming that the second act is reliable). So is next season going to be Noah and Cole teaming up to find the truth? I would actually be happy if Noah and Cole team up My Two Dad style to raise Joanie.

Sharp Objects: Amma is still on top of my suspect list and her drug filled episode just solidified that even more, but the cheerleader has vaulted into second on the list. She cares way too much about getting into Camille’s article. And the “baby killer” comment, does everyone know that she has an abortion? Could they be referring to the girl?

Fear the Walking Dead: Does one really need to make their own Scrabble game in the zombie apocalypse? It just seems like you could go down to the local Target and find a copy or two.
You can download Fear the Walking Dead on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: When they announced this new voting format I really hated it because I assumed everyone would just vote for who they thought was the weakest team in case they got picked to go in against them. Except half the teams are even bigger cowards than I gave them credit for because half the teams admitted to burning their vote. Though it will be extremely funny if they all burned their vote on the same team, sending that team in for an epic backfire.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Harlots: The season started with Quigley in a jail cell and here we are at the end and Margaret is in the same jail cell. Except Margaret could not wiggle out her charge yet still left the prison alive. Just how long does it take someone to die by hanging? Then there was the other big reveal of the episode in that Emily Lacey lied about being pregnant. I had a feeling that it might be the case. And now she is picking up more clients to see that her lie becomes true. We end the episode with Margaret being sent away which begs the question how long before she finds herself back to London. I have to think her return will be important to the downfall of Quigley.
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Castle Rock: Oh, hey, Henry has a kid. Who knew? I believe that was the first time his birth parents were mentioned. What happened there? So it was weird when kid Molly killed Henry’s dad, or at least that is what it looked like, I was not sure how reliable the perspective was at the time. But Molly claims that Henry killed his dead through Molly? Wait, what? So when Henry disappeared, did he go inside Molly? But I have to say the mysterious guy is less scary the more he talks. Though if a bird dropped out of the sky for the second time this week, who else is at that psychiatric hospital? Or is this one of those Stephan King Easter Eggs that will not be explained. What better be explained next episode is what he did in the house this week. Who’s blood with that and what exactly happened to Henry’s mom and where was his son during all this?
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 8/12/2018

Claws: Well that was an, um, interesting way to end the penultimate episode before what is presumably explosive final episode. We will get to finally see what side the Russians are on. And I only have to guess Desna has a contingency plan know that she knows her future husband owns all that property.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: Well, that was shocking. When they said Alison was dead, my initial cynic television watcher was it really was not her. But then Noah identified the body. Although I have a sinking suspicion that we do not know the whole story. We do have two episodes left so it seems safe to assume we will get Alison’s perspective of her last days. But is it going to be next week or the finale. Do we even need a conclusion to the Helen and Vic storyline?

Sharp Objects: Well we knew she cut herself, but that was a lot of scars on Camille, some I wonder how exactly was she able to contort her body into making. But nothing changed this week to made me question my prediction that Amma had something to do with the murders.

Harlots: So Lucy has shacked up with a killer and is not at all fazed by the news. Oh, and he is in cahoots with Liv Tyler’s brother. Battle lines are being redrawn. But that is not the worst news for Margaret Wells, her plan to unseat Quigley completely unraveled. But hey, at least she got one daughter back. Although she may not be with her daughter long after confessing to murder. Did she do that just to get Lord Fallon arrested? Lucy cannot take the fall if her mom already confessed.
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Castle Rock: Oh wow, they let the nameless inmate out. And he noticeably did not shake the lawyer’s hand so clearly just a touch can make people go insane. And maybe even less than a touch because it seemed by the just the presence caused that family to get very aggressive with each other. But he does seem to like high places, kind of reminds me of the mascot from what think was the first episode. So Tessa Altman talks about how all this weird stuff happened in this town before she was born and it presumably stopped when the warden first took the inmate, which we now know Pangborn knew about, and now things are getting weird again. But how long until we know what exactly is going on. Sure the inmate told Pangborn that he is not the Devil but of course the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to make people think he doesn’t exist.
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 8/5/2018

Claws: I was convinced when Desna was arrested the task force was just using her to get to the Russians. But apparently she was the big fish they were talking about. And it does not seem like Desna is interested in giving them the Russians in exchange for some deal because Slata gave her a great lawyer. Instead she makes a deal with Slata to kill her fiancé in exchange for more franchises even though the Feds are on to her. There has to be another play here because that does not seem wise.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: Wait, what? So hot starlet beds Vic two weeks ago and then this week, all but confesses to Helen and then has sex with her too. Is a threesome coming in two more episodes? It still seems like an obvious solution to have her carry Vic’s baby. Then we had two Whitney mentions this episode yet in episode seven we have not actually seen her yet despite the actress still being in the title sequence. But are we already to the flash forwards from the start of the season? That seems quick, but it has been a few episodes since they did one of those scenes.

Sharp Objects: I came away from the first three episodes thinking three different people did the murder. There was an interesting theory of two different people killed the two girl, but I am even more convinced that Amma was involved in at least one, if not both murders.

The Bold Type: Wait, they are not really going to have this big decision storyline for Jane where she struggles between choosing the humanitarian doctor or the douchebag writer, are they? That has to be one of the easiest decisions ever. Although for some reason, a lot of female television character ends up picking the bad boy.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Well, that had to be up there with one of the worse episodes in the history of the show. Without any actual challenges, the first three fourths of the show was a bore. Then eliminating people on the double cross was just lame. That was made even worse by only Big Brothers competing to get back into the game. I know I say this a lot, but I really wished The Challenge would just go to the Survivor format of one elimination per episode.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Harlots: Oh my, there is a little Quigley growing inside Emily Lacey. Or so she says. Interesting that Lucy has been mostly away from everyone this season.
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Castle Rock: I had a sinking suspicion the prison guard would not be on the show long. But I have to wonder if touching the man in the box was what hastened his demise. The dude did tell his cell mate not to touch him and the next day the Nazi dies of aggressive cancer. Did that fist bump inspire the shooting spree? As for other unanswered questions, just what happened to Henry? The creepy old man told Henry that h knew that he never touched him. Did he just admit participation in the abduction? And does Henry really know? I do not believe we have heard his version of the story yet. Not even a “I have no memory of the time I was missing?” And just what happened to his father? Is what we saw Molly do last week reliable, or is that just what she thinks she did? The father did write “Henry did it.” But did what? Is pushing him over the cliff too obvious.
You can stream Castle Rock on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: Early in the season, I notice the actress who plays Dagger on Spotify’s New Music Friday playlist which led me down a rabbit hole of her music career, including a soundtrack for the show where she covers soft rock gem Come Sail Away. So as the opening strums of the song playing as the voodoo priestess told of each Divine Pairing, I knew what was coming… and it was horribly awesome. As for the show itself, I am not entirely sure what is going on with Evil Cop. Did Cloak kill him? Is he in some dream state in Cloak’s mind, sort of like the scientist? Can Cloak bring him back whenever he wants? And is Lady Cop just Lady Swamp Thing now? I would be fine with that as long as she does not start growing moss on her skin.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 7/29/2018

Claws: Didn’t they just pull the surprise arrested by cops in the final scene just two episodes ago? Not only was that shocking and left us guessing what happened next, it seems pretty obvious to me all that will happen with Desna is the cops will try to get her to turn on the Russians which she will be eager to do. The only question is where will the show go in season three with the Russians (presumably) out of the picture and the cops aware of Desna illegal activities?
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: Is this is how Anton gets to the east coast in the future? On a college visit? And what happened to those future scenes, they just gone forever? And a little disappointing that we did not get a Helen segment so we can see what prompted that tweener rant by the son. Maybe the next episode. But that had to be the shortest segment ever. The Noah segment only lasted twenty minutes. Then Alison is stuck in another estranged father who wants a kidney storyline. There have been way too many of those on television. But if Cole was on his walkabout and Alison fled to California, just who was watching Joanie?

Sharp Objects: The biggest thing to stick out this week, well other than how the girlfriend weirdly is eager to play house while wearing her cheerleader outfit in out of season, was how drunkenly adamant Amma was about how her friends would do anything for her. “Anything!!!!” Would they kill for her? These dead girls are Amma’s peers and the one kid did say a woman in white abducted one of the girls, although the yanking of teeth seemed a bit much for teenaged girls. Then there is Camille’s roommate who I have now watch die tragically twice in the span of the month, the first being the ritualistic drowning on The Handmaid’s Tale. Is that actress now officially the teenage girl version of Sean Bean who is just brought in to die tragically?

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: I like the new voting system as much as I hate it. I also wished the Challenge would go with the Survivor hidden votes because the votes do seem very bandwagon at times. But then I do not like that the people who get votes in have to choose between the people who voted for them. You might as well just pencil in Bananas/Tony and Brad/chin implant dude to the finals because teams will only vote foe other teams they think they can beat (I.e. weak teams) and those voted in will avoid strong teams unless there is some anomaly in the voting thanks to the weekly winners getting two votes and cannot be chosen.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Harlots: I think that was the first times the Wells ladies spoke this season not pretending they had a major falling out. I was beginning to wonder if Margaret was still in on the plan to bring down Quigley. But Emily Lacey, shunned by both houses is actually picking a side. But the big plot twist is the little harlot is turning on Emily Lacey to help Quigley. But will she tell her of Charlotte’s plan?
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: Finally the voodoo family is back. Only in New Orleans can someone go around town spitting liquor and no one give them a second look. Then the younger one can block Dagger’s new skill of stealing someone’s hope and even got in a great dig: calling her a strangely aggressive tiny girl. Which begs the question, can Cloak steal someone’s fears?
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 7/22/2018

Claws: Well that was some inappropriate bedside manner from Jenn. Sad thing is was that the moment she started touching him; I knew that was exactly where they were going with that. And Jenn blaming Desna for Bryce felt a little misguided. It was Bryce and Uncle Daddy who went there to kill Slata, you cannot be mad at someone else when they start shooting back.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: No future Noah / Cole segment at the beginning? Instead we get a present day Helen / Vic trying to have a kid. Then we get the mild surprise of starting with a Vic-centric half episode. Which was just his mid-life crisis mixed with rich person bucket list. I just said the last time Vic was on the show he was my most standup guy on the show and now he is blowing curing kid disease to go joy riding with a starlet’s daughter… in more ways than one. But hey, if Helen will not give him a baby, the daughter might be the better option anyway. Speaking of old dudes spreading their seed with younger women… poor Cole, went through all those exorcism steps only to learn that is what led his father to kill himself.

Sharp Objects: I came away from the premiere thinking the step-father did it (mostly because the actor is evil in pretty much everything I see him in) but this week we had one eyewitness say a woman in white did it which makes me think the mother is a doth protest too much type a person. Then we learn the murderer yanked out teeth with pliers and then a couple scenes later the sheriffs fixing a stop sign… with a forking pair of pliers hanging on the sign. It cannot be that obvious, can it? The sheriff seemed kind of offended at the idea of a women doing the deed.

The Bold Type: Um, Jane, have you never seem a clarinet case in your life before? That was way too big for a clarinet. But I could have done without the very special episode about guns. And a bit eye rolling that Sutton is turning Betsy into earing. And it was a bit weird how many times they said Sutton’s last name this episode, maybe more times in the entire first season, considering her last name is shared by the most famous gun control legislation of all time.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: Nothing more annoying than the first couple episodes when it takes forever to get to the first elimination round. And it will be annoying is Bananas/Tony and Brad/tattoo guy dominate this season just because they are by far the strongest teams.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

Harlots: So Emily Lacey’s new “boarding house” is just a black chick, a little person, and, I guess herself. I cannot image that the brothel will be very successful. It seems like only a mater a time before she picks a side between Quigley and Wells.
You can stream Harlots on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: So crooked cop has lady cop kill the drug dealer last week when it seemed to me that it would have been smarter and this week the crooked cop (presumably) kills the beat cop but lets the lady cop, who again is the bigger threat, live. Another confusing thing to me is just how do Cloak and Dagger’s abilities work together? He sees people fears while she sees their hopes, but together, they saw the comatose scientist in a Groundhogs Day loop and then saw when they touched her mother together, they saw her father slap her mother. Are they just seeing what that person is thinking right then and there? They need to explain that better.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 7/15/2018

Claws: Okay, things are starting to get confusing. Last week, Quiet Ann confessed to her lesbian lover who seemingly used that information to arrest the doctor but they just went on as nothing happened. Then this week Desna walked in on her man and Slata and they explained how they were playing Desna. What? Whose side is the Haitian on? He made plans with Uncle Daddy last season so who exactly is he playing? Things got convoluted in the second half of last season and it looks like they are doing the same this season. But as long as teenaged white girls are using Public Enemy as their dinner plans I will be entertained enough.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: So it is confirmed Noah and Cole are looking for Alison in the future. Kind of boring but at least there is not going to be some stupid plot twist. Though maybe there still will be, maybe Alison is not alone. Noah’s daughter is still in the title sequence but is currently sight unseen and barely mentioned other than being at college with an age appropriate boyfriend. It took me a while to realize that was Alison’s new beau at the meeting. Weird that we learned that he had a wife in the future timeline. But it does say something that the most interesting part of a Cole/Alison episode is the one minute prologue. But is Cole really going to go for a walkabout in California, just where Noah is (though in the future they are in Pennsylvania)?

Sharp Objects: I actually watched the premiere back to back with Justice League and it left me longing for fun Amy Adams. And after looking it up, it has been eight years since The Muppets, maybe her last upbeat project. Someone needs to write her a comedy quick.

I’m Dying Up Here: Ron just continues to fail upwards, his own spin-off? Wow. He tried to get off that show all season only to get a raise for his troubles. Although, was that ending Ron dead from an overdose or just resting? But it was interesting after last season ended with another inconsequential club burning down that were some stakes at the end of the this season with the strike. Makes me wonder if Richard Pryor actually joined a strike like this.

The Bold Type: I certainly did not have Jane landing back at Scarlet in the back half of the season. I was actually thinking that reporting on someone else that had a run in with Jacqueline’s abuser actually made it less likely for Jane to get her job back but that ended up being the reason.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Challenge: Final Reckoning: I wonder just how the person who is buried and who did the digging was chosen. Clearly Britni was put at a disadvantage. Poor Jenna, I am not sure Jemmy would have done much better. And just where was Banana’s partner? They just seemed to completely gloss over his partner was not there with no explanation. But the biggest question is how do you possibly get booted for fighting when a million dollars is on the line? You cannot goad me into a fight if for even a tenth of that.
You can download The Challenge: Final Reckoning on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: When Offred was having flashbacks to her other daughter, I thought, oh, no, after all that trouble other people went through, she is not really going to go back solely just for the other daughter. At least she gave the baby with Rory Gilmore who killed (?) Aunt Lydia and is punished with escape for it. I wonder if this was the first Handmaid he helped escaped. He had no children (that we saw) and was kind of old to be a new father yet was in the need for another Handmaid. Kind of annoying that Offred almost escapes in episode one, could have escaped in the antepenultimate episode if had not been for a frozen garage door. And then could have escaped for a third time this season, but decided to stay.

Then, oh snap, the cut off Serena’s pinky. Sure it does not seem that big a deal coming off an episode where the drowned a pair of teenagers. I actually thought Offred was going to offer, or possible Serena would ask, to go with Offred at the end. I wonder if Serena tries to leave next season, remember when she was in Canada, the American guy offered her a place in Hawaii.

And what of Offred next season? If they drowned the adulterers, what is the punishment for stealing a baby? It has to be worse than cutting off a finger. And just how does she expect to get her other kid back and reunite with her family? Sure Waterford offered more visits if she behaves but kidnapped what he thinks is his child is not really behaving? Does Serena help?
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Reverie: Finally something interesting… Mara’s brother-in-law survived the murder-suicide attempt. She has already entered the Reverie of a comatose patient, clearly she will do that again before the season is up.
You can download Reverie on iTunes.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: The token Groundhog’s Day episode is beginning to be an annoying television trope. But it should be interesting how the doctor changes things. Though if his mind is as mushy as it was in the time loop, it may be a while before he can help anyone. And I cannot imagine Roxxon is keen on him being conscience again.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 7/8/2018

Claws: Finally the Quiet Ann-centric episode I never knew I needed. And I am still not sure I need it. I guess the AA Meeting was pretty entertaining. But, wait, Quiet Ann has a brother who is a gay politician? What? How have these groups of criminals not exploited that yet. But what is with that ending? Did Arlene fake getting fired in hopes to get a sting just like it went down?
You can download Claws on iTunes.

The Affair: Gee, the police got there pretty quick. Is the station right next to the school? But is there anyone Noah will not hook up with? How exactly was he able to stay faithful for twenty years? Or was Alison not his first affair. Then there was Helen and very telling she left after saying she could not live without her kids and did not say Vic. I almost thought she was going to say Noah first. But poor Vic, probably the most stand up person on the show, really the only one, and he just got a death sentence. Although making Helen raise a kid alone without him at his age is kind of selfless. I was waiting for Helen to ask, which one after that woman answered Bush. But I guess the oldest W. babies are only seventeen. As for the intro, it looks like I was wrong thinking that Noah and Cole were not looking for Alison because Anton’s comment about having a type pretty much confirms it. Which then begs the question, what the fork is Anton doing there?

I’m Dying Up Here: After a season of self-sabotage, Ron finally did the ultimate, he just upped and quit. But will it last or will he be happily back on the show by the finale last week? And just when you thought Bill’s dumbest thing he would do this week would be making fun a bunch of bikers, he tries to schedule a strike against Goldie. That will probably end p with his getting blacklisted more than getting paid by Goldie.

The Bold Type: I was wondering with Jane blaming a diversity hire for not getting a job if Kat would support her friend or call her out for being racist. I guess conflict should have been the obvious answer.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: After everything that went down the last two episodes, they just yadda-yadda Offred getting back safe and sound. Or as safe and sound as a handmaid in Gilliad can be. And just when you thought Rory Gilmore’s life could not get any worse, she end up in the house of probably the most dysfunctional family in Gilliad. Then her commander asked if she healed properly. What exactly did they do to her? I assumed when it happened last season they removed her lady parts but since she is back to making babies, that cannot be the case. But holy fork, they punished the driver’s teenaged wife with death by public drowning?!? Out oll the cruel things they do in thid country, that may be right below the ritual rape.
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: Wait, wasn’t drilling for an “energy source” a plot point on Runaways? I wonder if it is connected even though Marvel television shows never reference each other except for the Netflix shows. Granted Freeform and Hulu are at least partially owned by Disney (and may soon be majority owner). Also the shows are on different coast. Still now that the Runaways have actually ran away, maybe they will make their way to New Orleans. But I will not hold my breath.

So there is a guy who worked with her father that Dagger cannot see his hopes. Instead they are locked away in his brain guarded by Cloak’s dark energy. Of course this begs the question is this because he is in a catatonic state or does the scientist was working on these powers when the rig exploded and he was the one that shut down his brain and is waiting for Cloak and Dagger to unlock it?

As for a question that likely will go unanswered on the show, why did the dirty cop have the hot lady cop kill his distributer? Didn’t he clear the streets of all the other drug kingpins to let this guy have a monopoly and get a cut for eliminating the competition? Doesn’t he need someone running the operation? Having the drug dealer kill the hot lady cop who is on to him seemed like the better strategy. Unless he is going to try to get her into his business. But still, it is not like she will be able to run the business.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Sunday, July 01, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 7/1/2018

Claws: Things are getting super weird. First they start with a fifties sitcom (right after the Brady Bunch homage last week). Then Desna’s boyfriend starts seductively feeding strawberries to his mother. Then the bizarre courtroom show of Jenn vs. Bryce. Jenn gets drunk in a way I would have never thought of. Oh and I just noticed the portrait of Bryce and Jenn in their bedroom which is… interesting.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

I’m Dying Up Here: Mocking Muhammad Ali has to be the dumbest thing Bill has ever done and he has done some really dumb things. But the stuff with Goldie and her daughter got really deep. So the daughter picks the sleaziest old dude as the guy she lost her virginity to. And then when Goldie almost kills him, Amanda just so happens to confess the only guy she had sex with is now dead. Pretty convenient which makes me wonder if she is telling the truth or not.

The Bold Type: For a prude who has only slept with now five guys and has had many super moral stands, it is weird how anti-religious Jane is. Sure, how her mom died is reasonable to turn her back on the church, but she does (mosty) seems to live by its rules.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: I wonder why Offred did not run at the beginning. Was it just because she had just seen her daughter and realize she did not want to abandon her again? Was it because she was pregnant? Did she fear getting caught again? Then what about the Waterford’s visit maker her want to run? And are garage doors really that tough? And I think that is the first time I ever heard anyone call Mr. Waterford Fred. But is he and his wife really that stupid to not look for footprints in the snow? So what now? Offred is stuck in the middle of nowhere with no transportation and a new baby.
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: What a lame basketball game. So after seeing how horrible the lives of opposing team’s players are, Cloak (presumably) bricks the final shot. And yet, though the referee was clearly trying to throw the game, he does not even blow the whistle on the play. But Dagger is clearly becoming the star of the show as she is finally able to harness her abilities and then exploiting them for her own personal gains. And then pushing Cloak over the guardrail hoping it would trigger his powers was the best part of the show yet.

But the big reveal was that Cloak’s brother’s buddy is in cahoots with the officer that killed the brother. Huh? And it seemed like the friend knew the cop killed the brother. So were they working together back then? Did the friend learn of the murder later? And I wonder if Cloak’s storyline with his brother’s killer will end up tying in with Dagger looking into Roxxon.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

57 Channels and Only This Is On: 6/24/2018

Claws: Really, Desna and her boy toy were in the same place at the same time and did not run into each other? I hope they do not pull that all season. But, goodness, was that commercial entertaining.
You can download Claws on iTunes.

I’m Dying Up Here: Ron has done some pretty dumb and self-destructive things this season but marrying a stripper after one week has to top that list. While the episode was going on I was wondering what would last longer, his employment on the show or his marriage. I guess it should not be too surprising the marriage did not last the episode. Also not surprising is that Cassie’s SNL audition did not go well, the real question was what messed it up. It turned out to be Nick OD’ing.

Supergirl: Good riddance Toyman Jr. and Mon-El. So is the latter going back to work on his marriage? It seemed like he made his choice an episode or two ago and picked Kara. And where was Saturn Girl? She completely disappeared in the second half, she was not at the goodbye, nor was she seen on the spaceship with Toyman Jr. and Mon-El leaving. Is she staying here with Braniac 5 (which I hope) or did she go back to the future? Speaking of whatever happened to: what happened to Chad Lowe? He seemingly died last week, but was seen moving this week and then never seen after that.

Just really an uneven and poorly planned out season, well with the exception of the introduction of Saturn Girl. Seriously, if she is not coming back next season, just give Saturn Girl her own show, be it on The CW or the upcoming DC streaming service. As for what will definitely be on the show next season, it looks like we will be getting some Bizzaro Russian Supergirl while Lena Luther starts Phase 2 with Miss Tessmacher. Well, it cannot possibly be worse than this season… can it?
You can download Supergirl on iTunes.

The Bold Type: There are very few things more annoying when a show has a big game changing moment in a season finale only for everything to go back to normal early in the next season. So when Jane go fired last week, I figured she would be back at Scarlett but the end of this episode. Jane even has a meeting with Jacqueline, except Jacqueline shockingly does not hire Jane back saying Jane needs this as a learning expierence. Kudos to Jacqueline for doing so. Granted I will take that back if Jane is back at the magazine by the end of next episode.
You can download The Bold Type on iTunes.

The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars II: Poor Stars, the show did everything to help you this season and still cannot win. But c’mon, how could Louise and Casper get to the food eating challenge first, get the least disgusting foods and leave the round last?
You can download The Challenge: Vendettas on iTunes.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Well that was cold that Offred straight up told the Commander that it is not his baby. Well assuming he believes her. But he did get her back vry cruely. Except then he did the most gracious thing (well aside from freeing her) by letting her see June see her kid. Unless it was his plan all along to strand her there. But that would not make sence to strand your very pregnant Handmaid, but still not the smartest idea to let her travel.

Then right in the middle of this heavy episode is the driver’s wife randomly making out with a guard. And what about the beginning. Did Rory Gilmore put some sort of poison in her lady area to induce a heart attack on her Commander?
You can stream The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu.

Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger: Well Cloak and Dagger finally spent more than a minute and a half together on screen for the first time this episode though I guess nothing really happened when they were together. Basically we just got a recap of them learning about their powers. Then Dagger threw herself off a pier. Was she actually trying to kill herself or just testing the limits of her powers? She did manage to cut through a steel safe afterwards.
You can download Marvel's Cloak and Dagger on iTunes.