Quote of the Week: Here’s what I wonder about zombies: what happens if they can’t get any human flesh to eat, they can’t starve to death, they’re already dead. (Raj, The Big Bang Theory)
Song of the Week: Wind of Change – Scorpions (Chuck)
Big News of the Week: Super Bowl Shuffle 2011: It’s clear that if go around raping chicks that referees will no longer give you the same home cooking that let you win your previous championships (well at least in the NFL, NBA refs apparently have short memories). And in the first yea in a while, the commercials were just as good as the game thanks to Darth Vader, dog destroying doors and Eminem. Unfortunately the same could not be said about the halftime show where The Black Eyed Peas managed to limbo under the low bar The Who set last year. Here is a suggestion for next year: Dave Matthews Band; they are only the biggest touring draw of the past decade.
Gratuitous Token Hot Chick picture of the Week

Free Download of the Week: Your Pick: Scooter's Note: This offer is no longer available, check back later for more free offers. Nothing really caught my eye on the free front this week so I will be giving away two free songs via Amazon MP3. Just e-mail me (ScooterKSU(at)aol(dot)com) what song you want by 5:00 PM tomorrow (Sunday) and I will be sending two people the song they picked tomorrow. Note this is only available for people with an American account and make sure you e-mail me, with subject line Free MP3, with the account that is linked to your Amazon account.
New Album Release of the Week: Go-Go Boots
New DVD Release of the Week: Waiting for Superman
Video of the Week: And for anyone who managed to miss it, here is the previously mentioned Eminem Super Bowl ad.
Next Week Pick of the Week: Survivor: Redemption Island, Wednesday at 8:00 on CBS: After drawing it out longer than they should, Survivor unveiled the worst kept secret in that they were bringing back Boston Rob and Russell, neither of which are the redeemable especially Russell who just got caught spoiling the previous two seasons he was on. Should make for an interesting reunion show if Jeff Probst brings it up. Hopefully they are both out early (keep I mind the only time they brought back two previous contestants, one went out early while the other made it to the final tribal) and get booted promptly from Redemption Island soon after that. My preseason pick is Andrea Boehlke.
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