Quote of the Week: I have nothing left to suck. (Purple Kelly, Survivor)
Song of the Week: Hey Hey, My My – BattleMe (Sons of Anarchy)
Big News of the Week: A Melancholy Happy Trails to Leslie Nielsen: No one did dumb comedy better than Leslie Nielsen. Most movies like that are one offs or have a sequel just do not live up to the original, but thanks to Nielsen, each of the three (or thirty-three and a third) Naked Gun
Free Download of the Week: 25 Days of Free
New Album Release of the Week: Endlessly
New DVD Release of the Week: Inception (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
Deal of the Week: 100 Albums for $5 Each
Video of the Week: Best Week Ever likes to write a lot in hyperbole so most of the videos they post last about five seconds before I movie on. But I have been watching this video for twelve straight hours.
I have no idea what Gylne Tider is, but from why I can gather from Google Translate it is some sort of talk show in Norway that in previous season focused on famous Norwegians from the sixties and seventies and their latest season is dealing with American pop culture from the eighties (as the people in the video would suggest, with some carryover to the nineties it seems). And their promotion for the season; wow, just wow. Just when you think things cannot get any more random, Tubbs
Next Week Pick of the Week: Big Cat Week, starting Monday, Nat Geo Wild: National Geographic’s animal focused channel is rolling out its Big Cat Week starting tomorrow and here is the full rundown for you feline lovers:
Big Cat Odyssey (Monday at 9): This show chronicles their meticulous work over three decades of filming, photographing and documenting the behavior of big cat species in Botswana.
Leopard Queen (Tuesday at 9): This show follows the life of “Manana,” a wild leopard whose territory spans the heart of the Londolozi Game Reserve in South Africa.
Lion Warriors (Wednesday at 9:00): This show features lions that the proud Maasai warriors have hunted ruthlessly in return for killing their cattle so that now only about 2,000 remain in the country. If their numbers drop any lower, their populations will not be sustainable.
Lions on the Edge (Thursday at 9): This show focuses on Ruaha National Park in Tanzania which used to be a true paradise for wildlife gathered around the rich Ruaha riverbanks. Now, the worst drought in decades is pushing all the animals on a march to find water.
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